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MvSynthesis 101:



1.What are the key theoretical frameworks commonly employed in qualitative research,and how do
they shape the research process and interpretation of findings?

Ans:research is a test of a theory to solve the problem or

obstacle in life nh problem that needs to be solved it is
important to grow a person's life and it also expands my
2.How do researchers integrate theoretical perpectives into the design and

analysis of qualitative studies to generate insights into social phenomena?

Ans:research design, quantitative or qualitative, the

quantitative refers to the investigation of different subjects, it
is used by statisticians and statisticians, and the qualitative is
the purpose of understanding the behavior and how they
interact with each other and the reasons for this are very
personal and alone to learn something
3.Can you discuss the role of reflexivity in qualitative research,and how researchers navigate their
own biases and assumptions within the theoretical frameworks they employ?

Ans:Qualitative research enables researcher to gain complete understanding at a topic reporting to

ensure accuracy of this research it is helpful because to work liked by data so the other hand
information should be organized night to identified various themes.

Synthesis 101:


Think of phenomenon for which a qualitative inquiry can be

utilized and explain the role of the said method in arriving at
answers as regards the problem of the phenomenon.(minimum
of three (3) paragraphs)
Ans: Planning - this is the process by which researchers engage

in identifying a topic based on a problem, searching for

possible sources of information, determining specific
audience and presentation formats, laying out evaluation
criteria, and drafting of a plan for inquiry.

Acquisition - this is the stage of developing a plan for

obtaining information, searching and collecting sources,
selecting relevant information, analyzing and revising the plan
for inquiry.

Processing - this is the stage in establishing a focus for

inquiry, selecting relevant information, making connections
and inferences, and evaluating and improving the plan for

Synthesis 101:


1.How do researchers navigate the tention between maintaining the natural context of social
phenomena and insuring methodological rigor in qualitative inquiry?

Ans: Qualitative rigor. It’s one of those terms you either

understand or you don’t. And it seems that many of us fall
into the latter of those two categories. From novices to
experienced qualitative researchers, qualitative rigor is a
concept that can be challenging. However, it also happens to
be one of the most critical aspects of qualitative research, so
it’s important that we all start getting to grips with what it
2.In what ways do researchers mitigate potential biases and subjectivity

introduced by their own involvement in qualitative research,particularly

when their interpretations significantly influence the analysis and

conclusions drawn from data?

Ans:In this abstract, the researcher used a descriptive or

pictorial method which in this method attempts to show an
accurate picture of things currently and it uses data that comes
from current reports, surveys, and observation. This study
covers students taking IT at St. Bridget College- Batangas
City where research in various newspapers and books, thesis
samples and internet websites are used to gather data.



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