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(Simple – Thankfulness)

Dear Jesus, Thank you for everything. Thank you for always being good
and loving me. Thank you for today. Thank you for this school. Amen.

(Simple- Future)
Dear Lord, Thank you for all you have given me. I ask that you bless me
and others today, tomorrow and forever. Amen.

(Simple- Safety)
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for always keeping me safe. I ask that
you keep my family, my classmates and me safe always. In your name I
pray, Amen

Simple- Provision)
Dear God, Thank you for everything you have given us. I pray that you
would provide for all our needs. We trust you and know you will provide.
In Jesus’s name. Amen.

(Simple- Country)
Dear God, I ask you to be with Guatemala. To help the people, show us
your love. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

(Simple- Family)
Dear God, Thank you for my family. I ask that you would keep helping my
family. Thank you for keeping them safe and loving them. In Jesus name,

(Simple- Family)
Dear God, Thank you for my family. I ask that you would keep helping my
family. Thank you for keeping them safe and loving them. In Jesus name,

(Simple- Family)
Dear God, Thank you for my family. I ask that you would keep helping my
family. Thank you for keeping them safe and loving them. In Jesus name,
(Simple- Provision)
Dear Lord, Thank you for being our provider. Thank you for providing for
our lives, friends and family. We ask that you provide for our family,
education and money. We love and trust you Lord. Amen.

(Simple- Provision)
Dear Lord, Thank you for being our provider. Thank you for providing for
our lives, friends and family. We ask that you provide for our family,
education and money. We love and trust you Lord. Amen.

(Simple- Safety)
Dear Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for keeping me safe
everywhere I go. Please keep me safe. I trust you and I know you will
always keep me safe and healthy. Thank you for protecting your people.
We love you.

(Simple- Provision)
Dear God, Thank you for everything you have given us. I pray that you
would provide for all our needs. We trust you and know you will provide.
In Jesus’s name. Amen.

(Advanced- Thankfulness)
Dear Jesus, Thank you for always being good, even if I cant feel it. I know
you are faithful always. Help me known in my heart how loved I am. Open
my eyes to see you in creation. Amen.

(Advanced- Thankfulness)
Dear Jesus, Your name is so powerful, thank you for always loving me and
calling me worthy. Jesus, when I grow, help me grow in you. I will praise
you in every storm and every trial. Amen.

(Advanced- Provision)
Dear Heavenly Father, We praise you for all you’ve given us today. We
thank you for our friends, family, health and class. We ask that you
provide for our family, health, education and finances. We trust you with
everything and we love you so much. In Jesus name, Amen.
(Advanced- Future)
Dear Lord, I thank you for all you have blessed me with. I ask for your
provision and blessings over my life. You have been good to me, and I
know you will continue to be good to me. Amen.

(Advanced- Safety)
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for keeping everyone safe today and
every day. I ask that you please keep my family, my classmates, my
teacher and me safe. Please protect us from danger. All these things I pray
in your name. Amen.

(Advanced- Country)
Dear God, Thank you for my country. I pray that you protect all the
people in Guatemala. Give the government officials wisdom to make
decisions. I pray that there would be peace in Guatemala. In Jesus name.

(Simple- Provision)
Dear Lord, Thank you for being our provider. Thank you for providing for
our lives, friends and family. We ask that you provide for our family,
education and money. We love and trust you Lord. Amen.

(Advanced- Provision)
Dear Heavenly Father, We praise you for all you’ve given us today. We
thank you for our friends, family, health and class. We ask that you
provide for our family, health, education and finances. We trust you with
everything and we love you so much. In Jesus name, Amen.

(Advanced- Family)
Dear God, Thank you so much for providing for my family. I ask for good
health. Thank you for going before us everyday and taking care of us. I ask
for conflicts, whatever they may be, to be resolved. Thank you for loving
my family and blessing them.

(Advanced- Future) Dear Lord, I thank you for all you have blessed me
with. I ask for your provision and blessings over my life. You have been
good to me, and I know you will continue to be good to me. Amen.

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