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The future starts today,


Basic Human tomorrow.
Need : Oxygenation
Resti Yulianti Sutrisno, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB
System for Oxygenation

• The cardiac and respiratory systems supply the

oxygen demands of the body.
• The Respiratory system → Blood is oxygenated
through the mechanisms of ventilation, perfusion,
and transport of respiratory gases.
• The cardiovascular system → provides the transport
mechanisms to distribute oxygen to cells and tissues
of the body.
• Neural and chemical regulators control the rate and depth of
respiration in response to changing tissue oxygen demands.
There are three steps in the process of oxygenation

❑ Ventilation : The process of moving gases into and out

of the lungs (from the atmosphere to the alveoli)
Inspiration is an active process, stimulated by chemical receptors
in the aorta. Expiration is a passive process that depends on the
elastic recoil properties of the lungs
❑ Difussion : the process for the exchange of respiratory
gases in the alveoli and the capillaries; and also
capillaries and cells
Diffusion of respiratory gases occurs at the alveolar capillary
❑ Perfussion / Transportation : The ability of the
cardiovascular system to pump oxygenated blood to
the tissues and return deoxygenated blood to the
❑ Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide during cellular metabolism.
Factors Affecting Oxygenation

Four factors influence adequacy of circulation, ventilation,

perfusion, and transport of respiratory gases to the tissues:
(1) physiological,
(2) developmental,
(3) lifestyle, and
(4) environmental
Physiological Factors of Oxygenation

Decreased Oxygen-Carrying Capacity. Hypovolemia

Hemoglobin carries the majority of oxygen to ❑ Conditions such as shock and
severe dehydration cause
extracellular fluid loss and
Decrease the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood by reducing
reduced circulating blood
the amount of available hemoglobin to transport oxygen)
volume, or hypovolemia.
• Anemia ❑ Decreased circulating blood
(i.e., a lower-than-normal hemoglobin level) is a result volume results in hypoxia to
of decreased hemoglobin production, increased red body tissues.
blood cell destruction, and/ or blood loss. ❑ With significant fluid loss, the
• Toxic Inhalant body tries to adapt by
Carbon monoxide (CO) is the most common toxic peripheral vasoconstriction
inhalant decreasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of and increasing the heart rate
blood. In CO toxicity hemoglobin strongly binds with to increase the volume of blood
CO, CO does not easily dissociate from hemoglobin, returned to the heart, thus
making hemoglobin unavailable for oxygen transport. increasing the cardiac output.
Physiological Factors of Oxygenation

Decreased Inspired Oxygen Concentration

With the decline of the concentration of inspired oxygen, the oxygen-carrying
capacity of the blood decreases. Decreases in the fraction of inspired oxygen
concentration (FiO2) are caused by
• Upper or lower airway obstruction, which limits delivery of inspired
oxygen to alveoli;
• Decreased environmental oxygen at high altitudes
❑ Surah Al-An’am [6]: 125, Allah SWT berfirman”: “Siapa saja yang dikehendaki Allah
menunjukinya, niscaya Dia melapangkan dadanya untuk memeluk (agama) Islam. Dan
Siapa yang dikehendaki Allah kesesatannya, niscaya Dia menjadikan dadanya sesak lagi
sempit, seolah-olah ia sedang mendaki ke langit. Begitulah Allah menimpakan siksa
kepada orang-orang yang tidak beriman.”
❑ Setiap bertambah ketinggian naik ke udara, maka akan bertambah sesak
napasnya karena berkurangnya tekanan udara. Sehingga berkurang jumlah
oksigen yang dihirup paru-paru.
• Hypoventilation (occurs in drug overdoses).
Physiological Factors of Oxygenation

Increased Metabolic Rate

❑ Increased metabolic activity increases oxygen demand.
❑ An increased metabolic rate is normal in pregnancy, wound healing, and exercise
because the body is using energy or building tissue.
❑ Fever increases the need of tissues for oxygen; as a result carbon dioxide
production increases. When fever persists, the metabolic rate remains high, and
the body begins to break down protein stores.
Physiological Factors of Oxygenation

Conditions Affecting Chest Wall Alterations in Cardiac

Movement Functioning
❑ Pregnancy ❑Disturbances in Conduction
❑ Obesity Dysrhythmias occur as a primary conduction disturbance
❑ Musculoskeletal Abnormalities (abnormal such as in response to ischemia; valvular abnormality;
structural configurations, trauma, muscular diseases, and anxiety; drug toxicity; caffeine, alcohol, or tobacco use; or
diseases of the central nervous system) as a complication of acid-base or electrolyte imbalance
❑ Trauma. (Flail chest is a condition in which multiple rib ❑Altered Cardiac Output.
fractures cause instability in part of the chest wall) Left-Sided Heart Failure. Right-Sided Heart Failure.
❑ Neuromuscular Diseases myasthenia gravis, ❑Impaired Valvular Function
Guillain-Barré syndrome, and poliomyelitis. Valvular heart disease is an acquired or congenital disorder of a
❑ Central Nervous System Alterations. cardiac valve that causes either hardening (stenosis) or
impaired closure (regurgitation) of the valves. When stenosis
Cervical trauma at C3 to C5 usually results in paralysis of
occurs, the flow of blood through the valves is obstructed.
the phrenic nerve.
❑Myocardial Ischemia.
❑ Influences of Chronic Disease. Changes in
the anteroposterior diameter of the chest wall (barrel
chest) occur because of overuse of accessory muscles and
air trapping in emphysema.
Physiological Factors of Oxygenation - Alterations in Respiratory Functioning

Hiperventilasi Hipoventilasi Hipoksia

 Kondisi ventilasi  Terjadi ketika ventilasi  Oksigenasi jaringan
berlebihan yang alveolar tidak cukup yang tidak adekuat
diperlukan untuk untuk memenuhi pada level seluler
membuang CO2 yang kebutuhan oksigen  Penyebab: penurunan
diproduksi oleh atau membuang kadar HB,
metabolisme seluler kecukupan CO2 Berkurangnya
 Kecemasan, infeksi,  Contoh kasus kosentrasi oksigen,
obat-obatan, atelektasis, kolaps Gangguan ventilasi
ketidakseimbangan alveoli, PPOK (trauma dada),
asam basa akan  Hanya sedikit paru perfusi jaringan buruk
menginduksi yang berventilasi (syok), penurunan
hiperventilasi difusi (pneumonia)
Developmental Factors of Oxygenation

Bayi dan Anak-Anak

 Rentan infeksi pernapasan Lansia
 Terpapar asap rokok  Sistem pernapasan dan
jantung mengalami
perubahan karena penuaan
Usia Sekolah dan Remaja
 Kalsifikasi katup jantung,
 Rentan infeksi pernapasan nodus SA, tulang rawan iga,
 Terpapar asap rokok plak aterosklerosis
 Mulai merokok  Alveoli membesar
sehingga mengurangi
Dewasa Muda dan area difusi
Pertengahan  Jumlah silia menurun
 Diet tidak sehat, stress, sehingga penurunan
kurang olah raga, merokok, efektifitas batuk
Lifestyle Factors of Oxygenation

Merokok Olah Raga

 Nikotin menyebabkan  Meningkatkan aktivitas metabolisme
vasokontriksi perifer dan dan kebutuhan oksigen
pembuluh darah koroner dan
meningkatkan tekanan darah,  Orang yang olah raga rutin 30-60
serta menurunkan aliran darah menit setiap hari memiliki frekuensi
ke perifer nadi dan tekanan darah lebih rendah,
 Faktor resiko PPOK, Kanker paru peningkatan aliran darah, mengambil
oksigen yang lbh banyak utk kerja otot
 Menekan pusat pernapasan
 Menurunkan frekuensi dan  Stress dan ansietas yang berlanjut
kedalaman pernapasan serta meningkatkan laju metabolisme tubuh
oksigen yang dihirup dan kebuthan oksigen
Environmental Factors of Oxygenation -

 Polutan asbes, debu, serat

 Asbestosis : penyakit paru yang terjadi akibat
terpapar asbes
 Pasien terpapar asbes beresiko kankerparu
 Paparan debu beresikomenyebabkan kekambuhan
asma karena faktor alergi
Nursing Process - Assessment

❑Dyspnea ❑ Nursing History.

• Dyspnea is a clinical sign of hypoxia. • The nursing history for respiratory function includes the presence of a cough, shortness
• It is the subjective sensation of difficult or uncomfortable breathing. of breath, dyspnea, wheezing, pain, environmental exposures, frequency of respiratory
• Dyspnea is shortness of breath usually associated with exercise or tract infections, pulmonary risk factors, past respiratory problems, current medication
excitement, but in some patients it is present without any relation to use, and smoking history or secondhand smoke exposure.
activity or exercise. • The nursing history for cardiac function includes pain and characteristics of pain, fatigue,
❑Cough peripheral circulation, cardiac risk factors, and the presence of past or concurrent cardiac
conditions. Ask specific questions related to cardiopulmonary disease
❑ Hemoptysis
(bloody sputum) is present, determine if it is associated with coughing and ❑ Environmental or Geographical Exposures.
bleeding from the upper respirator ❑ Smoking.
❑ Wheezing. IB = packages per day × years smoked
Wheezing is a high-pitched musical sound caused by high-velocity ❑ Respiratory Infections.
movement of air through a narrowed airway. Obtain information about the patient’s frequency and duration of respiratory tract
❑Pain infections
• The presence of chest pain requires an immediate thorough evaluation, ❑ Allergies.
including location, duration, radiation, and frequency. Inquire about your patient’s exposure to airborne allergens (e.g., pet dander or mold). The
• Cardiac pain → Chest pain in men is most often on the left side of the allergic response is often watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, or respiratory symptoms such
chest and radiates to the left arm. as cough or wheezing.
• Pleuritic chest pain is peripheral and radiates to the scapular regions. ❑ Health Risks.
Inspiratory maneuvers such as coughing, yawning, and sighing worsen Determine familial risk factors such as a family history of lung cancer or cardiovascular
pleuritic chest pain disease. infectious diseases, particularly TB.
• Musculoskeletal pain is often present following exercise, rib trauma, and
prolonged coughing episodes. Inspiration worsens this pain, and patients ❑ Medications.
often confuse it with pleuritic chest pain. Another component of the nursing history describes medications that a patient is using.
These include prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications, folk medicine,
herbal medicines, alternative therapies, and illicit drugs and substances
Nursing Process - Assessment

Nature of the Cardiopulmonary Problem Severity

❑ What types of breathing problems are you having? ❑ On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most severe, rate
❑ Describe the problem that you’re having with your heart. your shortness of breath.
❑ Does the problem (e.g., chest pain, rapid heart rate) occur ❑ What helps relieve your shortness of breath?
at a specific time of the day, during or after exercise, or all ❑ On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 the
the time? most severe pain, rate your chest pain. Is the severity of
Signs and Symptoms your pain different today?
❑ How has your breathing pattern changed? ❑ What do you do for this pain?
❑ Do you have sputum with coughing? Is this different? Predisposing Factors
❑ Is your sputum a different color? ❑ Have you been exposed to a cold or flu?
❑ Are you having any chest pain? Does the pain occur with ❑ Are you taking your prescribed medications?
breathing? ❑ Do you smoke? Have you been exposed to secondhand
Onset and Duration smoke?
❑ If you are having chest pain, what causes the pain and how ❑ Have you been doing any unusual exercises?
long does it last? Is this a different type of pain? Effect of Symptoms on Patient
❑ When did you notice your sputum change in color and ❑ Do these symptoms affect your daily activities? If so how?
amount? ❑ What impact do
❑ When did your coughing increase? How does this differ
from your usual pattern of coughing?
Physical Examination - Inspection

❑ Using inspection techniques, perform a head-to-toe

❑ Observation of the patient for skin and mucous membrane color,
general appearance, level of consciousness, adequacy of systemic
❑ Observe the patient’s breathing pattern and assess for
paradoxical breathing (the chest wall contracts during inspiration
and expands during exhalation) or asynchronous breathing.
• At rest the normal adult rate is 16 to 24 regular breaths/min.
• Bradypnea is less than 12 breaths/min
• Tachypnea is greater than 24 breaths/min.
• In some conditions, such as metabolic acidosis, the acidic pH stimulates
an increase in both rate and depth of respirations (Kussmaul
• Apnea is the absence of respirations for a period of time. The apnea
periods can last 15 to 60 seconds Cheyne-Stokes respiration occurs when
there is decreased blood flow or injury to the brainstem.
Physical Examination - Inspection

❑ Inspection includes
observations of the nails for
Clubbed nails often occur in patients with
prolonged oxygen deficiency, endocarditis,
and congenital heart defects.
❑ Observe chest wall
movement for retraction
(i.e., sinking in of soft tissues of the chest
between the intercostal spaces) and use of
accessory muscles.
❑ Observe The shape of the
chest wall.
Conditions such as emphysema, advancing
age, and COPD (PPOK) cause the chest to
assume a rounded “barrel” shape
Nursing Process : Physical Examination - Palpation

❑ Palpation of the chest provides assessment data in several

It documents the type and amount of thoracic excursion; elicits any
areas of tenderness; and helps to identify tactile fremitus, thrills,
heaves, and the cardiac point of maximal impulse (PMI).
❑ Palpation of the extremities provides data about the
peripheral circulation
(i.e., the presence and quality of peripheral pulses, skin
temperature, color, and capillary refill)
❑ Palpation of the feet and legs determines the presence
or absence of peripheral edema. Patients with alterations in cardiac
function such as those with heart failure or hypertension often have
pedal or lower-extremity edema. Edema is graded from +1 to +4
depending on the depth of visible indentation after firm finger
❑ Palpate the pulses in the neck and extremities to
assess arterial blood flow. Use a scale of 0 (absent pulse) to +4 (full,
bounding pulse) to describe what you feel. The normal pulse is +2;
and a weak, thready pulse is +1.
Nursing Process : Physical Examination - Percusion

❑ Percussion detects the presence of abnormal fluid or air in the lungs.

❑ It also determines diaphragmatic excursion
Nursing Process : Physical Examination - Auscultation

❑ Auscultation helps identify normal

and abnormal heart and lung
❑ Auscultation of the cardiovascular
Includes assessment for normal S1 and S2 sounds
and the presence of abnormal S3 and S4 sounds Crackles terdengar pada proses inspirasi. Suara crackles ini juga sering disebut dengan nama rales atau
(gallops), murmurs, or rubs. Identify the location, crepitation. ketika terdapat saluran udara yang sempit tiba-tiba terbuka hingga menimbulkan suara mirip seperti
suara “plop” yang terdengar saat bibir yang dibasahi tiba-tiba dibuka. Apabila terjadi di daerah bronchioles maka
radiation, intensity, pitch, and quality of a murmur.
akan tercipta fine crackles. Proses kedua, ketika gelembung udara keluar pada pulmonary edema.
Auscultation also identifies any bruit over the
carotid, abdominal aorta, and femoral arteries. Wheezing merupakan suara pernapasan berfrekuensi tinggi yang nyaring, dimana terdengar di akhir
ekspirasi / saat menghembuskan napas. Wheezing terjadi oleh karena adanya penyempitan saluran
❑ Auscultation of lung sounds pernapasan bagian ujung / dalam.
Involves listening for movement of air throughout
all lung fields: anterior, posterior, and lateral. Ronkhi merupakan suara napas tambahan yang bernada rendah yang terjadi akibat adanya
Adventitious, or abnormal, breath sounds occur penyumbatan jalan napas biasanya akibat adanya lendir. Ronkhi dapat terjadu pada inspirasi (saat
mengambil napas) maupun ekspirasi.
with collapse of a lung segment, fluid in a lung
segment, or narrowing or obstruction of an airway. Sridor terjadi karena penyumbatan aliran udara di tenggorokan atau di bagian belakang

A pleural friction rub : The sound results from the movement of inflamed and roughened pleural surfaces against
one anotherA pleural friction rub is a manifestation of pleural disease, though its absence does not exclude this
Diagnostic Test

❑ Arterial Blood Gases

❑ Pulmonary Function Test
❑ Bronchoscopy
❑ Lung Scan
❑ Thoracentesis
❑ Sputum Specimen
❑ Electrocardiogram
❑ Echocardiography
Diagnostic Test

Degree PaO2 (mmHg) SaO2(%)

Normal 97 97
Normal Range >= 80 >= 95
Hipoksemia < 80 < 95
Ringan 60-79 90 – 94
Sedang 40 -59 75 – 89
Berat < 40 < 75

❑ Hipoksemia adalah keadaan dimana terjadi penurunan konsentrasi oksigen dalam darah
arteri (PaO2 normal 85-100 mmHg atau saturasi oksigen dibawah normal (<95%)
❑ Hipoksia adalah penurunan sejumlah oksigen yang terdapat di dalam jaringan
The future starts today,

not tomorrow.
Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan Gangguan KDM Oksigenasi
Resti Yulianti Sutrisno, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.MB
Nursing Process : Nursing Diagnoses – Nursing Outcome


Respirasi ❑ Bersihan Jalan Napas, ❑ Manajemen jalan napas,
❑ Bersihan Jalan Napas Tidak Efektif Tingkat Infeksi, Kontrol Latihan batuk efektif,
❑ Pola Napas Tidak Efektif Gejala pemantauan respirasi,
❑ Gangguan Pertukaran Gas ❑ Pola Napas fisioterapi dada
❑ Gangguan Ventilasi Spontan ❑ Pertukaran Gas, ❑ Pemantauan respirasi,
❑ Resiko Aspirasi Keseimbangan Asam Basa dukungan ventilasi,
❑ Ventilasi Spontan pemberian posisi,
Sirkulasi ❑ Tingkat Aspirasi perawatan selang dada
❑ Penurunan Curah Jantung ❑ Manajemen Asam Basa :
❑ Perfusi Perifer tidak Efektif Alkalosis / Asidosis
Respiratorik, Pemantauan
❑ Intoleransi Aktivitas ❑ Konservasi Engeri Respirasi, Terapi Oksigen,
❑ Manajemen Energi
Bersihan Jalan Napas Tidak Efektif
Ketidakmampuan membersihkan sekret atau obstruksi jalan nafas untuk mempertahankan jalan nafas tetap paten.

Pola Napas Tidak Efektif
Inspirasi dan/atau ekspirasi yang tidak memberikan ventilasi adekuat

Penyebab : Gejalan dan Tanda Mayor : Gejala dan Tanda Minor :

1. Depresi pusat pernapasan Subjektif : 1. Ortopnea
2. Hambatan upaya napas (mis. nyeri
Subjektif :
saat bernapas, kelemahan otot 1. Dispnea Objektif :
pernapasan) 1. Pernapasan pursed-lip.
3. Deformitas dinding dada. Objektif : 2. Pernapasan cuping hidung.
4. Deformitas tulang dada. 1. Penggunaan otot bantu 3. Diameter thoraks anterior—
5. Gangguan neuromuskular. posterior meningkat
6. Gangguan neurologis (mis
elektroensefalogram [EEG] positif, cedera 2. Fase ekspirasi 4. Ventilasi semenit menurun
kepala ganguan kejang). memanjang. 5. Kapasitas vital menurun
7. maturitas neurologis. 3. Pola napas abnormal 6. Tekanan ekspirasi menurun
8. Penurunan energi. (mis. takipnea. bradipnea, 7. Tekanan inspirasi menurun
9. Obesitas. 8. Ekskursi dada berubah
10. Posisi tubuh yang menghambat
hiperventilasi kussmaul
ekspansi paru. cheyne-stokes).
11. Sindrom hipoventilasi.
12. Kerusakan inervasi diafragma
(kerusakan saraf CS ke atas).
13. Cedera pada medula spinalis.
14. Efek agen farmakologis.
15. Kecemasan. 25
Proses Ventilasi
1) Varians Tekanan • Pada saat belum terjadi inspirasi,
Udara tekanan udara di dalam paru-paru
sama dengan tekanan udara di
atmosfer (760 mmHg atau 1 atm).
• Pada saat inspirasi (menarik napas)
normal, gerakan diafragma mendatar
dan otot intercostalis eksterna akan
memperbesar rongga dada sehingga
menurunkan tekanan alveolar paru
menjadi 758 mmHg dibawah, yang
menyebabkan udara bisa masuk dari
lingkungan (atmosfer) ke saluran
pernapasan kemudian ke alveoli.
Gangguan Pertukaran Gas
Kelebihan atau kekurangan oksigenasi dan atau eleminasi karbondioksida pada membran

PENYEBAB : Gejalan dan Tanda Mayor – GEJALA dan TANDA MINOR – Subjektif :
1. Ketidakseimbangan Subjektif : 1. Pusing.
ventilasi-perfusi. 1. Dispnea. 2. Penglihatan kabur.
2. Perubahan Gejalan dan Tanda Mayor –
membran alveolus- Objektif : GEJALA dan TANDA MINOR – Objektif :
kapiler. 1. PCO2 meningkat / menurun. 1. Sianosis.
2. PO2 menurun. 2. Diaforesis.
3. Takikardia. 3. Gelisah.
4. pH arteri 4. Napas cuping hidung.
meningkat/menurun. 5. Pola napas abnormal (cepat / lambat,
5. Bunyi napas tambahan. regular/iregular, dalam/dangkal).
6. Warna kulit abnormal (mis. pucat,
7. Kesadaran menurun.
Terapi Oksigen
Contoh Kasus

• Seorang laki-laki, 52 tahun, dirawat di Bangsal Penyakit dalam karena

penyakit PPOK (Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis). Pasien mengeluh batuk
berdahak dengan dahak yang susah dikeluarkan dan sesak napas. Hasil
pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan frekuensi napas 28x/menit dan hasil
auskultasi ronkhi di posterior apical dekstra.
• Apakah diagnosis keperawatan, luaran, dan intervensi prioritas pada
kasus tersebut ?

Diagnosis Keperawatan : SIKI : Manajemen Jalan Napas
Contoh Kasus Bersihan Jalan Napas Tidak Efektif
b.d Sekret yang tertahan
• Monitor pola nafas (frekuensi,
kedalaman, usaha nafas)
DS :
• Monitor bunyi nafas tambahan
1. Pasien mengatakan sesak napas
(wheezing, ronkhi)
• Seorang laki-laki, 52 tahun, 2. Pasien mengatakan batuk
• Monitor sputum (jumlah, warna)
berdahak dengan dahak susak
dirawat di Bangsal Penyakit • Posisikan semi-fowler dan fowler
dalam karena penyakit PPOK • Berikan minuman hangat
(Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis). DO : • Lakukan fisioterapi dada, jika perlu
Pasien mengeluh batuk berdahak 1. Hasil auskultasi ronkhi, • Berikan oksigen, jika perlu
dengan dahak yang susah 2. frekuensi napas 28x/menit
• Anjurkan asupan cairan 2000
dikeluarkan dan sesak napas. ml/hari, jika tidak kontraindikasi.
Hasil pemeriksaan fisik SLKI : Bersihan Jalan Napas
• Ajarkan teknik batuk efektif
didapatkan frekuensi napas Setelah dilakukan Tindakan
keperawatan 3x24 jam maka • Kolaborasi pemberian mukolitik,
28x/menit dan hasil auskultasi bersihan jalan napas meningkat jika perlu
ronkhi di posterior apical dekstra. dengan kriteria hasil :
• Apakah diagnosis keperawatan, 1. Sesak napas menurun
2. Batuk efektif meningkat
luaran, dan intervensi prioritas 3. Suara napas tambahan
pada kasus tersebut ? ronkhi/mengi menurun
4. Frekuensi napas menurun
menjadi 16-24x.menit
Nursing Process : Nursing Diagnoses – Nursing Outcome – NANDA NOC NIC

Nursing Diganosis Nursing Outcome

❑ Activity intolerance
❑ Status Pernapasan: Kepatenan JalanNapas
❑ Decreased cardiac output
❑ Status Pernapasan:Ventilasi
❑ Fatigue
❑ Status Pernapasan: PertukaranGas
❑ Impaired gas exchange
❑ Pencegahanaspirasi
❑ Impaired spontaneous ventilation
❑ Respon ventilasi mekanik:dewasa
❑ Ineffective airway clearance
❑ Keefektifan PompaJantung
❑ Ineffective breathing pattern
❑ Status Sirkulasi
❑ Ineffective health maintenance
❑ Perfusi jaringan
❑ Risk for aspiration
❑ Toleransi terhadapaktivitas
❑ Risk for imbalanced fluid volume
❑ Konservasi energi
❑ Risk for infection
❑ Risk for suffocation
Nursing Process : Nursing Intervention – NANDA NOC NIC

Bersihan Jalan NapasTidak Efektif

❑ Manajemen jalan napas GangguanPertukaranGas
❑ Penghisapanlendir ❑ Manajemen asambasa: asidosisrespiratorik
❑ Manajemen asma ❑ Manajemen asambasa: alkalosisrespiratorik
❑ Fisioterapi dada ❑ Monitor asambasa
❑ Manajemen batuk ❑ Terapioksigen
❑ Pemberian obat:inhalasi ❑ Monitor pernapasan
❑ Terapi oksigen ❑ Perawatan emboli:paru
❑ Monitor Pernapasan ❑ Bantuanventilasi Intoleransi Aktivitas
❑ Terapiaktivitas
❑ BantuanPenghentian merokok
Penurunan Curah Jantung ❑ Perawatanjantung:
❑ Perawatan jantung rehabilitasi
Pola NapasTidakEfektif ❑ Manajemenenergi
❑ Terapioksigen ❑ Perawatan jantung: akut
❑ Perawatanjantung: rehabilitasi ❑ Bantuan perawatandiri
❑ Monitor Pernapasan ❑ Peningkatantidur
❑ Pemberianposisi ❑ Pengaturanhemodinamik
❑ Manajemenventiasi mekanik ❑ Monitor hemodinamik
❑ Perawatan selangdada ❑ Manajemen elektrolit
❑ Manajeme Disritmia
❑ Terapi oksigen

Health Promotion
❑ Vaccinations. Acute Care
Annual flu vaccines are recommended ❑Dyspnea Management
for all people 6 months and older Treatment of the underlying process causing dyspnea is then
❑ Healthy Lifestyle. followed with other therapies
• Pharmacological agents include bronchodilators, inhaled
• Identification and elimination of
steroids, mucolytics, and low-dose antianxiety medications.
risk factors for cardiopulmonary
• Oxygen therapy reduces dyspnea associated with exercise
disease are important parts of
and hypoxemia.
primary care.
• Physical techniques such as cardiopulmonary reconditioning
• Encourage patients to eat a
(e.g., exercise, breathing techniques, and cough control),
healthy low-fat, high-fiber diet;
relaxation techniques, biofeedback, and meditation
monitor their cholesterol,
triglyceride, high-density Airway Maintenance.
lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density The airway is patent when the trachea, bronchi, and large airways are
lipoprotein (LDL) levels; free from obstructions. Airway maintenance requires adequate
• reduce stress; exercise; and hydration to prevent thick, tenacious secretions. Proper coughing
maintain a body weight in techniques remove secretions and keep the airway open. A variety of
proportion to their height. interventions such as suctioning, chest physiotherapy, and nebulizer
❑ Environmental therapy assist patients in managing alterations in airway clearance.
Hydration. Maintenance of adequate systemic hydration keeps
Pollutants. ❑ mucociliary clearance normal. In patients with adequate hydration,
Avoiding exposure to secondhand ❑ pulmonary secretions are thin, white, watery, and easily
smoke is essential to maintaining removable
optimal cardiopulmonary function. ❑ with minimal coughing. Excessive coughing to clear thick,

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