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A. Definition of air pollution

B. Gravity of the problem in terms of human health and the environment

C. Mention of the variety of factors affecting air quality

II. Development

A. Cause 1: Emission of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels

1. Impact on global warming and climate change

B. Cause 2: Emission of atmospheric pollutants due to industrialization and urban expansion

1. Formation of smog and acid rain

C. Cause 3: Deforestation as the release of carbon dioxide

1. Role of forests as carbon sinks

III. Conclusion
A. Recapitulation of the main causes of air pollution

B. Call for global action

1. Transition to cleaner energy sources

2. Regulation of industrial emissions

3. Conservation of forests

C. Emphasize the importance of international cooperation in addressing the problem

D. Highlight the protection of health and the environment as key objectives

X. Querol, M. Viana, T. Moreno, A. Alastuey (eds.). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones

Científicas. Informes CSIC (2012).‐y‐evaluacion‐ambiental/temas/atmosfera‐y‐


• Estudio y evaluación de la contaminación atmosférica por ozono troposférico en España

(INF FIN/O3/2009).

Autores: Diéguez Rodríguez, J.J.; Millán Muñoz, M.; Padilla Gómez, L.; Palau Aloy. J.L. (2009).
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino; y Centro de Estudios Ambientales

del Mediterráneo CEAM.‐y‐evaluacion‐ambiental/temas/atmosfera‐y‐


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