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Questionnaire (GROUP 5 – HUMS)

1. They are believed to be the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, and some of their material
culture includes stone tools and pottery.

A. Malays

B. Negritos

C. Chinese

2. These traders started arriving in the Philippines around the 14th century CE, primarily for
trade purposes.

A. Chinese

B. Indians

C. Arabs

3. They brought with them advanced maritime technology, agriculture, and language, which
greatly influenced the culture and society of the islands.

A. Malays

B. Arabs

C. Indians

4. Their cultural and religious influences, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, left a lasting impact
on Filipino society, particularly in language, architecture, and religion.

A. Indians

B. Arabs

C. Chinese

5. These traders began arriving in the Philippines as early as the 9th century CE, during the
time of the Srivijaya Empire.



C. Arabs

6. What do you call the ancient script that was introduced by the Indian traders?

A.Kawi or Baybayin


7. They were adept at surviving in diverse environments through hunting, gathering, and early
forms of agriculture.

A. Malays

B. Negritos

C. Indians

8. Their Hindu-Buddhist motifs, such as the lingam and yoni symbols, found their way into
Filipino art and architecture, particularly in the construction of temples and shrines.

A. Arabs

B. Chinese

C. Indians

9. They introduced weaving techniques, pottery-making, and wood carving, which became
integral parts of pre-colonial Filipino culture.

A. Negritos

B. Chinese

C. Malays

10. They developed their artistic expressions primarily through oral traditions, storytelling, and
visual arts such as cave paintings.

A. Arabs

B. Malays

C. Negritos

11. Their music likely consists of vocal chants, rhythmic clapping, and percussive sounds.

A. Malays

B. Negritos

C. Indians

12. They are known for their use of musical instruments such as the kulintang, agung, and
bamboo instruments like the tongatong and kubing.

A. Negritos
B. Malays

C. Chinese

13. Their clothing is believed to be simple and practical, typically made from natural materials
such as bark cloth or leaves.

A. Malays

B. Negritos

C. Indians

14. How was decision-making typically conducted in pre-colonial Filipino communities?

A. Collectively

B. Hierarchically

C. Autocratically

15. What qualities were important for leaders in pre-colonial Filipino communities?

A. Wealth and Power

B. Wisdom and ability to serve the community

C. Military Strength

16. Why did Pre-Colonial Filipinos perform rituals and ceremonies?

A. To celebrate national holidays

B. To protest against the government

C. To honor the spirits and seek their favor

17. In pre-colonial Filipinos, how did communities conduct trade and commerce?

A. Through a barter system

B. By using credit cards

C. Using cryptocurrency

18. What was a common characteristic of gender roles in pre-colonial Filipino societies?

A. Women and men shared responsibilities in the household and community

B. Women had no influence in the community

C. Men had all the decision-making power

19. What were babaylans in pre-colonial Filipino societies?

A. Only men who held spiritual leadership positions

B. Spiritual leaders

C. Warriors

20. How were homosexual relations viewed in pre-colonial Filipino societies?

A. They were punishable by death

B. They were common and bore no stigma

C. They were considered taboo

21. How was hospitality perceived among pre-colonial Filipinos?

A. It was seen as unnecessary

B. It was disregarded

C. It was highly valued

22. Why did pre-colonial Filipinos offer guests food, shelter, and entertainment?

A. To display superiority

B. To show off their wealth

C. As a sign of goodwill

23. Which Indian art forms influenced pre-colonial Filipino art?

A. Pottery and ceramics

B. Sculpture, architecture, and textiles

C. Music and dance

24. What are examples of Hindu-Buddhist motifs that influenced Filipino art and architecture?

A. Lotus flower and peacock feathers

B. Yin and yang symbols

C. Lingam and yoni symbols

25. What artistic skills did the Malays introduce to pre-colonial Filipino culture around 4000

A. Metalworking
B. Weaving techniques

C. Sculpture

26. Which of the following were everyday items that were crafted using the artistic skills
introduced by the Malays?

A. Stone tools

B. Pottery

C. Musical instruments

27. These traders brought ceramics, metals, textiles, and other goods that were highly valued in
local trade networks.

A. Chinese

B. Arabs

C. Indians

28.There musical instruments such as the pipa and erhu may have influenced the development
of stringed instruments in the Philippines.

A. Arabs

B. Malays

C. Chinese

29.The influence of these traders brought about dances like the Pangalay, a traditional dance of
the Tausug people of Sulu.

A. Chinese

B. Indians

C. Arabs

30. These traders played a significant role in the Islamization of the Philippines, particularly in
the southern islands.

A. Indians

B. Arabs

Answer Key:

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