Pregenerated Character Fantaghira 2.1

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Miraculist (Cleric)

Sylvan Rambler
Sister Fantaghira

24 +2
14 +2
17 +2 / 9m +2
3d8 +2 +2
I am imperturbable, I follow serendipity.
+2 -1
14 +0
Live and let die. The affairs of others are rarely my -1
business. (Neutral)
-1 -1
A love I could not have is the main reason I left my -1
Some Miraculists spend their entire existence
home in cathedrals, public squares, and noble courts. 8 +1
Unlike most of her race members, she's a firm +5
believer of the Creed and a pure devotee. +0
I love philosophy and religion, but I sometimes get Yet, she remains a country healer, who loves +0
trapped by them. to talk to animals, take care of suffering cattle +3 +1
and sleep among medicinal herbs and plants, +2
whose properties she registers in her recipe
16 +2
book. Usually, she stays away from villages, she +5
rather limits her contacts with civilization to
the bare minimum, and her greatest friends are
Romualda, a faithful mule, and a small family
of dormice that lives between the folds of her +0
clothes and saddlebags.
"Better ceilingless than Countess”

Quarterstaff +4 1d6+2

23 GP 5 10 4
+5 13
WIS 13 +5
Cleric Blindness/Deafness

Light Bless
Sacred Flame Command
Spare the Dying Cure Wounds
Guiding Bolt

Spellcasting, Racial Traits:

3 Divine Domain (Calendar Saints) Sylvan Brawler. During a Brawl, you ignore the
Channel Divinity (1/rest), negative effects of the first two Whack Levels
Divine Domain feature
Sacrum. .As an action, make an attack (Strength) to deal 1 Sylvan Camouflage. You can attempt to hide even when
Whack and the target is prone. On a successful hit, you can A Saint for every occasion. you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling
Starting from the 1st level, you can invoke the help of snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
push the creature away from you.
a Saint. When you fail a roll or when you are hit by
Bouncer. As a reaction, when you’re successfully hit by an an attack, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the
attack, you can make an attack roll (Strenght) and if you number rolled or to you AC, as a reaction. You can use
hit, the target is stunned. this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended
Diving Drop Move. As an action, make an uses when you finish a long rest.
attack roll (Constitution) to deals 1 Whack and
the target is paralyzed. The diving character
takes 1 Whack and is prone..

Banners contempt, outrage against public decency, Calendar’s sacred symbol,

unauthorized sermon. Chain shirt,
Explorer’s kit,

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