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AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019

Constitution ................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Name .................................................................................................. 3
1.2 The AIESEC Way ................................................................................... 3
1.3 AIESEC in AUC ...................................................................................... 5

Elections ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1 LCP Selection ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 Elections.............................................................................................. 7
2.3 LCVP Elections ...................................................................................... 9

AIESEC AUC Roles and responsibility ....................................................... 10
3.1 President (LCP).................................................................................... 10
3.2 Supervisory Group: Role of the Supervisory Group .................................... 10
3.3 Members & team leaders ....................................................................... 11
3.4 Internal Auditor Roles and Responsibilities: .............................................. 11

Membership & Alumni criteria ................................................................... 12

Finances regulations ................................................................................. 12

AIESEC AUC as a local branch of AIESEC Egypt ......................................... 12


AIESEC Abbreviations .............................................................................. 13

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
I. Constitution

1.1 Name

Art 1. The name of the foundation shall be AIESEC AUC branch. As a Subsidiary

from AIESEC in

EGYPT known as:

‫ةيعمجال ةيرصمال لودابتل بابشال يلودال‬

1.2 The AIESEC Way

Art 2. What is AIESEC:

AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by

students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are
interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, and
religion, national, ethnic or social origin.

Art 3. What we envision:

Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.

Art 4. Our impact:

Our international platform enables young people to discover and develop

their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society.

Art 5. The way we do it:

AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience

comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation
in a global learning environment.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
Art 6. Values:

Activating Leadership

We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take
full responsibility for our role in developing the potential of other people.

Enjoying Participation

We have a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic involvement of

individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

Striving for Excellence

We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through

creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve our results.

Living Diversity

We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our
multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of
every individual.

Acting Sustainably

We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions
take into account the needs of future generations.

Art 7. Official language:

English is the official language of the foundation.

Art 8. The logo approved at Presidents Meeting 1990 (Hong Kong) is the official
logo of the foundation:

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019

Art 9. The local committee shall be administrated by AIESEC AUC Executive

board, consisting of President and a minimum of 4 Vice-Presidents.

Art 10. The president is elected in legislative meeting by the attendance of

members held between August - October.

Art 11. The President of AIESEC AUC (LCP) shall be responsible for carrying out
the decisions of the legislative meetings and for coordinating the work of AIESEC

Art 12. The President will cease to hold office:

a. By his/her death;

b. By his/her retirement;

c. At the end of his/her term; and

d. By his removal from office by the majority of VPs and members for important
reasons under the supervision of the SG & MC.

Art 13. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote of AIESEC AUC Executive
Board present.

Art 14. AIESEC AUC is reporting to the member committee as the national board
of AIESEC in Egypt and the supervisory group and the LC Internal Auditor as
external entity.

Art 15. The Local Committee Compendium should be reviewed in every year
primary by the Local Committee President and with the consultation of the rest
of the Executive Board, to be aligned with the global and national compendium
and up-to-date with the LC’s rules and regulations.

Art 16. AIESEC AUC Executive board should include at least 40% AUCians

Art 17. LCP for the year X has to set the proposed EB structure for the next term
by End of August X.

Art 18. If a local committee executive board member resigns from his/her position
before the term ends, The LCP should call for elections for that position or

Assign a person responsible for the function within one month of the resignation.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
II. Elections

2.1 Elections

2.1.1 Chair The Chairperson is appointed by the current LCP before the Local

Committee election. The Chairperson shall be the sole interpreter of the Standing Orders.

The LCP shall be the final interpreter of the provisions of the

Compendium, apart from standing orders. The Chairperson does not vote.

2.1.2 Quorum

The quorum for Plenary Session at LLMs shall be 30% of the voting members in the
LC attending the elections. LCP candidates have to be AUCians

2.1.3 Speeches & Q&A Each LCP candidate should deliver a 5-10-minute opening speech

delivering his/her vision, plan, and strategies. No candidate is allowed to attend
the speech of other candidates. Each LCP candidate should have an 30-60 minute of Qs & As session
from the quorum, yet depending on the Current LCP and the Chair's decision
the Qs & As Time and setting can be modified to fit a proper timeframe of the
Election's day. The session for each candidate cannot be less than 30 minutes.
No candidates are to attend each other’s Q&As.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
2.1.4 Voting Voting shall be by the voting power only. Each Voting power shall have
one vote.

The voting powers are:

-1 vote for each active member in the LC.

-1 vote for the current LCP.

-1 combined vote for the EB besides one vote for each EB member.

-1 combined vote for Alumni.

-1 combined vote for each of other LCs.

- 1 combined vote for the SG members.

-1 combined vote for the MC.

-1 combined vote for the internal auditor(s).

-1 extra vote for the current LCP in case of a tie. All voting ballots should be signed by the chair, distributed & collected
by the chair or if there is any other voting method the current LCP and the
Chairperson shall agree on first. An LCP Candidate is Confidant applicant when he/she pass by simple

majority (50%+1) of the quorum of the total votes.

2.1.5 Announcement:

The announcement of the Confidant candidates shall be done by the

election’s chair and the current LCP in the presence of the quorum.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
2.2 LCP Selection

2.2.1 Application:

Application of LCP candidates can't be accepted unless the criteria mentioned in

the LCP application is fulfilled.

2.2.2 Selection: LCP Candidates shall pass through a selection process; the selection
panel is to include 5 entities:

1. Current LCP

2. SG member/s

3. Alumnus

4. MC Representative

5. A fifth person to be selected by the current LCP

6. A member’s representative selected by simple majority of the members

The final decision is in the hands of the current LCP LCP candidates that passed the selection he/she will be the LCP elected The LCP has the right to invite more entities into the panel as long as the
five entities are met

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
2.3 EB Elections

2.3.1 Application of EB candidate can't be accepted unless the criteria mentioned in

the EB application is fulfilled.

2.3.2 Each EB candidate has a 5 minutes speech. Candidates shouldn’t attend other
candidate's speeches.

2.3.3 The Q&A timings and order is something that the current LCP & chair shall
agree upon according to number of candidates.

2.3.4 2.3.5

EB elections is a confidence process, candidates who are passing

50%+1 with confidence shall go through selection process in a panel set by

LCP current and elect.

2.3.5 The LCP elect has the authority to open a second round of EB elections if the
first round couldn’t occupy all the functions.

2.3.6 In case the second round applicants were not sufficient to occupy all the
available EB positions, the LCP has the authority to open all the rounds needed to
have a full EB before November. In the third round, the LCP has the authority to
open the elections nationally and internationally.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
III. AIESEC AUC Roles and responsibility

The term of office of the LC runs from February 1st of the year
(X) to January 31st of the year (X).

3.1 President (LCP)

3.1.1 The LCP is the ultimate decision maker and sole person responsible for
the activities and actions of the Local committee.

3.1.2 The LCP, together with the LCVP Finance are responsible for the finances in

3.1.3 The LCP is responsible for selecting & leading a team of minimum 4 VPs

3.1.4 The LCP is responsible of fulfilling the membership criteria stated in the
national compendium for AIESEC AUC.

3.2 Supervisory Group: Role of the Supervisory Group

3.2.1 Evaluate the finances of the Local Committee

3.2.2 Monitor the main activities of Local Committee of AIESEC AUC and assess
the performance of Local Committee based on stated targets for the year, which
are included in the year plan

3.2.3 Review the EB plans& adding their input in the SG meetings.

3.2.4 Consult Local Committee Executive Board members in their functional areas.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
3.2.5 The Following members are the supervisory group of AUC for the
year 2019:

Abdelrahman Ahmed (SG

Chair) Nihal Ali

Rashad Reda

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
3.2.6 The SG Structure shall be reviewed & reformulated by Current LCP and LCPe
one month after the LCPe is elected. The SG representatives shall be reviewed and
reformulated by the LCPe with the consultation of the current LCP.

3.3 Members & team leaders

All members and team leaders should have a clear job description with measure of
success to be set by their VPs.

3.4 Internal Auditor Roles and Responsibilities:

3.4.1 The Official Internal Auditor for AIESEC AUC for the year
2018/2019 is:

Rashad Reda

3.5 Spelling and grammatical mistakes

3.5.1 The local committee Executive Board can change any spelling or grammatical
mistakes in the compendium automatically without a legislation as long as it doesn’t
affect the meaning of any article or paragraph in the compendium. This shall only
be done in the presence of all the local committee executive board members
collectively and the changes should be sent to the membership of the LC prior to
publishing the new compendium version. The LC active membership has the power
to stop the changes within 15 days from receiving it just by notifying the LCP.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
IV. Membership & Alumni criteria

4.1 The membership criteria will be set by the Executive Board from the
beginning of the year, and to be revised regularly if needed.

V. Finances regulations

5.1 Yearly budget & regular cash flow should be done & reported to the
SG & MC on regular basis.

5.2 Operational budget for AIESEC AUC should be submitted to the MC within
the dates set for the membership criteria in the national compendium.

5.3 Yearly financial report should be done by current financial responsible &
Transitioned to the elect financial responsible during transition period.

VI. AIESEC AUC as a local branch of AIESEC Egypt

6.1 AIESEC AUC is a part of AIESEC Egypt & is committed to AIESEC EGYPT
compendium, this is an internal LC compendium to regulate the critical processes
happening in the LC also can be used as a reference in any internal problems.

6.2 For Exchange regulations, account management system, revenue sharing


6.3 AIESEC AUC is bounded by AIESEC EGYPT compendium.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
VII. AIESEC Abbreviations

AI AIESEC International MCP Member Committee President

Association Internationale des

Etudiants en
Economiques et Commerciales
(International Association
of Students in Economics and
AIESEC Management) MCVP Member Committee Vice President

ACTIVATE Q4 National conference MENA Middle East & North Africa

AN Acceptance Note MOMENTUM Q2 National Conference

National Global Conference- Q3
BOA Board of Advisors NGC National Conference
National Induction Conference- Q1
CC Congress Committee NIC National Conference

CCP Congress Committee President NIG National Interns Gathering

Cultural Envoy for Exchange
CEED Development NLM National Legislative Meeting
National Planning Meeting – Q4
EB Executive Board NPM National conference
Experiential Leadership National Rep-Panning Meeting- Q3
ELD Development NRM National Conference

EP Exchange Participant NST National Support Team

ER External Relations NTC National Training Conference

Expro Exchange and Projects Meeting NXQB National Exchange Quality Board

EWA Engagement With AIESEC OC Organizing Committee

FTF Finance Task Force OCP Organizing Committee President

Global Community
GCDP Development Program OGX Outgoing Exchange

GIP Global Internship Program OPS Outgoing Preparation Seminar

GN Growth Network PAI President of AIESEC International

GNM Growth Network Meeting PBOX Project Based on Exchange

ICX Incoming Exchange Q&A Question and Answer

IC International Congress RIS Re-Integrate Seminar

International Legislative
ILM Meeting SC Sub Committee

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019
IM Information Management SG Supervisory Group
International Presidents
IPM Meeting SOGA State of the Global Association

LC Local Committee TM Talent Management

LCP Local Committee President TMP Team Member Program

LCVP Local Committee Vice President TN Trainee Nomination

LDS Leadership Development Seminar TLP Team Leader Program

LLC Life-Long Connection VP Vice President

LR Leadership Role WG Working Group

MC Member Committee XMI Exchange Marketing Information

The principles of AIESEC’s the Code of Ethics consist of overall adherence to integrity,
excellence, transparency, accountability, and respect for human dignity.


We shall always be able to act in a manner consistent with our identity,

without limitation from external pressures. Our membership should be involved
in our major decision making processes.

Political interferences

We aim to be politically independent: no partnership shall commit us to a direct

political agenda1.We will not allow any political movements to influence or
interfere with the political neutrality that is crucial to the nature of AIESEC.

Our governance, programs and policies shall be non-partisan, independent of

specific governments, political parties and the business sector. In addition, we will
diversify our sources of income so as not to become dependent on any one
source that could compromise our identity.

AIESEC AUC Local Compendium – October 2019

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