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CLASS - 10

1 . Create your first web site ?

2. Creare your site with what are all html head elements ?
3. what are the meta tags will come in head head ? Practice with them ?
CLASS - 11
1) Create some html elements ?
2) Create some nested html elements ?
3) Do practice with what are the empty elements ?
4) What are the Document metadata ?
5) Create the content sectioning elemnts and Create Text content Section
CLASS - 12
1) what are the html attributes ?
2) What are the attributes will cover in html head ? Create some exapmples with
them ?
3) How to give hyperlink to element ?
4) Which purpose we will use src attribute , give some examples?
5) What are the attributes will cover to insert a images ?
6) Which attributes is used for give styles to a element ?
7) How to declare a tooltip for element ?
8) How to select elements by using atriburte?
9) Which attribute is used to create a dragble element ?
10) what are the attributes is used for importing external files , give some examples?
CLASS - 13

1) Specify headings for the content ?

2) Insert paragraphs for the content ?
3) Create links to other HTML documents or Web resources ?
4) Inserting images into the HTML document ?
5) Insert content by using all formattings tags ?
6) Insert Preformatted text ?
7) How to show abbriavtions in tooltip ?
8) How Setting text direction of an element ?
9) How to insert contact information ?
10) how to inserts comments ?
11) create elemnts with all computer output tags ?
CLASS - 16
1. create unordered list items with some examples ?
2. create ordered list items with some examples ?
3. create description lists with some examples ?
4.create horizanatal menus and vertical menu by using html lists ?
5 . change the ordered lists with alpha list insted of numbers ?
Exercise – 17 & 18 & 19

Try To Create the Following Forms.

CLASS - 20
1) Table shows the list of developers:

2) create templetes by using tables

3. create one shoping cart using tables
CLASS – 21 & 22

1) 1.Include external html file in your document using iframe

2)2.inclde any web page by using iframe in ur current page
3) Defining alternative sources for audio element
4) Linking the audio files
5) Inserting audio in HTML documents using the object element
6) Inserting audio in HTML documents using the embed element
7) Embedding video in HTML documents
8) Defining alternative sources for video element
9) Inserting video in HTML documents using the object element
10) Inserting video in HTML documents using the embed element

CLASS- 23 & 24 & 27

Canvas and svg
1. create a circle and Rectangle shapes in canvas?
2. create some shapes with filled with colors and gradients in
3.Drawing an arc onto the canvas ?
5.Embedding SVG Into HTML Pages ?
4, Setting the stroke color and width on canvas ?
5. Creating a line using SVG ?
6. Creating a circle using SVG ?
7. Rendering text on web pages using SVG ?
8 .Apply transformation while rendering text on web pages using

1. Embed a youtube video in html document?

2. Embed your location in your site ?
3. creata a map image with clickble areas by using map tag ?
4. create a simple html web page ?

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