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The Torah tells us that at the same time that Hashem (G-d) commanded

Abraham to circumcise himself Hashem also gave Avraham a new name.

The kabalists explain that a childs spiritual soul comes into the child in
stages. The soul is completed at the time of the circumcision. A persons
name holds within it the spiritual and emotional qualities of each person. It
is therefore fitting that at the time of the Circumcision the child receives his
Hebrew name.

Our sages also tell us that when the parents decide on the name of their child
they are imbued with a powerful prophetic sense of comprehending their
child’s innate sensitivities and qualities. It is therefore appropriate that
parents take some time after birth to listen and tap into the messages that the
newborn is giving over about himself.

Judaism places a great deal of significance on a child's Hebrew name. It is a

symbol of Jewish identity and a banner your child will honor and cherish,
linking him to his family heritage. It is often customary to name the child
after someone who led a righteous life so that the child will emulate that

Ashkenazi Jews often name their children after a dearly departed relative,
while Sephardic Jews sometimes name their children in honor of living
relatives. In the case of someone who died at a young age, another name
referring to life, or the name of a person who lived a full life is added.

Consulting with your Rabbi or spiritual advisor is always commendable with

regard to your customs. Below is a list of common Hebrew names with their
basic meanings. Below is a short list of names and their basic meaning.

Adam - "man, mankind" Ariel - Ariel is a name for Jerusalem. It

Adiel - "adorned by God" or "God is my means "lion of God."
witness." A ryeh - Aryeh was an army officer in the
Aharon (Aaron) - Aharon (Aaron) was Bible. Aryeh means "lion."
the older brother of Moshe (Moses). Asher - Asher was a son of Yaakov (Jacob)
A kiva - Rabbi Akiva was a first century and hence the name for one of the tribes of
scholar and teacher.A lon - "oak tree." Israel. The symbol for this tribe is the olive
Ami - "my people." tree. Asher means “blessed, fortunate,
Amos - Amos was an 8th century prophet happy” in Hebrew.
from northern Israel. A vi - "my father.
"A vichai - "my father (or God) is lives. "garden." The name “Carmi” means “my
"A viel - "my father is God." garden.”
Aviv - "spring, springtime." Carm iel - Carmiel means "God is my
Avner - Avner was King Saul's uncle and vineyard."
army commander. Avner means "father (or Chacham – Hebrew for “wise one.”
God) of light." Chagai - Chagai means "my holiday(s),
Avraham (Abraham) - Avraham festive."
(Abraham) was the father of the Jewish Chai - Chai means "life." Chai is also an
people.A vram - Avram was the original important symbol in Jewish culture.
name of Abraham.A yal - "deer, ram." Chaim - Chaim means "life." (Also spelled
B N ames Chayim)Cham – From the Hebrew word
Barak - Barak means "lightening." Barak for “warm.”
was a soldier in the Bible during the time C hanan - Chanan means "grace."
of the female Judge named Deborah. Chasdiel – Hebrew for “my God is
Bar - Bar means "grain, pure, possesor of" gracious.”
in Hebrew. Bar means "son (of), wild, Chavivi – Hebrew for “my beloved” or
outside" in Aramaic. B artholomew – “my friend.”
From the Aramaic and Hebrew words for D N ames
“hill” or “furrow.” D an - Dan means "judge." Dan was
Baruch – Hebrew for “blessed.” Jacob's son.
Bela – From the Hebrew words for D aniel - Daniel was an interpreter of
“swallow” or “engulf” Bela was the name of dreams in the Book of Daniel. Daniel was
one of Jacob’s grandson’s in the Bible. a pious and wise man in the Book of
Ben - Ben means "son."B en-Ami - Ben- Ezekiel. Daniel means "God is my judge."
Ami means "son of my people." D avid – David is derived from the
Ben-Zion - Ben-Zion means "son of Hebrew word for “beloved.” David was the
Zion." name of the Biblical hero who slew Goliath
Benyamin (Benjamin) - Benyamin and became on of Israel’s greatest kings
was Jacob's youngest son. Benyamin means .D or – From the Hebrew word for
"son of my right hand" (the connotation is “generation.”
of "strength"). D oran - Doran means "gift." Pet
Boaz - Boaz was King David's great- variants include Dorian and Doron.
grandfather and Ruth's husband. “Dori” means “my generation.”
C N am es D otan -Dotan, place in Israel, means
Calev (Caleb)- Calev was the spy sent by "law."
Moses into Canaan. D ov - Dov means "bear."
Carm el - Carmel means "vineyard" or D ror - Dror means "freedom" and "bird
(swallow)." Gil - Gil means "joy."
E N ames Gad - Gad was Jacob's son in the Bible.
Edan - Edan (also spelled Idan) means Gavriel (Gabriel) - Gavriel (Gabriel) is
"era, historic period." the name of an angel that visited Daniel in
Efraim - Efraim was Jacob's grandson. the Bible. Gavriel means "God is my
E itan - Eitan means "strong." strength.
Elad - Elad, from Ephraim's tribe means Gershem – Gershem means “rain” in
"God is eternal." Hebrew. In the Bible Gershem was an
Eldad – Hebrew for “beloved of God.” adversary of Nehemiah.
Elan - Elan (also spelled Ilan) means G idon (Gideon) - Gidon (Gideon) was a
"tree." warrior-hero in the Bible.
Eli - Eli was a High Priest and the last of Gilad - Gilad was the name of a
the Judges in the Bible.  mountain in the Bible. The name means
Eliezer - There were three Eliezers in the "endless joy."
Bible: Abraham's servant, Moses' son, a H adar – From the Hebrew words for
prophet. Eliezer means "my God helps." “beautiful, ornamented” or “honored.”
Eliahu (Elijah) - Eliahu (Elijah) was a H adriel – “Splendor of the Lord.”
prophet. H aim – A varient of Chaim,
E liav – “God is my father” in Hebrew. H aran – From the Hebrew words for
E lisha - Elisha was a prophet and “mountaineer” or “mountan people.”
Elijah's student. H arel - Harel means "mountain of God." 
Eshkol - Eshkol means "cluster of grapes." H evel – “breath, vapor.”
Even - Even means "stone" in Hebrew. H ila – Abbreviated version of the Hebrew
E zra - Ezra was a priest and scribe who word “tehila” meaning “praise.” Also, Hilai
led the return from Babylon and the or Hilan. 
movement to rebuild the Holy Temple in H illel - Hillel was a Jewish scholar in the
Jerusalem along with Nehemiah. Ezra first century B.C.E. Hillel means "praise."
means “help” in Hebrew. H od - Hod was a member of Asher's tribe.
F N am es Hod means "splendor."
There are few masculine names that begin I N ames
with the “F” sound in Hebrew, however, in Idan - Idan (also spelled Edan) means
Yiddish F names include Feivel (“bright "era, historic period." Idi – The name of a
one”) and 4th century scholar mentioned in the
From el, which is a diminutive form of Talmud.
Avraham. Ilan - Ilan (also spelled Elan) means
G N ames "tree."
Gal - Gal means "wave." Ir – “city or town.”
Isaac (Yitzhak) - Isaac was Abraham's will add or increase.”
son in the Bible. Yitzak means "he will Joshua (Yehoshua) - Joshua was Moses'
laugh.”I saiah – From the Hebrew for successor as leader of the Israelites in the
“God is my salvation.” Isaiah was one of Bible. Joshua means “the Lord is my
the prophets of the Bible.I srael – The salvation.”J osiah – “Fire of the Lord.” In
name given to Jacob after he wrestled with the Bible Josiah was a king who ascended
an angel and also the name of the State of the throne at the age of eight when his
Israel. In Hebrew, Israel means “to wrestle father was murdered. 
with God.”I ssachar - Issachar was Judah (Yehuda) – Judah was the son of
Jacob's son in the Bible. Issachar means Jacob and Leah in the Bible. The name
"there is a reward." means “praise.”
Itai - Itai was one of David's warriors in Joel (Yoel) – Joel was a prophet. Yoel
the Bible. Itai means "friendly." means "God is willing." 
Itamar - Itamar was Aharon's son in the Jonah (Yonah) - Jonah was a prophet.
Bible. Itamar means "island of palm Yonah means "dove."
(trees)." K N ames
J N am es K armiel – Hebrew for “God is my
Yaacov – Jacob means “held by the heel.” vineyard.” Also spelled Carmiel.
Jacob is one of the Jewish patriarchs.  K atriel – “God is my crown.”
Jerem iah – “God will loosen the bonds” or K efir – “Young cub or lion.”
“God will uplift.” Jeremiah was one of the L N ames
Hebrew prophets in the Bible. Lavan – “White.”
Jethro – “Abundance, riches.” Jethro was Lavi - Lavi means "lion." 
Moses’ father-in-law.J ob – Job was the Levi - Levi was Jacob and Leah’s son in
name of a righteous man who was the Bible. The name means “joined” or
persecuted by Satan (the adversary) and “attendant upon.”
whose story is recounted in the Book of Job. Lior - Lior means "I have light."
The name means “hated” or “oppressed.”  Liron, Liran -Liron, Liran means "I
Jonathan (Yonatan) – Jonathan was have joy."
King Saul’s son and King David’s best M N am es
friend in the Bible. The name means “God M alach – “Messenger or angel.”
has given.” M alachi - Malachi was a prophet in the
Jordan - The name of the Jordan river in Bible.
Israel. Originally “Yarden,” it means "to M alkiel – “My King is God.”
flow down, descend."  M atan - Matan means "gift."
Yosef – Joseph was the sone of Jacob and M aor - Maor mean "light."
Rachel in the Bible. The name means “God M aoz – “Strength of the Lord.”
M atityahu - Matityahu was the father "comforted by God.”
of Judah Maccabi. Matityahu means "gift N ir - Nir means "to plow” or “to cultivate
of God." a field.”
M azal – “Star” or “luck.” N issan - Nissan is the name of a Hebrew
M eir (M eyer) - Meir (also spelled month and means “banner, emblem” or
Meyer) means "light."  “miracle.”
M enashe - Menashe was Joseph's N issim - Nissim is derived from the
son. The name means “causing to forget.” Hebrew words for “signs” or miracles.” 
M erom – “Heights.” Merom was the name N itzan - Nitzan means "bud (of a
of a place where Joshua won one of his plant)." 
military victories.  N oach (N oah) - Noach (Noah) was a
M ichah - Michah was a prophet.  righteous man who God commanded to
M ichael - Michael was an angel and build an ark in preparation for the Great
messenger of God in the Bible. The name Flood. Noah means “rest, quiet,
means “Who is like God?” peace.”N oam - Noam means "pleasant."
M ordechai - Mordechai was Queen O N ames
Esther's cousin in the Book of Esther. The Oded - Oded means "to restore."
name means “warrior, warlike.” Ofer - Ofer means "young mountain goat”
Moriel – “God is my guide.” or “young deer.” 
M oshe (M oses) – Moses was a prophet Omer - Omer means "sheaf (of wheat)."
and leader in the Bible. He brought the O mri - Omri was a king of Israel who
Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led sinned.
them to the Promised Land. Moses means O r (Orr) - Or (Orr) means "light." 
“drawn out (of the water)” in Hebrew. Oren - Oren means "pine (or cedar) tree.”
N achman – “Comforter.”N adav - O ri - Ori means "my light."
Nadav means "generous” or “noble.” Nadav O tniel - Otniel means "strength of God." 
was the eldest son of the High Priest Ovadya - Ovadya means "servant of
Aaron.N aftali – “To wrestle.” Naftali God." O
 z - Oz means "strength."
was the sixth son of Jacob. (Also spelled P N ames
Naphtali)N atan - Natan (Nathan) was Pardes – From the Hebrew for “vineyard”
the prophet in the Bible who reprimanded or “citrus grove
King David for his treatment of Uriah the .”P az - Paz means "golden." 
Hittite. Natan means “gift.”N atanel Peresh – “Horse” or “one who breaks
(N athaniel) - Natanel (Nathaniel) was ground.”
King David's brother in the Bible. Natanel Pinchas - Pinchas was Aaron's grandson
means "God gave."  in the Bible.P enuel - Penuel means "face
N echemya - Nechemya means of God."
Q N am es Shim on (Sim on) - Shimon (Simon) was
There are few, if any, Hebrew names that Jacob's son.
are usually transliterated to English with Sim cha - Simcha means "joy."
the letter “Q” as the first letter. T N ames
R N ames Tal - Tal means "dew."
Rachamim - Rachamim means Tam – “Complete, whole” or “honest.”
"compassionate, mercy." Tamir - Tamir means “tall, stately.”
Rafa – “Heal.” Tzvi (Zvi) – “Deer” or “gazelle.”
R am - Ram means “high, exalted” or U N ames
“mighty.” U riel - Uriel was an angel in the Bible.
Raphael - Raphael was an angel in the The name means “God is my light.”
Bible. Raphael means "God heals." U zi - Uzi means "my strength."
Ravid -Ravid means "ornament." U ziel - Uziel means "God is my strength."
Raviv - Raviv means "rain, dew." V N ames
Reuven (Reuben) - Reuven (Reuben) Vardimom – “The essence of rose.”
was Jacob's first son in the Bible with his Vofsi – A member of the tribe of Naftali.
wife Leah. The meaning of this name is unknown.
Revuen means “behold, a son!” W N ames
Ro’i – Ro’i means "my shepherd." There are few, if any, Hebrew names that
Ron - Ron means "song, joy." are usually transliterated to English with
S N am es the letter “W” as the first letter.
Sam uel - “His name is God.” Samuel Y N ames
(Shmuel) was the prophet and judge who Yaacov (Jacob) - Yaacov (Jacob) was the
anointed Saul as the first king of Israel.  son of Isaac in the Bible. The name means
Saul – “Asked” or “borrowed.” Saul was the “held by the heel.”
first king of Israel. Y edid - Yedid means "beloved, friend." 
S hai - Shai means "gift." Yair - Yair means "to light up” or “to
Sheth - Set (Seth) was the son of Adam in enlighten.” In the Bible Yair was a
the Bible. grandson of Joseph.
S egev - Segev means "glory, majesty, Y akar - Yakar means "precious." Also
exalted."  spelled Yakir.
Shalev - Shalev means "peaceful."  Y arden - Yarden means "to flow down,
Shalom - Shalom means "peace."  descend."
Shaul (Saul) - Shaul (Saul) was a king Y aron - Yaron means "He will sing."
of Israel.  Yigal - Yigal means "He will redeem." 
Shefer - Shefer means "pleasent, Yehoshua (Joshua) - Yehoshua
beautiful." (Joshua) was Moses' successor as leader of
the Israelites. Zechariah (Zachary) - Zachariah was
Y ehuda (Judah) - Yehuda (Judah) was a prophet in the Bible. Zachariah means
the son of Jacob and Leah in the Bible. The "remembering God."
name means “praise.” Ze’ev - Zeev means "wolf." 
Z N ames Ziv - Ziv means "to shine."
Zakai – “Pure, clean, innocent.”
Zamir - Zamir means "song."
References: "The Complete Dictionary of English and Hebrew First Names" by Alfred
J. Koltach. Jonathan David Publishers, Inc.: New York, 1984.  

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