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Task 1

1. Ways or the uses of theory in science is an ongoing debate in the production of

knowledge, such as which us better qualitative research or quantitative research, and
as we go to a deeper insights of this question you’ll find it Related to qualitative
research methods, this method is a variety of approaches that have been set forth in
the literature using the terms conceptual framework, theoretical framework, paradigm,
and epistemology.
2.Researchers use theoretical frameworks to guide their study design and interpret their
findings that ends with the same resolution as their research, researchers such us
ourselves choose a theoretical framework that is relevant to our research question.
Thus following framework helps us/them decide how to collect and analyze their data
also It helps interpret their findings by connecting them to established concepts and
theories in the chosen framework. The process of providing or rather making this
specific research is to have a deeper insights into social phenomena.
Task 2:
The phenomenon of “academic stress among students” is a complex and wide-spread
problem with important consequences for the education sector across the world.
Qualitative inquiry can help to understand this complex problem and provide an in-depth
exploration into the experiences, coping mechanisms and contextual factors that
contribute to an individual’s level of stress.

First of all, qualitative research uses different methods such as in-depth interviews,
focus groups and open-ended surveys to collect rich narratives from students.
Researchers therefore can and should use direct engagement tools by allowing
students to express their feelings, thoughts or experiences related to stress. This
approach goes beyond quantitative limitations thereby providing a comprehensive
insight into the subjective meanings and interpretations attached to academic stress by

Therefore, qualitative research is advantageous when analyzing stress among students

owing to its flexibility. This is because the stressors and coping mechanisms may differ
greatly in various individuals as well as across diverse academic settings. Also, using
interviews and open-ended surveys allow for the revelation of unknown sources of
students’ stress during the answering or at least new ways of coping with stress could
be exposed through the answers of the sstudents.
Task 3:
Task 3
1.Researchers use techniques like member checking, triangulation of data sources,
peer debriefing, and reflexive journaling to help them handle the tension between
preserving the natural
context of social phenomena and guaranteeing methodological rigour in qualitative in
Investigation. These techniques aid researchers in
striking a balance between meticulous
study procedures and the social context’s authenticity

2.When conducting qualitative research, researcher employ a variety of techniques to

reduce subjectivity and prejudice.
Reflexivity: Being a qualitative researcher means thats you are involved in the research
process and that the research process will be influenced by your experiences,
presumptions, and beliefs
The application of many techniques or data sources in qualitative research to create a
thorough comprehension of phenomena.
ChatGPT 3.5

In what ways do researchers mitigate potential biases and subjectivity introduced

By their own involvement in qualitative research, particularly when their interpretations

Significantly influence the analysis and conclusions drawn from the data?

Researchers employ several strategies to mitigate potential biases and subjectivity in
qualitative research, especially when their interpretations heavily influence the analysis
and conclusions:

Reflexivity: Researchers engage in continuous reflection on their own assumptions,

values, and biases throughout the research process. This self-awareness helps them
recognize how their perspectives may influence data collection, analysis, and

Triangulation: Researchers use multiple sources of data, methods, or investigators to

corroborate findings and minimize the impact of individual bias. This can include using
different data collection techniques (e.g., interviews, observations), involving multiple
researchers in data analysis, or comparing findings with existing literature.

Peer debriefing: Researchers seek feedback from peers or experts in the field to
challenge and refine their interpretations. Peer debriefing sessions allow for critical
reflection on the researcher’s interpretations and help identify potential biases or blind

Member checking: Researchers validate their interpretations with participants to ensure

that their perspectives are accurately represented. This involves sharing findings with
participants and inviting their feedback or corrections, which helps enhance the
credibility and trustworthiness of the research.

Transparency: Researchers transparently document their methodological decisions,

analytical processes, and interpretations to enable others to assess the trustworthiness
of their findings. This includes providing detailed descriptions of the research context,
data collection procedures, and analytical techniques.

Bracketing: Researchers consciously set aside their preconceptions and personal

beliefs to approach the data with an open mind. By temporarily suspending judgment,
researchers can better appreciate the complexity and nuances of participants’
experiences without imposing their own biases.
Utilizing diverse perspectives: Researchers may involve a diverse team of investigators
with varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to challenge each other’s
assumptions and interpretations. This diversity can enrich the analysis and foster
greater reflexivity within the research team.

By employing these strategies, researchers aim to minimize the influence of their own
biases and subjectivity, thereby enhancing the rigor, validity, and credibility of qualitative
research findings.

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