OM Lab CH 13

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Month Production Days Demand Forecast

January 22 1000 45.5

February 18 1,100 61.1
March 22 1,250 56.8
April 21 1,300 61.9
May 22 1,400 63.6
June 21 1,400 66.7
July 21 1,300 61.9
August 22 1,150 52.3
September 21 1,050 50.0
October 22 1,050 47.7
November 20 950 47.5
December 20 900 45.0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time 8 inventory and units produced.
Overtime 11.2
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 12 quantities in the area below.
Holding 8
Lost sales
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's produc

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 800 770 30 0 0
Period 2 650 630 20 0 0
Period 3 850 735 115 0 0
Period 4 1100 735 365 0 0
Period 5 1200 770 430 0 0
Period 6 1250 700 550 0 0
Total 5850 4340 0 1510 0
Average 975
Cost $34,720 $0 $18,120 $0
Total Cost $52,840
Note: 13.2 can be done broken up by a and b

e previous month's production quantity.

e previous month's production quantity.
7 workers
8 hours/day
he first period. 56 worker hours/day
he first period. 1.6 hrs per unit
35 units per day

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 0 0 0 22 36.36
0 -140 0 140 18 36.11
0 105 105 0 21 40.48
0 0 0 0 21 52.38
0 35 35 0 22 54.55
0 -70 0 70 20 62.50
0 140 210 124

$0 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 75 quantities in the area below.
Holding 25
Lost sales 100
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 200 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Data 900 RESULTS

Regular Time Overtime Subcontract
Month Demand Capacity Capacity Capacity Inventory Holding
January 1400 1400 0 0 200 200
February 1700 1400 0 100 0 0
March 1700 1400 0 300 0 0
April 1900 1400 0 500 0 0
May 2200 1400 0 800 0 0
June 2300 1400 0 900 0 0
July 1900 1400 0 500 0 0
August 1400 1400 0 0 0 0
Total 14500 11200 0 3100 200
Average 1812.5
Cost $0 $0 $232,500 $5,000
Total Cost $237,500
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

$0 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract quantities in the area below.
Holding 25
Lost sales 125
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 200 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1400 1775 575 575
Period 2 1600 1775 750 750
Period 3 1800 1775 725 725
Period 4 1800 1775 700 700
Period 5 2200 1775 275 275
Period 6 2200 1775 -150 0
Period 7 1800 1775 -25 0
Period 8 1400 1775 375 375
Total 14200 14200 0 0 3400
Average 1775
Cost $0 $0 $0 $85,000
Total Cost $106,875
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
150 0 0 0
25 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
175 0 0

$21,875 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales
Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this 8
may require some calculations. 20
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period - 2880
Reg time inventory and units produced. 4
Overtime 720
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 80 quantities in the area below. $ 40
Holding 9 10
Lost sales $ 400
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 150 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 420 320 50 50
Period 2 450 520 120 120
Period 3 500 520 140 140
Period 4 560 720 300 300
Period 5 750 720 270 270
Period 6 680 720 310 310
Total 3360 3520 0 0 1190
Average 560
Cost $0 $0 $0 $10,710
Total Cost $10,710
hrs per day
work days per month
wprler hrs per month
worker hrs/disk
disks per month
Hiring cost per worker
Total hiring cost
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 0 0 0
0 200 200 0
0 0 0 0
0 200 200 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 400 0

$0 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales
Note: 13.9 can be done br
Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this
may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 60 quantities in the area below.
Holding 20
Lost sales 125
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's produc

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Data 900 RESULTS

Demand/ Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Forecast Production Production Production Inventory Holding
July 1300 1100 200 0 0
Aug. 1150 1100 50 0 0
Sept. 1100 1100 0 0 0
Oct. 1600 1100 500 0 0
Nov. 1900 1100 800 0 0
Dec. 1200 1100 100 0 0
Total 8250 6600 0 1650 0
Average 1375
Cost $0 $0 $99,000 $0
Total Cost $99,000
Note: 13.9 can be done broken up by a and b

e previous month's production quantity.

e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

$0 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 60 quantities in the area below.
Holding 20
Lost sales 125
Increase 30 This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease 60 This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's produc

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1300 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1300 1300 0 0
Period 2 1150 1150 0 0
Period 3 1100 1100 0 0
Period 4 1600 1600 0 0
Period 5 1900 1900 0 0
Period 6 1200 1200 0 0
Total 8250 8250 0 0 0
Average 1375
Cost $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost $78,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 0 0 0
0 -150 0 150
0 -50 0 50
0 500 500 0
0 300 300 0
0 -700 0 700
0 800 900

$0 $24,000 $54,000
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 55 quantities in the area below.
Holding 30
Lost sales 110
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's produc

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 0 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Demand/ Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Forecast Production Production Production Inventory Holding
July 900 900 0 0 0
Aug. 1300 900 400 0 0
Sept. 1500 900 600 0 0
Oct. 1900 900 1000 0 0
Nov. 1900 900 1000 0 0
Dec. 1700 900 800 0 0
Total 9200 5400 0 3800 0
Average 1533.3333333
Cost $0 $0 $209,000 $0
Total Cost $209,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease extra cost

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 22000
0 0 0 0 33000
0 0 0 0 55000
0 0 0 0 55000
0 0 0 0 44000
0 0 0

$0 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 55 quantities in the area below.
Holding 30
Lost sales 110
Increase 28
Decrease 55

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory
Units last period 1200

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory
Period 1 900 900 0
Period 2 1300 1300 0
Period 3 1500 1500 0
Period 4 1900 1900 0
Period 5 1900 1900 0
Period 6 1700 1700 0
Total 9200 9200 0 0
Average 1533.33333333333
Cost $0 $0 $0
Total Cost $55,500
Holding Shortage Change Increase Decrease
0 0 -300 0 300 0 16500
0 0 400 400 0 11200 0
0 0 200 200 0 5600 0
0 0 400 400 0 11200 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 -200 0 200 0 11000
0 0 1000 500

$0 $0 $28,000 $27,500
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 55 quantities in the area below.
Holding 30
Lost sales 110
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's produc

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 400 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1300 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 900 1200 0 700 700
Period 2 1300 1200 0 600 600
Period 3 1500 1200 300 300
Period 4 1900 1200 100 -300 0
Period 5 1900 1200 600 -100 0
Period 6 1700 1200 300 -200 0
Total 9200 7200 0 1000 1600
Average 1533.3333333
Cost $0 $0 $55,000 $48,000
Total Cost $169,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease Sub $ Inv $

0 -100 0 100 0 21000
0 0 0 0 0 18000
0 0 0 0 0 9000
300 0 0 0 5500 0
100 0 0 0 33000 0
200 0 0 0 16500 0
600 0 100

$66,000 $0 $0
Aggregate Planning Lost sales

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time inventory and units produced.
Overtime 38
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 55 quantities in the area below.
Holding 30
Lost sales 110
Increase This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's produc

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Data 280 RESULTS 180

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1100 1400 0 300 180
Period 2 1200 1400 0 380 180
Period 3 1500 1400 0 80 80
Period 4 1900 1400 280 140 0 0
Period 5 1900 1400 280 220 0 0
Period 6 1600 1400 200 0 0 0
Total 9200 8400 760 360 440
Average 1533.3333333
Cost $0 $28,880 $19,800 $13,200
Total Cost $61,880
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Idle Time
Shortage Change Increase Decrease Units Idle $ Inv $ Over Time $ Sub $
0 0 0 0 120 $ 6,600 $ 5,400 $ - $ -
0 0 0 0 200 $ 11,000 $ 5,400 $ - $ -
0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ 2,400 $ - $ -
0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ 10,640 $ 7,700
0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ 10,640 $ 12,100
0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ 7,600 $ -
0 0 0

$0 $0 $0
Extra Costs
$ 12,000
$ 16,400
$ 2,400
$ 18,340
$ 22,740
$ 7,600
$ 79,480
Aggregate Planning Backlogging

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time 35 inventory and units produced.
Overtime 50
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract quantities in the area below.
Holding 11
Shortage 55
Increase 50 This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease 70 This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 0 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1500 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1400 1400 0 0
Period 2 1000 1000 0 0
Period 3 1700 1700 0 0
Period 4 1300 1300 0 0
Total 5400 5400 0 0 0
Average 1350
Cost $189,000 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost $287,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 -100 0 100
0 -400 0 400
0 700 700 0
0 -400 0 400
0 700 900

$0 $35,000 $63,000
Aggregate Planning Backlogging

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time 35 inventory and units produced.
Overtime 50
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract quantities in the area below.
Holding 11
Shortage 55
Increase 50 This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease 70 This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 0 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1500 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1400 1350 -50 0
Period 2 1000 1350 300 300
Period 3 1700 1350 -50 0
Period 4 1300 1350 0 0
Total 5400 5400 0 0 300
Average 1350
Cost $189,000 $0 $0 $3,300
Total Cost $208,300
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

50 -150 0 150
0 0 0 0
50 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
100 0 150

$5,500 $0 $10,500
Aggregate Planning Backlogging

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time 30 inventory and units produced.
Overtime 50
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 70 quantities in the area below.
Holding 45
Shortage 140
Increase 35 This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease 70 This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 0 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1200 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1900 1900 0 0
Period 2 1100 1100 0 0
Period 3 1600 1600 0 0
Period 4 1000 1000 0 0
Total 5600 5600 0 0 0
Average 1400
Cost $168,000 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost $308,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 700 700 0
0 -800 0 800
0 500 500 0
0 -600 0 600
0 1200 1400

$0 $42,000 $98,000
Aggregate Planning Backlogging

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time 30 inventory and units produced.
Overtime 50
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 70 quantities in the area below.
Holding 45
Shortage 140
Increase 35 This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease 70 This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 0 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1200 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1900 1400 -500 0
Period 2 1100 1400 -200 0
Period 3 1600 1400 -400 0
Period 4 1000 1400 0 0
Total 5600 5600 0 0 0
Average 1400
Cost $168,000 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost $329,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

500 200 200 0
200 0 0 0
400 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1100 200 0

$154,000 $7,000 $0
Aggregate Planning Backlogging

Enter the costs at the top. In some cases, this

may require some calculations.
Costs (per unit) Next enter the conditions from last period -
Reg time 30 inventory and units produced.
Overtime 50
Finally, enter the demands and the production
Subcontract 70 quantities in the area below.
Holding 45
Shortage 140
Increase 35 This is the cost of INcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti
Decrease 70 This is the cost of DEcreasing production by one unit over the previous month's producti

Starting Conditions
Initial inventory 0 This is the number of units in inventory at the beginning of the first period.
Units last period 1200 This is the number of units produced in the period BEFORE the first period.

Reg Time Overtime Subcontract
Period Demand Production Production Production Inventory Holding
Period 1 1900 1000 900 0 0
Period 2 1100 1000 100 0 0
Period 3 1600 1000 600 0 0
Period 4 1000 1000 0 0 0
Total 5600 4000 0 1600 0
Average 1400
Cost $120,000 $0 $112,000 $0
Total Cost $246,000
e previous month's production quantity.
e previous month's production quantity.

he first period.
he first period.

Shortage Change Increase Decrease

0 -200 0 200
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 200

$0 $0 $14,000
13.13 Trans_agg Demo

Aggregate Planning Transportation Method

Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver
button. Alternatively, or to view the sensitivity results, open Solver by go
to the Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Exc
2003, 2011).
Cost per unit
Regular time 100
Overtime cost 160
Subcontract cost 250
Holding cost 2

Period 1 2 3 Excess Capacity
Beginning inventory 0 2 4 0 30 Beginning inventory
Period 1 reg time 100 102 104 0 40
Period 1 overtime 160 162 164 0 15
Period 1 subcontracting 250 252 254 0 10
Period 2 reg time 999999 100 102 0 35
Period 2 overtime 999999 160 162 0 15
Period 2 subcontracting 999999 250 252 0 10
Period 3 reg time 999999 999999 100 0 40
Period 3 overtime 999999 999999 160 0 20
Period 3 subcontracting 999999 999999 250 0 10
Demand 50 65 60 50 175 \ 225

Production Quantities
1 2 3 Excess CapRow Total
Beginning inventory 30 0 0 0 30
Period 1 reg time 20 20 0 0 40
Period 1 overtime 0 0 0 15 15
Period 1 subcontracting 0 0 0 10 10
Period 2 reg time 0 35 0 0 35
Period 2 overtime 0 10 0 5 15
Period 2 subcontracting 0 0 0 10 10
Period 3 reg time 0 0 40 0 40
Period 3 overtime 0 0 20 0 20
Period 3 subcontracting 0 0 0 10 10
Column Total 50 65 60 50 225

Total Cost 16340

Page 56
13.13 Trans_agg Demo

rea then use the Run Excel's Solver

he sensitivity results, open Solver by going
10, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Excel

Page 57
13.13 Trans_agg Demo

Page 58
13.14 Trans_agg

Aggregate Planning Transportation Method

Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver
button. Alternatively, or to view the sensitivity results, open Solver by goi
to the Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Exce
2003, 2011).
Cost per unit
Regular time 875
Overtime cost 1310
Subcontract cost 1600
Holding cost 100

Capacity Source Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Excess CapCapacity
Beginning inventory 0 100 200 300 0 0 Beginning inventory
Month 1 reg time 875 975 1075 1175 0 225
Month 1 overtime 1310 1410 1510 1610 0 15
Month 1 subcontracting 1600 1700 1800 1900 0 12
Month 2 reg time 999999 875 975 1075 0 265
Month 2 overtime 999999 1310 1410 1510 0 24
Month 2 subcontracting 999999 1600 1700 1800 0 17
Month 3 reg time 999999 999999 875 975 0 280
Month 3 overtime 999999 999999 1310 1410 0 26
Month 3 subcontracting 999999 999999 1600 1700 0 15
Month 4 reg time 999999 999999 999999 875 0 300
Month 4 overtime 999999 999999 999999 1310 0 18
Month 4 subcontracting 999999 999999 999999 1600 0 17
Demand 240 306 311 301 56 1158 \ 1214

Production Quantities
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Excess CapRow Total
Beginning inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0
Month 1 reg time 225 0 0 0 0 225
Month 1 overtime 15 0 0 0 0 15
Month 1 subcontracting 0 0 0 0 12 12
Month 2 reg time 0 265 0 0 0 265
Month 2 overtime 0 24 0 0 0 24
Month 2 subcontracting 0 17 0 0 0 17
Month 3 reg time 0 0 280 0 0 280
Month 3 overtime 0 0 26 0 0 26
Month 3 subcontracting 0 0 5 0 10 15
Month 4 reg time 0 0 0 300 0 300
Month 4 overtime 0 0 0 1 17 18
Month 4 subcontracting 0 0 0 0 17 17
Column Total 240 306 311 301 56 1214

Page 59
13.14 Trans_agg

Total Cost 1057910

Page 60
13.14 Trans_agg

rea then use the Run Excel's Solver

he sensitivity results, open Solver by going
10, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Excel

Beginning inventory

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13.14 Trans_agg

Page 62
13.14 Trans_agg

Page 63
13.14 Trans_agg

Page 64

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