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Ain Shams University

Faculty of Engineering
Communications Systems Engineering Program
Spring 2023 – ECE455 Selected Topics in Signals and Communication Systems

Sheet (1)
1) Consider the set of empirical measurements of 𝑃𝑟 / 𝑃𝑡 given in the below table for an
indoor system at 900 MHz.

Distance from transmitter 𝑃𝑟 / 𝑃𝑡

10 m -70 dB
50 m -90 dB
100 m -110 dB

a. Find the path-loss exponent γ that minimizes the MSE between the simplified
model and the empirical dB power measurements, assuming that 𝑑𝑜 = 1 m.

b. Find the received power at 150 m for the simplified path-loss model with your
calculated path-loss exponent of part (a) and transmit power of 1 mW.

2) Four received power measurements were taken at distances of 100m, 200m, 1 km

and 2km from a transmitter. The measured values at these distances are 0dBm, -25
dBm, -35 dBm and -38 dBm respectively. It is assumed that the path loss for these
measurements as follows the model

Where 𝑑𝑜 = 100m
a. Find the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimate for the path loss
exponent n.
b. Calculate the standard deviation of shadowing about the mean value.
c. Estimate the received power at d = 2 km using the resulting model.
d. Predict the likelihood that the received signal level at 2 km will be greater than -
35 dBm (Express your answer as a Q-function).

3) Under what conditions is the simplified path loss model the same as the free space
path loss model.
Ain Shams University
Faculty of Engineering
Communications Systems Engineering Program
Spring 2023 – ECE455 Selected Topics in Signals and Communication Systems

4) In this problem we will explore the impact of different log-normal shadowing

parameters on outage probability. Consider a cellular system where the received
signal power is distributed according to a log-normal distribution with mean μ dB
and standard deviation in dB. Assume the received signal power must be above 10
dBm for acceptable performance.
a. Find the outage probability when the log-normal distribution has μ = 15dB and
standard deviation = 8dB
b. For standard deviation = 4dB, what value of μ is required such that the outage
probability is less than 1% ?

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