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The rainfall in spain at that time was very heavy, the storm was hitting the city of
santiago for days. many activities were paralyzed because of the relentless storm. in the city
of Santiago, there is a house that is not so big, the interior is classic and there is a street
lantern that lights up in the middle of a rainstorm. the house is inhabited by Mark's family
with his mother, wife, and son. his son is named Admund, he is a very naughty and ignorant
child. mark is very busy working to pay off his family's debts, and the guarantee if Mark does
not pay off the debt is his house. Mark wanted to keep his house. but when the city was hit by
a hurricane Mark was threatened with being laid off because there was a reduction in
employees. One day, Mark's wife was very sick and had no money for treatment, Edmund
was too young to understand that, Mark could only surrender, and not long after his wife died
from the pain she suffered.
At that time Mark was devastated, his mother was old and his son was still young and
naughty, he had to try to find a job so that he could pay off the family debt, and the house
was not confiscated by the bank. the weather in Santiago city is still not over. access to get
out of the house is very limited. in the middle of the storm suddenly someone knocked on
Mark's house, the banging on the door was rhythmic and did not stop before Mark's mother
opened the door of the house with a classic interior. when it was opened Mark's mother's
expression was like a serial expression, as if the thing that was waiting for later had arrived.
mark's mother immediately welcomed a girl in a docker blue robe who carried an umbrella
and was soaked, they chatted as if they had been very familiar before. It turns out that the
woman is Admund's temporary nanny and will temporarily live in the house, the woman
looks young but is hundreds of years old, she is Laura, a nanny fairy who has the magical
power to nurture and help a chosen downtrodden family. mark's mother and Mark are very
welcoming of Laura's presence but not Edmund, he doesn't like having a nanny and he plans
ignorant things for his nanny.
The next day Laura started to babysit Admund, while Mark's mum was busy knitting
and Mark was still trying to find a job. at that time when Laura was making Edmund
breakfast in the kitchen Edmund deliberately tore up the room and the living room became
very messy and dirty, to increase the work of his nanny. When Laura found out about it,
Laura smiled and told Admund to eat his breakfast at the table, Admund was happy to be
ignorant of his nanny. when Admund went to the dining table Laura used her magic and in an
instant, the house became clean and tidy. laura also approached Admund at the dining table
and at that time Admund was surprised because his nanny did not grumble and just smiled.
When he finished eating Admun checked the living room and room and he was surprised
because it was clean and tidy again, even though Laura approached Admun when Admund
was just about to start eating. not finished there Admund's mischief and ignorance got worse,
he didn't want to do his schoolwork and often rebelled against everything in the house. mark
had tried to teach Admund about manners but it seemed that Mark's efforts were in vain. even
Admund's grandmother was unable to. laura's presence was a fortune because she was willing
to take care of Admund. it was late afternoon, and it was time for Admund to take a bath.

laura had prepared water in the bathtub for admund, but admund didn't want to take a
bath and chose to watch tv instead. Suddenly laura sang, and the lyrics were meaningful.
There is a sea in the bathtub and a magical island. admund who heard that rushed to the
bathroom, admund saw laura who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and preparing to
slide into the bathtub. sure enough when laura jumped into the bathtub, laura seemed as if she
was plunged into a deep pool. admund also looked in the bath up and sure enough it was like
a deep pool. admund who was curious at that time also plunged into the bathtub. and sure
enough he plunged into the sea following laura into a fantasy world. he swam after laura and
suddenly there was a roll of waves that attacked them and they suddenly fell in a boat that
had 2 oars, then they rowed the boat to the edge of the island. after arriving at the edge of the
island admund complained of being tired, but when admund whined there was a group of
pirates attacking them, they ran but at that moment there was also a group of local islanders
who attacked the pirates back and they were saved by the islanders. laura and admund were
welcomed by the islanders who turned out to be the chief of the tribe who knew laura. and
they had prepared a horse-drawn carriage ready for them to travel around the fantasy island.
When they were travelling around the fantasy island suddenly the wheels of their
carriage got stuck in the mud in the middle of the wilderness. Admund at first was ignorant of
this because he did not want to help. suddenly a group of dwarves came and sang around the
carriage like a musical drama and invited Admund to lift the wheels together. and at that time
changed admund's view of cooperation was important. the dwarves did not leave
immediately, he followed Laura and Admund's carriage while singing and dancing. The
dwarves don't leave right away, they follow Laura and Admund's carriage while singing and
dancing. they come across a festival where there are many circus performances. One of the
circuses is a magic circus. and the magician is performing a show but suddenly one of the
horses in the circus goes berserk and ruins the show. there the magician is very sad and asks
Admund for help to clean up the mess. Edmund at first was just silent, then Laura sang like a
musical drama and pulled Admund's hand with loving affection and invited Admund to help
the magician clean up the mess while singing happily. while walking around the wonderland
festival, Admund enjoyed the atmosphere at the festival, many people helped each other and
no one deliberately made a mess. and he came to Laura and said "Laura it turns out that being
a good boy is cool." Laura smiled at Admund and hugged him with affection. they then
continued their journey and suddenly their horse-drawn carriage flew and disappeared. at that
moment admund immediately woke up from his sleep, was this a dream? admund woke up
from his sleep and looked for laura, it turned out that Laura was already in the kitchen
preparing dinner. admund asked laura about the festival, and everything in wonderland was
very real, was it just a dream? laura then explained with a meaningful smile that it was all just
a dream. but admund was sure that it happened. and since then admund began to change into
a good and obedient child.
Mark started to get job calls, but the office where mark worked was out of town and
he had to stay out of town for a few days. while admund was helping laura clean up mark's
workspace, admund read that an important document of his father was left behind. at the
same time, admund's father was heading to the office for a meeting and mark didn't realise
that the document that was collected during the meeting was left at home. admund tried to
contact his father by home phone but his father did not answer, he asked laura for help to take
him to bring his father's documents, and admund said the word please which Laura had never
heard that word come out of admund's mouth. laura also agreed to help admund who wanted
to help his father.
When leaving the house suddenly there was a bicycle and they rode the bicycle to
deliver the documents. Because the distance between the house and the city is very far and
they only use bicycles they will travel a long time. and the time is very tight. Laura used her
magic and suddenly the bicycle flew and travelled very fast. Admund was amazed during the
journey. Arriving in front of the office where Admund's father worked, Admund immediately
ran and caught up with his father who was walking towards the meeting room, Admund
shouted and his father turned his head. Shocked that his son could be in his office. Then
admnun handed over the mark document. His father was very touched by Admund's change
and was very grateful because the document was very important because it would affect
Mark's work. The meeting began and it turned out that Mark had decided to be promoted at
work. Mark was very happy because his salary was enough to pay the family's debts and
could settle the debt. Mark went home and the house was very good because admund had
become a good and obedient child.
One day the company demanded Mark to have a wife but Mark had not forgotten his
late wife. For a few months, Mark was allowed to work from home while looking for a
partner. He returned home to gather with his family but there was a burden, namely finding a
partner. Mark also looked for a partner through blind dates that he found through newspapers
and social media and invited to the house. One of the women was Margaret. When margaret
visited Mark's house and sat in the living room chatting with mark, it turned out that Admund
had prepared several traps in the living room, when mark brewed tea into margaret's cup,
what came out of the teapot was not the, but frog tadpoles mixed with water. And suddenly a
large frog came out of the cup. But margaret didn't notice it because she was focused on
looking in the mirror and smoothing her hair in front of the powder glass. Mark was surprised
by this and didn't serve the tea. Laura was stunned and confused by the many strange events,
and Mark was strange too as if he was covering something up. She left the house feeling
emotional and muttering that nothing was normal in this house. Mark is angry with admund
and tells admund the truth, that the company demands him to have a life partner. Then Mark
felt guilty. He asks laura to take him to margaret's house and persuade margaret. But margaret
did not immediately melt with admund, then admund told margaret that her father had to get
married because of company demands and after marriage would get more compensation.
Because Margaret likes things that smell of wealth she agrees, and comes again to Mark's
house, there Admund tells his father to propose to Margaret. And Margaret accepted the
proposal from mark.
The wedding party was about to take place, the preparations for the party were very
short. The morning of the wedding margaret talked to Admund and Margaret told Admund
that after this wedding was over margaret was in charge of the house and whoever was at
home had to obey Margaret's requests. Margaret is a very cunning woman. When the
marriage began Admund felt that this was a bad thing. He then asked Laura for help and
Laura gave the code to make the wedding chaotic. Edmund made a hissing bee noise and
stood up and moved his body as if there were many bees. The priest who was going to marry
his father was scared of the bees and ran, then everyone else ran to the wedding. The wedding
cave was also thrown into Margaret's face. Margaret went berserk. But for the sake of wealth,
she still wanted to go ahead with the wedding.
Mark realizes his son's code not to marry Margaret because Margaret is not a good
person. Then Mark told Margaret that he would not marry Margaret. Then Margaret got
angry and left the party and grumbled. The CEO who attended the wedding then asked Mark.
"Then who are you going to marry Mark, you only have a few days left". Then admund
pointed to Evangeline who was sitting among the crowd of guests. Yes, Evangeline is a good
friend of Mark's office who has always helped Mark all this time, even Evangeline often
visits Mark's house to play with him. Evangeline likes children because she remembers her
son who died with Evangeline's late husband 5 years ago.
Evangeline was shocked that Admund appointed her to marry Mark. Mark also asked
Evangeline if she loved Mark, then Evangeline answered that she felt comfortable with Mark
all this time. Mark also unwittingly felt the same way. So the wedding took place. Evangeline
is escorted by Laura from the end of the flower gate because this wedding is held outside the
house or in the outdoor area.
Evangeline whispered to Laura that she was nervous and unprepared and that the
dress she was wearing was not a bridal outfit. Then Laura took out her magic umbrella and
stomped the tip of it on the ground. Then the magic came. Suddenly it snowed from the sky
and Laura's dress turned into a snow-coloured bridal outfit. The wedding then took place and
everyone was happy including Admund because his family was back together.
The next day, the storm and rain came again in the morning, as Laura prepared to
leave the house with her bag, hat, and umbrella. Everyone in the house was astonished
because the wind outside was so strong. Laura turned round and handed a box of presents to
Edmund. She smiled at everyone and said it was time for me to go, Edmund hugged Laura
and asked Laura to stay with the family, but Laura had to go, they all came out of the house
to see Laura off, Mark and his mother thanked Laura. Then Laura spread her umbrella and
flew away with the wind, we will never know where Laura went, but she will come when she
is not wanted and she will leave when she is wanted.

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