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filkiney comic) higartrate dinisi line fans wiotio Score game ieee Miele Sutin) eatin challenes iin FeGe tet GGzl| dials) oroeyrcirc) deiobicledareisd erigth reining) MT CET ema one oct , English Online is a joint development of the Division of Pedagogical Implementation, Adaptive Teaching and Learning Unit headed by Dr. Relly Brickner, and the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Division headed by Ofra Razel. Head of Development Department, Adaptive Teaching and Learning Unit Head of English Development and Writing Team Senior Writer Writers Academie Advisors Linguistic Advisor EFL Teacher Training Coordinator Project Evaluation Naomi Limor Dr. Sarah Schrire Debbie Lahav Steve Fraiberg Naomi Galinsky-Kloot Ben Sommer Dr. Lily Orland Tamar Feuerstein Nomi Ballas Eva Ophir Evaluation Department, CET Booklet Editor Graphic Designer Production Publishing Coordinator Photo Research ‘Susan Menache ‘Yehuda Salomon ‘Susan Menache Gadi Nachmias Danit Salomon Rachel Laufer We would like to thank the members of our ste Internet Site Chief Technology Officer and Interface Designer Interface Designer Editor Graphics Department Manager Graphic Designer Opening Collage (Site and Booklet) Production Manager Programmer Hebrew Translations Arabic Translations Ofer Tiber Ariella Weiss Debbie Lahav Alexander Galitzky Tanya Tsytkin Roy Sabarov ‘Yael Youtzis, Mira Sella Bracha Nir Arabic Department, CET ing committee, chaired by Prof. Elite Olshtain, for their professional advice and guidance in the project development. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture - 3081 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form Photocopying ot otherwise—without permission in or by any means—eleetronic, mechani ‘writing from the publisher. ©All rights to original materials reproduced in this booklet are reserved to their original publishers. Details on the back cover, Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved by the Centre for Educational Technology. Published in Israel Students should note that they must not write in this bookl CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ‘module is made up of material in this booklet and is supported by material on the English Online site on the Internet. = Every section in this booklet has a task, in which you sum up what you have leamed in the section. = The completed tasks form the basis for a project on sport. This can be an online project OR a classroom project. = Ifyou choose the online project, you develop a sport web site. If you choose the classroom project, you prepare a written sport portfolio. = In both the online and classroom projects, you choose one of the following sports clubs and exchange information with other students in various club activities: + With the Ball + On the Trail + In the Water + Just Fitness + Track and Field + Gymnastics * Martial Arts Module Overview The following table presents the connection between the sections, the section tasks and the two possible projects you can do, including the classroom and online club activities. The supplementary "Link to Language" activities, Online are also shown’ eS Club Activities *Link to Language Section Tasks and Project ra Coote (eben oord fe ee POS roy Pees Moments of Challenge Describing a moment Club Poll w Virtual Club w Categorizing of challenge Poll = Time Out for Words Keeping Fit Designing a fitness mClub w Virtual Club m Choose the Slogan program, Information Forum m Asking for Advice Exchange The Spirit of Sport = Writing the life = Club Trivia a Virtual Club m Past Progressive | story of a sports Trivia Past Progressive 2 personality = Catchy Titles and Openings The Greatest Show = Writing about = Club Meetings — = Virtual Club = From Notes to a sports event Chat Book as a show = Which Sport Is It? = Time Out for Words SO Snorts Scenes As Table of Contents @ Moments of Challenge 5 ©@ Keeping Fit 17 @ The Spirit of Sport 33 _ @ TheGreatestShow 41 yoiss from ihe World of Suort 1 Read the following quotes. Which quote best shows the spirit of sport in your opinion? Compare your answer with one or more partners and discuss. "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing.” ‘Vinee Lombardi, American football coach "Ask not what your teammates can do for you, but what you can do for your teammates.” Magie Johnson, basketball player "Life without a challenge does not exist." CClarisse Machanguana, player for the WNBA "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." Michae Jondan, basketball player 2 The following quotes are anonymous, or by people who are not well known, Choose the quote that you most agree with and explain why. Players win games; teams win championships." | Bill Taylor "When your opponent is bigger, faster, stronger—train harder, longer, smarter." HIB "The view from the summit is worth the effort." | ‘Anonymous "The race doesn't always go to the strongest or fastest man, but sooner or later the | man who wins is the one who thinks he can." ‘Anonymous 1 expresses a similar idea to the quote you chose in activity 2? Explain. 4 Which quotes on this page use words that are directly connected to sport? Start a list of sports words in your notebook. (You will add more words later.) 5 Look over all the quotes again. Which quote would you choose as a motto for life? If you can't find a suitable quote, then make up a motto of your own and write it in your notebook. ® Moments ot Ghallen ‘ nts of Challen © Section Task: Get Set... Describing a moment of challenge Itis said that every sport has its own kind of challenge. You will read personal stories that describe moments of challenge in the world of sport. A challenge is a difficutt task where a person tests his / her ability or skill. These stories will help you write your own story. “ay \)) What is sport? Dw. r 1 Which words do you associate with sport? Add these to the list you have started. © _ /] n for "sport." Lge 3 Compare your definition with the following dictionary definitions: 2 With a partner use some of these words to make up a defini © physical activity done for exercise and pleasure, usually in a special area and according to fixed rules © a particular form of physical activity, such as team sports © meeting for athletic competition © amusement or fun © a kind or unselfish person, who is pleasant even in a difficult situation 8 Which dictionary definition is closest to your own definition? 1} Which of the dictionary definitions explain(s) "sport" in a way you never thought of before? A ® 4 What do the definitions of "sport" show about the different ways people think of the spirit of sport? Discuss with one or more partners. ’ Different People, Different Sports 1 Here is one way of grouping sports into different categories: Against Oneself Against Others Against Nature How does the word "against" tell you that the world of sport is a world of challenge? Discuss. In your notebook, rewrite the name of each category using a different word for "against." How does the use of a different word change the way in which we think of the world of sport? Discuss. 2 Look at the pictures on this page and write a caption for each picture in your notebook. Use the names of the sports in the table on page 7 to help you. Momentsjof Challenge &> NotntsnisKome nll € Moments of Challenge € Moments of Challenge & Moments 3 Onthe complete the table by checking the categories each sport could fit into. Each sport can be grouped under more than one category. Against Oneself Against Others Against Nature running Wa 7 basketball gymnastics hiking mountain-climbing soccer swimming weight lifting wind surfing other sports 4 Compare your grouping with a partner. Discuss any differences. 5 Look at where "running" appears in the following diagram. 8 How is this similar to the way it appears in the table above? How is it different? b Where would you put "running" in the diagram? Mark the place in the diagram ROMY Student Work Pagey Against Oneself running 6 Categorize the other sports in the table above by writing the names of the sports in the diagram PORTS Stucdent Work Paed Against Nature Against Others 7 In your notebook, make a table or suitable diagram to categorize the sports in a different way (e.g. "indoor sports" and “outdoor sports"). 8 Work with a partner and compare: 1 the categories you used; = how you actually categorized the sports. Explain the similarities and differences. €& Moments of Chall 9 Which sport for which person? @ Read about each of the following people and decide which sport(s) each one would probably enjoy. Complete the following sentences in your notebook. Don would probably enjoy... Jenny would probably like. Shelley would probably prefer... . Jonathan Antonio... Abbey... . Don, 45—a businessman with very little free time but thinks that staying in ) shape is worth the effort; does not like the outdoors, Antonio, 16—likes the water, works out every day after school; enjoys competition; expects the best from himself and from others; does well under pressure; hopes to become a professional athlete Shelley, 14—works well ina team and would probably get along with teammates; expects a lot of herself and does her best when there are strong opponents on the other side. 1 Compare your answers with a partner Jenny, 25—likes nature and the outdoors; enjoys being alone for Jong periods of time; thinks that personal challenges are important. Jonathan, 24—thinks that winning is important and is prepared to train hard to beat his opponent; does not enjoy team sports. Abbey, 14—likes sports for the fun of the game; competition is not important to her: runs once or twice a week before school; wants to become more involved in team sports and join a school team. © How does each sport fit the categories that you have worked on or made up? Discuss with a partner. 10 Which of the people do you most identify with? Explain your answer. I Think of one sport you like pl: 2, or watching. Explain what you like about the sport and what that shows about the sport. Write your answer in your notebook. ® lenge € Moments of C oe sp Moen & Time Out for Words 1 Read each of the following sentences and decide what the highlighted phrase means. Complete the sentences with the correet phrase and write them in your notebook. a, The day had arrived for my first five-kilometer race, and I wanted to prove that I could go the distance. To go the distance means 0 go far away / to finish the race. To go the distance means to finioh the race. b, My heart was pounding and I could hear it clearly with every meter I ran. When your heart is pounding, is beating very hard /is very heavy. c. It was a hard race and when I reached the finish line, I collapsed. The finish line is the end point / starting point in a race. d. The game was tied 2-2 with one minute left to go when our right fielder made a comer kick and scored the winning goal. The game was tied means the score was different /score was the same for both teams c. Lam traveling light. I'm carrying all my supplies on my back. When you travel t, you do not take many things / travel in the daytime. £. I was dead tired by the time we reached the summit of the mountain, When you are dead tired, you are a little tired / very tired. 2 Look again at the phrases above and make a list of those that are directly connected to sports. Add these phrases to the word list you have started. % Add 5-10 sports words to your Organize your list in categories that can help you remember the words. 4 Compare your word list and categories with a partner. Add words and categories if you think these are useful. € Moments of Chall _)) Personal Challenges Read the following stories that people put up on their personal web pages and write the title for each story in your notebook. All the stories are about moments of challenge. 30/4/01 Today I ran my first five-kilometer race. I wanted to prove that I could go the distance. Iwas so nervous before the race that I felt my legs shaking as I walked across the track. "Debbie, you can do it," I told myself, The race started, and the runners began running as fast as they could, "Why are they running so fast?" I thought. "The race is five kilometers long!" But I went with them. I ran side by side with the other runners. heard someone shout out our time after the first kilometer. Then came the second kilometer. "Come on, you can do it," I heard the crowd yell. "I can do it," I said to myself, "I can do it." I was amazed to see that I was still running with the others. As I neared the finish, the voices, of the crowd seemed to disappear. I was hot and tired and I began to feel dizzy My legs shook as Iran up the last hill. My heart was pounding, and I could hardly see But somehow I reached the finish line and then I collapsed. Someone helped me get to the first aid station, A medic gave me a glass of water and told me, "Drink more next time." Ittook mean hour before I began to feel better, Now—twelve hours later—I feel fine and I know that I have done it. [have gone the distance & Moments\of Challenge € Momentsiof Challenge € Moments 1/9/00 I joined the soccer team a couple of weeks ago, and my teammates said that the team was not for people like me. "Go back to the library and to your schoolbooks," one of them said at the first practice. "You don't know how to kick a ball." I could feel that my teammates didn't think much of me. They didn't pass me the ball and they tried to make me look bad in front of the coach. Well, yesterday, I kicked the winning goal forthe team. We were tied 2-2 with one minute left to go when our right fielder made a comer kick. I trapped the ball and then kicked it into the net. All the guys cheered, rushed toward me and slapped my back. Iwas really proud of myselfand, for the first time, I felt part of the team, After the game, the captain of the team turned to me and said, "Hey Jack. Where did you lear to kick like that? You're something special." He was particularly happy because we had won the game against a bigger and stronger team. I'm going to work extra hard in practice this week. I want to be ready for the playoffs. This time my teammates are going to pass me the ball. 22/1/01 Today is the third day of our hike. Alaska is amazing. I can't believe that we're actually hiking on the Chilkoot Pass. It's the same trail* that the gold miners used to take in search of gold in the 1800s. It was called the "meanest* thirty-two miles" in the country. But that was when the miners traveled in the winter with their dog sleds and equipment. We are traveling light. I have everything I need in my backpack: food, a pot, water, bug spray, a camera, amap, a compass, matches and a change of clothes, I have only one change of clothes for the whole week! Yesterday, as we crossed a small river, I missed one of the rocks and fell into the water. Luckily, we reached the campsite an hour later and I put my wet clothes near the fire to dry. The best part of our hike today was the climb to the top of Mount Teton, We climbed over rocks and boulders. I was dead tired by the time we reached the summit. But all the hard work was worth it. The view was incredible*. I wouldn't have missed it for anything. ough rough country toa difficult hike. The word "mean" is usually used to refer to a nasty person. Moments of Chal @ Link to Language: story Organization Each of the three stories on pages 10 and 11 tells about a different moment of challenge in sport. Each story can answer five questions. Look at this star diagram showing the organization of Story A. In your notebook, make a similar star diagram about either Story B or Story C and answer each question. Then write your answers in a single paragraph that explains the main character's moment of challenge. What is the story about? The story is about the challenge Riis of finishing a race. Why are t She wants to prove to herself that she can go the distance—that she can run the race from beginning to end. The story probably takes place in the streets of a town ar city. nook as I ran up gh LM “ Foe << , How does the main character act? ‘Who are the characters in the story? | She tries to meet the challenge The person telling the story, Debbie, is the of going the distance—finishing main character. She is one of the runners. the race. The other characters are also runners competing in the race. iV ante of Challe fa) iV ante at Challa ra) _ getting to your muscles. This helps to make the __ in your body stronger and bigger. Since your _4_ is a muscle, it benefits from aerobic exercise and so does the rest of your % "Ifyou don't use it, you lose it" is an expression in English. © Inthis text, the expression is about. 1B In what other situations could this expression be used? S After Reading Finding Your Heart Rate Zone = Count the number of beats in the pulse on your wrist or neck for 15 seconds. = Multiply by four to get the beats per minute = Use the chart to find the target heart rate zone for your age. u If the number of heartbeats is higher than your target heart rate, you are exercising too hard—slow down! u If the number of heartbeats is lower than your target heart rate, you aren't exercising hard enough—speed up! Use the information in the box above to find your heart rate zone. Complete the following sentences and write them in your notebook. ® After I sit quietly for 10 minutes, my normal heart rate is ... 1b Afier I walk quickly for 10 minutes, my heart rate is © After walking quickly, my heart rate... . eeping Fit & Keeping|Fit NUVI Nee ea ceslne alee pe cells) alu coulis) f Step 4 "Best All-Round Athlete" Cindy Davis, 17, was named "best all-round athlete" at her high school. She is being interviewed for a local radio program | Look at the pictures on the page and explain how they are connected to the idea of a "best all-round athlete." Use the words in the box to help you explain. } athlete * coach * compete { lifting weights + muscles + practice training * warm up + workout 2 Do you think there is a connection between lifestyle and being "best all-round athlete"? Explain your answer. Bs First iste Answer on the, 1 Which sentences deseribe Cindy and her family? x Cindy's father is a sports coach. Cindy's mother was an athlete. Cindy's family does not like sports. x Cindy grew up with sports. x Cindy spends more time on schoolwork than on sports. 2 Which sports does Cindy compete in? Ce cycling m swimming mw running —_m tennis, 3 What should a fitness program include? ‘A fitness program should include: the exercises or sports you have to do; when and how often to practice; the best shoes to buy; where you could practice; the equipment you need. 4 Which sentences are true about Cindy? Cindy skips breakfast to get to school on time. Cindy plans on running in the 100-meter race, Cindy has time to be with friends. i) Keeping Fit & Keeping Fit & Keeping Fit & & Second Listening Cindy talks about her fitness program. Listen again and complete Cindy's Fitness Program Planning Card on the @2Z7UZ0S27D. Use the sample card below to help you. Type Aerobie Strengih Tuning Spore My = Timea nog, Sm Soccer Length of practice Place of practice & Thinking About What You Have Heard 1 What is the connection between Cindy's lifestyle, her fitness program and being "best all-round athlete"? Use the excerpts from the interview to help describe her and her lifestyle. = "Best all-round athlete.” That's quite an accomplishment! = Sports ARE my life! = [ think I was doing aerobic exercises before I learned to walk! = I begin each day with one hour of aerobic exercise, followed by a half-hour of strength training. = On the weekend, I like to spend a whole day out on my bike—just for fun! I like the feeling of competing against myself. I know if I win or lose, it depends on how well I do. How important is it for a young athlete to come from a family that is very involved in sports? assess} 220ing Fit Studant Ass a33 wane <7 Prepare a Fitness Program Planning Card for yourself or someone you know. The information in this section about getting into shape and staying in shape will help you, You can use the questions on pages 23-25 to plan the kind of program you want. If you do not have the answers to some of the questions, think about where you could find the information, 1, Decide who the fitness program is for and the purpose of the program. 2. Write a paragraph telling who the program is for and the purpose of the program. Explain where you are getting the information you need. 3. Use the Fitness Program Planning Card on page 31 or make your own. 4. Prepare and complete the Fitness Card. 5. Use the checklist below to check that your Fitness Card has all the necessary elements. 6. Show your Fitness Card to a partner and use his / her comments to improve your program. Write a sentence at the bottom of the card explaining how your partner's comments helped you, 7. Use the rubric on the to assess your Fitness Card The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task. Fitness Card: Content and Presentation m The Fitness Card includes: + a sports motto; * the purpose of the program; + a regular exercise program; + a sports exercise program. The Fitness Card is clear and well organized. Fitness Program: Content = The Fitness Program includ + information learned in this section; + facts from other sources. © There is a paragraph explaining who the program is for and the purpose of the program. Using Feedback from a Partner = There is an explanation about how the partner's comments helped. The Spiritof Sport The Spirit of Sport D Section Task: Get Set... Writing the life story of a sports personality Many sportsmen and sportswomen have interesting life stories. Their life stories show that they worked hard to become top athletes and later used their success to help others. In this section you will read a story about an Olympic athlete. Then you will choose sports personality and write about his /herlife. _ ) Swifter, Higher, Stronger* Baron Pierre de Coubertin started the modern Olympic Games in 1896. He wrote the Olympic Creed*, which expresses the spirit of the Games. In 1920, he wrote the Olympic Oath. Atthe start of each Olympics, every athlete recites* the Olympic Oath. 1 Read the Olympic Oath and explain what the athletes promise to do. Compare your explanation with that of a partner. The Olympic Oath “In the name of all competitors, | promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of ourteams." ()¢ 2 Read the Olympic Creed and decide which saying best explains it, The Olympic Creed “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph’, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well.” = May the best man win, = It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. = You win some, you lose some 3 Read the following quote and discuss with a partner how it relates to the Olympic Oath, the Olympic Creed and the spirit of sport. jon't ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body. Kareem Abdul-Iabbar *Switte ‘Stronger —This is the Olympic motto, *ereed—a message or beliet. *recites—says, *triumph—winning, & The Spirit of Sp 4 Read the following newspaper article about Wilma Rudolph and find out what challenges she overcame. Wilma Rudolph: Going the Distance 4 Wilma Rudolph is the only American woman to have won three gold medals in running events in the Olympic Games. In the 1960 Rome Olympics, Wilma showed the world that she was the fastest woman on earth. However, this was not Wilma's first challenge in life. Her story is about hard work, determination and self-discipline. 2 Wilma was born in 1940, in a small town in the state of Tennessee, USA, into a poor African-American family. She was the twentieth of 22 children. When she was only four years old, she became sick with polio™ The doctors told her parents there was no cure’. However, Wilma's mother was determined that Wilma would walk again. For two years she took Wilma to the hospital for medical treatment and she made sure that Wilma did special exercises at home every day. While her mother was working, Wilma’s brothers and sisters helped her. At the age of 11, while she was still getting medical treatment, Wilma decided to throw away her leg braces* and she began to walk. That was when she decided to become an athlete. 3 By the time Wilma was 13, she was running and playing basketball better than most of her classmates. In high school, she joined the track team and the basketball team In the 1956 Olympics, when she was 16, she won @ bronze medal. While she was training for the 1960 Olympics, Wilma finished high school and began her studies at Tennessee State University. 4. However, Wilma never forgot her roots and in 1963, she retuned to live and work in Tennessee. She became active in organizations that were trying to get equal rights for African Americans. At the same time, she was teaching in school and coaching athletic teams. 5 Later, Wilma left Tennessee and became involved with programs that encouraged young people to participate in sports and to do well in school. She won many awards for her work. Wilma believed that her greatest accomplishment was the work she was doing for community sports programs. She once said: "It is important to be yourself and have confidence in yourself; triumph can't be had without the struggle.” 6 Wilma died of cancer in 1994, in Nashville, ‘Tennessee. She was 54 when she died. *polio—a disease that causes inability o control or move muscles. *cure—medicine or treatment for a sickness, “leg braces—leg supports for people who cannot walk. The Spirit of Sport & Closer Reading 1 Look at the title of the article and discuss how it is connected to the story about Wilma Rudolph. 2 Wilma Rudolph had to overcome both personal and professional challenges. © Make a list of these challenges in your notebook, ‘B Which challenge do you think influenced her life the most? Explain. 3 Prepare a table like the one below in your notebook. Find the main events connected to Wilma's personal life and her achievements and organize the information in the table. Personal Life She was sick when she was a child. 4 The sentences below are from the article about ‘Wilma Rudolph. Complete the sentences in your notebook, using a word or phrase from the box instead of the word or phrase in bold. @ Wilma Rudolph is the only American woman to have won three gold medals in running events in the Olympic Games b However, Wilma never forgot her roots and in 1963, she returned to live and work in Tennessee. © She became active in organizations that were trying to get equal rights for African-Americans. 4 At the same time, she was teaching and coaching athletic teams. @ Mining About What You Have Read How can we see the spirit of sport in Wilma's life and achievements? €& The SpiritofSport & & Link to Language: Past Progressive The following sentences are from the article about Wilma Rudolph. In the sentences, the Past Progressive gives background information and the Past Simple shows the main event. m At the age of 11, while she was still getting medical treatment, Wilma decided ‘background information main event to throw away her leg braces and she began to walk. main-event = While her mother was working, Wilma's brothers and sisters helped her. background information main event m= She became active in organizations that were trying to get equal rights for tain event background information African-Americans, At the same time, she was teaching in school and coaching background information athletic teams. 1 Here is more information about Wilma. Find the main event and the background information in each sentence. = While Wilma was working in a community sports program, she won many awards. = Wilma wrote an autobiography while she was traveling around the United States. The book, called Wilma, was published in 1977. = Wilma met with the writers and actors when they were making a movie about her life. @ The Spirit of Sport The Spirit of Sport Hides MMEORs ON 2 In your notebook, prepare a table like the one below. Then write the correct part of each of the sentences under the appropriate heading. Example: We were getting close to the middle of the race when | hit a rock and fell off the bike. Main event Background information | hit a rock and fell off the bike We were getting close to the middle of the race © The crowd was cheering as Anna crossed the finish line. 1b The player was bouncing the ball to the other side of the court when her opponent took it from her. © Jeremy decided to lean a new dive while he was training for the diving championships. € The center was moving down the court towards the basket when the referee called a foul. @ Maria was running in the park when she fell and hurt her leg. In the Past Progressive, We use was or were and the base form of the verb + Ing. When you add -Ing to a verb: = drop the -e when the verb ends in -e (exercise—exercising) = double the last consonant when the verb ends in consonant, vowel, consonant {jog—jogging) 3 In your notebook, complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. @ Susan and Henry ___(reach) the top of the mountain just as the sun _(rise). The view was incredible. 1b Abbey and Jenny __ (sail) about a kilometer from the coast when suddenly the weather (tun) bad. They___ (have) a bad fright but they arrived home safely. © Sam's heart __ (pound) just as he ___ (finish) the last lap of the swimming race. What a moment! & There were only two minutes to go in the game, Mike and Dan __ (watch) the playoffs on TV when, all of a sudden, the electricity __(go) off! B Jeff ___(move) toward the basket, just about ready to shoot, when suddenly he (trip) and __(fall) down, £ What a boat race! Ben and Ellen (race) towards the finish line when the boat behind them __ (pass) them and won the race. €@ TheSpiritofSport € 4 In your notebook, make sentences using the Past Progressive. For each sentence, use one of the verbs in the box for the background information. Then complete each sentence with a main event. a We. exercise * jog a He... m You... jump « play «run wm She.... EyThey ae swim + train wit... Example: | was jogging in the park when | saw Lisa. 5 Complete the sentences in your notebook. a The reporters were discussing the possibility of overtime when... 1b Hannah and Ken saw a beautiful rainbow just as they... . © ...when he won the race. @ .. just as the player scored a goal. 6 In pairs, read out the interview with Danny and choose the correct form of the verb. Reporter: Danny, | understand you scored the winning goal in the soccer playoffs, That was some play! Can you tell us about it? Danny: Well, the score was tied 3-3. While | moved / was moving into the middle of the field, Josh, the center, passed me the ball. Reporter: And then? Danny: | dribbled / was dribbling the ball towards the goal when | was fouled. So the referee gave me a free kick, Reporter: Tell us about that final free kick. Danny: Josh kicked the ball across the field to me. Then | kicked / was kicking the ball towards the goal and into a crowd of players near the net. Suddenly, the crowd went/was going wild. Reporter: Then what happened? Danny: For a moment, | didn't know where the ball was, Then the ball bounced was bouncing in front of me. The whole time, the fans yelled / were yelling an shouted / shouting. | knew that time was running out so | just kicked / was kicking. The whistle blew just as the ball flew/was flying into the goal! The Spititof Sport & The Spiri (©) Catchy Tittes and Openings Catchy titles help to get the reader's attention. tof Sport « The Spiti Answer in your notebook. 1 Read the opening paragraph in an article about Billie Jean King, a famous tennis player. Look at the titles that could be used to write about famous sports personalities and decide which is the best title. Basketball's Best Billie Jean King was a very good tennis player, who won. Soccer Magic many championships. She is best remembered for winning Fastest Driver Wimbledon six times and for her victory over a male tennis champion. Splashing with Style A Great Tennis Player 2 A sports magazine reporter has to use the following facts Never a Slow Moment to write short articles about each sports personality. Read The "King" of Tennis the facts for each and use them to write the opening of the 9 article, Then choose a title for each article from the list. The Greatest Player Court Firsts © Mario Andretti = famous racing car driver = winner on the fast track for more than 30 years named "Driver of the Year" three times & Michael Jordan = champion basketball player = top sports reporters did not think that he would make a very good team player when he first started playing © Pele = champion Brazilian soccer player m= scored 1,283 first class goals in his career = created magic on the playing field @ Arthur Ashe = one of the world’s greatest tennis players = first African-American chosen to represent the US at the Davis Cup competition «= first African-American to win the Wimbledon tennis championship et es The Soirit of Soort FA) SiidantAssass en! {Section Task: Go! Writing the life story of a sports personality ©7 Choose a sports personality and prepare a story about his or her life. You can use the story ‘of Wilma Rudolph as an example. 1. Collect information about the person's life and achievements. Before you write, organize the information in a table like the one on page 35. 2. The personal information that you include should relate to the person's professional achievements and show what makes this person special. 3. The first paragraph should include a sentence that makes your reader want to know why this person is special. 4. Give your story a ttle, 5. Review the draft with a partner. Then correct the draft and read it again, 6. Check your spelling with a dictionary or a spell checker. Make your final corrections. 7. Submit the final copy of your story to the teacher, with your table and first drafi(s). Your teacher will assess your work on the CQUIENENINIZ . ‘The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task. Personal Life and Achievements ‘= The information was organized in a table before writing © The story includes personal information. m The story includes information about the person's main achievements. = The story shows how the personal information is related to the person's achievements. A Special Person m= The title shows why the person is special. ‘m The opening sentence catches the reader's attention, m= The story can help the reader understand what is special about this person. Using Feedback from a Partner = The final draft shows changes and improvement compared to the first drafts). Language m= The final draft shows accurate use of, m The final draft shows accurate use of spelling. |. | Writing about a sports event as a show 7 A sports event can be a great show for the people who watch it—the 7 spectators. In this section, you will find out what makes sport a show, or = spectacle. This will help you write about a sports event as a great show. i AH Tmake sure my company's logo can be seen from every spectators seat. Advertising our product in sports games gives it a young and sporty image and this is good for business. my favorite team's games an TV. | also go to at least five or six games each season. | love standing up and cheering my team. 1 Discuss different ways in which sport can become a great show. 2 Discuss the following with a partner. 8 Which sports make a great show and which do not? 1b Why are some sports better to watch than others? © What is the difference between watching sport in a stadium and on the TV at home? | € Does the spirit of sportsmanship disappear when sport becomes a show? 8 Does personal challenge disappear when sport becomes a show? 3 When do you think that sport became a show? Explain your answer. = In ancient times. / m Inthe Middle Ages. 4 = During the 20th century. (ee sy € The Greatest Show Dr. Susan Newman wrote a book called The Story of Sport as Spectacle. The notes she made when she was planning her book appear on page 43 1 Read the following section from the first chapter of the book and find the notes that Dr. Newman used to write this section. .f} husetts Chapter 1: The Greatest Show in Time 4 Did you know that for every person playing a sport on a field, track, or court, atch there are tens of thousands of people watching? These spectators could be sitting the bat) ina stadium or at home in front of the TV. Sport is as much for the spectators as it Scr is forthe athlet 2 The chapters of this book show that sport is not only one of the greate shows on earth, but also one of the greatest shows in time. Sport has always been a show, The torch lighting ceremony that opens the modern Olympic Games is a tradition from the early Olympic Games, These games began in 776 B.C.E.* and lasted for hundreds of years. People from all over the ancient world came to watch the Games. At first, the ancient Games had only a few events and they took place on one day. Later, they became bigger and lasted for five days, including popular events, such as chariot racing. 3 Sport became even more of a show during Roman times. At that time, sport ‘was popular entertainment for everyone. Tens of thousands of people watched the chariot races and the gladiatorial combats. Different colors were used to identify the Roman chariot teams. This is similar to the way in which colors are used today to identify basketball and football teams and fans. 4 Some smaller sports shows can be as exciting as the bigger spect sports events held in the small villages in Europe in the Middle Ages attracted crowds. It is possible to imagine the villagers cheering and clapping to encourage the runners as they set off from the starting line. These shows were probably very much like today's games in a city neighborhood, where spectators come to support a local team, friend, or family member. 5 There are many reasons why sports are such a great show. Fans love to see their team winning. They love to encourage their team by singing and waving flags, hats and scarves, together with other fans. Even when watching a game at home on TY, a serious fan will jump up and yell when a goal is scored. Some people enjoy watching a favorite player. For example, Michael Jordan, a famous NBA player in the 1990s, attracted crowds of fans. 6 It is clear, however, that many people watch sport just because they enjoy watching it. They love the color and sounds and movement and the special feeling in the air. All through history, people have been attracted to the spectacle of sport—and this is what this book is about. *B.C.E.—"Before the Christian Era," before the year 0. The Greatest Show € The Gr In the year 500, the Chinese play a kind of football using a ball stuffed with hair. In the second century, girls compete at the Olympic Games in Antioch in Syria. During the 1? and 12° centuries, sports competitions are held in —_ villages in Europe. There are foot races, archery and wrestling matches. Chariot races and combats between gladiators become popular spectator sports in the | Roman Empire, especially during the firet century. Jesse Owens, a black American athlete, wine four gold medals at the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. Adolf Hitler refuses to award him the medals. atest Show € The Greatest Sh ith In 1998, Michael Jordan scores another win for Chicago Bulls in the NBA. He wins the "Most Valuable Player" award for the aixth time. The first Olympic Games of ————_ ancient times are held in Greece in 776 BCE. For hundreds of years, these games attract if visitors from all over Greece. ‘A game called "Jeu de paume" (in French) is played in France in the 15005. Tennis develops from “this game. In 1896, the Olympic Games are held in Athens for the first time after 1,400 years, Baron Pierre de Coubertin is responsible for these modern Olympics. [In the Middle Ages, knights | fight in tournaments before the | king and queen. The tournaments are popular entertainment for | the general public. 2 Copy the timeline below into your notebook. Arrange Dr. Newman's notes in the timeline by writing a few words that summarize each event. Follow the example given. 9. 776 BLE— first Olympic Games 19888cc. 500) ° 508 1900 1500 2000 ® rPemieleelsesiN0\) 3 Find one or more sentences in the text that show when sport became a show. Write the sentences in your notebook. 4 Find sentences in the text that describe the "color and sounds and movement and the special feeling" (paragraph 6) of sport as a show. Copy three of the sentences into your notebook. Example: It ie possible to imagine the villagers cheering and clapping to encourage the runners as they set off from the starting line. 5 Look again at the notes below: The first Olympic Games of ancient times are held in Greece in 776 B.C.E. For hundreds of years, these games attract visitors from all over Greece. 8 Which paragraph from the book chapter on page 42 do these notes relate to? 1b How are the notes different from the related text in the book? Discuss. 6 Dr. Newman used some of her notes in other chapters of her book. Read the paragraphs below and compare them to the notes. © Which additional facts can you find in each paragraph? 1b How do verb tenses change when they are used in a paragraph? Paragraph based on notes from carda Football is not new to China, In fact, the Chinese played a game like our modern football called Tsu Chu in the year 500 B.C.E. They used a ball that was stuffed with hair. In Chinese, Tsu means to"kick the ball with feet” and Chu means" a ball made of leatherand stuffed.” Paragraph based on notes from carde Jesse Owens, a black American athlete, made history at the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. He won four gold medals (the 100 and 200 meter dashes, the long jump and as a member of the relay team), However, he is not only remembered for his athletic achievements. In 1936, Nazi Germany was led by Adolph Hitler. Hitler did not accept the success of a black man and he refused to award Jesse Owens the medals that he had won. Owens was special because he is remembered sa player in both world history and athletic history. Paragraph based on notes from card j ‘The tournaments of the Middle Ages were real spectacles. Imagine two big groups of knights fighting each other! At first, the knights fought because the tournaments were "practice" war battles. These events continued for several days. For both the knights and the spectators, tournaments were exciting, but they were also dangerous. Many men were killed or hurt, so the tournaments were stopped. é Greatest Show € The GreatestShow & The Greatest Show 7 Choose one of the events in the timeline and write four or five sentences where you describe: = what the sportsmen / sportswomen were doing; a what the spectators were doing, Explain which event you wrote about. Example: \ Sport in a village in Europe in the tI"-12" centuries The villagers were waiting for the race to begi The runners were standing in a row at one end of the field. One of the villagers gave the signal and the runners eet off The spectators clapped and shouted out their encouragement to the runners. Then the shouts became louder and \ cheering could be heard as the favorite runner reached the finish line. = Sport announcers are famous for the special words and expressions they use. We often know what sport is on the radio or TV Just from the sounds that we hear and from the words and expressions that the announcer uses. ee 1 With a partner, read aloud what each sports announcer is saying. What sport is the announcer reporting in each excerpt? Use the list of sports in the box. basketball + baseball + boxing + car racing + cycling + diving + golf gymnastics + judo * running + soccer * swimming * tennis © Mike dribbles the ball down the center... past the defender... NO! He lost the ball! ‘The crowd is groaning, You can just feel their disappointment. 1} Janet is having her best season. She's cool and collected out on the court. She's ready to serve! Wow! What an ace down the line! The score is 15-Love. © There's the gun and they're off. It’s fast! Sam King makes the turn and is way ahead. ‘There's no catching him now. He's going to win with a splash! @ Tina has had a good season. There she goes! Good mount on the beam. A cartwheel, a twist... nice steady hold... Wow! A triple twist and into an almost perfect back flip! She has such control B That was a tough final match! But it's over now and the two contestants, dressed in their judogi, are bowing to each other. They are waiting for the judge and the referees to decide on the winner. That's it! We've got a new gold medalist! 2 Read the above excerpts again and find words and expressions that are connected to sport. Add them to the list of words in your notebook. [Pemneeelesesiley You ate going to listen to the sounds at different sports games. You will hear the sports announcers and the noises of the crowd. Answer on the @2Z27a 0520. & First Listening Listen to the passage and number the sports in the order in which you hear about them. = Basketball = Gymnastics «= Karate 1 Soccer = Swimming w= Tennis S Second Listening It is possible to understand a situation by paying attention to what goes on beyond the words. You probably understood a lot about the sports games you just heard without understanding everything the announcers said. Choose two of the above sports and listen again. Fill in the information about each of the sports you chose. What helped you identify the sport? | How does the crowd show its excitement? | When is the crowd most excited? Are there sounds of disappointment? When? S After Listening Look at the two sports you listed in the table. What are the biggest differences between the "sounds" of these two sports? (Think of games you hear or watch.) Find a partner who chose the same two sports and discuss. ® The Greatest Show & The GreatestShow € The Greatest & Time Out for Words 1 In your notebook, complete the sports headlines using words from the box below. Add capital letters where necessary. -ompete * encourages * entertainment Jogo + spectators Ba ing Team b Jack Kelley to ... in Upcoming Tennis Tournament © Trampolining! Great Family ... Opening in Mall @ Local Soccer Team Chooses New ... @ Two New Track and Field ... Planned for City "Olympics" £ New Stadium to Hold 50,000 .. Swimming Contest ... 10,000 Visitors th Boxing Final to be ... in Birmingham i School Coach ... Participation in Team Sports ] Local Boy ... Gold Medal in National Swimming Championship 2 Discuss the following questions with a partner, & Which of the headlines refer to a sports event that has already taken place? Which of the headlines refer to an upcoming sports event? 1} Which words helped you decide? 3 Read the opening paragraphs of two of the news articles and choose a headline for each from activity 1. go Jonathan Marcus, 16, surprised even himself with his champion performance at the National Swimming Championship for under 18s in Bristol yesterday. Marcus, who has only been swimming for three years, took first place in the 100-meter freestyle. His coach, Stanley Shane, was delighted with his performance and believes that this is only the first of many victories for the young swimmer, Ic) | The National Swimming Championship for under 18s was held in Bristol yesterday. Joe Meller, who helped to organize the competition, was very pleased with the number of spectators who traveled from all over the country to attend the contest. "We didn't expect such widespread interest. It seems that people are beginning to understand that swimming is great family entertainment!" 4. Choose one of the other headlines from activity 1 and write the opening paragraph of the newspaper article where it appeared. Let's | _ assess} [hie Greatest Showy SLUENVASBESSIENL {Section Task: Go! Writing about a sports event as a show Choose a sports event and write about it as a spectacle. You can write about a game, ‘race, or an event such as the Olympics opening ceremony. The event can be in a sports stadium or on TY. You can write about a past event or watch an event in order to do the task. 1. Describe where the event takes place and what the place looks like. Pay attention to the way colors, clothes, or flags make the event a show. 2. Focus on the special aspects of this event, for example, a few minutes of the game or race. Write about only those few minutes. 3. Describe the people watching the event—the fans, the coaches and the other spectators. Pay attention to what they are doing. 4, Describe the "sounds" of the game. 5. Give your text a title. 6, Read over what you wrote, Check your grammar and spelling and make corrections where necessary. 7. Submit your work to the teacher, who will assess it, using the QIEMNTIZM. ‘The following checklist shows what you should have in the completed task. Giving the Facts = There is an explanation about what the event is and where it takes place. Describing the Show = The place is described. = There is a description of the people watching the event + what the coaches and fans are doing: + what the crowd looks like and how the crowd behaves; * the sounds during the game. Catching the Reader's Attention = There isa "catchy" title 1m The opening sentence catches the reader's attention. Language = Grammar is used accurately. wm Spelling is accurate. Sources and Copyright Permission ‘The publisher gratefully acknowledges the following: Randy Glasbergen for permission to reproduce the two cartoons on page 17. ‘Duomo/Corbis for permission to reproduce the photograph "Doing Pushups on Acrobie Steps" (page 18). ASAP/BENELUX PRESS for permission to reproduce the photograph of runners’ training practice (page 30). Government Press Offce/Moshe Milner for permission to reproduce the photograph of eyeliss (age 30), The International Olympic Committee for permission to reproduce the Olympic motto, oath and creed (page 33). Bettmann/Corbis for permission to reproduce the photograph of Wilma Rudolph (page 34), ASAP/BENELUX PRESS for permission to reproduce the photograph of the spectators (page 41). Government Press Office/4vi Ohayon for permission to reproduce the two photographs of fans (page 46). ‘The publisher has made every effort to locate and credit the copyright holders of all published ‘material included in the English Online booklet and online sit. If any copyright has inadvertently been infringed, please contact the publisher for correction in future editions. English Online is a comprehensive program for Israeli students learning English as a foreign language. The program makes full use of current technology by providing students and teachers with an Internet site that contains activities based on authentic online sources. English Online consists of a series of theme-based, self-contained modules. The complete program is designed to meet the requirements of the English curriculum from Intermediate Level Stage 1 through Proficiency Level Stage 3. The English Online Intermediate 2 package comprises: = four stimulating booklets—Fashion and Fads, Natural Disasters, Sports Scene and Secrets of the Sea = online instructional material that is closely integrated with the booklets = a set of student work pages and assessment pages ™ a teacher's pack that includes a teacher's guide and an audio-cassette Sports Scene provides an original context for learning English by examining a variety of inter-related topics, such as the personal challenge represented by sport, physical fitness, the spirit of sport and sport as a show. CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY

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