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**1. Introducción:**

- Once upon a time...

- In a small town...

- A long time ago...

**2. Presentación de personajes:**

- There was a character named...

- He/She was a...

- The main character liked...

**3. Descripción del entorno:**

- The story took place in...

- The setting was...

- It was a sunny/rainy/snowy day...

**4. Problema o desafío:**

- One day, something unexpected happened...

- Suddenly...

- The main character faced a big problem...

**5. Resolución del problema:**

- Fortunately...

- With the help of...

- In the end...

**6. Conclusión:**

- Finally...

- The characters learned...

- The story ends with...

**7. Conectores temporales:**

- First, Next, Then, After that...

- Meanwhile...

- Finally...

**8. Vocabulario útil:**

- Happy, sad, surprised, excited...

- Adventure, mystery, friendship...

- Discover, explore, solve...

**9. Expresiones de tiempo:**

- Later on...

- Soon after...

- In the morning/evening...

**10. Características físicas y emocionales:**

- Tall, short, thin, fat...

- Happy, sad, friendly, shy...

**11. Acciones y eventos:**

- Suddenly...

- Happily,...
- Unfortunately...

**12. Conectores adicionales:**

- Moreover...

- On the other hand...

- In addition to that...

**13. Descripciones:**

- Beautiful, ugly, colorful...

- Loud, quiet, busy...

**14. Sensaciones y emociones:**

- Nervously...

- Excitedly...

- Curiously...

**15. Expresiones de lugar:**

- Nearby...

- Far away...

- In the distance...

**16. Cambio en la historia:**

- Unexpectedly...

- All of a sudden...

- Out of nowhere...

**17. Conclusión y moraleja:**

- In conclusion...

- The lesson learned was...

- As a result...

**18. Preguntas y diálogo:**

- "What happened next?"

- "How did they feel?"

- "What did they say?"

**19. Conectores temporales:**

- Ejemplo: "First, the protagonist discovered a mysterious map. Next, they decided to embark on
an exciting adventure."

**20. Conectores de causa y efecto:**

- Ejemplo: "Because of the heavy rain, the characters had to cancel their outdoor picnic. As a
result, they spent the day playing board games indoors."

**21. Conectores de contraste:**

- Ejemplo: "Although it was a hot summer day, the main character wore a thick jacket. However,
they soon realized their mistake when everyone else was in shorts and T-shirts."

**22. Conectores de adición:**

- Ejemplo: "Moreover, they found a hidden treasure chest in the old, dusty attic. Additionally, the
chest was filled with ancient artifacts."

**23. Conectores de condición:**

- Ejemplo: "If the characters had listened to the warning, they could have avoided the dangerous
path. Unless they change their course, they might face unforeseen challenges."

**24. Conectores de lugar:**

- Ejemplo: "In the distance, a mysterious castle stood on top of the hill. Nearby, a small village
bustled with activity."
**25. Conectores de consecuencia:**

- Ejemplo: "Therefore, the main character decided to apologize for the misunderstanding.
Consequently, the tension between the characters eased."

**26. Conectores de comparación:**

- Ejemplo: "Similarly, the two friends had similar interests. Likewise, they both enjoyed exploring
ancient ruins."

**27. Conectores de conclusión:**

- Ejemplo: "In conclusion, the journey taught the characters valuable lessons about friendship. To
sum up, they realized that true happiness comes from shared experiences."

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