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comments and controversies

Performance Status in Cancer: Not Broken, But

Time for an Upgrade?
Jessica M. Scott, PhD1,2; Guro Stene, PhD3,4; Elisabeth Edvardsen, PhD5; and Lee W. Jones, PhD1,2

BACKGROUND assessment of therapeutic efficacy to eligibility (ie, KPS

Considerable advances in early detection and com- # 60 or ECOG $ 2 ineligible)10-13 and stratification (ie,
bination therapy during the past 70 years1 have more homogenous subgroups).14-16 Both the KPS and
contributed to significant cancer-specific survival ECOG scales are strong independent predictors of
gains, with an estimated 17 million individuals cur- clinical outcome in numerous oncology populations.17-19
rently living with a history of cancer in the United They are also inexpensive and feasible to implement in
States, a number expected to reach 26 million by the all oncology clinical settings. Consequently, the KPS
year 2040.2 The financial investment to achieve such and ECOG scales, and therefore the assessment of PS,
progress, of course, has been enormous. 3,4 In- remain integral tools in contemporary practice in-
triguingly, despite the increasing sophistication and corporated into virtually every clinical visit across the
cost of contemporary cancer care,5,6 evaluation of entire cancer care continuum.
patient performance status (PS)—an integral aspect
of treatment selection, toxicity monitoring, and clinical KPS AND ECOG: ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT
trial eligibility—has remained essentially unchanged The demonstrated clinical value of KPS and ECOG
since 1948.7 In this commentary, we provide a historical directly contradicts why one would advocate for their
overview and critical evaluation of PS assessment in replacement. Nevertheless, closer inspection of the
oncology. We also discuss alternative approaches to PS KPS and ECOG scales reveal significant limitations.
assessment that may improve prognostication and risk First, these scales are clinician based and therefore
stratification in research and clinical practice. subjective, with poor reliability and validity. 20 In
a meta-analysis of 15 studies representing 2,808
PS SCALES: 72 YEARS AND COUNTING patients, agreement between clinicians on KPS/ECOG
In 1948, Karnofsky and colleagues7 used three criteria scores was deemed moderate (Pearson correlation
to evaluate nitrogen mustard efficacy in lung cancer: coefficients, 0.71 to 0.78).21 In addition, patient and
objective improvement (eg, decrease in lesion size), clinician PS scores have low agreement,22 with up to
subjective improvement (eg, patient-reported symp- 50% of patient-reported functional limitations missed
toms), and PS (ie, patients’ ability to participate in by clinicians23 and adverse PS change (ie, KPS , 60)
activities of daily life). Evaluation of PS was stan- reported approximately 15 months earlier by patients
dardized using a physician-rated scale, now known as than clinicians.24 Misclassification of PS has obvious
Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), ranging from implications for clinical trial eligibility as well as
0 (dead) to 100 (well functioning) with 10-point in- planned best practice therapy, with some patients
crements.7 The simpler 6-point Eastern Cooperative classified as having sufficient PS to tolerate therapy but
Oncology Group (ECOG) PS scale (0 [fully active] to having nascent impairment, and conversely, another
Author affiliations 5 [dead]) was introduced by Zubrod and colleagues8 proportion classified as having insufficient PS yet with
and support in 1960 as one of 15 standardized assessments for all considerable reserve capacity and able to tolerate
information (if therapy.25-27 Second, poor KPS and ECOG scores are
ECOG multicenter clinical trials. The intended purpose
applicable) appear
of the ECOG PS scale was to evaluate patient reaction strong predictors of prognosis,17-19 which is not sur-
at the end of this
article. to chemotherapy, along with patient-reported pain, prising when impairment is obvious; however, the
Accepted on May 22, nausea, and appetite.8 Both clinician-administered prognostic value in patients with good PS is limited. A
2020 and published at scales were used primarily to evaluate therapeutic meta-analysis of 66 phase II and III randomized efficacy until 1973, when Zelen concluded that failure controlled trials (n 5 44,511 patients with ECOG 0-2)18
jco on June 25, 2020:
to consider PS in clinical trial eligibility “will introduce found no differences in clinical outcomes between
so much variability and bias into the trial that real patients with either ECOG scores of 0, 1, or 2, sug-
differences between therapies are likely to be missed gesting that ECOG provides essentially no additional
© 2020 by American
Society of Clinical altogether.”9(p34) As a result, subsequent use of prognostic information for patients with no obvious
Oncology PS scales in clinical trials transitioned from the physical impairments. Third, KPS/ECOG may have

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Performance Status in Cancer

limited use for toxicity risk stratification in the era of con- have been associated with an approximately two-fold in-
temporary practice. Use of PS scales for toxicity risk pre- creased risk of mortality. The 6-minute walk test, originally
diction is based on work in the 1980s that showed a higher developed for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,31,40
incidence of chemotherapy toxicity in patients classified is a robust predictor of mortality in respiratory and cardiac
with poor PS (ie, KPS # 60; ECOG $ 2).11,26,28 The safety diseases,31,41 whereas preliminary data in patients with
profile of current treatment regimens, however, has evolved cancer indicate a 6-minute walk test result of , 350 meters
considerably, in part because of the use of supportive predicts mortality risk, even after adjustment for KPS.42,43
polytherapy care, the safety profile of modern scheduling However, these tools fail to discriminate between patients
approaches/lower-dose combinations, and the use of who are classified with good PS44 and will likely not detect or
molecularly targeted agents.29 Indeed, a retrospective identify therapy-related toxicity.41,45
study of 16,233 patients with solid tumors receiving con-
Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), first quantified by Hill and
temporary chemotherapy regimens found negligible dif-
Lupton in 1923,46 provides an objective assessment of the
ferences in relative dose intensity between patients with
integrative capacity of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, he-
ECOG PS of 0 versus 1-3.30 Finally, KPS/ECOG scales are
matopoietic, and musculoskeletal systems to transport and
only administered during in-person clinic visits, often
use oxygen.31 The gold standard assessment of CRF is
weeks, if not months, apart; therefore, a snapshot of PS is
a cardiopulmonary exercise test coupled with automated
captured, which limits the ability to detect more subtle real-
gas exchange assessment, which provides direct quanti-
time changes of potential clinical importance.
fication of submaximal and peak oxygen consumption
Overall, given the highlighted limitations, it is somewhat (VO2peak).31 Prediction equations that are based on
remarkable that PS scales exhibit any clinical value. We achieved exercise workload can also estimate VO2peak. In
posit that the reason KPS/ECOG have widespread appli- chronic lung and cardiac conditions, CRF is considered
cability is because they provide insight into PS, a metric a clinical vital sign, with assessment recommended across
with substantial importance in clinical populations. PS all phases of clinical decision making.31,47,48 In cancer,
measurement, albeit using a variety of different assessment Reichel49 first reported in 1972 that presurgical estimated
tools, is of central importance in virtually every area of CRF was a stronger predictor of postoperative complica-
clinical disease management.31 We further suggest that tions compared with standard clinical metrics (eg, age and
more objective, discriminatory, and dynamic tools may pulmonary function) in lung cancer, concluding that CRF
actually augment the value of PS assessment in the on- “should be used routinely in the evaluation of the candidate
cology setting beyond that currently possible with KPS and for pneumonectomy.”49(p576) Subsequently, the tolerability
ECOG scales. (ie, more than 80% of patients achieve peak criteria) and
safety (ie, no exercise-related deaths and an approximate
ALTERNATIVE PS MEASURES 15% nonserious adverse event rate) of CRF was estab-
Alternative tools with which to assess PS or aspects of PS lished in a systematic review of 90 studies representing
have been explored in the oncology setting (Table 1). For approximately 5,200 patients.45 Work in lung,50,51 GI,52
instance, the geriatric assessment32 (patients age . 65 years) hepatobiliary and pancreatic,53 and hematologic malig-
and the hematopoietic cell transplantation–specific nancies54 show that CRF is an independent predictor of
comorbidity index33 (hematologic malignancies) are mul- postoperative complications and mortality.55-59 Presurgical
tiparametric tools that evaluate different PS domains (eg, CRF stratification values are defined for lung47 and co-
activities-of-daily-living questionnaire) and/or comorbidity lorectal cancer,58 with less than 15 mL O2$kg21$min21
indices (eg, cardiac disease). Preliminary data suggest that associated with an elevated risk of complications, whereas
both tools improve toxicity and survival prediction beyond less than 10 mL O2$kg21$min21 is considered to be as-
PS,32,33 leading to widespread clinical uptake, at least in sociated with a high risk of complications.47 Poor CRF is
certain oncology settings. Both tools are limited, however, also associated with a higher prevalence of acute and
as they are population specific and typically assessed at chronic treatment-related late effects55-59 and all-cause,
one time point.34 Therefore, pan-cancer assessment tools cardiovascular, and cancer mortality.60 Despite major
that provide an objective and dynamic PS evaluation must advantages, CRF requires specialized equipment and
be identified. trained personnel, likely limiting its widespread clinical
Numerous standardized tests that include counting repe-
titions or timing an activity have been developed to evaluate In summary, despite promising findings, none of the
PS in noncancer clinical populations. The Sit-to-Stand aforementioned tools is currently incorporated into rou-
Test,35 Timed-Up-and-Go test (TUG)36 and Short Physical tine clinical practice. In addition to the dearth of evidence
Performance Battery37 were developed to assess lower- that supports the clinical use of such tools, a fundamental
extremity strength, balance, and mobility in frail elderly weakness of all tools is the stark discrepancy in practi-
individuals. In patients with cancer age $ 70 years, both cality compared with the KPS/ECOG scales. There is
poor TUG test38 and Short Physical Performance Battery39 a critical need for tools that can dynamically and

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TABLE 1. Exemplar Performance Status Assessment Tools

Target Assessment Widespread
Tool Population Description Outcome Description Objective Dynamic Feasibility
KPS7 Pan-cancer Evaluation of patient physical Linear score from 0 (dead) to 100 (well No Possible Yes
functioning related to activities of functioning)
daily living
ECOG8 Pan-cancer Evaluation of patient physical Linear score from 0 (fully active) to 5 No Possible Yes
functioning related to activities of (dead)
daily living
GA32 Age Evaluation of multiple domains (eg, Linear or dichotomous scores, No Possible No
$ 65 years functional status, falls, comorbid depending on domain
conditions, cognitive status,
psychological state, nutrition)
HCT-CI33 Patients Evaluation of 17 categories of Weighted score from 0 (low risk) to 29 Yes Possible No
undergoing comorbidities (eg, cardiac, (high risk)
HCT pulmonary, psychiatric)
Sit-to-Stand35 Pan-cancer Measurement of the No. of times sitting Linear metric from , 4 (poor) to Yes Possible No
to full standing can be completed in approximately 20 (excellent)
30 seconds
TUG36 Pan-cancer Measurement of time taken to rise from Linear metric from , 12 seconds (poor) Yes Possible No
a chair, walk 3 meters, turn, walk to approximately 85 seconds
back, and sit down (excellent)
SPPB37 Pan-cancer Evaluation of multiple domains (eg, Linear score in each domain from Yes Possible No
balance, sit to stand, walking speed) 0 (poor) to 4 (excellent)
6MWT31 Pan-cancer Measurement of distance covered Linear metric from , 100 meters (poor) Yes Possible No
during 6MWT in a 100-foot hallway to approximately 700 meters
Incremental Pan-cancer Estimation or direct measurement of Linear metric from , 15 mL Yes Possible No
exercise test/ VO2peak during an 8- to 12-minute O2$kg21$min21 (poor) to . 85 mL
CPET31 exercise test on a bike or treadmill O2$kg21$min21 (endurance trained)
where the load or speed is
progressively increased
Digital Pan-cancer Measurement of PRO, mobility, and/or Metrics of mobility (eg, light, moderate, Yes Yes Possible
phenotyping71 physiologic data using digital devices vigorous activity, minutes/day) and
physiologic (eg, sleep duration,
[minutes]; heart rate, [beats/

Abbreviations: 6MWT, 6-minute walk test; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise test; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; GA, Geriatric Assessment;
HCT-CI, Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation–Specific Comorbidity Index; KPS, Karnofsky Performance Score; PRO, patient-reported outcome; SPPB, Short
Physical Performance Battery; TUG, Timed-Up-and-Go test; VO2peak, peak oxygen consumption.

objectively assess PS with the widespread feasibility of two studies in patients with advanced disease65 and those
the KPS/ECOG scales. undergoing surgical tumor resection66 indicate that lower
steps per day and total activity per day are associated with
THE DIGITAL FRONTIER increased risk of death and postsurgical complications,
Advances in health technology may provide unprece- respectively. Few studies are performing deep, dynamic
dented opportunities to improve PS assessment in cancer. phenotyping using multiparametric platforms; however,
Most previous and ongoing studies leveraging technol- the rapid expansion of consumer-grade digital mobile
ogy focus on monitoring objective mobility via wear- devices—for example, Fitbit, Apple iWatch, smartphones—
able devices. For instance, accelerometers are small, with integrated multisensory systems may offer a unique
wireless, digital devices providing objective mobility mea- opportunity for digital phenotyping. Such devices dynam-
surement (eg, steps per day and/or minutes per day of light, ically generate an abundance of unlabeled sensor data
moderate, and vigorous activity).62,63 Saint-Maurice et al64 points per day, including mobility and physiologic data,
found that, compared with less than 4,000 steps per day, such as heart rate and sleep.67-70 The feasibility of digital
more than 8,000 steps per day was associated with a lower phenotyping was recently demonstrated in work show-
risk of all-cause and cancer-specific mortality in 4,840 ing that 250,000 daily measurements in 43 individuals
apparently healthy individuals. Preliminary findings from over 11 months were used to first develop personalized,

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Performance Status in Cancer

activity-based baseline normative data, and abnormal phys- reclassification, to discern whether digital phenotyping–
iologic signals from longitudinal data were subsequently related data provide incremental value beyond the KPS/
used to identify early signs of disease.71 An ongoing pro- ECOG scales. Subsequent randomized trials that assess
spective cohort study in 2,500 patients with heart failure whether baseline/change in digital biomarkers improve
( identifier: NCT03810638) will create a current patient stratification approaches for informing
digital registry that combines patient-reported outcomes clinical decision making are needed. Data repositories
(PROs), mobility, and electronic health record data to monitor that allow for the simultaneous integration, query, and
changes in quality of life and other clinical outcomes. These visualization of large amounts of heath data with artificial
are examples of the type of digital phenotyping studies intelligence tools73,74 are needed to seamlessly integrate
needed in oncology. We posit that the integration of digital digital phenotyping data into clinical workflows.75 Over-
technologies assessing physiologic (eg, heart rate), mobility coming such challenges is a US Food and Drug Admin-
(eg, steps per day), and PRO (eg, PRO-Common Termi- istration priority, with efforts underway to advance the
nology Criteria for Adverse Events),72 as well as electronic standardization of PS data in oncology.76
health record data, may be of significant value for treatment In conclusion, the prognostic utility and widespread ap-
selection, clinical trial eligibility, and toxicity monitoring in plicability of the KPS/ECOG scales reflect the central im-
the oncology setting. portance of PS in patients with cancer. Nevertheless, the
Several challenges remain to realize the potential of digital complex and heterogeneous nature of cancer management
phenotyping in the oncology setting. Policies governing the has accentuated the need for the development and vali-
privacy and security of patient data captured from digital dation of objective and dynamic measures of PS that can
mobile devices will need to be defined. Research efforts will accurately discriminate between patients across the con-
require development and validation data sets and robust tinuum of cancer care in all settings. The clinical impact of
statistical tools, such as discrimination, calibration, and such measures would be considerable.

AFFILIATIONS E.E., and L.W.J.), and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Support
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY Grant/Core Grant No. P30-CA008748 (J.M.S. and L.W.J.).
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway AUTHORS’ DISCLOSURES OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF
Trondheim University Hospital, Cancer Clinic, Trondheim, Norway INTEREST AND DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Oslo, Norway
Disclosures provided by the authors and data availability statement (if
applicable) are available with this article at DOI
Jessica M. Scott, PhD, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, 485 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10017; AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Twitter: @cardiac_fitness; @sloan_kettering; e-mail:
Manuscript writing: All authors
Final approval of manuscript: All authors
SUPPORT Accountable for all aspects of the work: All authors
Supported by research grants from the National Cancer Institute (J.M.S.
and L.W.J.), AKTIV Against Cancer and the Kavli Trust (J.M.S., G.S.,

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Performance Status in Cancer: Not Broken, But Time for an Upgrade?
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