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Program Title: “SEWER”

Strategic Empowerment of Women for Environmental Regeneration

Program Head : Dr. Rolando R. Cruzada Jr.

I. Project Management:

Project 1 – “POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan

Project Head: Dr. Rolando R. Cruzada Jr.


1. Zery Joy M. Fiscal – Resource Speaker on Family and Values Formation

2. Rolando R. Cruzada, Jr. - Resource Speaker on Magna Carta of Women (RA-9710)

3. Gelzen R. Jamolin and Rogacion U. Villanueva – Resource Speaker on Gender

Sensitivity and Anti- Sexual Harassment law (RA-7877)

4. Maribel A. Lucero: Resource Speaker on Anti-Violence Against Women (RA-9262)

5. Minerva S. Fernandez and Carina R. Sancon – Resource Speakers on Responsible

Parenthood in the Current Situation of COVID -19 Pandemic

6. Rowena D. Soriano- Resource Speaker on Counselling Skills and


Project 2 – “WAR” on Environmental Management

Project Head: Dan Azriel N. San Agustin


1. Mrs. Jannie Ann A. Caranguian,- Resource Speaker on different Craft Product.

2. Mrs. Maribel A. Lucero- Resource Speaker on indigenous material.

3. Mrs. Merly F. Arjona- Resource Speaker on Product development of

4. Mrs. Rosalie Cesario- Resource Speaker on Environmental Management.

5. Mrs. Sandra P. Mesina – Resource Speaker on Environmental Management and


6. Mr. Allegro C. Acero – Resource Speaker on Clean and Green Program

7. Mr. Emmanuel Bartolome – Resource Speaker on Product advertisement.

8. Engr. Isabelita Domingo- Resource Speaker on Biodiversity of “Buli”

9. Faculty From Agriculture – Tree Planting

Student and faculty; assists in the home visitation of faculty, help in monitoring the

environmental management of the rural women.

II. Rationale

Since women constitute nearly half of the of the Philippine population, but one of

the most vulnerable group for which prosperity is absent, they themselves must be

empowered in the socio-cultural, familial, legal, psychological, economic, and political

dimensions in order to be potent partners in nation building for the protection of

environment with respect to solid waste management, clean and green activities, climate

change adaptation, and policy and enabling mechanisms. Women status in the Philippine

society is still portrayed by sharp distinctions of insensible gains, on one hand, and obvious

inequalities on the other. Rural women empowerment is far from reality as long there are

imbalance structures in the above-mentioned dimensions which result to impoverishment.

In the analysis published by Macroeconomics Program Office (MPO) of World Wildlife Fund

(WWF), first, poverty is historically determined and delineated. Second, as a historically

determined relationship, poverty is the result of competition or struggle over assets be they

productive, environmental, or cultural. People are not simply born into poverty. Poverty is

propagated by on-going social, economic, and political processes that result in the
concentration, or deprivation, of power, wealth, and environmental assets which are

requisites for social well-being. This lack of access to assets results in the privation of certain

social groups to the means of social stability and well-being (Reed, 2011).

The above-mentioned reality exists in the service area of the university where the

project leader belongs. Kaingin system of cropping and charcoal making is one of the

primary sources of livelihood of the locals which involvement of women and girl-children is

lofty. For one and half decade that the project leader coordinated the tree planting activity

in the Laguna State Polytechnic University Extension Land Grant along the Sierra Madre he

had been witnessed to women and girl-children tending the family farms and transporting

charcoals to low lands. This would surmise that lack of legitimate employment or

underemployment and livelihood opportunities have adverse effect to the environment.

“SEWER” is primarily based from the assessment done in the different 11 agricultural

land in District IV of Laguna.

III. Objectives

a. General Objective

This extension proposal aims to be a support program to rural women to

increase the level of their activity on the six dimensions of empowerment

through capacity development and network building by ways of community

based decision-making scheme and sensitization of government and non-

government sectors to gender needs and interests of rural women with the end

view of enhancing climate change adaptation.

b. Specific objectives

Project 1 : “POLE” Sandigan Ng Kababaihan

1. Enhance the extent of empowerment of rural women especially on legal and

political awareness and participation.

2. Equip rural women in counselling procedure.

3. Reorientation of Rural Women on Values Formation and family life

4. Train the participants in handling simple family counseling and legal / political


A. Values Formation: Reorientation on family life

1. Parenting role.

2. Help and assist the parents and children in the family relation

3. Develop among the children love and respect to their parents and vice versa

B. Political and Legal Awareness:

1. Orient the participants on the importance of GAD Awareness.

2. Give information on legal /political.

3. Develop among the participants a strong leadership mind.

4. Enhance the extent of empowerment of rural women especially on legal and

political awareness and participation.

C. Counseling

1. Orient the participants on the basic concepts of counseling skills and


2. Train the participants in handling simple family counseling and legal / political


Phase II: Application of Seminar Output per barangay

1. Conduct of mock counseling services learned from Phase I activity.

Phase III. Establishment of a Counseling Center

1. Assist the community in establishing a counseling center.

2. Provide Information on the basic management and facilitation of a counseling


Project 2 : “WAR” in Environmental Management

1. Give women awareness in environmental values formation.

2. Equip women in facilitating climate change adaptation.

3. Assist the rural women in planting “Buli” trees.

IV. Inputs and Methodologies

a. Inputs

I. Facilitators, Resource Persons, Barangay Captain,

Selected rural women in the community
II. Technologies: Audio Visual, Projector
III. Facilities: Barangay Hall, LSPU Facilities, Transportation

Trainers 1 : “POLE” Sandigan Ng Kababaihan

The following faculty will share knowledge base on their specialization.

Project 1 – “POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan


1. Mrs Zery Joy M. Fiscal

2. Mrs. Janni Ann A. Caranguian,

3. Maribel A. Lucero

4. Mrs. Minerva S. Fernandez

5. Mrs. Rowena D. Soriano

6. Mrs. Rogacion U. Villanueva

7. Carina R. Sancon

8. Engr. Isabelita Domingo

9. Prof. Gelzen R. Jamolin

10. BS Psychology – assist the faculty in their respective task

Project 2 – “WAR” on Environmental Management

Project Head: Dan Azriel N. San Agustin


1. Mrs. Jannie Ann A. Caranguian,- Resource Speaker on Product development of

2. Mrs. Maribel A. Lucero- Resource Speaker on indigenous material.

3. Mrs. Sandra P. Mesina – Resource Speaker on Environmental Management and


4. Mr. Allegro C. Acero – Resource Speaker on Clean and Green Program

5. Mr. Emmanuel Bartolome – Resource Speaker on Product Marketing

6. Engr. Isabelita Domingo- Resource Speaker on Biodiversity of “Buli”

7. Faculty From Agriculture – Tree Planting

Psychology student; assists in the home visitation of faculty , help in monitoring the

environmental management of the rural women.

“POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan

1.Awareness on Magna Carta,
Methodologies VAWC and Anti- Sexual 1. Establishment of Legal
Harassment . and counselling center
2. Leadership Training for rural women
LSPU – 3. Counselling Procedure
LGUs 4. Family values Reorientation
Project Planning; 5. ETS Materials
Head and Rural Women Leaders
Facilitators “WAR” on Environmental
1. Awareness on role of women
in climate change adaptation.
2. Awareness on role of women
in environmental values
3. Conservation: Propagation of
1.“Buli” Tree
2. Livelihood for rural

V. Beneficiaries and Impact

a. Beneficiaries

1. The beneficiaries will be selected by the barangay captain based on their

class status.

2. The number of client will be base on data gathered by the researcher of

this study; 30 to 50 rural women from the barangay will be selected.

2. Rural women of selected non- poblacion barangays in Famy, Laguna.

b.Expected Outputs:

“POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan

1. Awareness of rural women on Political and Legal Rights.

2. Awareness of family role and responsibility

3. Improved relationship within each of the members of the family:

parents and children; children to children; husband and wife
relationship by being knowledgeable on their rights to enjoy and rights
to be respect.

4. Good and positive insight of the parents towards home and

environmental condition.

5. Improved physical and mental health condition of the members of the

rural women by having positive outlook in life.

“WAR” in Environmental Management

1. Awareness on role of women in climate change adaptation

2. Awareness on role of women in environmental values formation.

3. Awareness on community role and responsibility

4. Conservation: Propagation of “Buli” tree.

5. Livelihood project of rural women

D. Expected Impact (Knowledge/Attitude/Skills/Aspirations (KASA),

Economic, Behavioral Change, ect.)

Attitude -The output of the training will impart the importance in

believing on one’s own capacity and improving one’s personality to attain a

strong personality and healthy mental being.

Knowledge - This project will provide knowledge and awareness on

legal, political and Family role of rural women.

Aspiration - the program will give good and positive insight among

rural women towards home and environmental condition.

Behaviour - Improved physical and mental health condition of the

members of the rural women by having positive outlook in life.

Economic -as the participant having positive outlook in life, and skills

they learned from the program livelihood activity it may provide as some

source of income for the family.

1. “POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan

Since this involve the rural women and their awareness in legal and political

dimension, there will be a two way effect, rural women will feel their importance and value

as part of a family and society, and the rural parents will realize their great importance and
role in the development and growth of her children as well as their great contribution in the

improvement of the country’s social development.

impart the importance in believing on one’s own capacity and improving one’s

personality to attain a strong personality and healthy mental condition especially now that

cases of violence among women and children increasing in number as studies shown that

one of the reasons is the present life style.

2. “WAR” in Environmental Management

Rural women as member of our society will enhance to work hand in hand in doing

environmental management that would be of service to themselves and to the community

as whole. Seeing the product of their own effort would produce reliability and confidence on

one’s own capacity and thus improving one’s life socially and economically. The government

officials will be inspired and motivated to carry out program and ordinances relevant to the

needs of their constituents.

VI. Action Plan

1. “POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan


1. Secure Approval of OFFICE SUPPLY LGU, LSPU
Memorandum Jan-Feb Communication Camera
of Agreement/ 2019
2. Preparation a. Knowledge and Office supplies for LSPU CAS, Consultants
of Lecture and Mar- awareness the seminar; food.
Seminars April,2019 b. Lecture hand
c. ETS Materials
3.Seminar on 1 week of . Knowledge and Office supplies for LSPU CAS, Consultants
Family and May,2019 awareness the seminar; food
values b. Lecture hand
reformation out
c. ETS Materials
4.Seminar on 1 week of . Knowledge and Office supplies for LSPU CAS, Consultants
K-12 June,2019 awareness the seminar; food
Curriculum b. Lecture hand
c. ETS Materials
4.Seminar on 1 week of . Knowledge and Office supplies for LSPU CAS, Consultants
GAD Juy,2019 awareness the seminar; food
b. Lecture hand
c. ETS Materials
5.Seminar on 1 week of a. Lecture Office Supplies LSPU CAS, Consultants
Magna Carta Aug. 2019 b. Module food
c. Awareness

6. Seminar on 1 week a. Lecture Office supplies for LSPU-CAS; LGU and

VAWC Sept, 2019 b. Module the seminar; food; BDC
c. Awareness
7.Seminar on 1 week a. Lecture Office supplies for LSPU-CAS;
anti- sexual Oct. 2019 b. Module the seminar; food;
harassment c. Awareness
1 week a. Lecture Office supplies for LSPU- LGU
8. Political Nov. 2019 b. Module the seminar; food
(seminar in c. Awareness

9.Establishing 1 week a. Knowledge and Office supplies for LSPU- LGU

Legal, Political Nov. 2019 awareness the seminar; food
and b. Lecture hand
Counselling out
Center c. ETS Materials

1. “WAR” on Environmental Management

Activities Time Frame Expected Output Material Responsible

Requirement Entity/person
1. Secure Approval of OFFICE LGU, ,
Memorandum of Jan- Feb,2019 Communication SUPPLY LSPU
Agreement/ Camera
2.Visit the Barangay 1 week Identified rural OFFICE LSPU-CAS and
March,2019 women and area SUPPLY LGU
3.Seminar Workshop 1 week a. Lecture Logbook and LSPU-CAS; LGU
on Role of women in April, 2019 b. Module pencil
environmental values c. Awareness Office supplies
formation. d. Assessment for the
seminar; food
4.Seminar Workshop 1 week Nov a. Lecture CD /DVD LSPU-CAS;
on the role of women May, 2019 b. Module player
in facilitating climate c. Awareness Logbook and
change adaptation. d. Assessment pencil
e. Research Office supplies
for the
seminar; food
5.Seminar Workshop 1 week Nov a. Lecture CD /DVD LSPU-CAS; LGU
on different craft June, 2019 b. Module player
materials c. Awareness Logbook and
Office supplies
for the
seminar; food

6.Seminar Workshop 1 week July, a. Lecture CD /DVD LSPU-CAS; LGU

on product 2019 b. Module player
development c. Awareness Logbook and
d. Assessment pencil
Office supplies
for the
seminar; food
8.Conservation, 1 year Sapling, Logbook and LSPU-CAS; LGU
propagation of “Buli” Livelihood pencil
Trees Office supplies
seedling bag
and watering
can, sapling
and food

VII. Potential Partners

A. Potential Partner
Agency/ Institution Contact Person Assistance to be Granted
1. LGUs Brgy. Kap. Famy, Laguna Venue and personnel
BarangayFamy, Laguna
Non-Poblacion Barangays
2. DA Mrs ________, DA Head, Sapling
Famy, Laguna
3. PAO ____________, Siniloan Information
PAO Office.
4. PAGDAI- Phil. DR. Ruby Brion Legal Information
Association of
Gender and
Advocates Inc. –
Region IV-A
5. Phil. Climate Senator Loren Legarda External Funding

B. Estimated Financial Requirements

Particular Amount Funding Source

Proj. 1. “POLE” Sandigan ng Kababaihan

1. Supplies and materials P 5,000.00 LSPU

2. Module/IEC Materials Development and P10,000.00 LSPU


3.Foods for the Seminar


Famy Officials
30 x 50Php = 1,500 P 4,000.00 LSPU/ GAD
Brgy. Officials (Participants)
30 x 50Php = 1,500
LSPU Staff
20 x 50Php = 1,000

Phase I:
Seminar workshop:
 5 brgy x 6 participants = 30 participants
 15 LSPU Faculty
45 Total

1st Session:
Family Life and k-12 curriculum awareness
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00 P 4,200.00 LSPU/ GAD

2nd Session:
GAD Seminar Workshop
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1,800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00 P 4, 200.00 LSPU/ GAD

3rd Session
Magna Carta

AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
Lunch P 4, 200.00 LSPU/ GAD
30 x P 80 = P2, 400.00

4th Session

AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2, 400.00 P 4, 200.00 LSPU/ GAD

5th Session
Anti- Sexual Harassment

AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
Lunch P 4, 200.00 LSPU/ GAD
30 x P 80 = P2, 400.00

6th Session
Political; Seminar in Leadership

AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
Lunch P 4, 200.00 LSPU/ GAD
30 x P 80 = P2, 400.00

7th Session
Basic Counseling Skills & Procedure
Rural Women Counseling

AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
Lunch P 4, 200.00 LGU/ LSPU
30 x P 80 = P2, 400.00

8th Session
Culminating Activity
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
Lunch P 4, 200.00 LSPU
30 x P 80 = P2, 400.00
Php 33,600.00

Phase II:
Conduct of mock Counseling P 10, 000.00 LGU/LSPU
(5 Brgy. x P2,000/brgy)

Phase III.
Establishment of a Legal & Political P 25, 000.00 LGU/LSPU
Counseling Center for Rural Women per
(5 Brgy. x P5,000/brgy)

6. Token for the Speaker

P 1,000.00 LSPU/ GAD

7. Dissemination of Information P 5,000.00 LSPU/ GAD

expenses P 4,000.00
8. Venue and sound system P 1,000.00
9. Electricity
TOTAL P 74,600.00 LSPU/ GAD
P 20,000.00 Famy LGU
P 94, 600.00
Proj. 2. “WAR” on Environmental

1. Supplies and materials P 5,000.00 LSPU

2. Module/IEC Materials Development P10,000.00 LSPU

and Printing

Phase I:
Seminar workshop:
 5 brgy x 6 participants

 = 30 participants

 + 15 LSPU Faculty

45 Total

1st Session:
Barangay Visit / Identified rural women
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00 P4,200.00 LSPU

2nd Session:
Role of Women in Environmental Values
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00 P4,200.00 LSPU

3rd Session:
Role of Women in Facilitating climate
change adaptation
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00 P4,200.00 LSPU

4th Session:
Different Craft Materials
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00
P4,200.00 LSPU

5th Session:
Different Craft Materials
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00
P4,200.00 LSPU

6th Session:
Clean And Green
Propagation of “Buli” trees
AM/PM Snack
30 x P 60 = P1, 800.00
30 x P 80 = P2,400.00 P4,200.00 LSPU

3.Sapling Material Cost Php 7,500.00 LSPU
4. Material Cost ( Watering Can, Shovel. Php 5,000.00
6.Token for the Speaker P 1,000.00 LSPU
7.Dissemination of Information expenses P 5,000.00 LGU
8. Venue and sound system P 4 000.00 LGU
9. Electricity P 1 000.00 LGU
P53,000.00 LSPU
P10,000.00 LGU
P63, 500.00

Prepared by:

Unit Head, CAS Extension


Chairperson, LSPU SC ETS

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