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I. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................2
II. Body....................................................................................................................................................2
1. Objective.........................................................................................................................................2
2. Strategy............................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Target market...........................................................................................................................4
2.2. Online Value Proposition.........................................................................................................7

3. Tactics..............................................................................................................................................9
3.1. Channels used to build campaigns...........................................................................................9
3.2. Content tactic for platforms...................................................................................................11
3.3. Integrate between channels to build seamless experience......................................................12
4. Action plan....................................................................................................................................13
5. Controls.........................................................................................................................................13
5.1. Measurement plan:.................................................................................................................13
III. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................17
REFERENCE LIST................................................................................................................................17

I. Introduction

This report will show the goals and content of the campaign that Zara is aiming for in the
coming year. Along with that are the platforms and metrics that support the campaign to get the
best quality possible. From there, Zara can optimize revenue through digital marketing.
II. Body
1. Objective

The main goals of the Zara campaign “Sự trendy luôn bắt kịp thời gian” are.
- Increase Zara's sales by 20% in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to the second quarter of
the previous year
- Within the first half of 2024, Zara's channels and platforms can reach 25% more potential
customers, and the usage time has also increased from 10% to 15%.
- Access to new markets by 15%
According to Nilsson, 2020, This step needs to be very clear about long-term goals like vision
and mission as well as short-term goals like 5s (sell, serve, call, speak and save) to be protected.
by PR smith (Nilsson, 2020), where an organization might have a numerical goal that is
checked by SMART (Specific, Measurable, Feasible, Reasonable and Timely), (Stephens,
Specific - Increase revenue by 20%
- Expand the market by 15%
- Time spent accessing platforms increased by 10 to 15%
Measurable - Control and check the metrics of multimedia channels to

evaluate the brand's spread
- Number of new users reaching the campaign to measure
- Check and evaluate the sales parameters that will reflect the
success of the campaign
Attainable - Gen Z and customers who have the habit of using the internet
are the main audience that Zara advertises to expand the
- Zara has been and continues to invest heavily in marketing
and human resources for digital marketing campaigns
- This new campaign can increase the brand value many times
Relevant - Expanding the coverage and influence of the Zara brand
- Improve the quality of using the platform for users
- Improve sales to the time of Zara's main platforms
Timebound - -Starting from May 2023 to June 2024

The SOSTAC-supported plan in the 5S model. The 5s consisted of sell, serve, speak, save and
finally sizzle, the effects of this model helping the Zara company to define the objectives of the
plan. digital promotion plan.

Sell Fast fashion company Zara uses clever application of electronic

marketing techniques to attract their customers who can shop in many
places such as their website or third-party websites. Zara's main goal is
to expand the segment and sales range, find more potential customers.
Finally, increase the company's sales
Serve Improve the quality of the channels and platforms that Zara uses to
reach customers
Speak Zara regularly checks and updates the connection systems of
communication channels to improve the quality when customers use
the channel.
Save Zara does not work too hard for offline campaigns, but Zara focuses on
developing online communication channels to attract potential young

Sizzle Every small success has a big impact on Zara. Those things make the
company more impressive in the eyes of consumers

2. Strategy
2.1. Target market

- Demographic:

In the current time, most companies tend to switch to channels or services that use internet
elements and high technology. And Zara is no exception in the industry. Zara has quite a lot of

adult customers, especially those from 18 to 30 years old, also known as Gen Z, which is the
main customer segment that Zara pays the most attention to. The reason for this is that Gen Z
has the opportunity to have access to a variety of electronic information channels and high-tech
devices. At that age, they can use the internet to access information naturally and continuously
for a long time, so Gen Z has all the elements for Zara to focus on accessing. Moreover, people
of Gen Z also have a habit of online shopping quite a lot and they can also afford that habit.
- Behavioral:

Pre-purchase stage: Gen Z people like the persona-like audience above have quite clear
differences in purchasing habits with older people. Gen Z people have a habit of using internet-
connected devices or search engines to learn the pros and cons of the Zara brand before
deciding to buy. Zara's touch points to customers such as stores, websites or each feature in the
company's platforms will be experienced by customers and worth quite seriously. And
eventually, they will also consult with others.
Service and purchase experience phase: Zara's websites and apps will have to go through many
experiences of Gen Z like Thuy Tien. Gen Z customers have experienced a variety of
technologies for some time, so they will have a good idea of the platforms Zara uses to reach
customers. Gen Z has a high value for websites and platforms with easy-to-see interfaces,
combined with minimalist colors, emotional content, short but still impressive. As a fast fashion
store, they also prioritize quick payment methods such as COD, banking or QR code. Finally,
Gen Z will be particularly impressed with Zara's response speed when they have questions on
electronic media channels.
Stage after experience, purchase: At this stage, the company will be affected a lot by the
comments and suggestions of customers. If customers have difficulties buying using Zara's
platforms and websites, they will respond and hope the company will change and improve in a
short time. Gen Z loves to see brands change the features they contribute because customers see
that the brand cares about their word. If customers experience no difficulties, they are more
likely to become loyal customers of the company's digital devices and platforms.
- Geography:

Zara is a globally famous fast fashion brand and has 2 store locations in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City. Although this fashion company only has 2 store locations in 2 main cities of
Vietnam, they do not have many difficulties in reaching customers in all parts of the country. In

Vietnam, the internet is present almost everywhere, so it is not difficult for information
channels such as Zara's website and platform to reach consumers' lives. Consumers in Hanoi or
Ho Chi Minh may find it easier to go to a store or go to a website to buy things. As for
customers outside of the two locations above, they have to buy at the website. This is not
affected too much when Zara is quite strong in terms of online sales and delivery to customers
without being limited by geography or time. As long as those customers have access to the
- Targeting

The target customers that Zara targets are those who understand high-tech, internet-connected
devices. The audience that fully converges factors such as high usage time, technology savvy is
Gen Z. Zara wants this potential customer to be attracted by the minimalist but modern
interfaces. modern, easy to operate and can be linked to many devices that they use every day.
This customer segment can both increase revenue due to their shopping habits and they are also
trustworthy people with valuable websites and platforms to better suit the needs of Gen Z.
desired in digital services.
- Positioning

Vietnam is a developing country with the fastest speed of modernization in the region, so high-
tech brands will develop at the same time. Zara could easily take advantage of this growth to
promote activities or services in its digital channel. One of them is e-commerce, online
payment, fast and safe shipping system. Zara will have more win-win relationships to expand its
market, have the opportunity to grow faster. This fast fashion brand is positioned as a great
brand in terms of their digital marketing products and systems now and in the future.
2.2. Online Value Proposition

Zara presents the brand's image as being quite modern, always looking to the future. So the
voice of Zara's online value proposition needs to fully embody those properties. The online
value proposition must convey the company's message and statement clearly and firmly. In this
campaign, we will have to use a strong, solid voice to make customers believe in the brand's
online value proposition even if it is in the future. In addition to strong words, one needs to have
a prominent image to attract more customers. We must use specific words that customers trust
so that customers can shorten the distance with the brand. This can convey the message clearly
and grab the customer's attention. Finally, the voice for the online value proposition must ensure

the brevity, the true quality of the brand. In this campaign of Zara, the company always wants to
affirm its online value proposition that the designs or products will have the latest and most
trendy fashion trends for customers before all competitors.
The marketing mix
Product Zara has a huge advantage in terms of products. Zara
products are always changed very quickly according to the
trends of the world. Zara offers many styles to choose from.
Each year, it introduces at least 10,000 new designs, and
Zara also partners with local talent to deliver the most up-to-
date fashion trends. Not because of these rapid changes, the
quality of Zara's products is poor. As a high-end fast fashion
brand of the world, Zara is always meticulous in producing
top quality products.
Place Zara has 2 main stores in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Its
products are present in more than 500 retail agents in
Price Despite launching many products, changing many
collections in just one year, the prices of Zara products are
very affordable. What is a very good point coming from this
fashion brand. Zara gives users access to fast fashion at
significantly lower prices than other brands. Zara has always
described itself as a manufacturer of high-quality, low-cost
clothing. Zara also has discounts for customers.
Promotion Zara's main promotion strategy is based on experience,
exclusivity, affordability, and differentiation. This strategy is
reflected in the attention to detail of the galleries. Everything
is precise, professional, and elegant
Processes Zara's history allows the company to spot new trends and
launch new trending products in less than a month. Zara
doesn't have too much inventory, so the products are
constantly changing

3. Tactics
3.1. Channels used to build campaigns.

At the present time, the world is having a very fast and strong development in internet and
technology 4.0 and so is Vietnam. Vietnam has become one of the rapidly growing markets in
terms of the amount of time people spend using the internet, especially the mass media and
daily social media channels. According to GOV.VN, 2023, Vietnam has more than 77 million
social network users, accounting for nearly 80% of the country's population. Therefore,
promotional activities using social networks and mass media channels are one of the effective
ways for Zara's brand to be able to provide products or services quickly to customers. The
platforms Zara will use in this campaign are:
- Facebook

Facebook platform is the most used platform in Vietnam market today. According to data
published in Meta's advertising resources, Facebook has 66.20 million users in Vietnam at the
beginning of 2023. This is one of the first platforms as well as the first investment by fast
fashion brand Zara. and most. Zara realizes that facebook is a social networking site with many
people. Facebook has all the factors that are suitable for points such as demographics and
shopping habits of the customers that Zara targets. With Facebook's activities, Zara uses short
posts with outstanding, colorful illustrations. Zara's goal is to increase the number of Facebook
followers by 15% year over year. The number of posts on the platform must also increase to
serve this goal, for this to happen the updated content from their Newsfeed pages must have
good content. Meanwhile, businesses can increase brand awareness, implement, and develop
facebook marketing from a to z, collect detailed information about the audience and can chat
with users about the latest trends. products, services. This fashion brand should also take
advantage of this website to be able to collect user opinions and values. This will help Zara be
more satisfied with its customers, thereby optimizing the revenue and features of this social
media site.
- Instagram

Following facebok, the social networking site that Gen Z young people are very interested in
and tend to use more is Instagram. According to Meta's advertising tool, the number shows that
Instagram has 10.35 million users in Vietnam at the beginning of 2023. Zara is a fast fashion

brand, so they are quite suitable for Instagram to some extent. This platform has a lot of short,
constantly changing content that is quite suitable for Zara to keep its audience. Unlike the goal
that Zara sets for facebook, Instagram is being favored a bit more focused on the growth rate of
followers of 20% of the current number of users of this platform. Instagram has a strong
connection between content and engagement. Zara can put its content on short videos, carousel
posts, especially instagaram stories. The good thing about Instagram is that they are the first
social network to have this, instagaram stories are an extremely useful tool to help brands create
deeper engagement with followers and lead them to participate in marketing strategies. Zara can
give consumers a preview of their new products through here for a limited time of 1 day. This
makes consumers work harder to interact with the brand than arouse customers' curiosity. Zara
must also optimize the Instagram platform well because it is an important and influential social
network, especially for business and marketing.
- Tiktok

Another emerging platform recently, tiktok - a platform with short videos that can describe
content in a creative and new way. According to vneconomy, Vietnam is currently ranked 6th
among the 10 countries with the largest number of TikTok users in the world. DataReportal data
estimates that by February 2023, there are about 49.9 million TikTok users in Vietnam. Because
tiktok is a new website that has been released in recent years, mainly the people who are using it
are Gen Z, which is the main object of Zara. Zara caught this so they have planned to help their
tiktok have a 20-25% increase in followers and viewers and a 7% increase in the number of
quality videos with the previous quarter of 2023. Tiktok is the main platform. emphasis on
visual and verbal storytelling. Making a short video but still ensuring creativity and curiosity for
users is what Zara will do. Along with these # features, this short content can cover very wide in
the whole territory of Vietnam. By tiktok, this fashion brand can spread the brand to more
people and the interaction also increases accordingly.
3.2. Content tactic for platforms

“Sự trendy luôn bắt kịp thời gian” is a marketing campaign that Zara focuses on doing in many
different platforms to optimize the effectiveness of this campaign. And this time, Zara decided
to choose all 3 platforms to maximize efficiency for achieving the goal
Campaign Strategy for “Sự trendy luôn bắt kịp thời gian”:
All the most creative content, advertising to entice target customers or use the influence of

KOLs are used to implement the campaign "The Sự trendy luôn bắt kịp thời gian". In the first
steps, in platforms like Facebook or Instagram, there will not be much change or too much
difference. At these two platforms, Zara uses the same method. These 2 platforms will be the
place where Zara describes the company's brand image and the main content of this campaign.
Zara wants to highlight the highlight that will be trendy and time like a best friend who always
moves forward together. To do this, Zara must work hard to write a delicious but meaningful
caption. Changing trends or styles is something that happens all the time, anytime, anywhere.
And this change is not difficult with the help of Zara. This brand is always ready to change their
entire clothing and footwear products every 6 months or even 4 weeks if needed. This makes
changing the appearance of consumers easier and faster. Posts must have #trendy and #time
together for wider coverage. Zara put out these advertisements to strengthen the company's
campaign. Attached to the post must be bright images to create sympathy for viewers,
especially Gen Z. Zara always wants this to stimulate consumers to participate in the campaign
There is also an additional point in which a short video using KOLs talking about Zara's
campaign content will be made on Instagram and titok platforms. The use of KOL that Gen Z
loves can attract a larger audience to participate in the campaign than before. #trendy and #time
are also attached to this short video.
The campaign "The Sự trendy luôn bắt kịp thời gian" brings belief in how to develop and
optimize efficiency through the use of content and promotion targeting many customer
3.3. Integrate between channels to build seamless experience

The link between information channels is one of the decisive factors for the success of a
campaign. Brand recognition and consumer experience are directly proportional to the
connection of the information channels of the brand you are using. The Omni channel campaign
was chosen by Zara to coordinate and help users as carefully and optimally as possible. Each
promotion channel is like every touch point of the brand to customers. A good touch makes a
good impression. Zara will collect data on the engagement and coverage of posts on different
platforms. These figures represent the transmission of content information of an entire
campaign. The better the interoperability between platforms, the faster the company's goals can
be realized. The data needs to be carefully analyzed and transferred to the Zara company to

analyze the current situation. From here, the campaign will be adjusted according to the data
that the platforms return. Zara always tries to connect platforms together in the best way to
optimize revenue growth and market expansion. As for customers, Zara also collects data and
reviews with each user to help them in their journey to experience the brand's products and
4. Action plan

5. Controls
5.1. Measurement plan:

Tools to evaluate the number of leads and the effectiveness of each channel:
Zara's measurement tools for each platform will give the company a metric or information
about the attitude of consumers when participating in the campaign "The Sự trendy luôn bắt kịp
thời gian"
- Meta Business Suite
According to Facebook, 2020, the meta business suite helps Zara manage information and
analyze the data of the fanpage, the number of people interacting with Zara's posts. Page
performance analysis is the key point in this tool. Campaigns always need to be monitored for
performance and quality at each individual time, each post to attract customers.
Advantage Disadvantage
- Usable for both Facebook and - Don't focus on content creation and
Instagram communication
- Always up to date
- Monitor business results anytime,

- Tiktok Analytics

This is a feature built by Tiktok to support businesses and content creators. Tiktok analytics can
show information like your followers, profile visitors, and video metrics. Zara can clearly
understand what content is performing best and best on your account, thereby adjusting its
content strategy to better suit today's market.

Advantage Disadvantage
- Monitor the quality of brand videos - Having a lot of legal problems
- Clear data analysis - Difficulty in setting up
- Improve customer reach

Identify key metrics:

- Conversion rate
This is an indicator that helps Zara realize how many customers reach their campaigns with the
channels and platforms they are using. And also customers who have made successful
purchases. This is a metric that can monitor and check the number of users such as the number
of people who subscribe, use or read the information of the campaign.
- Cart abandonment rate
Since Zara supports online purchases, this is also an important metric for them. Consumers will
have times when choosing a product to skip the shopping cart, but in the end they decide not to
continue buying. This metric will help Zara know the number of people left behind and remedy
this situation. The lower this metric, the higher the number of people deciding to buy. From
there, they reflect the success of the campaign
- Customer retention rate
Zara with data on how many customers the brand retains over a certain period of time. The
number of retention - loyal customers is one of the important factors to confirm whether the
company's battle will go into the subconscious and leave an impression on many customers.

Metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign:

Metrics Tools Benefits Limitations

First - Meta This metric measures There may be
Response Business employee performance and exceptions and errors
Time Suite effectiveness throughout the due to data
- Instagram entire Zara campaign.
insights Moreover, they also show the
- Tiktok image of an entire team

Customer - Google Customer effort score when The cost is not

effort score Analytics used has a very high optimized, only the
reliability because it is final result should be
difficult to be influenced by taken.
external factors. This metric
is very simple
Conversion - Google The effectiveness of the Does not show the full
rate Analytics website and platform will be picture of a campaign.
shown here This metric is also
affected by the
Customer - Meta When implemented, the Very difficult to
satisfaction Business results are given accurately, measure for long-term
Suite the feedback is checked and use
- Instagram updated regularly
- Tiktok
Churn rate - Meta They represent quality and Do not let Zara know
Business determine customer the segment of
Suite satisfaction. Moreover, can customers leaving
- Instagram be compared with
insights competitors

- Tiktok
- Google
Net - Meta This is a metric that has a This metric needs to be
promoter Business clear and diverse response, planned in detail by
score Suite From there, Zara can analyze Zara and their coverage
- Instagram it more easily is small
- Tiktok

III. Conclusion

This report will show the goals and content of the campaign that Zara is aiming for in the
coming year. Along with that are the platforms and metrics that support the campaign to get the
best quality possible. From there, Zara can optimize revenue through digital marketing.

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