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112124, 5:58 PM ‘Survey :A Study On The Perception Of Space In Intstior Design En/Ar hips Iw. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyI0=11893858 9 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr 1B Questions» Add Logo A Study On The Perception Of Space In Interior Design (En/Ar) ‘Add Question | + le Daal Fa gM Adstall lated! gi Ab gata Sha glubil Iya ay yal gill pMLEAY) (4 AS Lia pooe cul 58S AG pall Sans Lee, ol ll Lay SEY Gyllly Boley! Sis pralins fly ol Sy ppt pt Ub ala Uailly ae ga Lea 38h 3} piel Ay pila Gl jaall Lily 5 Ube 13) Ala salad 4a N85 ass SMa) ul pall Gag coll ss Haste SLaS) Gps ASI jy ASI ys olay oe gile yp yaad Qe Seal gill Alias cial oh elsad cal ce is SLY! a all_ye (223725012}. SAN am pS SAI cha plat EL GES (ple lati pS Ua, Hello, You are invited to participate in my survey about the perceived spaciousness in interior spaces. Perceived spaciousness is a feeling that can be affected by elements like Lighting, Color, furniture, etc. making a room appears smaller or bigger than it actually is. The present study investigates how perceived spaciousness is affected if we make the corners of the walls rounded. In this questionnaire, Pictures of interior spaces will be presented to you to give your estimations and opinions. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and your survey responses will be strictly confidential. If you have any questions, you may contact Nsren Aliwa by email at {}. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey lal ae ge Lal yall ob 3 ES Ut rips. 11883858 ait 3112124, 5:58 PM ‘Survey :A Study On The Perception Of Space In Intstior Design En/Ar now py Cucking On tne Lonunue Dutton Detow. ec cocceceesnnsnnnnne 1 S$ Romove Page Break. DSeparatar.-- oars Name Answer text Occupation 1 44 id or the year of your academic program if you are a student Answer text ‘Add Question | ~ SSPage Break Separator ie Sally halsa! le eli peal obgs Miletall MAY) le 3M gee ype ol elite Aull) Clad G§ AS Like cs yar che Le AS Gla! aps] que yall Saal dale allta Casal 58h piney gel sll Ghia! Gully By me JS ye AY able bs! In the following pages, you will be presented with pictures. Please respond to the questions about these pictures based on your feelings rather than conscious reasoning. In other words, there's no need for extensive thinking to provide accurate answers; simply share your initial impressions of each picture. -Add-Question- hips Iw. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyI0=11893858 3it3 S$ Remove Fage Break--- Separator. 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr Look at this room, estimate the Height, Depth, and Length of the room (in meters) (S5YU) Mel play Lenin ye 9 HE ll gis I a oy a lls GI} ts) ‘Add Question | ¥ Ss Page Break Separator Room * Height eu! Answer text Room Width oe) Answer text Room Length 11683858 ana 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr okt Answer text ‘Add Question | ¥ SSPage Grea OSeparator Now look at this other room and estimate its dimensions J patty oy 98) 4A all ob ol} GY! 5st ‘Add Question | ¥ SSPage Break Separator hips ww. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyi0=11893858 513 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr Room + Height ea! An Room Width aa Answer text Room Length ht Answer text -Add-Question. concen coccccccccenscsssssensssnsnnnns 6 Remove Page Seta. -- Separator. Look at this room and also estimate its measurements. VSlahd psity Lash 44 all oda) bs! hips. questionpro.convaledltSurvey.dosurveyi0=11893858 63 3712124, 558 PM Survey :A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr ‘Add Question | ~ SSPage Break Separator Room + Height ea Room Width a Answer text Room Length ht Answer text -Add-Question. eoccccccnecnecneennnnnnennnneenennnene ee +1183 Remove Page Break. -- Separator. Now look again. The corners between the ceiling and walls have been curved rounded Bygta/Ainien Ay sa cles Ol rally abl ge Us ls 8) Bye GY! sl hips www. questionpro.convaledltSurvey.dosurveyi0=11893858 73 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey :A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr ‘Add Question | ~ coe shal Uy NAL ys poe as oe Please mark how adding the rounded corners affected the dimensions 3 at ost aed slightly Decreased Unchanged Decreased hips Iw. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyI0=11893858 SSPage Break Separator Slightly 43 Increased Increased 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey :A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EnvAr Height eu Width a Length Jb! ‘Add Question | ~ ‘SBPagesreak Separator This is another comparison of pictures. You can focus your comparison on the top half of the rooms Bale tall hel le fal Ay OE Ow AN hips www. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyI0=11893858 93 3712124, 5:58 PM Survey :A Study On The Perception OF Space In Interior Design EniAr ‘Add Question | ~ S5Page Break Separator AM sla pati gay aka) J Ula il babes) ye Sa all Ay Shall hy II aL) Gf Gaya 1) If you feel that adding rounded corners (RC) to the room has changed its perception, please rate the following statement: ‘Add Question | ¥ i ‘SSPage Break Separator lf Gael ly 3 Gal aa ss gS Was estimating the dimensions of the rooms with rounded corners (RC) harder or easier A es A al hips ww. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyi0=11893858 10113 311224, 5:58 PM ‘Survey :A Study On The Perception Of Space In Intstior Design En/Ar eettooies sustiy Roy See rates Unchanged Easier Harder Gx al st ‘ysl Wy Estimating ° ° ° ° ° Dimensions with RC ‘Add Question | + SShageorak) | CSepartor yal Uy ys de lly 581 CAS Ga yt gt Le How did you feel about the rooms with rounded corners (RC) compared to normal corners Rigt MB ite oe aa Slightly asta Open Enclosed Unchanged Slightly Open Enclosed 4 3 Sty. Rooms with RC ° ° ° ° ° ‘Add Question | + SSrage Break CSepartor Pays Uy jy Ae a4 all YAS Gal jab yt gt How did you feel about the mood of rooms with rounded corners compared to normal corners Rigt hee ox ee aed Slightly Slightly gaye Relaxing Disturbing Unchanged Disturbing Relaxing aie 83h Ye Ge Rooms! ° ° ° ° ° Mood with RC sts 3112124, 5:58 PM Add Question | + Sa All Da le all 3 ss Ja Do you think rounded corners (RC) have affected the beauty of the rooms? . Bins ad ats Awful Slightly Awful Unchanged ss al Ly 3 .& Rooms’ with an 4 an RC seem ‘Add Question | + 4 PRIA Stale a le I CS shel Yo cpa Ua Do you think that rounded corners can affect the speciousness of interior spaces? Answer text PA bX al Wy pl Gb eat Sa a Would you personally consider using rounded corners in your design? Ansuer text Kal pall Can ls) A955 gal Ja lal» And finally, please feel free to give insight or comments to improve the study. Answer text ‘Add Question | ¥ Lait Footer Thank You Page hips Iw. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyI0=11893858 ‘Survey :A Study On The Perception Of Space In Intstior Design En/Ar ‘SSPage Break Separator Del Slightly Beautiful ‘SSPage Break Separator SsPage Break Separator ait 112124, 5:58 PM ‘Survey :A Study On The Perception Of Space In Intstior Design En/Ar 3B Questions ~ Essentials ©2024 QuestionPro t @ hips Iw. questionpro.convaleitSurvey.dosurveyI0=11893858 13113

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