B-8 Aerodynamics SR 2019-07-22

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Subject B-8:
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2019-07-22 B-8 Aerodynamics Page 2 of 8

Topic 8.1 Physics of the Atmosphere 6
Topic 8.2 Aerodynamics 6
Topic 8.3 Theory of Flight 7
Topic 8.4 Flight Stability and Dynamics 7

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• To describe the nature or basic qualities of.
• To state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word).
• Specify in words or writing.
• To set forth in words; declare.
• To establish the identity of.
• Itemise.
• Represent in words enabling hearer or reader to form an idea of an object or process.
• To tell the facts, details, or particulars of something verbally or in writing.
• Make known in detail.
• Offer reason for cause and effect.

2019-07-22 B-8 Aerodynamics Page 4 of 8


Jeppesen A&P Technician General Textbook

Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook
Aircraft Engineering Principles – Dingle & Tooley.
Mechanics of Flight – A. C. Kermode
B-8 Student Resource

2019-07-22 B-8 Aerodynamics Page 5 of 8

The purpose of this subject is to familiarise you with basic aerodynamics and the theory of flight. It
also covers flight controls and conditions which affect the aerodynamics of aircraft.
On completion of the following topics you will be able to:
Topic 8.1 Physics of the Atmosphere
Describe the application of the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) to
Describe the following characteristics associated with the atmosphere:
• Composition,
• Pressure and temperature distribution effects of altitude and
• Effects of humidity, temperature and pressure on density.
Topic 8.2 Aerodynamics
Describe airflow around a body in relation to the following terms:
• Boundary layer
• Laminar and turbulent flow
• Free stream flow
• Relative airflow
• Upwash and downwash
• Vortices and stagnation
Describe the following terms and list their interaction with related forces:
• Camber
• Chord
• Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC)
• Profile (Parasite) Drag
• Induced Drag
• Centre of Pressure
• Angle of Attack
• Wash In and Wash Out
• Fineness Ratio
• Wing Shape and Aspect Ratio
Describe the relationship between thrust, weight and aerodynamic resultant.

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Describe how lift and drag are generated and define the following associated terms:
• Angle of Attack
• Lift Coefficient
• Drag Coefficient
• Polar Curve
• Stall
Describe aerofoil contamination including ice, snow and frost.
Describe the relationships between:
• Ground speed (GS)
• True air speed (TAS)
• Indicated air speed (IAS)
Topic 8.3 Theory of Flight
Describe the relationship between lift, weight, thrust and drag.
Describe glide ratio.
Describe steady state flight and define performance.
Describe the theory of the turn.
Describe load factor and its influence on stalling, flight envelope and structural
Describe methods of lift augmentation.
Topic 8.4 Flight Stability and Dynamics
Describe the following types of flight stability (active and passive):
• Longitudinal
• Lateral
• Directional
In relation to longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability, be able to state:
• The axis about which they apply
• The aircraft structural features that provide stability about that axis.

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Describe flight stability including:
• Anhedral
• Dihedral
• Asymmetric power
• Dynamic stability
• Longitudinal dihedral
• Static stability
• Torque effect
• Ground effect

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Table of Contents
TOPIC 8.1: PHYSICS OF THE ATMOSPHERE .......................................................................................... 3
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 3
Composition of the Atmosphere ...................................................................................................... 3
The Physical Composition of the Atmosphere ............................................................................. 4
The Pressure of the Atmosphere .................................................................................................. 5
Temperature Changes in the Atmosphere ................................................................................... 5
Air Density ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Air Density with Altitude Changes ................................................................................................ 9
Water Vapour ............................................................................................................................. 10
Humidity ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Dew Point.................................................................................................................................... 12
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) ...................................................................................... 13
ISA Standard Conditions ............................................................................................................. 13
Pressure Altitude ........................................................................................................................ 14

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Figure 1: Gas composition graph ..................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Physical Composition of the Atmosphere ........................................................................ 4
Figure 3: Pressure of the atmosphere .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 4: Temperature v Altitude.................................................................................................. 5
Figure 5: Effects of altitude on temperature ................................................................................ 6
Figure 6: Atmospheric conditions ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7: Effects of Temperature on Air Density .......................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Molecule Mass and Altitude ........................................................................................ 10
Figure 9; Air Density Effect on Aircraft in Flight.......................................................................... 10
Figure 10: Water vapour ............................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11: Morning dew ................................................................................................................ 12

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The atmosphere is the life giving substance which surrounds our planet earth. We rely on it to
provide adequate gases to sustain life and a climate which is suitable for us to perform our
everyday activities. Most of the atmosphere exists within a height of 10 km above the earth, and
it is within this region that all weather and climatic conditions are generated.
This topic will discuss in relation to the atmosphere:
• Composition;
• Pressure and temperature distribution effects of altitude;
• Effect of humidity and pressure on density;
• ISA standard conditions.
Composition of the Atmosphere
The atmosphere is a complex and ever changing mixture, commonly called air. The air is a mixture
of gases, but also contains quantities of foreign matter, such as pollen, dust, bacteria, soot,
volcanic ash and dust from outer space.
The proportions of gases in the atmosphere are shown below in Figure 1.
The remaining 0.003% is made up of microscopic quantities of other gases such as neon, helium,
krypton, ozone, etc.

Figure 1: Gas composition graph

The nature of the atmosphere may vary considerably from day to day at any given place, and may
also vary from place to place at any given time. Because of these variations and because aircraft
move from one place to another quickly, they continually experience changes in the air in which
they fly.
The characteristics of the atmosphere have important effects on the operation and maintenance
of aircraft.
Aircraft performance and forces such as lift, drag, and engine power are affected by changes in
densities which result from variations in atmospheric pressure, temperature or humidity.

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Many maintenance operations are also affected by atmospheric conditions:
• Ground running of engines;
• Adjusting components;
• Adjusting and monitoring instruments;
• Applying surface finishes, i.e. paint.
The Physical Composition of the Atmosphere
The atmosphere is classified into regions based on the variation of temperature with altitude.
These regions are:
• Troposphere;
• Tropopause;
• Stratosphere;
• Mesosphere;
• Thermosphere (Ionosphere).
Aircraft fly only in the Troposphere and the lowest part of the Stratosphere. Civil aircraft would
rarely exceed altitudes of 45,000 feet (nearly 14 km).

Figure 2: Physical Composition of the Atmosphere

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The Pressure of the Atmosphere
The weight of air above any surface causes pressure at that surface. The average pressure at sea-
level due to the weight of the atmosphere is about 14.7 psi (1013.25 hPa [hectopascals]). This
pressure is referred to as ‘one atmosphere’.
The higher we ascend in the atmosphere, the less will be the weight above us. Therefore, the
pressure will be less.

Figure 3: Pressure of the atmosphere

Temperature Changes in the Atmosphere

As we ascend in the atmosphere, there is a gradual decrease in temperature. The temperature
drops at a steady rate called the ‘lapse rate’.
The lapse rate at a given place varies from day to day and even during each day. The lapse rate
reduces the temperature by about 2 deg. C for each 1000ft in height, up to 36,000 feet (11,000m).
Above 36,000ft (11,000m) the temperature remains nearly constant until the outer regions of the
atmosphere are reached.

Figure 4: Temperature v Altitude

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The atmosphere is classified into regions based on the variation of temperature with altitude as
shown in Figure 5. Air temperature undergoes considerable change as altitude increases:
• Troposphere -gradual temperature decrease
• Tropopause -temperature approx. constant
• Stratosphere -gradual temperature increase
• Mesosphere - gradual temperature decrease
• Thermosphere (ionosphere) - rapid temperature increase

Figure 5: Effects of altitude on temperature

The composition of the atmosphere (oxygen, nitrogen etc.) remains almost constant from sea level
up, but its density diminishes rapidly with altitude. For example, at approximately 30 000 feet (10
km), it is too thin to support respiration.

Note: Aircraft altitude is still measured in feet.

Civil aircraft normally fly at altitudes up to 45,000 feet (14 km). Although the atmosphere is
divided into several regions, we will only be covering the three closest to the earth’s surface, these
• Troposphere
• Tropopause
• Stratosphere

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The troposphere is the layer in which we live and in which most aircraft fly. It is characterised by
large changes in temperature, humidity and by generally turbulent conditions. Nearly all cloud
formations are within the troposphere and approximately three quarters of the total weight of the
atmosphere is within it.
It extends from the surface of the earth to where the temperature ceases to decrease with
altitude (roughly 36,000 feet). In the troposphere, for every 1,000 feet increase in altitude, the
temperature drops approximately 2°C (lapse rate).
The tropopause is defined as the point in the atmosphere at which the decrease in temperature
(with increasing altitude), abruptly ceases. The tropopause is located at the top of the
troposphere and the start of the stratosphere. The temperature at the tropopause is around a
chilling -57°C.
The tropopause is not at a constant altitude above the earth. At the poles it can be as low as
28,000 feet, while over the equator it can be as high as 55,000 feet. These heights may vary due
to seasonal changes which cause temperature fluctuations. However, the average of
approximately 36,000 feet is taken to be the tropopause. At this height, the atmospheric pressure
is approximately 3 psi or 15 the sea-level pressure.

The troposphere is also characterised by a rapid drop in atmospheric pressure. The pressure drops
from approximately 15 psi at sea level to 3 psi at 36,000 feet.
The atmospheric layer extending from the tropopause up to an average altitude of between 50 to
55 kilometres is termed the stratosphere. Pressure continues to drop from 3 psi at the tropopause
to about 0.015 psi at the top of the stratosphere.
The temperature remains almost constant at -57°C, forming an isothermal layer from the
tropopause up to an altitude of 20 kilometres (70,000 feet).
Between 20 kilometres and approximately 32 kilometres the temperature begins to slowly rise.
Above an altitude of 32 kilometres, the temperature starts to increase more rapidly. The
temperature rise ceases at around 0°C, between the altitudes of 50 to 55 kilometres. This point is
called the stratopause.

(Refer to Figure 6, next page)

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Figure 6: Atmospheric conditions

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Air Density
Density is described as mass per unit of volume of a substance. Density is of great importance
when studying aerodynamics because of its effects on an aircraft or aerofoil.
Three factors affect air density:
1. Altitude – as altitude increases, density decreases due to decreased atmospheric pressure.
2. Temperature – as temperature increases, density decreases due to the volume of air
3. Humidity – as humidity increases, density decreases due to a decreased molecular weight
in a given volume (relatively lighter water vapour molecules displace oxygen, nitrogen, etc.
Air Density with Altitude Changes
In the troposphere, the air is warmest nearest the surface of the Earth.
As altitude increases:
• Air temperature decreases
• Air density decreases
• Air pressure decreases
The decrease in air pressure has a greater effect on air density than the decrease in temperature.
Therefore, the air becomes less dense with increasing altitude.
Air is under greater pressure at the earth’s surface. It is denser because it is compressed. It
becomes less dense with increasing altitude. Aircraft and engine performance is decreased if air
density is decreased.
These effects are illustrated below in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Effects of Temperature on Air Density

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Half of all air molecule mass is found below 5500 m (18,000 feet) altitude. (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Molecule Mass and Altitude

Air density has a major effect on an aircraft in flight. At high altitude (less air density), a greater
speed and distance can be achieved because of reduced resistance (drag).

Figure 9; Air Density Effect on Aircraft in Flight

Water Vapour
Water vapour makes up only a very small fraction of the total mass of air but it has a major effect
on flight.
Because water vapour is only 63% as heavy as air, it soon mixes with air and lowers air density.
This less dense air near the Earth’s surface rises and cools until its temperature drops to where it
can no longer hold the water as a vapour. The water condenses out to become a liquid, the liquid
forms very tiny droplets small enough to be supported by the moving air currents. This forms

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Humidity is caused by the condition of moisture or dampness. Water vapour is always present in
the atmosphere and is one of the most important factors in human comfort. The proportion of
water vapour in the atmosphere varies widely from place to place, and time to time.
Travelling around Australia in the summer months you would come across large fluctuations of
humidity, depending on where you were. In Melbourne the temperature may be 30°C with a
humidity of 60%, while in Darwin the temperature may be 30°C with a humidity of 95%. If you
were to travel into the outback away from the coast the temperature could fluctuate between
20°C and 50°C, with almost no humidity (the air is very dry).
When the proportion of water vapour is small, the air is said to be dry. When the proportion is
significant, the atmosphere is described as moist, damp, wet or humid. Figure 10 below shows
that on a humid day air is less dense for a given volume due to water vapour displacing some of
the dry air.

Figure 10: Water vapour

Humidity can be stated as:

• Absolute humidity
• Relative humidity
Absolute humidity refers to the actual amount of water vapour in a mixture of air and water. The
amount of water the air can hold varies with air temperature. The higher the air temperature the
more water vapour the air can hold.
Relative humidity is the ratio between the amounts of moisture in the air to that that would be
present if the air were saturated. For example, a relative humidity of 75% means that the air is
holding 75% of the total water vapour it is capable of holding. Relative humidity has a dramatic
effect on aircraft performance because of its effect on air density. In equal volumes, water vapour
weighs 62% as much as air. This means that in high humidity conditions the density of the air is
less than that of dry air.

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Dew Point
The amount of water vapour present in the air can be measured by blowing air over a wet-bulb
and a dry-bulb thermometer. The different in readings between the two thermometers is
compared on a chart to find the relative humidity. This measurement is the ratio of how much
water vapour the air will hold at a given temperature. For practical application in aviation,
temperature and dew point are used more often than relative humidity to measure the amount of
water vapour in the air.
Dew point is the temperature to which the air must be lowered before the water vapour
condenses out and becomes liquid water.

Figure 11: Morning dew

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International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
Changing atmospheric conditions cause significant changes in the performance of aircraft.
As the atmosphere’s temperature, pressure, and density vary from place to place and from day to
day, it became necessary to develop a standard set of conditions to which performance of an
aircraft could be measured. For this reason, an International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) was
The ISA was formulated by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), now called
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) now administers the ISA, and you may
therefore find reference to ICAO (SA) Standard Atmosphere in some publications.
Aircraft performance is measured under actual atmospheric conditions. This actual performance
can be compared to an ideal performance by recording parameters and correcting them to ISA
conditions using graphs and charts.
ISA Standard Conditions
The set of standard conditions is known as the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA).
ISA defines precise values of:
• Lapse rate;
• Tropopause height.
It also defines sea-level values for:
• Air pressure;
• Air temperature;
• Air density.
ISA values for the above are:
• Lapse rate (reduces by) 1.98/1000 feet (6.49ºC / I000 m).
• Tropopause height is at 11 000 m (36,000 feet).
• Mean sea-level pressure is:
o 1013.25 hectopascals (hPa).
o 14.69 pounds per square inch (psi).
o 29.92 inches mercury (in Hg).
• Mean sea-level temperature is 15ºCelsius.
• Mean sea level humidity is zero (0%).
• Gravity (g) is 9.809 m/second2 (32.174 feet/second2).
These values are referred to as ISA “Standard Day”.
The reason 15°C (when the air is perfectly dry) is used is because it is the average condition
prevailing at latitude 45° north.

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Changes in atmosphere can effect:
• Lift;
• Drag;
• Engine performance;
• Component adjustments;
• Instrument adjustment and monitoring;
• The application of surface finishes;
• Manufacture and repair of composite structures.
Pressure Altitude
Pressure altitude is the altitude in the standard atmosphere corresponding to a particular value of
air pressure. The aircraft altimeter is essentially a sensitive barometer calibrated to indicate
altitude in the standard atmosphere.
With the altimeter of an aircraft set at 1013.2 hPa (29.92 inches Hg), the dial will indicate the
number of feet above or below a level where 1013.2 hPa exists, not necessarily above or below
sea level, unless standard day conditions exist. In general, the altimeter will indicate the altitude
at which the existing pressure would be considered standard pressure. The symbol H is used to
indicate pressure altitude.

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Airflow ............................................................................................................................ 3
Free Stream Airflow ..................................................................................................... 4
Friction ........................................................................................................................ 4
Boundary Layer ........................................................................................................... 5
Laminar Boundary Layer ............................................................................................. 5
Transition Point: .......................................................................................................... 6
Stagnation point .......................................................................................................... 7
Separation Points......................................................................................................... 7
Wake ........................................................................................................................... 7
Relative Airflow ............................................................................................................ 8
Coanda Effect .............................................................................................................. 8
Upwash........................................................................................................................ 9
Downwash ................................................................................................................... 9
Vortices...................................................................................................................... 10
Wing Tip Vortices ....................................................................................................... 10
Aerofoils ........................................................................................................................ 11
Chord Line ................................................................................................................. 11
Camber ...................................................................................................................... 11
Mean Camber ............................................................................................................ 12
Fineness Ratio ........................................................................................................... 12
Aerofoil Shapes .......................................................................................................... 12
High Lift Aerofoils ...................................................................................................... 13
General Purpose Aerofoils .......................................................................................... 13
High-Speed Aerofoils .................................................................................................. 14
Aspect Ratio .................................................................................................................. 15
Aspect Ratio and Maximum Lift Coefficient ................................................................ 16
Aspect Ratio and Induced Drag .................................................................................. 16
Wing Planforms.......................................................................................................... 17
Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC). .............................................................................. 17
Generation of Lift .......................................................................................................... 18
Angle of Incidence ...................................................................................................... 18
Angle of Attack........................................................................................................... 18

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Centre of Pressure CP ................................................................................................. 18
Pressure Distribution ................................................................................................. 19
Lift Coefficient ............................................................................................................ 20
Resultant Lift ............................................................................................................. 22
Drag .............................................................................................................................. 23
Parasite Drag ............................................................................................................. 23
Form Drag ................................................................................................................. 23
Skin Friction .............................................................................................................. 24
Interference Drag ....................................................................................................... 24
Induced Drag ............................................................................................................. 25
Lift/Drag - The Polar Curve ....................................................................................... 26
Conditions of Flight ....................................................................................................... 27
Straight and Level Flight ............................................................................................ 27
Aerodynamic Forces ................................................................................................... 27
Drag Curves ............................................................................................................... 28
The Stall .................................................................................................................... 29
Washin and Washout ................................................................................................. 30
Aircraft Speed ............................................................................................................... 31
Knot........................................................................................................................... 31
Airspeed Indication .................................................................................................... 32
Indicated Airspeed ..................................................................................................... 32
True Airspeed ............................................................................................................ 33
Ground speed ............................................................................................................ 34
Icing Effects .................................................................................................................. 35

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Air is a viscous fluid. As you can see in Figure 1, air behaves differently when it moves,
or when a body moves through it, at speeds below the speed of sound and at speeds
above the speed of sound. Because air is invisible, it is difficult to understand what
happens in flight.

Figure 1 Airflow disturbance

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Free Stream Airflow
The free stream airflow around a shape is the clean flow, distant enough to be unaffected
by the body passing through it, and does not change direction.
Lines which show the direction of the flow are called ‘streamlines’. A body shaped to
produce the least possible resistance is called a ‘streamline shape’.
The amount of free stream air is directly relative to the resistance applied to the airflow
(DRAG). Resistance creates turbulence (Figure 2). The greater the resistance, the greater
the turbulence; therefore, the further the locality of the free stream air. The amount of
drag depends on when the airflow separates. The airflow around the ball has remained
attached for longer.

Figure 2 Air Flow Resistance

Skin friction is caused by the resistance which is set up when relative motion exists
between the surface of a body and the air; contact between the two gives rise to a layer of
retarded air in immediate contact with the surface over which it is passing. This layer is
known as the boundary layer and the amount of drag arising from it is determined by the
nature and thickness of the flow in the layer.

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Boundary Layer
The boundary layer is the layer of air adjacent to the surface of the body. The air velocity
in the boundary layer varies from zero on the surface of the aerofoil to the velocity of the
free stream at the outer edge of the boundary layer (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Boundary Layer

The boundary layer is caused by the viscosity of the air sticking to the surface of the
wing and the succeeding layers of air. The thickness of the boundary layer is relative to
the velocity, and depends on the type of flow.

Laminar Boundary Layer

The amount of drag produced depends on whether the flow in the boundary layer is
laminar or turbulent.
Laminar flow is an orderly motion in which successive strata of air particles slide past
each other in much the same way as the action of a pack of cards when thrown along a
flat surface.
If we could ensure a laminar boundary layer over the whole surface of a wing the skin
friction would be reduced to about one-tenth of its value on a conventional type of wing.
As the speed increases the boundary layer becomes turbulent and the drag becomes
The usual tendency is for the boundary layer to start by being laminar over the surface
near the leading edge of a body, but there comes a point, called the transition point,
when the layer tends to break away from the surface and become turbulent and thicker.

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The boundary layer differs from the free air stream in that the particles of air are rotating
as they move rearwards. Those on the upper surface move in a clockwise direction and
those below move in an anti-clockwise, in exactly the same way as ball bearings when
rolled along a surface.
Refer Figure 4.

Figure 4 Laminar and Turbulent Airflow

Transition Point:
That point on the wing at which the boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent
flow is called the transition point. Because the increase in drag resulting from a
turbulent boundary layer is considerable, care is taken to preserve laminar flow over as
much of the wing as possible, for example in a true laminar flow wing shown in Figure 5.
Skin friction is a major source of drag at high speeds and it is one of the most difficult to
reduce. It can never be eliminated completely.

Figure 5 Transition Point

As the speed increases the transition point tends to come further forward, so more of the
boundary layer becomes turbulent and the skin friction becomes greater.
If this much is understood it will be obvious that the main purpose of research work has
been to discover why the transition point moves forward, and how its movement can be
controlled so as to maintain laminar flow over as much of the surface as possible.

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Stagnation point
The stagnation point, as shown below in Figure 6 is that point at which the air is brought
to rest by the leading edge and the point from which the boundary layer originates. The
stagnation point is also the first point of contact of relative airflow, or, the point on the
leading edge of an aerofoil where the airflow divides. Some airflow goes over the wing and
some goes under the wing.

Separation Points
The separation points are the points on the wing at which the boundary layers break
away from the surface.

The wake consists of the unsteady rotational flow, resulting from separation of the
boundary layers from the wing, and which tends to be dragged behind the trailing edge.
For a chord of seven feet the wake is about four to five inches in depth during flight at
small angles of attack.
Refer Figure 6

Figure 6 Airflow Separation

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Relative Airflow
Relative Airflow (US Relative wind) is the direction of the airflow with respect to the wing.
If a wing moves forward horizontally, the relative airflow moves backward horizontally.
Relative airflow is parallel to and opposite the flight path of the aeroplane. (Figure 7).

Figure 7 Relative Airflow

Coanda Effect
Viscosity is defined as a fluid’s resistance to flow. One of the consequences of this is the
tendency of a viscous fluid to follow a reasonable curvature of, for example, the back of a
spoon, or the top surface of a wing. (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Coanda Effect

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Figure 9 shows that, in advance of the wing, the streamlines of air curve upwards
towards the top surface. Upwash, as this is called, is an inherent feature of any surface
which is giving lift and exists because air always tends to flow towards an area of low
pressure. The deeper the low-pressure region is, the greater the amount of upwash.

Figure 9 Upwash

Hydrodynamics is similar to aerodynamics except for the fluid used. When a person
water-skis, the towing boat must have enough speed through the water that the ski will
continually force down enough water to equal the weight of the skier. When the rope is
released, the skier slows down sinks into the water.
An aeroplane generates its lift in the same way as the water ski. The aeroplane is
propelled through the air by its powerplant, and as the air passes over the lift-producing
surfaces, called the airfoils, it is deflected downward. This downward deflection or
downwashing of the air has an opposing effect, that of pushing upward on the aeroplane.
There is nothing mysterious about this downwashing action. In fact, any inclined plane
will force air downward, but, the shape of the aeroplane wing makes this downwashing
action more efficient.
This downwash should not be confused with the downwards flow caused be wing tip

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When the airflow over the top surface of a wing meets with the airflow over the lower
surfaces at the trailing edge they are flowing at different angles to each other. This
causes eddies or vortices rotating clockwise (viewed from the rear) from the left wing, and
counter-clockwise from the right wing. (Figure 10).
All the vortices on one side tend to join up and form one large vortex at each wing tip.
These are called Wing-tip Vortices.
Vortices occur continuously while an aeroplane is flying.
The central core of the vortex is made visible by the condensation of moisture caused by
the decrease of pressure and temperature, in the vortex. These visible (and sometimes
audible!) trails from the wing tips should not be confused with the vapour trails caused
by condensation trails left by hot exhaust gases at high altitudes.
This downward flow must not be confused with the ordinary downwash.

Figure 10 Cause of vortices

Wing Tip Vortices

Wingtip vortices are caused by the higher pressure air beneath the wing leaking around
the wingtip and mixing with the low pressure air above the wing. (Figure 11).
This causes a spiral or vortex that trails behind each wingtip whenever lift is being
produced. The influence vortices have on flow extends well beyond their central core,
modifying the whole flow pattern. The trailing vortices have a strong influence on lift,
drag and handling properties of the aircraft. Wake turbulence is mainly due to these
wingtip vortices.

Figure 11 Wing Tip Vortices

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Figure 12 shows the names assigned to parts of an aerofoil.

Figure 12 Aerofoil Nomenclature

Chord Line
The chord of the aerofoil is the straight line joining the leading edge to the trailing edge.
(Figure 13). It is used as an arbitrary reference line when measuring the angular position
of the wing in relation to the airflow.

Figure 13 Chord Line

Camber is defined as the curvature of an aerofoil surface or an aerofoil section from the
leading edge to the trailing edge. (Figure 14). The degree or amount of camber is
expressed as the ratio of the maximum departure of the curve from the chord to the
chord length. An aerofoil having a double convex curvature means that it has camber
above and below the chord line.
Upper camber refers to the curve on the upper surface of an aerofoil, and lower camber
refers to the curve of the lower surface.

Figure 14 Camber

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Mean Camber
Mean camber is the curved line that forms the equal distance between the upper surface
of the wing and the lower surface. (Figure 15). Camber is positive, when the departure
from the straight line (the chord line) is upward and negative when it is downward.
When the upper and lower cambers of an aerofoil are the same, the aerofoil is said to be

Figure 15 Mean Camber

Maximum Camber
Maximum camber is the maximum or greatest distance between the chord line and the
mean camber line.

Fineness Ratio
The fineness ratio is a measure of the thickness of the aerofoil.
There is also a thickness ratio of where t is breadth and c is the length. (Figure 16).

Figure 16 Fineness Ratio

Aerofoil Shapes
The performance of an aerofoil is governed by its contour. Generally, aerofoils can be
divided into three classes:
• High lift.
• General purpose.
• High speed.

Refer Figure 17.

Figure 17 Aerofoil Shapes

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High Lift Aerofoils
There sections employ a high ratio (15%), a pronounced camber, and a well-rounded
leading edge (Figure 18). Their maximum thickness is at about 25 per cent to 30 per cent
of the chord aft of the leading edge.
The greater the camber is, i.e. the amount of curvature of the mean camber line, the
greater the shift of centre of pressure for a given change in the angle of attack. The
range of movement of the Centre of Pressure (CP) is therefore large on a high-lift section.
This movement can be greatly decreased by reflexing upwards the trailing edge of the
wing, but some lift is lost as a result.
Sections of this type are used mainly on sailplanes and other aircraft where a high
Coefficient of Lift (CL) all important and speed a secondary consideration.

Figure 18 High Lift Aerofoil

General Purpose Aerofoils

These sections employ a lower ratio (10%), less camber and a sharper leading edge
than those of a high-lift type (Figure 19), but their maximum thickness is still at about
25 per cent to 30 per cent of the chord aft of the leading edge. The lower ratio results
in less drag and a lower CL than those of a high-lift aerofoil.
Sections of this type are used on aircraft whose duties require speeds which, although
higher than those previously mentioned, are not high enough to subject the aerofoil to
the effects of compressibility.

Figure 19 General Purpose Aerofoil

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High-Speed Aerofoils
These sections employ a very low ratio (7%), no camber, and a sharp leading edge
(Figure 20). Their maximum thickness is at about the 50 per cent chord point.
Most of these sections lie in the 5 per cent to 10 per cent tic ratio band, but even thinner
sections have been used on research aircraft. The reason for this is the overriding
requirement for low drag; naturally the thinner sections have low maximum-lift
High-speed aerofoils are symmetrical about the chord fine; some sections are wedge-
shaped whilst others consist of arcs of a circle placed symmetrically about the chord line.

Figure 20 High-Speed Aerofoil

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Any plan form can be described briefly, but well enough to give a rough idea of its
performance, by its aspect ratio. The aspect ratio of a wing is found by dividing the
square of the wing span by the area of the wing i.e.

Thus, if a wing has an area of 250 square feet and a span of 30 feet, the aspect ratio is
3.6. Another wing with the same span but with an area of 150 square feet would have an
aspect ratio of 6. Aspect ratio can also be found by dividing the span by the mean chord
of the wing. For example, a span of 50 feet with a mean chord of 5 feet gives an aspect
ratio of 10. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the smaller the mean chord in
relation to the span the higher the aspect ratio.
The dimensions of the wing-tip vortices and therefore the amount of induced drag can be
reduced considerably by increasing the aspect ratio. Figure 21 shows three wings of the
same area but with different aspect ratios. The wing with the higher aspect ratio forms
smaller wing-tip vortices than the others because a smaller proportion of the total area is
involved in the process of spilling air from the lower to the upper surface. Consequently,
the rate of spilling or circulation around the tips of high aspect ratio wings is less.
The high aspect ratio wing can be said to be more efficient, from the point of view of low
induced drag. Since the total drag of a wing is the sum of the profile and induced drags,
and the induced drag changes with aspect ratio, the total drag also changes with aspect
ratio. The graph shows the effect of aspect ratio on the total drag of two wings of
different aspect ratios over the working range of angles of attack.

Figure 21 Aspect Ratio

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Aspect Ratio and Maximum Lift Coefficient
The maximum lift coefficient (CL) obtained from a given wing area and aerofoil section is
almost unaffected by aspect ratio. However, there is a tendency for the CL max to
decrease as the aspect ratio is reduced, becoming most noticeable at very low aspect
ratios of about 2 to 3 (Figure 22). Therefore, stalling speeds for a given wing loading are
not very seriously affected by a reduction in the aspect ratio.

Figure 22 Aspect Ratio and Maximum Lift Coefficient

Aspect Ratio and Induced Drag

The relationship for the induced drag coefficient emphasises the need for a high aspect
ratio for aircraft which are continually operated at high lift coefficients. On the other
hand, long thin wings increase structural weight and eventually a compromise has to be
Aircraft developed for very high speed flight operate at relatively low lift coefficients and
require great aerodynamic cleanliness. These aircraft, in consequence, usually have low
aspect ratio planforms.
The limiting factor in the use of high aspect ratio is the difficulty of providing sufficient
strength for the wings without the excessive weight which neutralises the advantage
gained. Broadly, it can be said that the lower the cruising speed of the aircraft the
higher the aspect ratio that can be usefully employed. Refer to: Figure 23 Aspect Ratio
and Induced Drag.

Figure 23 Aspect Ratio and Induced Drag

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Wing Planforms
Planform refers to the shape of the aeroplanes’ wing when viewed from above or below:
• Rectangular is the cheapest to build.
• Elliptical is most efficient.
• Tapered is a compromise.
• Sweepback is for high speed.
Refer Figure 24.

Figure 24 Wing Planforms

Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC).

Certain aerodynamic and weight-and-balance characteristics are referenced as a percent
of the wing chord. However, when a wing is tapered, the chord is not uniform across the
entire wing span. For this reason these characteristics are referenced as a percent of the
mean aerodynamic chord (MAC).
The mean aerodynamic chord is the chord drawn through the centre of the area of the
aerofoil; that is, equal amounts of wing area will lie on both sides of the MAC. (Figure 25)
Often, the MAC is confused with the average chord.
As an example, the pointed-tip delta wing would have an average chord equal to one-half
the root chord but a MAC equal to two-thirds of the root chord.

Figure 25 Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC)

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Angle of Incidence
The angle of incidence is the acute angle which the wing chord makes with the
longitudinal axis of the aircraft, when the wing is attached to fuselage. (Figure 26).
This angle is fixed in manufacture and does not change.

Figure 26 Angle of Incidence

Angle of Attack
The angle of inclination between the aerofoil chord and the relative airflow is of great
importance. This angle is called the “Angle of Attack” (A of A; Figure 27).
For most aerofoils, lift increases as angle of attack increases from zero, at a slightly
negative angle, to maximum lift at about 15 degrees.
Above about 15 degrees angle of attack lift will very rapidly drop to zero again, where the
aerofoil is said to have stalled. This applies to wings, propeller blades, helicopter rotor
blades and jet engine fan, compressor and turbine blades.

Figure 27 Angle of Attack

Centre of Pressure CP
The centre of pressure is a point along the wing chord line where lift is considered to be
concentrated. For this reason, the centre of pressure is often referred to as the centre of
During flight, this point along the chord line changes position with different flight
attitudes. It moves forward as the angle of attack increases and aft as the angle of attack
decreases. As a result, pitching tendencies created by the position of the centre of lift in
relation to the Centre of Gravity (CG) vary.
For example, with a high angle of attack and the centre of lift in a forward position
(closer to the CG) the nose-down pitching tendency is decreased. The position of the
centre of gravity in relation to the centre of lift is a critical factor in longitudinal stability.

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Pressure Distribution
Figure 28 below illustrates the pressure distribution over an aerofoil at an angle of attack
of 4 deg. It shows that the decrease in pressure on the upper surface is greater than the
increase in pressure on the lower surface, also the pressure is not evenly distributed and
both pressures are greater on the forward portion of the aerofoil.
Although both surfaces contribute, it is the upper surface, by means of its lower pressure
which provides the greater part of the lift at some angles of attack as much as 80%.

Figure 28 Pressure Distribution

The location and direction in which the centre of pressure will move depends upon the
shape of the aerofoil section and the angle of attack.
The centre of pressure (CP) is the point at which the resultant force intersects the chord
of an aerofoil. Lift acts from the centre of pressure, or, stated another way, the centre of
pressure is the centre of lift.
The location and direction in which the resultant will point depends upon the shape of
the aerofoil section and the angle at which it is set to the airstream. Throughout most of
the flight range, that is, at the usual angles of attack, the CP moves forward as the angle
of attack increases and backward as the angle of attack decreases.

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As illustrated in Figure 29 the resultant intersects the chord line or centre of pressure at
progressively forward locations as the angle of attack is increased.

Figure 29 Pressure Distribution/Angles of Attack

The centre of pressure is generally located at approximately the 25% chord position for
most aerofoils. On an aerofoil with a 60 inch chord, this would locate the centre of
pressure at 15 inches aft from the leading edge.

Lift Coefficient
When several wings of the same geometrical shape and area, but with different aerofoil
sections, are compared at a given angle of attack and air speed, the lift obtained from
each wing varies the exact amount of lift depending on the aerofoil section used.
Generally, at subsonic speeds at a given angle of attack, the greater the amount of lift
obtained from a given wing; conversely, the flatter the camber and the thinner the wing
the less the lift.
This difference is due to the greater accelerating effect on the air stream of pronounced
camber, resulting in a larger reduction in pressure.
The measure of the lifting effectiveness, or power of wing under a given set of conditions,
is its lift coefficient or CL.
The CL is not constant but varies with the angle of attack. Furthermore, various
aerodynamic aids can be used to increase the CL and thus raise the lifting effectiveness
of a wing.

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All else being equal, the higher the CL the lower is the minimum speed at which a given
wing can produce a required lift. The formula for calculating the lift is:

The graph (Figure 30) shows that as angle of attack increases, so does coefficient in lift
up to a maximum of about 15 degrees.

Figure 30 Lift Coefficient

Since the expression ½ ρ V2S (ρ Greek letter Rho) applies to all aerodynamic forces, it is
sufficient, when considering increases or decreases of lift under a given set of conditions,
to refer to the increase or decrease of the lift coefficient alone. Thus an increased CL
implies an increased lift, and vice versa.
When a wing aerofoil combination is placed in an air stream at a given angle of attack,
and the speed of this stream is then progressively increased, the lift increases in
proportion to the square of the speed as shown by the lift formula.
At higher subsonic speeds the rate at which the lift has been increasing, in accordance
with the V2 law, begins to fall appreciably.
This effect is caused by the compressible nature of the air which, although negligible at
lower subsonic speeds, begins to play an important part at the higher subsonic speeds.
Compressibility, as this is called, brings with it a reduction in the CL and hence a falling
off in the rate of increase of lift, owing to fundamental changes in the nature of the
Summarising: The two math factors affecting co-efficient of lift are:
• Aerofoil shape;
• Angle of attack.
Note1: Velocity only affects the lift force of the aerofoil not the coefficient of lift.
Note2: Rho (Greek letter ρ) - air density at standard day (0.02378 slugs per cubic foot).

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Resultant Lift
The resultant lift produced by an aerofoil is the net force produced perpendicular to the
relative airflow.
The resultant drag incurred by an aerofoil is the net force produced parallel to the
relative airflow.
Refer Figure 31.


Figure 31 Resultant Lift

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Drag is caused by any aircraft surface that deflects or interferes with the smooth airflow
around the aeroplane. A highly cambered, large surface area wing creates more drag
(and lift) than a small, moderately cambered wing.
If you increase airspeed, or angle of attack, you increase drag (and lift).
Drag acts in opposition to the direction of flight, opposes the forward-acting force of
thrust, and limits the forward speed of the aeroplane.
Drag is broadly classified as either parasite or induced.

Parasite Drag
Parasite drag (Figure 32) includes all drag created by the aeroplane, except that drag
directly associated with the production of lift. It is created by the disruption of the flow
of air around the aeroplane’s surfaces.
Parasite drag normally is divided into three types:
• Form drag.
• Skin friction drag.
• Interference drag.
Each type of parasite drag varies with the speed of the aeroplane. The combined effect of
all parasite drag varies proportionately to the square of the airspeed. In other words, if
airspeed is doubled, parasite drag increases by a factor of four.

Figure 32 Parasite Drag

Form Drag
Form drag is created by any structure which protrudes into the relative airflow. (Figure
33) The amount of drag created is related to both the size and shape of the structure.
For example, a square strut creates substantially more drag than a smooth or rounded
strut. Streamlining reduces form drag.

Figure 33 Form Drag

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Skin Friction
Skin friction drag is caused by the roughness of the aeroplane’s surfaces. Even though
these surfaces may appear smooth, under a microscope they may be quite rough. (Figure
A thin layer of air clings to these rough surfaces and creates small eddies which
contribute to drag.

Figure 34 Skin Friction

Interference Drag
Interference drag occurs when varied currents of air over an aeroplane meet and interact.
This interaction creates additional drag. One example of this type of drag is the mixing
of the air where the wing and fuselage join. (Figure 35).
Each type of parasite drag varies with the speed of the aeroplane.

Figure 35 Interference Drag

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Induced Drag
Induced drag is the main by-product of the production of lift. It is directly related to the
angle of attack of the wing. The greater the angle, the greater the induced drag.
Since the wing usually is at a low angle of attack at high speed, and a high angle of
attack at low speed, the relationship of induced drag to speed also can be plotted.
Refer to Figure 36 and Figure 37 below.

Figure 36 Induced Drag

Figure 37 Induced Drag

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Lift/Drag - The Polar Curve
The polar curve is a name given to mathematical representation of data involving
lift/drag/speed/angle of attack.
The lift/drag ratio increases rapidly up to an angle of attack of about 4°. Lift may be
between 12 to 20 times the drag, the exact figure depending on the aerofoil used.
At larger angles the L/D ratio decreases steadily.
At the stall the L/D is about 6.
Refer Figure 38.

Figure 38 Lift/Drag Ratio

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Straight and Level Flight

For an aeroplane to remain in straight and level flight, the amount of lift is dependent on
airspeed and the angle of attack.
At low airspeed the aircraft has a large angle of attack. At high airspeed the angle of
attack can be reduced.
The graph (Figure 39) shows that at the maximum coefficient of lift, any further increase
in angle of attack will cause a stall, and with that, rapid decrease in coefficient of lift.

Figure 39 Maximum Coefficient of Lift

Aerodynamic Forces
Aircraft flight is controlled by adjusting the relationship between the four aerodynamic
forces (Figure 40):
• Lift is the component of the aerodynamic reaction perpendicular to the relative
• Drag is the component of the aerodynamic reaction parallel to the relative airflow;
• Weight is due to gravity;
• Thrust is produced by the power plant.

Figure 40 The Four Aerodynamic Forces

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For constant speed, straight and level flight:
• Lift equals Weight.
• Thrust equals Drag.
To accelerate or climb, thrust must be added to change the equilibrium. To descend,
thrust is reduced.

Drag Curves
In Figure 41, at low speeds, induced drag is high due to the large vortices created at high
angle of attack.
At high speeds, parasite drag dominates. Total drag starts high, decreases to a
minimum, and then increases towards the aircraft’s maximum speed.

Figure 41 Drag Curve

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The Stall
A stall is caused by the separation of airflow from the wing’s upper surface. (Figure 42)
This results in a rapid decrease in lift. For a given aeroplane, a stall always occurs at the
same angle of attack, regardless of air speed, flight attitude, or weight. This is the
stalling or critical angle of attack. It is important to remember that an aeroplane can stall
at any airspeed, in any flight attitude, or at any weight.
For a specific aerofoil, the stall always occurs at the same angle of attack but can occur
at any speed.
At critical angle of attack (about 15 degrees):
• Airflow separates
• Wing stalls
• Aircraft loses height

Figure 42 The Stall

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Washin and Washout
Many aeroplanes are designed with a greater angle of incidence at the root of the wing
than at the tip; this characteristic of a wing is called washout. The purpose of washout
is to improve the stability of the aircraft as it approaches a stall condition. The section of
the wing near the fuselage will stall before the outer section, thus enabling the pilot to
maintain good control and reducing the tendency of the aircraft to “fall off’ on one wing.
If a wing is designed so that the angle of incidence is greater at the tip than at the root,
the characteristic is called washin. (Figure 43).
A difference in the washout and washin of the right and left wings of an aircraft is used
to compensate for propeller torque. Propeller torque causes the aircraft to roll in a
direction opposite that of the propeller rotation. To compensate for this, the right wing is
rigged or designed with a smaller angle of incidence at the tip than that of the left wing.
Thus, the right wing is washed out more than the left.

Figure 43 Washin and Washout

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A knot is a measure of speed, and equates to one nautical mile per hour.
The international nautical mile was defined by the First International Extraordinary
Hydrographic Conference, Monaco (1929) as exactly 1852 metres. This is the only
definition in widespread current use, and is the only one accepted by the International
Hydrographic Organisation and by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
Before 1929, different countries had different definitions, and the Soviet Union, the
United Kingdom and the United States did not immediately accept the international
Both the Imperial and U.S. definitions of the nautical mile were based on the length of
one minute of arc ( degree) along a great circle of a hypothetical sphere (Figure 44).

The United States Nautical Mile was defined as 1853.248 metres: It was abandoned in
favour of the International Nautical Mile in 1954.
The Imperial (UK) Nautical Mile, also known as the Admiralty Mile, was defined in terms
of the knot such that one nautical mile was exactly 6080 feet (1853.184m). It was
abandoned in 1970.
The nautical mile has now been standardised as 1853 metres exactly.

Figure 44 One nautical mile

A knot is also a measure of subsonic airspeed.

• Multiply knots by 1.15 to find statute miles per hour;
• Multiply knots by 1.85 to find kilometres per hour;
• Divide miles per hour by 0.87 to find knots;
• Divide kilometres per hour by 0.54 to find knots.
For example, to find the approximate speed in kilometres/hour of an aircraft flying at
250 knots:
• 250 knots x 1.85 = 462.5 km/h.

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Airspeed Indication
The dynamic pressure of the relative airflow is the most commonly used measure of
aircraft airspeed.
This pressure is used to position the pointer of an airspeed indicator.
As with any other fluid, the dynamic pressure of airflow is ½ ρ V2, where ρ is air density
and V is velocity.
Since air density (ρ) decreases with altitude, then for a constant velocity (V) the indicated
airspeed must also fall off with altitude.
There are several ways of recording aircraft speed. Three common indications are:
• Indicated Air Speed (IAS);
• Ground Speed (GS);
• True Air speed (TAS).

Indicated Airspeed
Airspeed indicators (Figure 45) can be calibrated to read the ‘true airspeed’ at only one
value of air density. It is universal that they are calibrated to read true airspeed in
standard density air at sea level (ISA). It follows that with increase in altitude, the
indicated airspeed of an aircraft drops below its true airspeed. At 40 000 feet the
indicated airspeed is only half the true airspeed.
Indicated airspeed is important to the pilot because it is a gauge of the lift and other
aerodynamic forces acting on the aircraft. This is because the indicated airspeed is
aerodynamic pressure.
Thus, an aeroplane stalls at the same indicated airspeed close to sea level, or at 40 000
feet, even though at the higher altitude the true airspeed is twice the indicated airspeed.
If an aeroplane stalls at an indicated airspeed of 70 knots, the true airspeed at which it
stalls varies from 70 knots at sea level up to 140 knots at 40 000 feet.

Figure 45 Airspeed Indicator

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True Airspeed
A thorough understanding of true airspeed is absolutely critical for navigational
purposes. In many aircraft, pilots have a simple computer (
Figure 46) that calculates true airspeed when they input indicated airspeed, altitude, and
ambient temperature. Altitude and ambient temperature give a close approximation of
density, which the pilot cannot readily determine.

Figure 46 Flight Computer

A few aircraft have true airspeed indicators that automatically compute and display the
true airspeed.

Figure 47 True Speed Indicator

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Ground speed
True airspeed may not be an aircraft’s actual speed over the ground. If there is a
headwind of 50 knots, the ground speed is true airspeed minus 50 knots. With a
tailwind of 50 knots, the ground speed is true airspeed plus 50 knots. (Figure 48).

Figure 48 Ground speed

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Rain, snow, and ice can have a detrimental effect on flight (Figure 49). Under certain
atmospheric conditions, ice can build rapidly on airfoils and engine air inlets.
Ice on an aircraft affects its performance and efficiency in many ways:
• Increases drag and reduces lift;
• Causes destructive vibration;
• Hampers true instrument readings;
• Control surfaces become unbalanced or frozen;
• Fixed slots are filled and movable slots jammed;
• Radio reception is hampered;
• Engine performance is affected;
• Stalling speed increases.

Figure 49 The effects of icing

Contamination caused by ice, snow and frost can alter the aerofoil shape. Ice build-up
can change the effective chord line. It can also alter the upper and lower camber of the
aerofoil. (Figure 50).

Figure 50 Ice build-up

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Table of Contents
TOPIC 8.3: THEORY OF FLIGHT............................................................................................................. 1
Aerodynamic Forces............................................................................................................................. 2
Four Forces of Flight ......................................................................................................................... 2
Lift ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Weight .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Centre of Gravity .............................................................................................................................. 4
Adverse Forward Centre of Gravity.................................................................................................. 5
Adverse Aft Centre of Gravity .......................................................................................................... 6
Centre of Gravity Limits.................................................................................................................... 7
Straight and Level Flight ....................................................................................................................... 8
Forces in a Climb .............................................................................................................................. 9
Forces in a Descent......................................................................................................................... 10
Forces in a Glide ................................................................................................................................. 11
The Glide......................................................................................................................................... 12
Glide Angle ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Theory of the Turn ............................................................................................................................. 13
Centrifugal Force and Centripetal Force ........................................................................................ 13
Turning Flight.................................................................................................................................. 14
Sideslip............................................................................................................................................ 15
Skidding .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Balanced Turn ................................................................................................................................. 16
Wing Loading .................................................................................................................................. 17
Load Factor ..................................................................................................................................... 17
The Effect of Load Factor on Stall Speed .................................................................................... 19
Load Factor Limits ....................................................................................................................... 20
Lift Augmentation .............................................................................................................................. 21
Lift Augmentation - Slots ................................................................................................................ 22
Lift Augmentation – Slats ............................................................................................................... 22

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Four Forces of Flight

During flight, there are four forces acting on an airplane. They are lift, weight, thrust, and drag.
(Figure 1).
Lift is the upward force created by the effect of airflow as it passes over and under the wings. It
supports the airplane in flight.
Weight opposes lift. It is caused by the downward pull of gravity.
Thrust is the forward force which propels the airplane through the air. It varies with the amount of
engine power being used.
Drag, which is a backward, or retarding, force that limits the speed of the airplane opposes thrust.

Figure 1 Four Forces of Flight

The arrows which show the forces acting on an airplane are often called vectors. The magnitude of
a vector is indicated by the arrow's length, while the direction is shown by the arrow's orientation.
(Figure 2).

Figure 2 Vectors

When two or more forces act on an object at the same time, they combine to create a resultant.

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Lift is the key aerodynamic force. It is the force that opposes weight. In straight-and-level, un-
accelerated flight, when weight and lift are equal, an airplane is in a state of equilibrium. If the
other aerodynamic factors remain constant, the airplane neither gains nor loses altitude. (Figure
During flight, the pressures on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are not the same.
Although several factors contribute to this difference, the shape of the wing is the principle one.
The wing is designed to divide the airflow into areas of high pressure below the wing and areas of
comparatively lower pressure above the wing.
This pressure differential, which is created by movement of air about the wing, is the primary
source of lift.

Figure 3 State of Equilibrium)

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Weight has a definite relationship with lift and thrust with drag. This relationship is quite simple,
but very important in understanding the aerodynamics of flying. As stated previously, lift is the
upward force on the wing acting perpendicular to the relative airflow.
Lift is required to counteract the aircraft’s weight, caused by the force of gravity acting on the
mass of the aircraft. This weight force acts downward through a point called the centre of gravity
(Figure 4) which is the point at which all the weight of the aircraft is considered to be

Figure 4 Centre of Gravity (CG) and Centre of Pressure (CP)

When the lift force is in equilibrium with the weight force, the aircraft neither gains nor loses
altitude and can be considered to be in straight and level flight at a constant airspeed. The lift will
act through the centre of pressure, which will depend on the position of the wings; so the designer
must be careful to place the wings in the correct position along the fuselage. But the problem is
complicated by the fact that a change in the angle of attack means a movement of the lift, and
usually in the unstable direction. If the angle of attack is increased the pitching moment about the
centre of gravity will become more nose-up and tend to increase the angle even further.

Centre of Gravity
Centre of gravity is of major importance in an aircraft for its position has a great bearing upon
The centre of gravity is determined by the general design of the aircraft. The designer estimates
how far the centre of pressure will travel and will fix the centre of gravity in front of the centre of
pressure for the corresponding flight speed in order to provide an adequate restoring moment for
flight equilibrium. (Figure 4)

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Adverse Forward Centre of Gravity
When too much weight is toward the forward part of the aeroplane, the centre of gravity (CG) is
shifted forward (Figure 5) and any one of the following conditions may exist or they may occur in
combinations at the same time:
• Increased fuel consumption;
• Increased power for any given speed;
• Increased tendency to dive, especially with power off;
• Increased difficulty in raising the nose of the aeroplane when landing;
• Increased oscillation tendency;
• Increased stresses on the nose wheel;
• Increased danger during flap operation;
• Development of dangerous spin characteristics.

Figure 5 Adverse Forward CG

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Adverse Aft Centre of Gravity
When too much weight is toward the tail of the aeroplane (Figure 6), any one of the following
conditions may exist or they may occur in combination:
• Decreased flying speed;
• Decreased range;
• Increased strain on the pilot during instrument flight;
• Increased danger of stall;
• Dangerous spin characteristics;
• Reduction of long range optimum speed;
• Poor stability;
• Increased danger if tail assembly is damaged;
• Poor landing characteristics.
A study of the above listed conditions will reveal that most of them could lead to an accident with
a resulting loss of life and destruction of the aeroplane.

Figure 6 Adverse Aft CG

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Centre of Gravity Limits
Each aeroplane type has its own centre of gravity limits, typically from about 15 per cent to 40 per
cent of the wing chord (Figure 7). These will have been established by design and from the
aircraft’s flight handling characteristics. The actual centre of gravity of a loaded aeroplane varies
in flight as fuel is used or as people move along the cabin. The centre of pressure and the centre
of gravity will rarely coincide, resulting in either a nose up or a nose down pitching moment.

Figure 7 CG Limits

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Lift and drag are components of the total aerodynamic force acting upon the wing. This total force
is called the resultant. Each tiny portion of the wing in flight has small forces acting upon it. The
force acting on one small portion of the wing is different in magnitude and direction from all the
other small forces acting upon all the other portions of the wing. By considering the magnitude,
direction, and location of each of these small forces, it is possible to add them all together into
one resultant force. This resultant force has magnitude, direction, and location with respect to the
The resultant force on an aerofoil flying at a specified speed and angle of attack can be shown as a
single entity possessing both magnitude and direction. It is also possible to break the resultant
down into two major components (lift and drag), with magnitudes in two directions. In
aerodynamics these forces are discussed as having directions perpendicular and parallel to the
relative airflow. The component of the resultant force which acts perpendicular to the relative
airflow is lift. The component of the resultant force which acts parallel to the relative airflow is
called drag. The resultant forces are broken down into separate component forces. (Figure 8)
Recall that in straight and level flight at a constant air speed, Lift = Weight and Thrust = Drag.
• To accelerate or climb, thrust must be added to change the equilibrium;
• To descend, thrust is reduced.

Figure 8 Four Forces

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Forces in a Climb
In a steady climb, thrust must balance the drag plus a portion of the weight.
• Lift is less than weight;
• Thrust is greater than drag.
To operate at the maximum angle of climb possible we need the biggest possible value of thrust
minus drag. If the thrust minus the drag is equal to the weight we have vertical climb. If thrust
minus drag is greater than the weight then the aircraft will be in an accelerating rather than steady
As the climbing angle increases, lift proportionally decreases (w cos θ), therefore more thrust is
required. (Figure 9)

Figure 9 Increasing thrust to climb

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Forces in a Descent
In a powered descent, thrust may be reduced as gravity supplies some of the energy.
• Lift is less than weight;
• Drag is balanced by the reduced thrust and a part of the weight.
As the aeroplane descends, weight is once again greater than lift and thrust is reduced to allow
gravity to pull the aircraft towards the Earth. (Figure 10)

Figure 10 Decreasing thrust to descend

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In a glide there is no thrust, and the pilot adopts the descent angle that gives the best lift to drag
ratio (L/D) or the lowest rate of descent. The best gliding distance is achieved when L/D is
maximised. However the longest flight time is achieved by minimising the rate of descent. This
generally occurs at higher angle of attack and lower glide speed than would produce the best L/D
ratio. The best gliding speed occurs when L/D is maximised. This also corresponds to the speed at
which the total drag is minimised. Gliding at a speed greater than the best glide speed will cause
the parasitic drag to increase. Similarly, gliding at a speed less than the best glide speed will cause
the induced drag to increase. The glide ratio is expressed as the ratio of the horizontal distance
travelled ‘d’ to the vertical height descended ‘h’. (Figure 11)
Glide Ratio = d/h.
When gliding in still air, the glide ratio may be numerically equal to the L/D ratio. Gravity provides
all of the energy to remain flying. Lift is less than weight.

Figure 11 Forces in a Glide

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The Glide
In a glide, thrust is removed from the four forces. In a steady glide the aeroplane must be kept is a
state of equilibrium by lift, drag and weight.
Lift and drag must be exactly opposite to the weight.
• Lift is at right angles to the glide path;
• Drag acts rearwards, parallel to the glide path.
If an aeroplane is to glide as far as possible, the Angle of Attack (AoA) during the glide must
produce the maximum lift/drag ratio (L/D). If the pilot attempts to glide at an AoA greater or less
than the best L/D ratio, the glide path will be steeper. The pilot has to maintain the best L/D ratio.
There is no way that the pilot can extend the glide beyond the best L/D ratio. (Figure 12)

Figure 12 Glide L/D Ratio

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Glide Angle
If a glider is in a steady (constant velocity and no acceleration) descent, it loses altitude as it
travels. The glider's flight path is a simple straight line, shown as the inclined line in the figure.
The flight path intersects the ground at an angle ‘a’, called the glide angle. If we know the
distance flown and the altitude change, we can calculate the glide angle using trigonometry.
The tangent (tan) of the glide angle ‘a’ is equal to the change in height ‘h’ divided by the distance
flown ‘d’:
tan(a) = h / d

Figure 13 Glide Angle


Centrifugal Force and Centripetal Force

Everyone is familiar with the fact that a weight attached to the end of a cord and spun around
(Figure 14) will produce a force tending to cause the weight to fly outward from the centre of the
circle. This outward pull is called centrifugal force. There is an equal and opposite force pulling
the weight inward and preventing it from flying outward; this is called centripetal force.
From Newton’s first law of motion we know that a body in motion tends to continue in motion in a
straight line. Hence, when we cause a body to move in a circular path, a continuous force must be
applied to keep the body in the circular path. This is centripetal force.

Figure 14 Centrifugal Force and Centripetal Force

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Turning Flight
Before an aeroplane turns it must overcome inertia; the tendency to continue in a straight line.
The necessary turning force is created by banking the aeroplane so that the direction of lift is
inclined. Now, one component of lift still acts vertically to oppose weight, just as it did in straight-
and-level flight, while another acts horizontally.
To maintain altitude, lift must be increased by increasing back pressure and, therefore, the angle
of attack, until the vertical component of lift equals weight.
The horizontal component of lift, called centripetal force, is directed inward, toward the centre of
rotation. It is this centre-seeking force which causes the aeroplane to turn. Centripetal force is
opposed by centrifugal force, which acts outward from the centre of rotation. When the opposing
forces are balanced, the aeroplane maintains a constant rate of turn, without gaining or losing
altitude. Refer to Figure 15

Figure 15 Turning Flight

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In normal flight and in a correct bank the airflow will come from straight ahead (neglecting any
local effects from the propeller slip-stream). If the bank is too great, the aeroplane will sideslip
inwards and the aeroplane, and pilot if in an open cockpit, will feel the airflow coming from the
inside of the turn. (Figure 16)

Figure 16 Sideslip

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In an aeroplane, there is no such thing as a flat turn. If the bank is too small, the aeroplane will
skid outward caused by the centrifugal force generated in the turn. The pilot will feel the airflow
come from the outside of the turn. (Figure 17)

Figure 17 Skidding

Balanced Turn
During a correct bank the pilot will sit without any feeling of sliding either inwards or outwards. In
fact, the pilot will be sitting tighter on the seat than ever, his/her effective weight being magnified
in the same proportions as the lift. If the pilot weighs 70kg in normal flight, that 70kg will feel like
700 kg when banking at 84½ degrees. The relative airflow will be coming head-on. (Figure 18)

Figure 18 Balanced Turn

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Wing Loading
Wing loading is the all-up-weight (AUW) of the aircraft divided by the wing area, i.e. the amount of
the total weight carried by unit area of the wing. It is usually given in pounds per square foot
(lb/ft2), or kilograms (kg) per square metre (kg/m2).
An aeroplane with a lower wing loading will have a lower minimum speed than one with a high
wing loading. A ‘light aircraft’ may have a high wing loading and therefore a high landing speed.
Wing loading is determined by weight relative to wing area. Wing loading is an important factor in
determining the minimum speed at which the aircraft can fly without stalling.
An aeroplane with a lower wing loading will have a lower stalling speed. An aeroplane with a
higher wing loading will have a higher stalling speed. As more weight is added to the aircraft, e.g.
passengers and baggage, its wing loading, minimum speed and stalling speed will increase. (Figure

Figure 19 Wing Loading

Load Factor
Load factor is the ratio of load imposed on an aircraft structure to the weight of the structure
itself. Some aircraft are fitted with a vertical accelerometer that measures the imposed load factor
during flight. Load factor is expressed in terms of g (gravity units), e.g. 2g is a load that is twice the
weight of the aircraft.
Load factor can be expressed as:
n = imposed load/aircraft weight
n = Load Factor
In straight and level flight, the load imposed on the airframe is equal to aircraft weight – thus,
Load Factor = 1g

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The load factor in a normal turn is greater than 1g. A load factor greater than 1g also occurs when
pulling up from a dive. A load factor less than 1g (including a negative load factor) is possible
during certain manoeuvres and during turbulence. The designer must ensure that the aircraft
structure is strong enough to withstand load factors greater than +1g and also negative load
As an aircraft banks into a turn – the lift vector tilts in the direction of the turn and away from
vertical, and the pilot must compensate for the tilt by using the elevator to increase lift and match
it to load factor. As the lift vector tilts, a horizontal component of lift appears. The horizontal
component is the centripetal force that enables the aircraft to turn against the equal-and-opposite
centrifugal force of the turn. The vertical component of lift is equal to aircraft weight - this
prevents the aircraft from losing altitude while turning.

Figure 20 Vertical and Horizontal Components of Lift in a Turn

During the turn - the load imposed on the airframe is equal-and-opposite to the increased overall
lift vector. The imposed load is greater than aircraft weight. Therefore, load factor in a turn is
greater than one.
There is a linked increase in lift and imposed load as the bank angle of the turn increases. These
increases are due to the need to oppose the centrifugal force of the turn. Load factor can be
calculated from turn bank angle – see formula below.
n = 1/Cos θ
n = Load Factor
θ = bank angle
e.g. The Cosine of a 60o bank is 0.5. Therefore; the load factor is 2g
Note: this formula only is valid for bank angle in a coordinated turn, i.e. it is not relevant to rolling
in a slide-slip.

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The Effect of Load Factor on Stall Speed
The safety margin above stall becomes narrower during a turn because of the increased load
factor. The increased angle of attack through the turn means that the aircraft is flying closer to the
angle of attack at which it stalls.
There is also a narrower margin between the actual speed of the aircraft through the turn and the
speed at which the aircraft would stall, if the pilot fails to maintain airspeed. An aircraft is usually
flown at a constant speed through a turn, but the speed at which it would stall increases by an
amount proportionate to the square root of the load factor:
Stall speed = √n x VS
n = Load Factor
VS = Stall speed in straight and level flight

The table below applies to an aeroplane that stalls at 60 knots in straight and level flight. The table
shows load factor and stalling speeds in turns through a range of bank angles:

Bank angle (θ) Load factor (n=1/Cos θ) Square root of Load Factor (√n) Stall speed (√n x Vs)
0o 1g 1 60 Kts
30o 1.15g 1.07 64 Kts
45o 1.4g 1.19 71 Kts
60o 2g 1.41 85 Kts
70o 2.9g 1.71 103 Kts
75.5 o 4g 2 120 Kts

Note: Stall speed rises in proportion to the square root of the wing loading, e.g. a 4g turn (or pull-
up manoeuvre) will double the stall speed.

Figure 21 High g Turn

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Load Factor Limits
As load factor increases, the stress on the airframe increases. All aircraft will have a specified g
limit to avoid structural damage. Certification standards set minimum standards of airframe
strength. Most transport aircraft must have a positive load factor limit of +2.5g and a negative
limit of -1g.
Some aircraft are designed to reach their critical angle of attack and stall before reaching a
dangerous load factor. The regulations may permit such an aircraft to operate with a lower g limit.

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Trailing edge flaps are designed to increase the lift of the wing (Lift Augmentation) and decrease
the stall speed. This allows the aeroplane to fly at reduced speed while maintaining sufficient
One method of lift augmentation is altering the effective shape of the aerofoil by movable trailing
edge flaps. (Figure 22)

Figure 22 Changing Shape of Aerofoil

The ability to fly slowly is particularly important during the approach and landing phases. For
example, an approach with full flaps allows the aircraft to fly slowly and at a fairly steep descent
angle without gaining airspeed. (Figure 23)
This allows for touch down at a slower speed.

Figure 23 Full Flaps Approach

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Lift Augmentation - Slots
A stall occurs when the angle of attack becomes so great that the energy in the air flowing over
the wing can no longer pull air down to the surface. The boundary layer thickens and becomes
turbulent, and airflow separates from the surface. This separation can be delayed until a higher
angle of attack by increasing the energy of air flowing over the surface.
One way to do this is by installing a slot in the leading edge of the wing. (Figure 24) This slot is
simply a duct for air to flow from below the wing to the top. Once there, it is directed over the
surface in a high-velocity stream. Slots are typically placed ahead of the aileron to keep the outer
portion of the wing flying after the root has stalled. This maintains aileron effectiveness and
provides lateral control during most of the stall.

Figure 24 Slot

Lift Augmentation – Slats

A slot in the leading edge of the wing is a fixed duct and is not necessary at all angles of attack. A
slat extends to form a slot. (Figure 25)

Figure 25 Slat

Some slats can be automatically deployed at a predetermined angle of attack; other types can be
mechanically deployed by the pilot when needed.
Slots and slats can be placed ahead of the aileron to keep the outer section of the wing flying after
the root section of the wing has stalled.

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The graph below (Figure 26) shows how CL is affected by:
• Trailing-edge flaps;
• Leading-edge slat;
• Flaps and leading-edge slat.

Figure 26 The effect of flaps and slats on CL

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TOPIC 8.4:
Table of Contents

Aircraft Stability .............................................................................................................. 2

Static Stability ............................................................................................................. 2
Positive Static Stability ................................................................................................ 3
Negative Static Stability ............................................................................................... 3
Neutral Static Stability ................................................................................................. 3
Dynamic Stability ........................................................................................................ 4
Aeroplane Axes ............................................................................................................... 5
Longitudinal Axis – Lateral Stability ............................................................................. 5
Lateral Axis – Longitudinal Stability ............................................................................. 6
Longitudinal Stability................................................................................................... 6
Vertical Axis – Directional Stability .............................................................................. 7
Directional Stability Sideslip or Yawing ........................................................................ 8
Directional Stability and Asymmetric Power ................................................................. 8
Lateral Stability and Dihedral ...................................................................................... 9
The Pendulum Effect.................................................................................................. 10
Longitudinal Dihedral ................................................................................................ 10
Anhedral .................................................................................................................... 11
Directional Stability Sweptback Wings ....................................................................... 11
Sweepback and Sideslip ............................................................................................. 12
Torque Effect ............................................................................................................. 12
Ground Effect ............................................................................................................ 13
Oscillatory Instability ................................................................................................. 14
Dutch Roll ................................................................................................................. 14
Spiral Instability ........................................................................................................ 15
Active Stability .............................................................................................................. 16

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Although no aircraft is completely stable, all aircraft must have desirable stability and
handling characteristics. This quality is essential throughout a wide range of flight
conditions; during climbs, descents, turns, and at both high and low airspeeds.
The stability of an aeroplane means its ability to return to some particular condition of
flight (after having been slightly disturbed from that condition) without any effort on the
part of the pilot.
An aeroplane may be stable under some conditions of flight and unstable under other
conditions. For example, an aeroplane may be stable during straight and level flight and
unstable when inverted, and vice-versa. If an aeroplane is stable in a nose dive, it would
mean that it would resist efforts on the part of the pilot to return it to straight and level
flight. This stability is sometimes called ‘inherent stability’.
Stability should not be confused with the balance or ‘trim’ of an aircraft. An aeroplane
which flies with one wing lower than the other may, when disturbed from this attitude,
return to it. This aeroplane is out of proper trim, but it is not unstable.
Aerodynamic stability is somewhat different from other types of mechanical stability in
that a stable aircraft does not necessarily try to keep its wings level with respect to the
earth, nor does it even try to keep its nose level with the horizon. It is not stable in its
attitude, with respect to the earth, but it is stable with regard to its relative airflow. A
stable aeroplane will return to the angle of attack for which it is trimmed any time it is
disturbed from this angle.

Static Stability
There are three types of static stability:
• Positive
• Negative
• Neutral
Static stability is the initial tendency that an object displays after its equilibrium is
disrupted. An aeroplane with positive static stability tends to return to its original
attitude after displacement. A tendency to move farther away from the original attitude
following a disturbance is negative static stability. If an aeroplane tends to remain in its
displaced attitude, it has neutral static stability.
Static stability may also be termed as ‘Passive Stability’ where no active control is needed
by the pilot or device to maintain aircraft stability.

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Positive Static Stability
Positive static stability is the tendency of an aeroplane to return to its original attitude
after displacement. (Figure 1)

Figure 1 Positive Static Stability

Negative Static Stability

Negative static stability is the tendency to move farther away from the original attitude
following a disturbance. (Refer Figure 2)

Figure 2 Negative Static Stability

Neutral Static Stability

If an aeroplane tends to remain in its displaced attitude, it has neutral static stability.
(Refer Figure 3)

Figure 3 Neutral Static Stability

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Dynamic Stability
Dynamic stability describes the time required for an aeroplane to respond to its static
stability. It is determined by its tendency to oscillate and damp out successive
oscillations after the initial displacement.
Although an aeroplane may have positive static stability, it could have positive, negative,
or neutral dynamic stability.
If the tendency of an aeroplane is to return to the original attitude directly, or through a
series of decreasing oscillations, it exhibits positive dynamic stability. With oscillations
increasing in magnitude as time progresses, the plane would exhibit negative dynamic
stability. The aeroplane would exhibit neutral dynamic stability if it attempts to return
to its original state of equilibrium, and the oscillations would neither increase nor
decrease in magnitude as time passes. (Refer Figure 4)

Figure 4 Dynamic Stability

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An aircraft in flight is free to rotate about three axes. They are:
• Longitudinal Axis
• Lateral Axis
• Vertical (or Normal) Axis
The pilot controls the rotation of the aircraft about each axis. The three axes pass
through a common reference point called the centre of gravity (CG), which is the
theoretical point where the entire weight of the aircraft is considered to be concentrated.
(Figure 5)

Figure 5 Centre of Gravity (CG)

Longitudinal Axis – Lateral Stability

Motion about a longitudinal (fore and aft) axis is a lateral, or rolling motion. The
tendency to return to the original attitude from such motion is called lateral stability.
(Figure 6)
The lateral stability of an aeroplane involves consideration of rolling moments due to
sideslip. A sideslip tends to produce both a rolling and a yawing motion. If an aeroplane
has a favourable rolling moment, a sideslip will tend to return the aeroplane to a level
flight attitude.

Figure 6 Lateral Stability

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Lateral Axis – Longitudinal Stability
When an aeroplane has a tendency to keep a constant angle of attack with reference to
the relative airflow, that is, when it does not tend to put its nose down and dive or lift its
nose and stall - it is said to have longitudinal stability. Longitudinal stability refers to
motion in pitch. The horizontal stabiliser is the primary surface which controls
longitudinal stability. The action of the stabiliser depends upon the speed and angle of
attack of the aircraft. (Figure 7)
If the aircraft changes its angle of attack, a change in lift takes place at the aerodynamic
centre (centre of pressure) of the horizontal stabiliser.
Under certain conditions of speed, load, and angle of attack, the flow of air over the
horizontal stabiliser creates a force which pushes the tail up or down. When conditions
are such that the airflow creates equal forces up and down, the forces are said to be in
equilibrium. This condition is usually found in level flight in calm air.

Figure 7 Longitudinal Stability

Longitudinal Stability
Longitudinal, or pitch stability of an aircraft determines its ability to be trimmed to fly
hands-off at any airspeed, or recover from a disturbance in pitch.
Because the wing’s centre of lift is behind the centre of gravity, the wing produces a
nose-down pitching moment. This pitching moment is counteracted by a down load
produced by the horizontal tail surface.
Elevator trim can be adjusted by the pilot to produce the required down load at any
speed or attitude, thereby balancing the aeroplane so that it will maintain the desired
flight path.
The stabiliser produces a similar force to counteract any disturbance in pitch. The
distance from CG to the tail is vital. (Figure 8)

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Figure 8 Stabilising forces

Vertical Axis – Directional Stability

The vertical axis is a straight line passing through the CG at right angles to the
longitudinal and lateral axes. (Figure 9)

Figure 9 Directional stability

Stability about the vertical axis is referred to as directional stability. An aircraft should
be designed so that when it is in straight and level flight it remains on course even when
the pilot takes his/her hands and feet off the controls. If an aircraft recovers
automatically from a skid, it has been well designed and possesses good directional
balance. The vertical stabiliser is the primary surface which controls directional
When an aircraft is in a sideslip or yawing, the vertical tail experiences a change in angle
of attack with a resulting change in lift (not to be confused with the lift created by the
wing). The change in this lift, or side force, on the vertical tail creates a yawing moment
about the centre of gravity which tends to return the aircraft to its original flight path.
Sweptback wings aid in directional stability. If the aircraft yaws from its direction of
flight, the wing which is farther ahead offers more drag than the wing which is aft. The
effect of this drag is to hold back the wing which is farther ahead, and to let the other
wing catch up.
Directional stability is also aided by using a large dorsal fin and a long fuselage.

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Directional Stability Sideslip or Yawing
The side force on the vertical tail creates a yawing moment which tends to return the
aircraft to its original flight path. On the other hand, if the pressure ahead of the CG is
greater the aeroplane will turn farther off its course. (Figure 10)
The turning moment is most important, not the actual pressure. It is not only how large
the side surface is, but also its distance from the CG. For example, a small vertical
stabiliser at the end of a long fuselage may be just as effective as a large vertical
stabiliser at the end of a short fuselage. All side surfaces of an aeroplane, including
wings with dihedral, affect directional stability.

Figure 10 Directional Stability Sideslip or Yawing

Directional Stability and Asymmetric Power

The design of a multiengine aeroplane must account for the possibility of an engine
failure at low airspeed. The unbalance of thrust from a condition of unsymmetrical
power produces a yawing moment dependent upon the thrust unbalance and the lever
arm of the force.
The deflection of the rudder will create a side force on the tail and produces an opposite
yawing moment to balance the yawing moment caused by the unbalance of thrust. Since
the yawing moment coefficient from the unbalance of thrust will be greatest at low speed,
the critical requirement will be at a low speed with the one critical engine inoperative and
the remaining engines at maximum power.
Figure 11compares the yawing moment coefficient for maximum rudder deflection with
the yawing moment coefficient for the unbalance of thrust. The intersection of the two
lines determines the minimum speed for directional control, i.e. the lowest speed at
which the rudder control moment can equal the moment of unbalanced thrust.

Figure 11 Asymmetric Power

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It is usually specified that the minimum directional control speed be no greater than 1.2
times the stall speed of the aeroplane in the lightest practical take off configuration. This
will provide adequate directional control for the remaining conditions of flight.

Lateral Stability and Dihedral

Dihedral is the positive acute angle between the wing and the lateral axis of the
aeroplane. This angle is considerable larger on a low wing aeroplane than on mid or high
wing models. (Figure 12)

Figure 12 Dihedral Lateral Stability and Dihedral

The principal surface contributing to the lateral stability of an aeroplane is the wing. The
effect of the geometric dihedral of a wing is a powerful contribution to lateral stability. A
wing with dihedral develops stable rolling moments with sideslip. With the relative
airflow from the side, the wing into the airflow is subject to an increase in angle of attack
and develops an increase in lift. The wing away from the airflow is subject to a decrease
in angle of attack and develops less lift. The changes in lift effect a rolling moment
tending to raise the wing that is into the airflow. (Figure 13)

Figure 13 Directional Stability and Dihedral

The amount of effective dihedral necessary to produce satisfactory flying qualities varies
greatly with the type and purpose of the aircraft. Generally, effective dihedral is kept
low, since high roll due to sideslip can create problems.
Excessive dihedral effect can lead to dutch roll, difficult rudder coordination in rolling
manoeuvres, or place extreme demands for lateral control power during crosswind take -
off and landing.

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The Pendulum Effect
The pendulum effect caused by the fuselage, and hence the centre of gravity, being below
the centre of lift on a high wing aeroplane, provides a righting action when the aeroplane
rolls. The need for a steep dihedral angle is not as great as it is on a low wing aeroplane,
whose centre of gravity is above its centre of lift.
On a high wing aircraft if one wing drops, the pendulum effect has a greater influence in
restoring straight and level flight than any increase or decrease in angle of attack which
occurs on low wing aircraft with a higher dihedral (discussed on the previous page).

Figure 14 The Pendulum Effect

Longitudinal Dihedral
The horizontal stabiliser is usually set at an angle less than that of the wings. The angle
between the chord of the horizontal stabiliser and the chord of the wings is known as
longitudinal dihedral.
Longitudinal dihedral is a practical characteristic of most types of aeroplanes. It is really
the angle of attack; the actual angle at which the horizontal stabiliser strikes the airflow
which matters. We must not, therefore, forget the downwash from the wings. This
downwash, if the horizontal stabiliser is in the stream, will cause the actual angle of
attack to be less than the angle at which the horizontal stabiliser is set. (Figure 15).

Figure 15 Longitudinal Dihedral

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For rigging purposes the dihedral angle is taken as being the angle between each wing
and the horizontal, not the total angle between the two wings, which is really the
geometrical meaning of a dihedral angle.
If the planes are inclined upwards towards the wing tips, the dihedral is positive; if
downwards, it is negative and sometimes called anhedral. (Figure 16)
Many aircraft with high-mounted swept wings utilise significant amounts of anhedral.
This is primarily used to counteract the dutch roll tendency, a form of instability
involving coupled roll and yaw motions.

Figure 16: Anhedral

Directional Stability Sweptback Wings

Sweptback wings aid in directional stability. If the aircraft yaws from its direction of
flight, the wing which is farther ahead offers more drag than the wing which is aft. The
effect of this drag is to hold back the wing which is farther ahead, and to let the other
wing catch up. (Figure 17)

Figure 17 Directional Stability Sweptback Wings

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Sweepback and Sideslip
When a wing is swept back, the effective dihedral increases rapidly with a change in the
lift coefficient of the wing. Sweepback is the angle between a line perpendicular to the
fuselage centre line and the quarter chord of each wing aerofoil section. Sweepback in
combination with dihedral causes the dihedral effect to be excessive. The swept-wing
aircraft in a sideslip has the wing that is into the wind operating with an effective
decrease in sweepback, while the wing out of the wind is operating with an effective
increase in sweepback. The wing into the wind develops more lift, and the wing out of
the wind develops less. This tends to restore the aircraft to a level flight attitude. (Refer
Figure 18)

Figure 18 Sweepback and Sideslip

Torque Effect
There is a tendency for an aircraft to rotate in the opposite direction to the propeller.
(Refer Figure 19)

Figure 19 Torque Effect

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One method of counteracting this tendency involves the use of ‘washout’ on one wing
(decreasing angle of incidence on the wing that tends to rise) and ‘washin’ on the other
wing. (Figure 20)
The difference in lift between wings causes a rolling moment opposing the torque

Figure 20 Counteracting Torque Effect

Ground Effect
There is tendency for an aircraft to ‘float’ when close to the ground during landing.
The effects of the downwash and air trapped between the under surface of the wing and
ground causes a cushion effect.
This cushion effect; which reduces the stalling speed of the aeroplane, is affected by
several factors including:
• Wing area;
• Height above the ground;
• Wing loading.
(Figure 21)

Figure 21 Ground Effect

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Oscillatory Instability
Oscillatory instability is commonly found to a varying degree in combinations of high
wing loading, sweepback (particularly at low Indicated Air Speed), and high altitude.
Oscillatory instability is characterised by a combined rolling and yawing movement, or
wallowing motion.
When the rolling predominates the motion is called ‘Dutch roll’; when the yawing motion
is predominant it is known as ‘snaking’.
When the aircraft is disturbed laterally the subsequent motion may be either of the two
extremes; but in both distances the aircraft is unwilling to settle down. This can merely
be unpleasant or possibly dangerous under instrument conditions. The aerodynamic
causes of oscillatory instability are complex but are broadly concerned with the amount
of dihedral and the keel surface (the size of the fin and rudder). The greater the dihedral
and the larger the fin, the greater the tendency towards this form of instability.

Dutch Roll
The effect of dihedral is to roll the aeroplane in the direction opposite that it is slipping,
and the vertical fin will try to yaw the aeroplane in the direction of the slip. Both of these
forces affect the lateral and directional stability of an aeroplane.
If the dihedral effect is greater than that of the fin, the aeroplane will have a tendency to
Dutch roll in flight.
If the vertical fin produces a greater aerodynamic force than the dihedral, the aeroplane
may be spirally unstable. The tail will yaw the nose of the aeroplane into the relative
airflow when a wing drops, and the dihedral effect will not be strong enough to roll it
back to straight and level flight. (Figure 22)

Figure 22 Dutch Roll

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Spiral Instability
Spiral Instability is a result of negative static stability in roll and yaw. The tail will yaw
the nose of the aeroplane into the relative airflow when a wing drops.
If the dihedral effect is not strong enough to roll it back to straight and level flight the
aeroplane will continues to roll and yaw and spirals into a dive.
Do not confuse the spiral dive with a spin, in which the aircraft has stalled, and then
yawed while the airflow has separated. (Figure 23)

Figure 23 Spinning

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Modern high speed, high altitude aircraft are designed to be aerodynamically unstable.
They rely upon active stability control systems to enable the pilot to fly them.
These aircraft are inherently unstable. At subsonic speeds their centre of pressure (lift)
may be ahead of their centre of gravity. Active control is applied to the three axes
through digital flight control systems. (Figure 24)

Figure 24 Aircraft with Active Stability

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