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Guardianship and Instincts

Laila was in her room, sitting on a couch, reading ‘’The Essential Rumi’’ when suddenly someone
knocked on the door. It was her aunt, ‘’laila, the prospective groom’s family are waiting for you Come
down quickly, and remember these books can do you no good’’. Laila took a huge sigh and went down.
Downstairs she sat with the family and she find out that they were indeed of good disposition. Later on,
she came to know that the boy with whom she is supposed to marry, is a doctor but he is currently
having his final year exams. Everyone, especially Rashida, Laila's mother, was happy with this
engagement. Rashida had five daughters among Laila was the eldest. She wanted nothing from her life
but her daughters’ secure future. Laila had no problem with this marriage but she wanted to complete
her education first. Laila had no other option but to tell her father in order to ease her perturbation.
Saleem had a shop and was earning hand to mouth. Saleem was illiterate but he had an aspiration to
educate laila. Among the five children she was dearer to him. He used to call her ‘’ Da stargo tor’’, the
black of my eyes. She told his father that she does not want to marry yet, she wants to pursue her study.
Upon which Saleem told her, ‘’focus on your studies, my child, do not worry about these affairs’’. Laila
gave a strong hug to her father and said, ‘’ Baba, you are the best father in the world’’.

After that event Saleem chose not to answer anyone about the dissolution of the knitting. Saleem had
already clarify that he was not going to let her daughter marry before her graduation. Many matrimonial
proposal seekers came but went blank-handed. Laila was that kind of person who carries sweet
physiognomy and great disposition. Everyone admired her charm and uncommon character. She was
the favorite one of her parents as well as of her teachers. She was a bright student and always get high

Saima was one of close friends of laila. She was like a sister to her. In university, laila used to spend most
of her time with her. One day on an occasion, laila visited her and there she noticed a tall, charming and
handsome boy staring at her. laila went away and told Saima about the boy. Saima told her that he was
her brother, Saqib. That night when Laila went to her bed her mind was occupied by Saqib. She tries to
resist but there was a feeling that was gradually welling up in her heart. The next day Saima reluctantly
told her about his brother’s intentions. She told her how much Saqib wanted her. For a moment Laila
lost her consciousness. It was a feeling that she never experienced before. It was beautiful but at the
same time intimidating. When she regained her consciousness, she stands up and said to her, ‘’ have you
lost your mind Saima’’ and went away. Nowadays laila find it hard to focus on her studies. She
endeavored but can’t get rid of his thoughts. Laila was perplexed about her these intense and random
emotions. Days went by, and there was no news of Saqib.

One day laila received a text message from an anonymous phone number. The message conveys that ‘’
Hi, I am Saqib I got your number from my sister’s phone without her permission so she is innocent in this
matter. I just want to talk to you, if you do not agree, I promise I wont text you again. Khuda Hafiz.’’ It
was what laila wanted to have an approach to him. but there was something that was stopping her way.
Laila felt two different opposing forces inside her, each driving her in its own direction. The one kind
tries to persuade her about her feelings towards that boy and the other one warns her about the
consequences of having an affair with a boy. She thought of the charming looks of Saqib, but also there
was one corner of her mind that was still reminding her, of her dreams and her father. She thought of
her father what if he gets to know this, what will he be thinking of me? In the middle of that night she
texted him that she agrees, they can talk.

The next day they talk on phone for a while and both of them expressed their feelings for each other. ‘’ I
love you more than words can express ‘’ said Laila. Saqib told her that she was like a world to him. They
were having a true experience that was beyond their control, both of them had thoroughly fallen in love
with each other. Saqib and Saima were orphans and they used to live with their grandparents. Saqib left
school in an early age because he had to earn for running the house. Saqib was a lost ball in the high
weeds, he had no proper job and no secure future, because he used to leave a job whenever he founds
a good job from the previous one.

Saima was engaged and she was going to marry in the next week. During Saima’s matrimonial function
Laila and Saqib were standing in a corner when Saqib told her that he wants to marry her as soon as
possible. Laila got flabbergasted when she heard the word ‘’marry’’. She told him that they can get
marry after her graduation but his answer was that he did not like her to study anymore, he just wants
to marry. His answer shocked her, it hurt her too. But what can she do know? She did not want to lose
him and thus she convinces her mind that she will chose him over her father’s dream. Later on, laying in
her bed Laila was thinking of her future with Saqib, the glimpses were sweet and thrilling. But marrying
before her graduation was an impossible task. She herself had refused the idea of marrying before
completing her education. Now what will she do in the current scenario? what if she goes against her
father’s will? How will she tell her mother that the same Laila who once preferred education over
marriage, now wants to get marry as quickly as possible, not with a doctor or engineer but with a car
mechanic? These thoughts in her mind were like woodworms in a trunk. she told Saqib about her
current situation but his answer was that he did not want to lose her.

One afternoon Saqib told her that he had an interesting plan but it is a little bit riskier. He said;’’ Laila my
soulmate I want to take you somewhere where there is no one except me and you. Where no one knew
us and vice versa. Where there are no restrictions and no imagined order. where there is nothing but
both of us in the leap of mountains. Ah Laila! I would want nothing from my life when I have you’’. On
the other side of the phone there were nothing but tears of happiness. She asked him that what is his
plan. ‘’Let’s run away Laila, let’s go somewhere else, faraway from this miserable world, lets run Laila’’,
said Saqib. Laila found herself speechless and, at once, hung up the call.

After too much of retrospection Laila was assured that there was no way to have Saqib in her life except
the one, Saqib mentioned. When her father had took her side that no one will disturb Laila regarding her
knitting and wedlock, how possibly she could now announce that she wants to marry someone who is
illiterate and had no family background? There were two options in front of her, either forget him or
runaway with him. Laila chose the second one. Her instincts and desires for Saqib eclipsed her father’s
love and guardianship. The next day she went from her home with an excuse that she was going to met
Saima. That day Laila eloped with her sweetheart listening to her instincts. This incident was enough to
made Rashida completely paralyzed now she lay in her bed like a living dead. Everyone in the family
blamed Saleem for her daughter’s elopement but he used to stay quite because he was ashamed of his
guardianship not of her. Saqib and Laila carried a single suitcase and little bit of money Saqib had saved
to buy a motorcycle. They went to a faraway place which was surrounded all around by mountains. It
was the place Saqib had promised her. They spent that night in a hotel and the next morning they

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