Introduction To Linguistics

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Articulatory – the movement of the vocal organs (e.g., tongue, lips, vocal cords) during speech

Acoustic – analyzes the physical properties of sound waves, such as frequency, amplitude, and

Auditory – how the human ear perceives and interprets sound waves.

MORPHOLOGY – study of words

- smaller meaningful units = morphemes.


Root – “run” in “runner” carries the core meaning of “movement”.

Prefix – “un-” in “unhappy” negates the root “happy”.

Suffix – “er-”


 The root “take” has different forms: “took”, “taken,” “taking.”

SYNTAX - study of sentence construction (rules and patterns, word order, grammatical markers, and
sentence types)


GENERATIVE GRAMMAR – focuses on structure, correcting (base on grammar rules)

- dynamic process


 Exposure
 Hypothesis
 Testing and refinement
FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTIC – goals, objectives (focus is communicative function) (INCOMPLETE)


 Language adaptation to context

 Meaning
 Use
 Conciseness and informality
 Shared knowledge and context
 Politeness and indirectness

COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS – mind, language, connection(mental processes)

- Mind-language connection


 Embodied understanding
 Blending
 Mental spaces
 Non-linguistic cues

DISCOURSE ANALYSIS – meaning construction, coherence, empowered dynamics

- Language beyond sentence, communication in specific contexts


 Focus on context
 Beyond sentences
 Power and dynamics
 Variety of tools
 Real-world applications
CORPUS LINGUISTICS(TENET – technical term of characteristics) – Large-scale patterns, usage
trends, evolution

- Data-driven analysis of real-world language


 Data-driven approach
o Building corpus
o Text pre-processing
o Keyword analysis
o Frequency and distribution
o Deeper analysis
o Impact and Applications
 Objectivity
o Large scale data
o Systematic methods
o Focus on patterns
 Evidence
o Concrete statistics
o Comparative Analysis
o Uncovering hidden biases

CRITICAL LINGUISTICS – Language and power dynamics, language representation, marginalization,

dominant ideologies.

- Social justice, media analysis

- Uncovering biases in language use


 Language is not neutral

 Focus on power and dominance
 Unpacking hidden ideologies
 Context is Crucial
 Transformative

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