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General HSE Plan

1 27.06.2018 Issued for Implementation HSE GM MD

Rev Date Revision Details Prepared Checked Approved

By By By
Farhan Tk
Akhtar Vinayak

Date Revision Details Revision

05.07.2017 Issued for Implementation 0
27.06.2018 HSE Targets ‐2018 1
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1. Purpose.................................................................................................................. 7
2. Scope of HSE Plan .................................................................................................. 7
3. Application............................................................................................................. 7
4. Definitions ............................................................................................................... 7
5. Objectives and Targets .............................................................................................. 8
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6. Continual Performance Improvement ......................................................................... 9

7. Organization Structure, Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................... 10
8. Zero Incidents Programs ......................................................................................... 13
9. Training and Education ........................................................................................... 14
10. HSE General Induction ........................................................................................... 14
11. Pre‐Task Meeting .................................................................................................. 14
12. Tool Box Talks ....................................................................................................... 14
13. Safety Task Assignment ......................................................................................... 14
14. Environmental Planning .......................................................................................... 15
15. Inspection and Audits ............................................................................................. 15
16. Risk Assessment Program ........................................................................................ 17
17. Performance Indicators ........................................................................................ 19
18. HSE Promotion Plans and Communication ........................................................... 19
19. Awards Programs ................................................................................................... 20
20. Safe Work / Act Observation.................................................................................... 20
21. Disciplinary Actions ................................................................................................ 20
22. Hazard Communications ......................................................................................... 21
23. Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan....................................................... 22
24. Contractor Selection and Alignment ......................................................................... 22
25. Management of Change .......................................................................................... 23
26. Housekeeping ........................................................................................................ 24
27. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ........................................................................ 24
28. Permit‐to‐Work System........................................................................................... 25
29. Fall Protection........................................................................................................ 25
30. Confined Space Entry .............................................................................................. 26
31. Electrical Safety and Portable Power Tools ................................................................ 26
31. Vehicles and Mobile Equipment ............................................................................... 26
32. Maintenance, Inspection, Testing, and Modification of Equipment ...................... 27
33. Pressurized equipment and Gas Cylinders ............................................................ 27
34. Injury and Incidents Management........................................................................ 27
35. Project Closeout ................................................................................................... 28
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HSE: Health, Safety, and Environmental
MSDS/SDS: Material Safety Data Sheet/Safety Data Sheet
OSHA: OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (a federal agency of
the United States that regulates workplace safety and health)
PEP: Project Execution Plan
STA: Safety Task Assignments
OHC: Occupational Health Centre
SEPL: Shilpi Engineering Pvt Ltd
PMT: Project Management Team
TRA: Task Risk Assessment
FPS: Fall Protection System
CSE: Confined Space Entry



As per the site requirement

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Name Landline Numbers Mobile Number Other Number

1. PMT Office

2. Security

3. Fire
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4. Medical Centre

5. Help Desk

6. Electrical


1. Purpose
Assist project personnel in the planning, organizing, control monitoring and
implementation of corrective measures which are necessary to prevent exposures
which could cause injury, illness or negative environmental consequence.
The Health, Safety and Environmental Plan identify and present the strategies for
executing the HSE requirements for various field activities to be carried out during
the project.
This Plan details the concerns with maintaining and improving the HSE conditions
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of employees under the control of the SHILPI ENGG PVT LTD and its
Subcontractors, as well as positive stewardship of any impact its operations may
have on the Environment.
2. Scope of HSE Plan
The HSE Plan is based on client expectation and client specific requirements,
Government of India legal requirements, international guidelines, OSHA Standard
and occupational safety and health assessment series 18001.
This HSE Plan includes HIRA, Risk assessment and control measures to mitigate
the risk.
3. Application
This HSE Plan applies to all work activities and employees under the control of the
SHILPI ENGG PMT and its Contractors / Subcontractors.
SEPL Contractor/ Subcontractor management is responsible for the HSE
performance of their employees and for the impact their employees may have on
All Contractors/ Subcontractors shall understand and comply with the HSE
requirements of this HSE Plan. In addition to the requirements detailed in this
Plan, work shall be conducted in accord with the Project HSE Management System
(policies, practices, checklist and format) referred to as HSE Program which is
incorporated as reference in SEPL HSE PLAN; Health, Safety, and Environmental
Management System
4. Definitions
HSE Plan–The HSE plan is an overview of how the HSE program and procedures
will be implemented. Modification of Procedure SEPL HSE PLAN, Health, Safety
and Environmental Management System Execution, was the method used to
develop the HSE plan. The HSE section of the Project Execution Plan (PEP) also
makes up a part of this plan.
Competent Person ‐ Means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable
hazards in the surroundings or working conditions, which are unsanitary, hazardous, or
dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to
eliminate them.


Qualified Person ‐ Means one who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or
professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has
successfully demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject
matter, the work, or the project.
Zero Incidents Program – 11 high‐impact injury reduction techniques that have consistently
shown exceptional results when fully embraced, implemented and audited by project.
5. Objectives and Targets
The primary objective of the Project is to implement a good safety program with progressive
stretch targets to raise the bar of safety within all construction areas. All personnel will
share this responsibility by means of the SEPL’s pro‐active approach to safety and
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systematic identification and subsequent reporting of all incidents. The general objectives
are to:
 Establish and monitor HSE performance targets for the Project by the use of
audits, toolbox meetings, Safety Task Assignments (STA), and Project HSE targets.
 Prevent damage to property, materials, supplies and equipment.
 Protect the environment.
 Protect the lives and health of employees of SEPL, our Contractors, and
Subcontractors working on the Project.
 Provide effective training, efficient communication, resources and continuous
performance review within the HSE Management System.

Fatalities 0

Lost Time 0.18

Restricted 0.15

Medical Treatment 0.62

Total Recordable 0.95

6. Continual Performance Improvement

This element establishes the PROJECT‐SEPL team commitment by providing a
 PLAN – Planning the work as per the safety policies of the SEPL’S HSE plan.
Ensure that the work at the site should be executed safely and
Without endangering the health of the workers and ensuring
safety while executing the work, and environment protection.
 DO ‐ Ensure the work should be executed as per the plan and
Measures should be set that the working process should not
Be deviated from what it is stated in the plan


 CHECK‐ Continuous monitoring should be there to ensure that work is
In progress with compliance to the company’s HSE policy
 ACT‐ Acting on the observations found so that there will be continual

6.1 Commitment and Policy

This element establishes the PROJECT‐SEPL team commitment to the process by
providing a documented company HSE policy. The HSE policy is appropriate to the
company’s business strategy and the PROJECT‐PMT culture, and sets the direction
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of the HSE Management System.

PROJECT‐ SEPL‐PMT is committed to provide a healthy and safe workplace for all
people at each of its offices and projects, and to protecting the environment in
accordance with applicable laws and our HSE Policy.
6.2 Planning
This element provides strategic direction, objectives, goals, and execution
strategies in order to plan how the policy should be implemented.
6.3 Implementation
This element describes the use of the HSE Management System by PROJECT‐SEPL‐
PMT employees and its Contractor / Subcontractor employees.
6.4 Measurement and Evaluation
Measurement tools are used to confirm that the HSE Management System is
being executed and implemented correctly. Evaluation and feedback loops are an
integral part of the HSE Management System.
Measurement and evaluation tools include:
 Audit – Auditing is the primary tool for measuring performance. The
following audit protocols will be developed and executed:
 Compliance audit – to measure compliance with the HSE procedures and project‐
specific procedures
 Performance audit – to measure whether the expected performance level is being
 Systems audit – to measure implementation and effectiveness of the HSE
Management System
 HSE Alignment Process – HSE professionals involved in the alignment process
before and during project startup have the opportunity to identify key areas
of the project / site that require particular attention, and identify the need to
adopt or create procedures that are tailored to the project / site. A feedback
loop will be developed to capture such instances.
 Measurement Process – Performance measurement processes will be
implemented to assess the overall effectiveness of the HSE Management
System. These processes will include setting and measuring of strategies,
objectives and goals, collation of statistics, recording of HSE initiatives, and
skill base identification.
6.5 Review and Improvement
The HSE Management System will be reviewed at least annually to accommodate
factors such as changing expectations, new objectives, new legislation,
organizational changes, and results from continual improvement elements
6.6 Legal Requirements
HSE Rules and Regulations contained in this Plan are not all inclusive. All
applicable legal standards and regulatory requirements not specifically referenced
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in this Plan shall apply.

7. Organization Structure, Roles and Responsibilities
Incident prevention is a primary responsibility of all levels of the organization.
Each manager is directed to use maximum initiative in communication, training,
motivation, and monitoring techniques to apply every reasonable precaution to
prevent incidents. Each employee is expected to take appropriate steps to
eliminate hazards that could result in incidents in the workplace.
HSE as a professional staff function in the Project will directly assist management
in the execution of the HSE Plan. Each person responsible for the HSE function
must exhibit a high degree of professional competency, personal initiative, and
effective communication skills in performing their duties. Project HSE
Representatives will be responsible for consulting with management in all matters
affecting the environment and the health and safety of employees, Contractor
personnel, and the community. The PROJECT‐HSE HOD will ensure that the HSE
Team understands and is aligned to the project Baseline, and executes and
delivers to the project Baseline and regulatory aspects of the project.
7.1 PROJECT Client HOD
 Provide an environment that protects all personnel associated with the Project and
the general public.
 Execute the Organization’s HSE Policy, Principles and Objectives.
 Provide overall direction and support for the implementation of the Project HSE
Management System.
 Verify and ensure that Project HSE procedures are in place...
 Oversee HSE performance on the Project.
 Promote and support personal stop‐work policy.
 Provide adequate HSE resources, facilities and initiatives to effectively implement
and manage the Project HSE Management System.
 Require the suitability of worker safety on the Project.
 Verify that employees are aware of and understand their HSE responsibilities.
 Ensure incidents where personal injuries occur are thoroughly and appropriately
 Ensure that all inductions, including an HSE overview are presented by the HSE
Representative or nominated delegate.
 Ensure that risk assessment, TRA, STA are conducted and documented for all
 Participate in audits and planned inspections of the site.
 Review all onsite audit reports.
 Review incident records and verify that all follow‐up actions are completed in a
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timely manner.
 Review the Project Specific HSE Management System on a regular basis.
 Verify that each employee under their supervision has received an initial safety
induction and Job‐specific trainings.
 Develop and execute an HSE management system for use by all levels of
 Report Project HSE performance.
 Participating in TBT.
 Daily permit checking.
 Daily observation report mentioning.
 Rectifies unsafe act and unsafe condition.
 Maintain safety form’s
 Attend HSE Committee meetings and consult with the Area /Site Manager(s) on HSE
 Communicate all hazards to supervisor or Area/Site Manager.
 Inform personnel in the area of site HSE issues.
 Manage and maintain the HSE‐related records and documentation.
 Participate in any investigation relating to HSE issues.
 Participate with the area supervisor in area inspections on a regular basis.
 Verify that MSDS is maintained.
 Conduct unscheduled and scheduled inspections of work areas.
 Consult with employee and healthcare provider regarding an employee’s
rehabilitation and early return to work.
 Coordinate appropriate induction training for all personnel commencing


 Coordinate audits to eliminate conditions and work procedures that are hazardous
to the job.
 Coordinate the Project HSE Committees.
7.3 SEPL HSE SITE Representative
 Participate in HSE Committee.
 Participate in TBT
 Participate weekly and monthly meetings
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 Participate in investigations relating to HSE incidents.

 Participate with supervisor in area inspections.
 Assist or represent employees in any other meetings dealing with HSE issues.
 Represent at HSE Committee meetings.
 Aware employees on safe work procedures.
 Undertake regular inspections with area supervisor.
7.4 Site Supervisor
 Assist with all safety related documents.
 Explain work related hazards to the crew
 Assist with site emergency system
 Ensure compliance to the site HSE Plans and Procedures.
 Plan and maintain the site on good housekeeping.
 Conduct Tool Box safety meetings, STA’s and TRA.
 Ensure all workers under their supervision wear all proper PPE for their task.
 Report all incidents immediately to the concern department.
 Stop work if it is IDLH.
 Aware workers on safe work practices.
 Immediately report all personal injuries, incidents, near misses, and hazards.
 Individual involvement in HSE management is based on the principle of shared
employer/employee HSE responsibility.
 Keep work area in an orderly condition and comply immediately with any lawful
directive given by the Project.
 Read and sign the Employee HSE Responsibilities form.
 Report all breaches of safe work procedures.


7.5Ratio of HSE Representatives to Project Field Employees

No of Ratio HSE Manager HSE Senior Manager Comments

1‐24 None No No One Designated
Supervisor Partially
dedicated to HSE
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25‐49 One No No One Full time HSE

50‐250 1:50 No No Full Time HSE
>250 1:50 One HSE Engineer One HSE Sr. Increased ratio for due to
for every 5 HSE Engineer for every 5 geographic location,
Professionals HSE Engineers specific hazards, Project
Client requirements,
Night shift

8 Zero Incidents Programs

As it is required of 11 high impact ZERO injury reduction techniques will be
implemented on all job sites. These techniques are the basis of HSE Plan, and
every project site will benefit from implementing them. This program of incident
reduction techniques will allow raising the level of expectation for HSE
Performance and provide the tools for us to make it happen.
11 high impact injury reduction techniques are:
 PMT Management
 Pre‐Project HSE
 HSE Education and Induction
 New Employee Development
 HSE Awareness Program
 Recognition and Rewards
 Incident Reporting and Investigation
 Pre‐Task Planning
 Management in Action
 Audits/Assessments
 Use of Networking and Resources


9 Training and Education
The objective of this section is to identify and document training needs for all
personnel including short term visitors whose work may create hazards and to
ensure that those training needs have been met to maintain personnel at
required competency level.
 Level 1: Basic Induction Training
 Level 2: Plant Specific Training
 Level 3: Job Specific Training
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 Level 4: Supervisor Safety Training

 Trade Validation
Refer SEPL Training Matrix
10 HSE General Induction
All personnel must receive an initial induction for the project. No one may work
on site without successfully completing an induction.
Induction shall be presented by PROJECT‐PMT Responsible Person(s) or other
authorized personnel. The induction provides location specific HSE information on
Site Conditions, emergency procedures; permit requirements, PPE, site traffic
patterns, adjacent operating production unit, safe handling of materials, and
explanation of MSDS, manual handling procedures, and waste disposal. The
induction concludes with a comprehension test and documented with photo ID.

11 Pre-Task Meeting
Contractor site supervisor / designee will conduct a pre‐task meeting before any
work activity begins and discusses the completed pre‐task planning documents
with all employees directly involved in the activity. The pre‐task meeting will focus
on discussions of the area where work is performed, scope of work, equipment
used, the hazards and control measures (including PPE), and any evacuation and
emergency procedures.
12 Toolbox Talks
The purpose of the talk is to promote interaction between supervisor and
employees by crew to solve HSE concerns from the previous workday and any
concern about works planned for the day. The talk shall be conducted by the
supervisor or engineer. Daily toolbox talks shall be conducted as one of the
trainings about in‐house rules, and procedures.
Daily TBT is conducted by respective supervisors in front of the store at 8.45 a.m.
13 Safety Task Assignment (STA)
The aim of the STA is to identifying and communicating to each employee the task
steps to be completed, the hazards and risks associated with the task, and the
safe work practices that are to be applied to complete the task safely and in an
environmentally acceptable manner.
Team shall plan its work each day and review the known hazards and corrective
actions to safeguard the Work with its employees by utilizing the STA. All
employees working in the area shall be required to review and sign off on the
form daily. The completed form shall be posted in the Work area. It is the
responsibility of PROJECT‐SEPL‐PMT to verify completion of the STA process on a
daily basis. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to conduct the STA process daily
with his/her employees before each new work assignment. A single STA for the
whole daily work scope is not allowed. For each individual activity, separate STA
shall be prepared.
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14 Environmental Planning
Environmental Planning is required whenever the project activities potentially
involve the discharge or emission of pollutants, contaminants, hazardous
substances, or wastes into the environment (air, water and land). SEPL shall
determine the relevance of the environmental protection requirements contained
in in‐country, state, local status, regulations and requirements as applicable to the
scope of Contracts. SEPL shall comply with all applicable environmental protection
SEPL shall prevent hazardous accumulation of dust, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases
in areas occupied during construction, and must provide local ventilation to
prevent harmful accumulation of hazardous substances into atmosphere of
occupied areas.
SEPL has the direct responsibility of maintaining proper management of wastes,
scarps while on the worksite, and shall verify in writing that the wastes have been
managed and disposed off in a legally compliant manner.
15 Inspections and Audits
The main emphasis of the safety inspection is the prevention of injury and loss of
any nature. The Safety Inspection procedure is used to measure the level of
compliance achieved. The SEPL PROJECT PMT and employee representatives will
conduct planned inspections of work areas as follows.

Type Frequency Team Details

Site Audits Monthly Project HSE and A prioritized focus on the following areas:
 Management Leadership and
Management. Employee Involvement
 Worksite Analysis
 Hazard Prevention and Control
 Safety and Health Training
 Practices and Procedures


 Other Site‐Specific Audit Items
 HSE Audit Scoring Reference will
be used to address HSE items
HSE Inspection Weekly Supervisor, field  The Area / Site Manager will
engineer, Area / promptly investigate all areas where
Site Manager, low inspections scores have been
and appropriate noted, take the necessary corrective
field support action, and address all safety‐related
staff, safety infractions and recommendations.
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 Results of inspections will be made

available to employees via the
scheduled Toolbox Meetings
together with results of remedial
actions taken.
Site Self‐ Daily SEPL PROJECT‐  Routine HSE inspection of site
Assessment PMT HSE includes daily site round to be taken
(Daily Representatives by SEPL PROJECT‐PMT site HSE
Inspection and Site Representatives and Site Engineers.
Checklist) Engineers Focus will be given on potential
hazards like fall of person, struck by /
struck against, electrical hazards,
material handling, safe access /
egress etc.
 This doesn’t require use of checklist
but the observations of the
inspection will be recorded in Action
Tracking System.
 The corrective actions should be
taken by the responsible person and
will inform the same to the
concerned HSE Representative who
made the observations.
HSE Monthly SEPL PROJECT‐  Monthly HSE Performance Evaluation
Performance PMT Engineers, will be conducted by Project SEPL
Evaluation HSE HSE Team to assess the
Representative. implementation of HSE

Team shall implement HSE Inspections/Assessments and Audits in accordance

with client procedure and any additional requirements in their contracts and their
accepted HSE system. They are also, responsible for ensuring all deficiencies are
corrected in a timely manner.


Other regular workplace Inspections/Audits may be required to comply with
relevant local and in‐country legislation.
All inspection records shall be kept onsite for review by the Project HSE
16 Risk Assessment Program
16.1 Purpose
The purpose of risk assessment is to define structured methods of identifying
hazards and assessing risk, with each construction activity, determine the
preventive or protective measures required and then develop method statement/
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work practices to enable the work to be done in a safe and healthy manner with
respect for the environment.
16.2 Scope
This Risk Assessment Program applies to Project and all Contractors and sub‐
Contractors performing works on the Project. The Project will adopt a life cycle
approach. This structured approach identifies, analyses, and manages areas of risk
or hazard. In addition, other specific risk assessments and reviews may be used to
analyze specific areas of risk or hazard.
In accordance with this commitment, Contractors will conduct assessments of
their activities such as material handling, noise, work at height, confined space
entry, etc. The SEPL PROJECT‐PMT will also conduct regular audits of existing
workplaces and will continue to identify hazards, assess these risks, and instigate
appropriate control measures.
Responsibility or hazard and risk assessment is assigned to all levels of
management and employee generally.
 Definitions
 Hazard ‐ Anything that has the potential to cause injury / illness or damage.
 Risk‐ Measures the likelihood of harm arising from exposure to any hazard.
Hazard= Exposure X Severity
Risk= Exposure X Severity X Probability
16.3 HSE Work Procedures
The Project will verify that the HSE management system addresses as a minimum
the hazards identified. The risks associated with each of these hazards will be
addressed through the means of an HSE work procedure.
Team shall adopt Project HSE procedures for its work scope. These procedures
are developed or adopted with consideration of statutory and project
requirements. When a specialized task specific HSE procedure is developed, it
must be submitted to the SEPL PROJECT PMT before commencement of work for
review and approval.


Procedures will be developed in consultation with personnel who will be directly
involved with the particular tasks. Procedures may be developed from hazard
analysis processes, such as Risk Assessment (HIRA) or JSAs.

16.4 Method Statement

The SEPL PMT will develop an overall method statement which outlines how the
employees will carry out site construction activity. The SEPL team will break their
site works into discreet packages and, for each package that contains foreseeable
hazardous tasks, develop a work method statement with risk assessment shall be
submitted to Client PROJECT‐PMT for review and approval.
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16.5 Risk Assessment

Risk assessment and method Statements shall be updated when information is
obtained about a previously unknown design change or unidentified hazard that
may affect the work being performed, lesson learned from incident investigations,
change in technology, and change in government regulations.
Risk Assessment shall be logged / registered in a matrix that tracks associated JSA;
this will ensure that JSA’s are completed for subsequent associated job task.
SEPL team shall prepare a risk assessment that complies with his contract
requirements, hazards shall be identified at the early construction stage of the
Project, that could be observed from information contained in data, drawings, site
survey investigations, design stage and constructability reviews, or could emerge
during the construction or commissioning phases. In general, once potential
hazards are identified, the risk to HSE must be assessed.
The assessment should characterize the risk in terms of likelihood, exposure and
probable consequences.

16.6 Approved Method Statement

Updated method statement shall be submitted to Client PROJECT PMT Area/Site
Manager or designee for approval and to HSE HOD or designee for review. Once
approved, the method statement shall be forwarded to the field engineer and
Supervisor to develop the JSA and then down to the work supervisor for the
development of the STA and to ensure the method statement is used properly.

16.7 Safety Task Assignment

STA is the process of identifying and communicating to each employee the task
steps to be completed, the hazards and risks associated with the task, and the
safe work methods that are to be applied to complete the task in a safe and
healthy manner.
16.8 Work Monitoring
Throughout the course of all high risk/critical work, observations of the work in
progress should be made by Contractor personnel and Project personnel.
17 Performance Indicators
Project will establish performance indicators, to be used together with the team
in accordance with their contracts, to measure safety performance and, in certain
cases, serve as the basis for awarding rewards for good performance, the leading
indicators will change along with the Project’s needs.
As example indicators will include:

Leading Indicators Applicability

Safe Work Observations/Disciplinary Actions Daily/Weekly/Monthly

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Inspections (worksite) , Walkthrough Daily and Weekly

Audits , Contactors HSE Performance Evaluation Per the approved
Corrective Actions and Compliances schedule and Rating by
Client and PROJECT Team
Toolbox Meetings/HSE Committee Meetings Daily/Monthly
Evaluation and review of existing TRA As per new activity
Induction compliance to all personnel and required 100%
HSE Leadership Training, Hazard Awareness /
Compliance Training, Recommended General
Training, Job‐Specific Training
Permit to Work System Compliance 100%
PPE Compliance 100%
Lagging Indicators

LWC Injuries Rate As per annual set target

RWC Injuries Rate As per annual set target
MTC Injuries Rate As per annual set target
Total Recordable (LWC+RWC+MTC) As per annual set target
Near Miss Reporting 100%
Environmental Incidents 0

18 HSE Promotion Plans and Communication

Management suggests different incentive and initiative programs such as NSD that
are encouraged to be used by the team on the Project which includes:
 Slogans, signs, posters, and stickers


 Safety suggestion boxes
 Various Safety campaigns to raise awareness of workplace hazards, and
 Promote safe behaviors etc.
Team is required to develop and implement consistent method of HSE
communication. People need to grow accustom to structured communications
that come in consistent time frames. (Example: Daily Talking Points, Weekly
Updates Monthly Meeting Topics, HSE Alerts, and Quarterly Newsletters.)
19 Awards Programs
The PROJECT‐ SEPL team believes that successful HSE programs are accompanied
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by periodic recognition of the employees’ accomplishments. One way of

accomplishing recognition is through incentive programs that recognize
employees, work crews, or the total workforce. Management supports the use of
HSE incentive programs that are designed to promote and enhance safety
A summary of the award type and application criteria is given below.

Type Criteria Implemented/ Approved

Monthly motivational Periodic recognition of Area / Site Managers to
program employees’ reward employees for
accomplishments. outstanding HSE
performance with
coupons, cash
certificates, mementos,
or safety gifts.
The PROJECT‐ SEPL TEAM will establish site specific criteria, to measure safety
performance of the Contractors and to serve as the basis for awarding for good
20 Safe Work / Act Observation
Intent of Safety Observation process is to improve safety performance by actively
engaging employees at the workplace to discuss observations of both safe and
unsafe acts. The Safety Observation process focuses on positive reinforcement of
safe acts, discussion of unsafe acts, and two‐way communication about safety
related concerns. Participation at all levels of the organization will demonstrate
leadership commitment to improving workplace safety.
21 Disciplinary Actions
The SEPL PMT will implement programs that promote safe work procedures.
Among others, the items listed below require full compliance at all times during
project execution.
 Use of specified PPE’s
 Applicable HSE procedures and safe work practices


 Use of appropriate tools and equipment
 Movement of vehicles in construction area
When safe work procedures are not adhered to, the SEPL PROJECT Management
Team will require taking disciplinary actions following categorization given by the
general guidelines. The type of disciplinary action will depend on the severity of
incident along with the past record of safety performance of an individual,
supervisor and Contractor.
The Project expects its team and their employees to comply with HSE systems and
procedures that support safely executing their work‐scope on the Project.
The PROJECT‐SEPL‐PMT and Contractors has overall responsibility for execution of
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health management practices. Contractors are required to include health risks

controls within their method statements to mitigate against potential health
hazards and to provide that sufficient equipment and resources are available to
effectively execute the requirements of the Plan.
Team is required to make arrangements with offsite medical service providers (at
least two is recommended).Except in emergency, Team will be responsible for
transporting injured or ill employees to medical facilities off site. The site
supervisor / delegate and Reliance OHC Representative must accompany the
injured employee to the offsite medical facility.
Team will follow respective Guidelines on medical services for first‐aid,
emergency services and for Pre‐employment checkups and for medical services to
the labor colony.
Team will make provision for:
 Injury Management
 Medical examinations
 A fatigue management program
 Management of infectious diseases

22 Hazard Communications
Hazard communication activities must be conducted in accordance with the
requirements of this Plan and in‐country regulatory requirements.
Team management is responsible for the overall implementation of hazard
communication for their activities.
Hazardous materials will be used at the work area in accordance with established
requirements and manufacturer’s information (MSDSs).
Approval(s) shall be required by Client PROJECT‐PMT before any hazardous
material is brought on site. Register must be maintained by the SEPL HSE
Representative for all hazardous materials used on site.


23 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (Separate Plan)
23.1 Purpose
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan is prepared to serve as a
guideline for members of SEPL PMT to react in various emergency situations and
targeted at quick response and reduces loss to the minimal.
23.2 Scope
This Emergency Response Plan covers contingency plans for various emergency
scenarios. With the establishment of an Emergency Response Team, General
Emergency Procedures, and Emergency Procedures in adverse weather and
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procedures for scenarios, such as fire, explosion, collapse of plant, chemical spills,
bomb threat, and other threats under terrorism in place as well as drills, this
means upon the mechanism of emergency response will be triggered off upon
receipt of an emergency notification.
The team will develop and maintain Project specific written Emergency Plan
addressing signals and alarms, communications, actions, responsibilities,
evacuation routes, assembly points, site map/ site work zones, emergency control
center, emergency equipment and personnel accounting.
Pertinent information about emergency signals, evacuation routes, assembly
points, and alarms to employees will be posted at strategic points such as main
entrance and site notice boards. Emergency response contact information will be
disseminated by whatever educational means are deemed most effective (such as
wallet cards, signs, inductions, bulletin boards, or employee meetings).
Contractors shall develop Site Specific Emergency Response Plan which complies
with Client PROJECT‐PMT Plan to address specific emergency scenarios related to
their scope of work. Contractors must provide sufficient resources to implement
site specific Emergency Response Plan approved by Client HSE representatives.
24 Contractor Selection and Alignment
Potential Contractors must satisfy the project Contractor selection requirements
before being awarded any contract.
Contractor selection procedures are designed to evaluate a potential Contractor’s
capacity and commitment for identifying and controlling HSE risks.
24.1 Prequalification
Team submitting proposals for contract work on Project will have previously
submitted (for review) HSE Prequalification Questionnaire. Team proposed
subcontractors will meet or exceed PROJECT’s HSE requirements as specified in
this questionnaire in order to be considered as a subcontractor.
Team evaluated as Approved with corrective action plan will be permitted to bid
for work after submission‐ approval by the Client PROJECT‐HSE HOD and
implementation of an HSE Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
Key items that should be considered when aligning with contractor /
subcontractors are as follows:


 Accountability and responsibility
 Audit programs
 Certification in writing that all equipment to be used on the project Site meets all
applicable in‐country and other HSE regulations.
 Detailed Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) for scope of the work for
review and approval.
 Detailed Method Statement for scope of work for review and approval.
 Disciplinary action
 Employee training / Induction
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 HSE begins in the design stage

 HSE is considered a SEPL core value
 HSE philosophy commitment starts at the top
 HSE program elements compared PROJECT’s HSE Management System
 Incident investigation
 Management‐in‐action philosophy
Prior to the start of Work, Team will submit the following to Client:
 Proactive as opposed to reactive
 Recordkeeping / statistical reports
 Records related to designation of Competent Persons.
 Resume /CV of HSE Manager/ Key HSE representative.
 Safety incentive program
 Safety meetings
 Safety Task Assignment
 Self‐inspection
 Sufficient HSE representation
 Supervisor training
25 Management of Change
Changes to approved specifications, design materials, or work methods are
required to be documented, analyzed, and approved before such changes are
adopted. Following their implementation, all management processes are subject
to continuous monitoring and review.
Initial requests for changes must be submitted in writing and approved within the
context of the workplace or contract. Change requests must be analyzed by
management before the changes are approved.
The analysis will include an evaluation of the proposed change for effects on:
 System integrity
 Level of risk exposure
 Work scope
 Impact on HSE requirements
 Schedule
 Cost
Approval of such changes must also be given in writing. Resultant changes to
permanent plant / equipment must be recorded in as built documents.
The status of approved changes is subject to regular review until completion of
the contract.
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26 Housekeeping
Each employee is responsible for keeping his/her work area organized and uncluttered and
to prevent trash, waste materials, and debris from accumulating.
The supervisor assumes overall responsibility for housekeeping. Housekeeping must be
maintained on a daily basis. The supervisor will periodically inspect each work are to ensure
that the housekeeping expectations are being met.
Employees leaving the work area before a job is completed (to take a break or go to lunch,
for example) must make sure that the area is left in a safe condition. This should include
replacing barricades or safety chains, removing tools and other items from walkways, and
generally making sure that the work area does not pose a risk to people who may enter the
area while you are gone.
Floors, working surfaces, and passageways must be kept free from protruding nails,
splinters, loose boards, hoses, electrical conductors, welding rods, conduit, pipe, etc. and
from openings.
Exits, fire alarm boxes, fire extinguishing equipment, electrical disconnect panels, and other
emergency equipment must be kept clear of obstructions at all times.
“As per SEPL PMT, housekeeping will be carried out on daily basis by two specific
housekeepers apart from weekly mass and voluntary housekeeping.”

27 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All personnel working on Project will wear appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) as determined by the hazard assessment
Contractors’ are required to provide PPE to their personnel and train their
personnel in the proper use care, storage, and inspection of the PPE. SEPL team in
addition to taking care of their own staff with regards to PPE, shall monitor the
Contractors’ use of PPE in accordance with a project specific PPE procedure’s
In addition to the above minimum PPE, employees must wear full ‐sleeved shirts
and long pants. Where employees are required to wear additional protective
clothing the site specific HSE guidelines will be established and noted on TRA/STA.


28 Permit-to-Work System
A Work Permit will be issued before starting certain activities to verify that
adequate planning has been completed to conduct the work safely, healthfully
and in concert with sound environmental practice.
A determination will be made by the Project Area / Site Manager and the HSE
Representative as to which activities in the project require a permit to work to be
Discussion of the Permit and associated permits, limitations, hazards, controls,
etc., will be included in the daily TBT / STA meeting by the supervisors.
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29 Fall Protection
To ensure employees are not inadvertently exposed to fall hazards, each work area
must be evaluated to identify where engineering controls are in place to prevent
exposure to fall hazards 1.8 meters (6 feet) or more. Engineered barriers (guardrail
systems, approved work platforms, scaffolds or MEWP) must be used wherever feasible
to eliminate potential fall exposure.
A Fall Protection Plan must be developed if working at 1.8 meters or above.
Permit is required for removing grating, floor plate, guardrails. Floor holes and openings
shall be covered with material that meets the strength requirements.
Employees must be protected from objects falling from overhead work by wearing basic
PPEs and using the minimum following measures:
 Barricade off the area
 Use toe boards, screen or mesh on the guardrail to prevent falling of loose
 Use of safety net
 Use tool lanyards for hand tools
 Keep tools and equipment secured or in buckets/pouches.
 If material and tools are to be hoisted, they must be placed to proper bags
or baskets, and use of plant gunny bags is prohibited.
A Competent Person shall train employees who might be exposed to fall hazards.
Training includes the following topics:
 General requirement of this procedure
 Recognition of fall hazards
 Nature of fall hazards
 Correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling and inspecting the FPS
to be used


 Use and operations of guardrail systems, PFAS, safety net systems, warning‐line
systems, safety monitoring systems, controlled access zones and other protection
 Proper anchoring and attachment techniques
 Limitations on use of mechanical equipment during work on low sloped roofs
 Correct procedures for handling and storage of equipment and materials, and the
erection of overhead protection
 Role of employees in fall protection work plans
 Rescue considerations
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30 Confined Space Entry

Before performing work in a confined space, a Confined Space Entry Permit shall be
completed by the supervisor and required approvals to be obtained.
A CSE Data Sheet must be developed, approved by the CSE Authorized Permit Issuer,
checked by another person before a CSE Permit is approved.
Rescue equipment will be listed in the CSE Data Sheet.
31 Electrical Safety and Portable Power Tools
Any electrical job shall be carried out by an authorized electrical person/worker only.
Area/Site Manager/HOD‐Electrical shall give such authorizations and shall maintain list
of such authorized electrical person. All training shall be documented and provided to
the PMT Responsible Person.
The owner/user is required to get all portable power tools/equipment under his
custody tested and certified from concerned authority before taking in use.
Only qualified or authorized electrical personnel are allowed to perform the periodic
inspection of such tools and equipment.
All electrical installations including portable power tools, DBs, etc., shall be checked on
daily basis before use and ensure they are tagged after inspection.
32 Vehicles and Mobile Equipment
Employees who operate Moving Mobile equipment / vehicles shall be trained and
qualified in the operation of the equipment/vehicle involved and must be able to
demonstrate operating abilities consistent with Project expectations for safe
operation. Contractors must provide designated person with written certification
or other documentation of training upon request that supports an operator’s
qualifications to operate equipment/vehicle.
Before use on each shift, the operator will complete a walk‐around inspection of
the equipment / vehicle to verify that the unit is in an operable condition. If the
inspection reveals any condition that could adversely affect the safety of the
equipment/vehicle and/or operator, the equipment/vehicle shall be removed
from service.


Equipment / vehicles must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
maintenance requirements; records of maintenance must be developed and
retained by Contractor.
Firefighting and first‐aid equipment must be provided in the equipment / vehicle.
Employees will not ride on the equipment / vehicle unless additional seat, seat
belt, and rollover protection are provided. And not work from excavator or
backhoe / loader buckets.
All equipment / vehicles must be equipped with a reversing alarm and rear view
mirrors. A spotter will be required for heavy equipment backing (gang trucks,
concrete trucks, etc.) and is recommended for other vehicles.
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Wheel chokes must be used while parking the vehicle.

33 Maintenance, Inspection, Testing, and Modification of Equipment
Team must implement RIL procedures for the maintenance, inspection, testing,
and modification of equipment. These procedures are typically applied to:
 Mobile equipment
 Heavy moving equipment
 Portable electrical equipment
 All forms of light vehicles and vehicle‐mounted equipment
 Tools and tackles
 Fire‐fighting equipment
No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of
equipment will be made by the Contractor without the manufacturer’s written
approval. If the manufacturer will not approve modifications or changes, written
approval from PROJECT‐PMT and HSE may be considered. If such modifications or
changes are made, the capacity, operation, and / or maintenance instruction
plates, tags, or decals must be changed accordingly.
34 Gas Cylinders
Gas cylinders for welding and cutting purpose shall be inspected at the beginning of
each shift to identify any of the following defects:
 Leaking/damaged hose or couplings
 Leaking/damaged fuel‐gas pressure regulators and gauges and related
 Leaking/damaged torch heads or shutoff valves and related connections
 Clogged tip openings
35 Injury and Incidents Management
All incidents and hazards shall be reported and investigated; all incidents must be
reported immediately to the Supervisor/Area/Site Manager and the HSE
The requirements include reporting, investigating and managing the following:
 Occupational injuries and illnesses
 Occupational exposure to toxic substances
 Motor vehicles incidents
 Property damage incidents
 Environmental incidents
 Near miss, unsafe condition and other health and safety related incidents
All personnel are responsible for reporting incidents and hazards to their immediate
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supervisor as soon as possible. Where possible and practical every individual is required to
immediately rectify the identified hazards provided they do not expose themselves to any

36 Project Closeout
Project Completion Report‐ Template, Project/Site Management and HSE will collaborate
in identifying pertinent project HSE‐related information, achievements, opportunities for
improvement or learnings associated with incidents, and lessons learned. This information
should be documented for future references.


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