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Name: Bianca Mishaela Asuncion

Course: ABFILM
Date of Benire: March 18-19, 2024
Name of Facilitator: Geraldine L. Perez

After two days

By Bianca Asuncion

As the day turns to night,

We look forward to ourselves and share what we have tonight.
We find different beliefs and make new friends,
Bringing close ties that never ends.

Thinking quietly with nature, brings us peace,

Walking around, our troubles cease.
Meeting new people is like a blooming flower,
Bringing happiness hour by hour.

In the end, what we get,

Reflection, faith, and friends so kind,
Make new memories that remain within us,
In life, they’re hard to find.

Reflection QnA:
1. What are the learnings you gained from your retreat?
● The learnings I gained from the retreat is how I reconnected my faith with God and the
peacefulness the nature brings to me. As what I said how meeting new people is like a
flower, it takes time to open up and get to know each other is just how my experience
with my group and the girls I am with in the room.
2. What are your realizations or insights on the (3) main points of Benildean Expressions
that were shared in the session?
● My insights is how our speaker in the session told us when a person expresses one of
these Benildean Expressions, it identifies us that we are Benildeans.
● Second, how these expressions helps us to identify ourselves, work in the real world and
help us decide personally inside and outside of us.
● And lastly, how these expressions, helps us to identify ourselves to the new people and
new surroundings.
3. As a graduating Benildean, how will you specifically and concretely live-out these BenEx
as you embark to a next phase of your life both in your personal and professional/social
● As a graduating Benildean, I promise to apply the values and skills that I learned
throughout my education at Benilde in both my personal and professional life. Here’s
how I plan to concretely live out these expressions:
○ Keep and reflect on the practice regularly. If I am still letting my knowledge in
Benilde help me in my actions, decisions and how I impact others in the real
○ Keeping my faith in growing
○ As a benildean, I will embrace my innovation and creativity in problem solving and
decision making. And as someone who is in the creative side, I should be
enjoying creating new things that can impact other people as well
○ Collaborating and social responsibility. Keeping my team work and my
communication skills in check
By using these BenEx principles in my life, I want to make a positive impact that can
contribute a lifelong inclusive, innovative and socially responsible society.

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