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Assignment: Answer the following questions reflectively and comprehensively

1. How do we understand Ecclesiology?

Ecclesiology, or the study of the Church, involves an in-depth analysis of its nature,

organization, and mission. It goes into the fundamental concerns about the Church,

exploring its beginnings, comprehending what it symbolizes, and determining its role in

the world. This field of research examines not just the Church as an organization, but

also the complex connections it produces, both internally among its members and

externally with God and society as a whole. Ecclesiology focuses on theological and

practical dimensions of the Christian community, giving a thorough framework for

understanding the Church's role in believers' lives. Scholars and theologians work in this

field to discover the complexity of the Church's existence, aiming to understand the

divine purpose behind its foundation as well as its ongoing influence on people and the

greater human experience. In summary, ecclesiology serves as a prism through which to

acquire insight into the many facets of the Christian community, bridging the gap

between theology and practical implementation.

2. How do Catholic Church understand the sacraments?

The Catholic Church views the sacraments as tangible demonstrations of God's mercy.

These religious rites play an important role in commemorating spiritual achievements.

Catholics believe that sacraments help people connect with God more deeply. These

rituals allow people to individually receive and experience heavenly favor. The seven

sacraments, which include baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist, are vital. Each

sacrament has a unique role in promoting spiritual progress. Furthermore, they help to

enhance the link between people and God.

3. Who is the primordial sacrament of the Father? Why?

Jesus Christ serves as the Father's primordial sacrament. This title refers to Jesus as

the greatest and most significant symbol. He represents God's love and presence in its

most perfect form. In essence, Jesus personifies and exposes the real character of God.

As the primary medium of communication, Jesus spreads God's grace throughout the

world. This notion emphasizes Jesus Christ's vital role in spreading love and redemption.

Through him, mankind has a tremendous connection with God's grace.

4. Who founded the Catholic Church? How? When? and Where?

According to Catholic belief, Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church. This opinion is

based on a key command given to the apostle Peter, whom Catholics honour as the first

Pope. The key event is often connected with Jesus' comments to Peter in Matthew

16:18: "You are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church." In this speech, Jesus

designates Peter as the foundational person for the church's creation. The Catholic

Church traces its roots back to this watershed occasion in the early first century AD, in

what is now modern-day Israel. This foundational event, as well as Peter's position as

the foundation upon which the church is constructed, are important to the Catholic

understanding of the church's history.

5. “Church as sacrament”. Explain.

The concept of "Church as sacrament" implies that the Church serves as a visible

symbol and tool of God's goodness in the world. It allows people to see and experience

God's love in the same way as sacraments reveal God's presence. The Church's

doctrines, rites, and activities are a large manifestation of God's care and rescue plan for

humankind. So the Church is more than simply an organization; it is infused with God's

love. It's like a specific link for individuals to encounter and interact with God's incredible

power. In layman's terms, the Church is a living example of God's love that draws people

closer to the amazing things God has in store for them.


Santa Clara University. (August 26, 2019.). Ethics in Life and Business. Retrieved from–tools/blog-posts/ethics-in-life-and-business/ethics-in-life-

and business.html#:~:text=Ethics%20is%20what%20guides%20us,us%20away%20from


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