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Unit Code, Number and Title R/618/5121- Unit 34: Digital Marketing

Semester and Academic Year Semester 2, Academic year 2022-2023

Unit Assessor(s) Nguyen Phuong Tu/ Tran Viet An

Assessment Number and Title DM A2: Digital Marketing Planning

Issue Date 27th April, 2023

Submission Date 10AM 26th May, 2023

IV Name Trinh Thi Thu Giang

IV Date 30th March, 2023

Student name

NEU Student ID Pearson ID

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials
for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet.
Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully
Student declaration understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a
false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student name / Signature Date:

Instruction to The Students:

This assignment (Assessment 2 of 2) covers Learning Outcome 3 & 4 (LO3, LO4).

 This is an individual project. In this module, you are required to design a digital marketing plan
based on the company and the brand chosen in your first assignment. This assignment covers
the Phase 2 of a two-phase project as below:
Phase 1 – Assignment 1: Digital Marketing Audit.
Phase 2 – Assignment 2: Digital Marketing Planning.
 This should be written in a course, formal business style using 1.5 lines spacing and font Arial
size 11 or Times New Roman size 13. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate. The recommended word limit is 4,000 words (+/-10%)

 The submission format is in the form of an E-report. Please refer the Student handbook
(Vietnamese version, Appendix 2) for the Assignment submission rules.
 The file on Turnitin must be in Word format and include the first page of this cover sheet.
The first page of the cover sheet should be in the picture format in order to ensure the
accepted similarity of Turnitin.
 The similarity allowed is up to 25% after excluding references.
 Name of the file includes Student ID_Unit name_Assessment no. (E.g.
 Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed electronically.
 Plagiarism is unacceptable. Students must cite all sources and input the information by
paraphrasing, summarising or using direct quotes. A Referral Grade is given when Plagiarism
is identified in your work. There are no exceptions.
 Your evidence/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. Please refer to
Reference guiding posted on Moodle. The Reference page is compulsory to upload on Turnitin.
 You MUST complete and submit softcopy of your work on the due dates stated on
Assignment brief. All late work is not allowed to submit. This rule is not waived under any
 Read ALL Instructions on this Page and review the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria
carefully. To pass the assignment, you must achieve ALL the Pass Criteria outlined in the
marking sheet. To achieve a Merit, you must achieve ALL the Merit criteria (and therefore the
Pass criteria). To achieve a Distinction, you must achieve ALL the Distinction criteria (and
therefore the Pass and Merit criteria).

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO3 Design a digital marketing campaign using multimedia to optimise content that targets key

LO4 Evaluate methods of monitoring and measuring a digital marketing campaign in line with
marketing objectives to increase engagement and conversions.
Assessment Brief and Guidance:



X is an organisation operating in Vietnam domestic market, which you have made your choice in the
assignment 1. After Covid -19 pandemic, the BOD of the company has realized the importance of
digital transformation. This fiscal year, the firm aims at extending its online presence and investing
more in digital platforms. The long-term goal is to push sales both online and offline and achieve omni-
channel marketing in order to build excellent customer experience.


You are assigned as a manager for the company X’s digital marketing team, who takes charge of
digital marketing planning and implementation. You have been requested to elaborate an annual digital
marketing plan for the brand.


Apply SOSTAC framework to build your digital marketing plan.

This assignment covers the second phase of your project: digital marketing planning. In assignment 1,
Situation Analysis was done. In this report, the remaining parts of SOSTAC framework should be
Your report should include the following:

1. Objectives
List the objectives of your digital marketing plan using 5Ss and SMART
2. Strategy
- Target market: build persona(s) to describe your target market
- What is your Online Value Proposition?
3. Tactics
- Which tools/platforms/channels do you plan to use to build traffic? Why? How?
- What are your content tactics for these platforms? Produce some creative contents to
illustrate your strategy.
- How do you plan to integrate those channels to build seamless experience throughout
the customer journey and customer life cycle?
4. Action Plan
Use Gantt chart or spreadsheet to present your action plan.
The action plan should spell out what will be done? When they will be done? And at which
5. Controls
Which measurement metrics, tools or techniques will be used? Why?
Critically evaluate the pros and cons of those measures.
It’s important to choose appropriate metrics that are highly connected to your objectives and
selected communication platforms.

What is your plan for measurement?
Use tables/spreadsheet to illustrate your Controls plan

In this report, you are encouraged to use figures, tables, spreadsheet to present your ideas in order to
enhance the conciseness of the report.
This report should also be aligned with your first assignments as they are two parts of a project.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Achieved Achieved Achieved
Pass (ticked) Merit (ticked) Distinction (ticked)
M3 Design a
LO3 Design a P4 Design a digital digital marketing
digital marketing marketing campaign LO3 and LO4
campaign that
campaign using that integrates and applies a creative
D2 Create a
multi- media to optimises multi-digital concept to capture
multimedia digital
optimise content channels to reach
Action Plan audience interest
that targets key target key audiences. and inspire ‘call to
campaign that
audiences action’.
provides a
LO4 Evaluate P5 Evaluate the
methods of measurement M4 Critically
experience and
monitoring and techniques and evaluate the
measuring a performance metrics application of key
digital marketing in digital marketing. digital
Summative Feedback: Assessor to Student (please specific) measures and
campaign in line measurement
with marketing techniques and
P6 Present a set of metrics aligned to
objectives to performance
actions to improve digital marketing
increase metrics used in
performance in digital objectives.
engagement and digital marketing.

The Student Is Awarded:

Choose One

Name Of Assessor: Date Of Assessment:

Re-submission Feedback:

Choose One The Student Is Awarded A :
(*) REFERRAL Grade | PASS Grade

Name Of Assessor: Date Of Assessment:

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grades are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external verifiers
have taken place, and the final decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
* This grade only reflects the result of this assignment, not for the whole Unit.

I. Introduction
Digital transformation has become an inevitable trend in business that no company wants to
leave behind. Pioneering companies applying digital marketing have achieved remarkable success.
Besides, the trend of online shopping is also becoming more popular and used by many customer
segments. In Vietnam market, compared to competitors like Uniqlo and H&M, Zara's digital marketing
activities are almost non-existent. This limits the spread of Zara's brand value to the target customer
This report aims to develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan for Zara based on the
SOSTAC framework to drive revenue and deliver a positive consumer experience in 2024.
1. Objectives
The main objective of Zara is to strengthen the brand's online presence, including increasing
omnichannel digital marketing and promoting online shopping through the Zara app and website. From
there, helping Zara increase sales. Besides, giving customers a better shopping experience with
incentive programs and after-sales service helps build solid relationships with customers.
According to (Minh Nguyệt , 2023), in 2022, sales of Inditex group increased by 17.5%
compared to 2021. Specifically, Zara's revenue increased by 21% even after the brand closed some
stores in Russia and Ukraine. In Vietnam, the economy is gradually recovering and showing positive
signs. E-commerce has an outstanding growth of over 22% in the first 6 months of 2023. In 2024, it is
predicted that e-commerce will still achieve an increase of over 20% (Đỗ Phong, 2023). However,
Vietnamese consumers are forecasted to be more economical in spending, limiting shopping, especially

for non-essential items such as apparel (Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị , 2023). Zara is a mid-range brand with its
target customers who are easily affected by price fluctuations. After considering various factors, the
goal for Zara in 2024 is determined as follows:
- Social networks: There are three most popular social networking sites in Vietnam:
Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. Zara Vietnam has never developed any promotional strategies on
these platforms. Therefore, Zara Vietnam received very few followers. In 2024, Zara Vietnam's goal is
to reach 1 million followers on each platform.
- Zara app and website:
o The number of online orders increased by 20%.
o New account registrations increased by 30%.
- Revenue: Total revenue increased by 17%.
The digital marketing plan for Zara Vietnam will be implemented within 12 months, from
January 2024 to December 2024.
2. Strategy
2.1. STP of Zara
a. Market Segmentation of Zara
The primary kind of Zara segmentation in use is undifferentiated market segmentation. Instead
of focussing on each customer's unique wants, Zara concentrates on the needs that are shared by both
current and potential customers. Zara will be able to create products that meet the typical needs of the
majority of clients in this way.
Given that they make clothing for people of all ages, Zara has a wide-ranging target market.
Men, women, and children may all shop at Zara. Clothing options include jeans, trousers, tops, dresses,
knits, T-shirts, shoes, bags, and accessories. There are many different styles available at Zara. Both
high-end fashionistas and the ordinary people enjoy wearing Zara clothing.
- Demographic Segmentation: The target market for Zara consists of young to middle-
aged individuals, with the majority of its clients falling within the 18 to 40 age range ( , 2022).
- Geographic Segmentation: ZARA's strategy to tap into this market is to open shops in
busy regions (Hanoi and Hochiminh city).
- Behavioral Segmentation: Zara's market segmentation approach is centered on
consumers who desire a rapidly-evolving wardrobe that is in line with the newest trends, but also one
that is high-quality and reasonably priced. Customers of Zara are frequently devoted. When compared
to other fashion labels, Zara buyers visit the stores 2 to 3 times more frequently ( , 2022).
- Psychographic Segmentation: Customers of Zara appreciate their individuality, are

highly style conscious, and are tech savvy. They desire the most recent trends, but they also desire a
personalized shopping experience and the chance to exhibit their unique personalities. Because the
brand conveys strong emotional components like attractiveness and customer connection, the Zara
target demographic is drawn to it. Contrarily, Zara clients are firmly in the middle class and seek out
reasonable prices and good value ( , 2022).
b. Targeting
The majority of Zara's target customers are teenagers, young adults, and adults between the ages
of 18 and 40. The brand also targets those with income levels that range from medium to high.
Additionally, it chooses its clients based on their sense of fashion. Their regular busyness is taken into
account in ZARA's marketing strategy, which attempts to encourage customers to make impulsive
purchases. This is made possible by Zara's "instant fashion" philosophy, which guides the company's
efforts to create and produce clothing that reflects the newest trends.

Figure 1: Customer Persona of Zara

c. Positioning
The goal of Zara's positioning strategy is to become the leading worldwide brand for the newest
fashion trends. When young people want to wear the newest trends in fashion, Zara should be their first
choice. Zara makes sure that their clothing is created from high-quality materials and offers the newest
trends at a reasonable price.
Based on the most recent trends, Zara features a huge selection of designs and styles. Women
make up more than half of Zara's target market in terms of gender targeting. This is partially due to the
fact that women are more inclined than males to quickly pick up on fashion trends and favor shifting
styles (PDF Agile, n.d.).
2.2. Online Value Proposition
ZARA's Online Value Proposition which is based mostly on their website and across their social
media platforms, is focused on producing a clear, consistent, and straightforward design that makes
purchasing online simple and easy for everyone. Their website is dispersed to prevent a cluttered
appearance on the screen, has a limited color palette, and photographs all of the models against a white
background to draw attention to the clothing they are sporting. Customers will receive greater value by
using a website that is appealing and simple to use because it will improve their online purchasing
experience. Besides, customers' buying journey at Zara is also enhanced through online customer care
services and after-sale service. Customers can easily find the necessary information as well as contact
Zara conveniently.
3. Tactics
3.1. The Marketing Mix (4Ps) for Zara
o Product
- Fashion-forward styles: Zara is renowned for providing trendy, up-to-date apparel and
accessories that appeal to the interests of its target clientele. Zara closely monitors current fashion
trends and responds to customer wants rapidly.
- Fast-fashion concept: Zara employs the fast-fashion idea and often updates its inventory.
This short turnaround time keeps the inventory current and guarantees that shoppers visiting Zara stores
always have something new to look forward to.
- Broad product range: Numerous things are available from Zara, including clothing,
shoes, and accessories for kids, adults, and everyone in between. There is something for everyone
because the product categories range from sporting and loungewear to casual and formal clothing.
- Quality and sustainability: Zara is committed to offering premium goods at reasonable
costs. By investing in environmentally friendly materials and more environmentally friendly production

techniques, the company has also enhanced its sustainability policies.
- Private label branding: It implies that all of its goods are created, produced, and
distributed under the Zara trade name. Customers will consistently encounter the brand thanks to the
company's ability to maintain control over the quality, design, and pricing of its products.
- Limited edition collections: Zara occasionally creates limited edition collections or
works with well-known designers and celebrities in order to keep customers interested and preserve a
sense of exclusivity. These collections build excitement and make people feel pressured to buy these
priceless treasures.
o Price
- Affordable luxury: Zara positions itself as an affordable luxury brand, offering
fashionable, high-quality products at reasonable prices. This pricing strategy allows the brand to appeal
to a broader audience, including both price-conscious and fashion-conscious customers.
- Market-based pricing: Zara’s pricing strategy considers the prices of its competitors and
the target market’s willingness to pay. By closely monitoring the market, Zara can adjust its prices to
remain competitive and attract customers.
- Psychological pricing: Zara sets prices just below whole numbers (e.g., 999.000 VND
instead of 1 million VND). This strategy makes the products seem more affordable, as customers
perceive the price to be lower than it is.
- Price segmentation: Zara employs price segmentation to cater to different customer
segments. For example, the brand offers basic items at lower prices to attract budget-conscious
shoppers. In contrast, limited edition collections or premium products are priced higher to cater to more
affluent customers seeking exclusivity.

Figure 2: Zara pricing

o Place

- Strategic store placement: To maximize maximum visibility and foot traffic, Zara's retail
stores are often situated in prominent malls, shopping centers, and high streets (Hanoi and Hochiminh
City). The brand is conveniently located for its target market thanks to these clever placements.
- Online presence: In addition to its physical stores, Zara also operates an e-commerce
website ( This enables clients to purchase from the convenience of their homes and
expands Zara's market to include people who might not otherwise have access to physical stores.
o Promotion
- Limited advertising: To draw customers and spread word-of-mouth publicity, Zara relies
on its high-quality goods, stylish designs, and well-placed stores.
- Store design and visual merchandising: Zara makes significant investments in visual
merchandising in order to provide a captivating shopping experience. Customers are attracted to the
brand's stores by their sleek interiors, minimalist exteriors, and eye-catching window displays that
highlight its newest merchandise and fashion trends.
- Social media and digital marketing: Zara uses channels like Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter to promote its newest collections, fashion inspiration, and behind-the-scenes information,
building a sense of community and brand devotion among its fans. Zara does relatively little advertising
on these channels in Vietnam, though. On Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok, there are virtually any
- Influencer marketing: Zara makes use of the effectiveness of influencer marketing by
working with models, celebrities, and other public figures who complement the brand's image.
- Limited-time sales and promotions: In an effort to draw customers and increase sales,
Zara occasionally hosts deals and promotions with a limited shelf life.
- Collaborations and public relations (PR): In order to create buzz and improve brand
recognition, Zara works with prominent designers and celebrities as well as participating in fashion
3.2. Digital marketing channels
The digital marketing channels that have been chosen for the business's digital marketing plan
for the following year will be listed below based on the data in Zara's 4Ps model:
o Search Engine Optimazation (SEO)
Any efforts to make Zara more visible on search engine results pages are referred to as SEO.
- On-page SEO: One of the simplest and most popular techniques to increase site visibility
is through on-page SEO, including using the best URL (universal resource locator) format and adding
keywords to Zara's descriptions. Title tag, Meta description, images, URL structure, internal linking,

and content are the primary on-page elements.
- Off-page SEO: This is the equivalent of word-of-mouth recommendations online. These
off-site SEO actions let search engines (and people) know that the Zara website is reliable and pertinent.
Use off-page SEO to raise Zara's SERP ranking, increase brand recognition, and increase website
Among the off-page SEO strategies are backlinks. The authority of the Zara website is increased
when high-quality websites link to it.
Online evaluations Create a plan for gathering client reviews on Zara's Google Business Profile
and other relevant review sites.
- Local SEO: Local SEO concentrates on local search results, while conventional SEO
assists on a global or national level.
Assuring name, address, and phone number accuracy in local directories, business listings, and
social profiles are examples of local SEO approaches.
- SEO techniques: The base of Zara optimization efforts is technical SEO. Crawling,
indexing, rendering, and website architecture are all aspects of technical SEO.
A technical staff member, SEO company, or site developer can assist: speed up the Zara page,
fix website issues, make sure the Zara website is responsive and publish a site map.
o Social Media
Social media marketing employs online platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok, and Instagram to
establish connections with and communicate with clients.
- Content Marketing
It involves producing and disseminating useful content that draws in and engages Zara's target
market. The goal of content marketing is to increase customers' confidence and credibility so they will
be more likely to purchase from Zara in the future. For its audience, Zara produces engaging blog
entries, infographics, videos, and other content kinds.
- Advertising on Social Media
Zara may advertise its goods and services on social media platforms thanks to social media
advertising. Facebook Ads, the most popular type of social media advertising, allow Zara to focus on
particular demographics, interests, and behaviors. Instagram also has sponsored advertising
possibilities, which, when utilized properly, may be very powerful.
- Use of influencers
Influencer marketing is social media promotion for Zara items that entails collaborating with
influencers. An influencer is a person with a sizable social media following who is regarded as an

authority in their profession, such as a KOL, KOC and celebrity.
- Social Media Engagement
Through social media engagement, Zara hopes to connect with its target market and forge bonds
with both past and present clients. Social media involvement attempts to establish a community around
the Zara brand and foster customer trust and adherence.
o Email Marketing Automation
Email marketing automation is a form of sending mass emails to Zara customers automatically
based on a chronologically designed route and interactive actions from the recipient.
- Email Triggers – Emails that are automatically triggered by events have an open rate and
CTR of 74.9& and 161% – much higher than traditional mass emailing (Lê, n.d.)
Email is triggered automatically when a specific event or customer behavior occurs. Email
automatically introduces / greets / instructions to start the service when customers have just left
information at Zara website or store. Email reminders about unfinished shopping carts and offers that
are about to expire or low inventory... Email encourages customers to refer friends to receive special
- Drip-Feed Emails – The sequence of emails sent in the sequence is available
Emails with content, messages are arranged in chronological order to slowly increase the
likelihood of a lead's conversion. This is also the form of email often used to encourage the target
audience to go to the next stage in the conversion 'funnel' after they have agreed to leave contact
information at Zara's website or store. This method is for taking care of non-potential Zara customers.
3.3. Content tactics
o Search Engine Optimazation (SEO)
- On-page SEO

Figure 3: Homepage of Zara and Uniqlo
The visual design of the Zara website is not really optimal. Choices and information are not
presented properly. Compared to Uniqlo, Zara's website design makes it difficult for customers to find
the necessary information. The arrangement of product images that are too large also makes it difficult
for customers to choose products.
The plan in 2024, Zara will adjust the visual design of the website to be more user-friendly.
Also, add size information in the selection screen.
- Off-page SEO
Work with reputable newspapers, magazines and blogs to increase mentions of Zara. For
example, mix-match tutorials, tips on coordinating outfits, introducing unique designs,...
- Local SEO
Periodically check Google's information and
updates about name, address, and phone number to
make sure the information is correct. In addition,
check the customer reviews of the place for
appropriate improvements.
- SEO techniques
During the holidays or big promotions, the
number of website visitors will increase as well as
the compatibility between Zara website and
electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, ...
should be maintained at high performance. In the 2024 plan, Zara will improve access
speed, visual effects, and interoperability between
Figure 4: Zara's profile on Google
operations (drag, drop, click, ...) to ensure a
seamless experience for customers.
o Social Media
- Content Marketing
In 2024, increase the coverage of Zara on social networks through mix-match clips, tips on
dressing and designing costumes, and environmental values in each product.
- Advertising on Social Media
Use Facebook and Instagram ads for new collection products or best-selling products to attract
- Use of influencers
Collaborate with beauty bloggers to introduce new collections, mix and match clothes,... to bring

Zara brand closer to consumers.
- Social Media Engagement
Create mini games and giveaways to increase social media engagement. Participants need to like
the page, share the post and tag friends along with other simple conditions to become the lucky winner.
Gifts can include vouchers, costume sets,...
o Email Marketing Automation
Consumer behavior frequently changes according to needs and economic conditions. In the plan
of 2024, Zara designed a tool to evaluate the customer's purchase journey to have the right email
strategy, as triggers or as drip-feed emails. Email content is presented clearly and easy to understand.
Carefully selected new product and collection information helps engage customers without creating a
feeling of clutter and complexity.
3.4. Marketing planning
o Phase 1: Increasing brand awareness on digital platforms
- Social networks: Create hashtags that help increase brand awareness like #Zarafans,
#Zaralovers, #Zarahomies,... on each brand's post. On each platform, reach at least 8 posts/month, to
maintain presence on social networks. Have at least 1 mini game or giveaway per month to help
increase engagement (likes, shares and commnent) on social media platforms. The gift includes
shopping vouchers, costumes or accessories,... On special occasions such as launching a new collection
or changing seasons, organize mix-match programs to give valuable gifts to high- engagement posts
(Backlink). Run Facebook and Instagram ads when launching new collection.
- Website: Create an additional "Zara and You" navigation on the website to share outfit
mix and match suggestions and novelty combinations from Zara users. Add product review function for

Figure 5: Customer
customers to have more information when choosing products. Rearrange the website with bolder and
larger fonts. Add product size information on the screen. There are special labels for products that use
recycled or environmentally friendly materials.
- Email Automation
Offerring for new customers 15% discount voucher when signing up to receive emails from
Zara. Give customers a 10% discount voucher when shopping online through Zara's website or app in
the first quarter of 2024.
- SEO techniques
Increasing responsiveness when users act on the app and website to provide a seamless shopping
experience for customers.
o Phase 2: Increasing online sale and promoting Summer Collection
- On- page SEO
Updating information about new collections on web and app. Use morph effects to make
moving photos and videos smoother and more engaging.
- Off- page SEO
Collaborating with newspapers and magazines (online and offline) in beauty and fashion to
cover the new collection. Create the "best mix-match" challenge to drive customer engagement.
- Content Marketing
Sharing stories and ideas behind Summer Collection, give some mix-match suggestions for
different needs of customers.
- Advertising on Social Media
Advertising Summer Collection on Facebook and Instagram with hashtags that make it easy for
customers to identify and find.
- Use of influencers
Ordering with 8 highly engaged KOLs/KOCs during the Summer Collection launch to share
new products and give outfit suggestions. This helps customers have more reference information when
buying products.
- Social Media Engagement
Creating event "Zara in life" with rewards including 10 million VND shopping voucher and 3
unique outfit sets in Summer Collection. Participants must share three ways to mix-match outfits from
Summer Collection for three different occasions (work, outing, travel,...). The account with the most
interactions and the most impressive mix-matcha wins.
- Email Marketing Automation

Send email triggers to all customers about Summer Collection. Divided into 4 mails sent in turn
5 days apart. The first mail introduces the collection and the official release date. The remaining 3
emails focus on sharing the right mix-match when going to school, work, going out, traveling,...
o Phase 3: Increasing customer loyalty and launching Winter Collection
During this period, two main events will take place: Customer Appreciation and the launch of
Winter Collection. During the Customer Appreciation event, with each order from 10 million VND or
more, customers will receive a unique gift set including tote bag, thermos cup, car neck pillow and
baseball cap.
- On- page SEO
Changing the designs on the webiste and app to introduce the Customer Appreciation event and
launch the Winter collection.
- Off- page SEO
Cooperating with media agencies and KOLs/KOCs to cover these two events. KOL / KOC
recorded a video to share the products purchased, the Customer Appreciation gift given by Zara and
introduce the Terms and Conditions of the event. The Winter collection is mainly promoted in Hanoi
because the weather in Ho Chi Minh does not have a noticeable cold change.
- Content Marketing and Use of influencers
Sharing moments of combining Zara's Gratitude gift set with its outfits to attract customers as
well as unique mix-match ways for winter collection.
- Advertising on Social Media
On Facebook and Instagram, promote the Customer Appreciation event and introduce the
Winter collection using hashtags that are simple for customers to recognize and find.
- Social Media Engagement
Giveaway tote bag for 20 lucky customers on Facebook. Customer needs to like page, share
post, tag three friends and comment one number from 0- 999.
- Email Marketing Automation
Send trigger email notifications about events to customers before the event takes place. Send
reminder emails to customers during the events.
4. Action Plan
4.1. Gantt Chart

Figure 6: Gantt Chart
4.2. Timeline
o Phase 1
Phase 1 of the marketing plan will be implemented from January 5, 2024, when everyone has
returned from the New Year holiday.
- Social networks: January 05 – March 31
- Website: January 05 – February 25
- Email Automation: February 01 – April 29
- SEO techniques: January 05 – February 10
o Phase 2
After improving brand awareness, the plan now is to increase sales. Thereby helping to increase
revenue. At the same time, launch the Summer collection in mid-May.
- On- page SEO: May 02 – May 10
- Off- page SEO: May 10 – May 30
- Content Marketing: May 10 – May 30

- Advertising on Social Media: May 10 – August 10
- Use of influencers: May 20 – July 05
- Social Media Engagement: August 10 – August 30
- Email Marketing Automation: May 10 – May 25
o Phase 3
The final phase of the plan is aimed at retaining new customers and developing relationships
with existing customers.
- On- page SEO: September 01 – September 07
- Off- page SEO: September 07 – September 30
- Content Marketing and Use of influencers: September 10 – September 20
- Advertising on Social Media: September 10 – December 25
- Social Media Engagement: Novermber 05 – November 20
- Email Marketing Automation: September 01 – November 05
4.3. Budget
Budget allocation 3,000,000,000 VND
Operating costs 2,766,000,000 VND
Cost estimates 234,000,000 VND
The below table show the detail for cost allocation.
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Paid Search 100,000,000 VND 100,000,000 VND 100,000,000 VND
Paid social network 130,000,000 VND 150,000,000 VND 180,000,000 VND
SEO 10,000,000 VND 13,000,000 VND 15,000,000 VND
Follow-up marketing 10,000,000 VND 13,000,000 VND 15,000,000 VND
Content distribution 7,000,000 VND 10,000,000 VND 13,000,000 VND
Affiliate Marketing 7,000,000 VND 10,000,000 VND 13,000,000 VND
Website maintenance 5,000,000 VND 5,000,000 VND 5,000,000 VND
Graphic design 13,000,000 VND 15,000,000 VND 17,000,000 VND
Influencers / KOL 200,000,000 VND 230,000,000 VND 250,000,000 VND
Retainers 130,000,000 VND 150,000,000 VND 180,000,000 VND
Tools 40,000,000 VND 45,000,000 VND 50,000,000 VND
Marketing strategy 20,000,000 VND 25,000,000 VND 30,000,000 VND
Giveaway and mini 130,000,000 VND 150,000,000 VND 180,000,000 VND
Total 802,000,000 VND 916,000,000 VND 1,048,000,000 VND

Staged Mining Progress on the Platforms Used:
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Google Keywords Carry out Updating keywords
Network optimization
channels Facebook/ #Zarafans, Minigames and Minigames and
Instagram/ #Zaralovers, giveaways giveaways
Tiktok #Zarahomies
Website/ App Design, Zara and Design Product focusing
Event Customer New Year Holiday

Minigames/ 4- 5 times 6-7 times 8 times

Product Summer Collection Winter Collection
Influencers Online Mix- match tips Mix- match tips Mix- match tips,
networks Customer
Appreciation gifts

Zara and Weekly Mix- match tips Mix- match tips Mix- match tips
You posting
Email Trigger Weekly emails for Weekly emails for Weekly emails for
Marketing emails new mix- match tips. new mix- match tips. new mix- match tips.
Special event Lunar New Year Summer Collection Winter Collection
Partner- Affiliate 5 bloggers 10 bloggers 15 bloggers
ships Marketing &
5. Control
5.1. Metrics
Control is an indispensable step in the marketing process, helping marketing activities meet
Zara's set goals: increasing brand awareness, increasing revenue, increasing customer satisfaction,... in
order to control, evaluate after the completion of the project effectively or not, check the revenue and
expenditure and much more. It is necessary to identify and track metrics for the 3 phases of the 2024
digital marketing plan:
- Phase 1: Website traffic, website tracking, and social network engagement.
- Phase 2: Online revenue, traffic, and engagement on social networks-based BST advertising
- Phase 3: The number of interactions with articles about the Customer Appreciation program
and aggregate revenue.
Therefore, the following metrics should be used to establish KPIs for the four phases of the 2024
digital marketing plan:

o Cost per click
An online advertising income model known as cost per click (CPC) allows websites to charge
advertisers according to how frequently users click on display ads that are integrated into their pages.
For a campaign's daily budget, advertisers frequently use cost per click. The ad is immediately
withdrawn from the website's rotation for the remaining portion of the billing cycle once the advertiser's
budget is used up (Frankenfield, 2023).
Pros Cons
Higher value Expensive
Increases website traffic Costs are very variable
Awareness of brands and products is less
o Conversion rate
A campaign's or piece of content's conversion rate is used to gauge its success. It specifically
displays the frequency with which users performed a desired activity, such as clicking a link, signing up
for an event, or completing a purchase (Glossary, 2023). Every conversion rate is expressed as a
percentage; the higher the number, the more effective Zara's campaign was.
Pros Cons
It demonstrates a page's or piece of content's Too broad and unspecific
o Cost Per Acquisition
A financial indicator known as cost per acquisition is used to gauge the direct effect of
marketing activities on revenue. The average order value and customer lifetime value can be used by
Zara to calculate an appropriate CPA for online acquisition. CPA offers the commercial lens through
which to evaluate the efficacy of a campaign (Sadikoglu, 2022).
Pros Cons
Only pay if Zara get some profit High-value products requires high budgets
Can be used widely
Optimize harmonious content on websites and
Optimizes targeting the right audience
o Return on Investment
The process of attributing profit and revenue growth to the effects of marketing initiatives is known as
marketing ROI. Zara can assess the extent to which marketing initiatives, whether taken as a whole or
in the context of specific campaigns, contribute to revenue development by evaluating return on

marketing expenditure (Beattie, 2023).
Pros Cons
Easy to calculation. Different time period leads to different results
of the same marketing campagin.
Only reflect the sale. If the campagin aims for
other goals such as customer loyalty, brand
awareness,… ROI is useless.
5.2. Measurement
Metrics Main activities Support tools
Google Conversion rate SEO Google analysis
Network CPC
channels Facebook/ ROI Advertising Social mentions
Instagram/ Conversion rate
Website/ App CPA Graphic design Revenue
Conversion rate Product promotion
Event Customer ROI SEO Revenue
Appreciation CPC Advertising Google analysis
CPA Gifting Social mentions
Conversion rate
Minigames/ Conversion rate Joining the events Social mentions
Product CPC SEO Google analysis
launch CPA Advertising Social mentions
Conversion rate Product promotion Revenue
Influencers Online ROI Mix- match videos Revenue
networks and sharing tips Social mentions

Zara and Weekly CPC Posts Social mentions

You posting
Email Trigger Conversion rate Emails Social mentions
Marketing emails CPC
Special event Conversion rate Emails Social mentions
Partner- Affiliate CPC Advertising, videos, Social mentions
ships Marketing & CPA … Revenue
Referrals Conversion rate
III. Conclusion
As a global brand, Zara has implemented many successful marketing campaigns. However, in Vietnam,
Zara's market share is relatively limited. Applied SOSTAC framework, a digital marketing has been
designed to help Zara improve brand awareness, thereby increasing sales and satisfaction.

Đỗ Phong, 2023. Thương mại điện tử Việt Nam đạt trên 20 tỷ USD. [Online]
Available at:
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Beattie, A., 2023. How to Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) of a Marketing Campaign. [Online]

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Frankenfield, J., 2023. Cost Per Click (CPC) Explained, With Formula and Alternatives. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 08 July 2023].
Glossary, 2023. Conversion rate (CVR). [Online]
Available at:
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Available at:
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Minh Nguyệt , 2023. Marta Ortega đã giúp Inditex tăng trưởng doanh thu vượt xa H&M. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 05 July 2023].
PDF Agile, n.d.. Zara Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 05 July 2023].
Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị , 2023. Xu hướng phát triển của ngành công nghiệp thời trang năm 2023. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 05 July 2023].
Sadikoglu, Y., 2022. What is CPA?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 08 July 2023]. , 2022. Who is Zara’s Target Market? Zara Brand Analysis – Customer Segmentation,
Marketing Strategy & Competitors. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 05 July 2023].


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