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Internet of Things


Vivek Gupta
Asst Prof C.S.& E
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• Machine to machine (M2M) is a broad label that can be used

to describe any technology that enables networked devices
to exchange information and perform actions without the
manual assistance of humans.
• M2M communication is often used for remote monitoring.
• In product restocking, for example, a vending machine can
message the distributor when a particular item is running
• M2M communication is an important aspect of warehouse
management, remote control, robotics, traffic control,
logistic services, supply chain management, fleet
management and telemedicine.
• It forms the basis for a concept known as the Internet of
Things (IoT).
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• Key components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi

or cellular communications link and autonomic computing
software programmed to help a networked device interpret data
and make decisions.
• The most well-known type of M2M communication is telemetry,
which has been used since the early part of the last century to
transmit operational data. Pioneers in telemetrics first used
telephone lines -- and later, on radio waves -- to transmit
performance measurements gathered from monitoring
instruments in remote locations.
• The Internet and improved standards for wireless technology have
expanded the role of telemetry from pure science, engineering
and manufacturing to everyday use in products like home heating
units, electric meters and Internet-connected appliances.
• Products built with M2M communication capabilities are often
marketed to end users as being “smart.”
Introduction to M2M Communication
• Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is
essentially composed of three key ingredients: (i) a
wireless end device, (ii) an infrastructure-based or
infrastructureless wireless carrier network, and (iii)
the back end server network.
• The communication that occurs between the
machines or devices is autonomous, there is no need
for human intervention for this data exchange to take
• Switching over to wireless has made M2M
communication much easier and enabled more
applications to be connected.
Types of Connectivity in M2M Communication

• There are different types of connectivity between

• The RFID , or radiofrequency identification. The
limitation of this type of connectivity is that it has a
maximum range of 10 meters.
• Bluetooth and WiFi that also have a limited range,
from 10 to 20 meters in the case of Bluetooth and
50 meters in the case of WiFi.
• Connectivity using low frequency has a range of up
to 1,000 km and the GSM network (using SIM cards)
or the satellite is worldwide.
Machine to Machine (M2M)
& Internet of Things (IoT)

• M2M and IoT both are used when electronic devices are
connected and they share data with each other.
• M2M is an acronym for Machine-to-Machine, the term
is related to telecom industry and it refers to the
communication between different devices. The
connection can be either wired or wireless.
• The M2M was originated in 1960’s when caller ID was
being developed.
• Internet of Things, which also called IoT, on the other
hand, is a bit different than M2M. IoT is a term which is
not concentrated on telecom networks solely. Rather,
the IoT focus on connecting multiple devices and
computer applications with each other.
Machine to Machine (M2M)
& Internet of Things (IoT)

• Both IoT and M2M refer to some devices being connected

and transferring data with each other. However, how the
communication is done is different for both, IoT and M2M.
• M2M is point-to-point communication, Devices in M2M send
and receive information directly from each other and
generally, devices in M2M communication are not connected
to internet. In case of IoT, devices are always connected to
internet either using wired or wireless internet. The
connectivity to internet is for processing data and delivering
it through a middle layer which is hosted in the cloud.
• As explained in above reasons, we can say that M2M is a
subset of IoT. M2M is like a line connecting 2 points and is
like large network that consists of a lot of M2M network
along with other devices and computer systems.
Machine to Machine (M2M)
& Internet of Things (IoT)

• M2M is when an employee uses an identity card to

unlock a door. When the card is swiped, the detector
inside the lock will receive the ID and unlock it if the ID
is valid.
• IoT is more powerful than that, once implemented, IoT
can turn on lights, change the temperature on
thermostat and even print out today’s appointments for
the employee once he has unlocked the door with his
Identity Card.
• IoT devices are connected to cloud and hence they can
collect and share data so that it can processed and it can
be used in other places. Also, the connectivity to full-
flagged internet gives some advanced capabilities to
devices in IoT.
Machine to Machine (M2M)
& Internet of Things (IoT)

Point-to-point communication Devices communicate using IP
usually embedded within Networks, incorporating with
hardware at the customer site varying communication protocols
Many devices use cellular or Data delivery is relayed through a
wired networks middle layer hosted in the cloud
Devices do not necessarily rely on In the majority of cases, devices
an internet connection require an active Internet
Limited integration options as Unlimited integration options, but
devices must have corresponding requires a solution that can
communication standards manage all of the communication
Importance of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• For the idea of Internet of Things to become successful, it is very necessary

for M2M communication to be used at a very large scale. With modern
machines increasingly containing computers as well as other electronic
devices for storing large amounts of information, there is need for these
machines to have better connectivity as well as sharing capacity with all
physical devices and objects around them. All kinds of modern machines
that we use at our home and workplace such as storage tanks, television
sets, refrigerators, etc are a few common examples of Machine 2 Machine
• In order to carry out their tasks efficiently, these machines may also consist
of inbuilt radios for retrieving as well as transmitting information. The use
of such inbuilt radios makes sure that M2M communication is safe and
efficient for all kinds of home, medical, industrial as well as business
processes. As a result, when information is retrieved correctly, the operator
will be able to interpret it more effectively and will be able to draw better
Importance of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• Let us think about the scenario when there are no computers present
inside the computers.
– In this case as well, machines can be attached with sensor radio
devices for providing physical information across different devices.
– In such cases, there are chances that both the communicating
devices can be far away from each other; hence there arises the
need for routing the information. This is a straight indication that
both point to point as well as point to multi- point communications
are crucial for developing a M2M communication system.
• In fact, electronic devices at your home and workplace are only able to
communicate with each other due to this common networking designed
between them known as the Machine 2 Machine communication.
Real World Examples of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• Utility companies
• Traffic control
• Telemedicine
• Security in businesses
• Telemetry
Key Features of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• Low Mobility : M2M Devices do not move, move infrequently, or move

only within a certain region
• Time Controlled : Send or receive data only at certain pre-defined periods
• Time Tolerant : Data transfer can be delayed
• Packet Switched : Network operator to provide packet switched service
with or without an MSISDN
• Online small Data Transmissions: MTC Devices frequently send or receive
small amounts of data.
• Monitoring: Not intend to prevent theft or vandalism but provide
functionality to detect the events
• Low Power Consumption : To improve the ability of the system to
efficiently service M2M applications
• Location Specific Trigger : Intending to trigger M2M device in a particular
area e.g. wake up the device
M2M Applications
• Manufacturing: Every manufacturing environment—whether it’s food
processing or general product manufacturing—relies on technology to
ensure costs are managed properly and processes are executed efficiently.
Automating manufacturing processes within such a fast-paced environment
is expected to improve processes even more.
• Home Appliances: M2M-capable washing machine could send alerts to the
owners’ smart devices once it finishes washing or drying, and a smart
refrigerator could automatically order groceries from Amazon once its
inventory is depleted.
• Health care Device Management: With M2M technology, hospitals can
automate processes to ensure the highest levels of treatment. Using
devices that can react faster than a human healthcare professional in an
emergency situation make this possible. For instance, when a patient’s vital
signs drop below normal, an M2M-connected life support device could
automatically administer oxygen and additional care until a healthcare
professional arrives on the scene.
• Smart Utility Management: As energy companies look for new ways to
automate the metering process, M2M comes to the rescue, helping energy
companies automatically gather energy consumption data, so they can
accurately bill customers. Smart meters can track how much energy a
household or business uses and automatically alert the energy company,
which supplants sending out an employee to read the meter or requiring
the customer to provide a reading.
IoT Vs WoT

• While IoT is about creating a network of objects, things, people, systems

and applications, WoT tries to integrate them to the Web.
• Technically speaking, WoT can be thought as a flavour/option of an
application layer added over the IoT's network layer.
• WoT was inspired by the IoT as in common everyday devices are connected
to the Web and can communicate through various systems.
• The scope of IoT applications is broader and includes systems that are not
accessible through the web.
• From a developer's perspective, the WoT enables access and control over
IoT resources and applications using mainstream web technologies (such as
HTML 5.0, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Ruby n' Rails etc.).
• The Web of Things only deals with the highest OSI Layer (7), which handles
applications, services and data. Working on such a high level of abstraction
makes it possible to connect data and services from many devices
regardless of the actual transport protocols used. In contrast, the Internet
of Things does not advocate a particular application level protocol and is
usually focusing on the lower layers of the OSI stack.
IoT Vs WoT
Architecture & Components of
Machine to Machine (M2M)
Architecture & Components of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• M2M Device
• M2M Area Network (Device Domain)
• M2M Gateway
• M2M Communication Networks (Network Domain)
• M2M Applications
Architecture & Components of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• M2M Device: Device capable of replying to request for data contained within
those devices or capable of transmitting data autonomously.
– Sensors and communication devices are the endpoints of M2M applications.
– Generally, devices can connect directly to an operator’s network, or they will
probably interconnect using WPAN technologies such as ZigBee or Bluetooth.
– Backhaul to an operator’s network is than achieved via gateways that
encapsulate and manage all devices.
– Consequently, addressing and identifying, e.g., routing, of the devices relies
heavily on the gateways. Devices that connect via gateways are normally
outside the operator’s responsibility but belong to M2M applications that
are provided by service or application providers.
– Sensors and devices that connect directly into an operator’s network (via
embedded SIM, TPM and radio stack or fixed line access) are endpoints of
the network. Thus, the responsibility in terms of accountability, SLAs etc., lies
within the network operator (or virtual network operator).

• M2M Area Network (Device Domain): Provide connectivity between M2M

Devices and M2M Gateways, e.g. personal area network.
Architecture & Components of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• M2M Gateway: Gateways and routers are the endpoints of the

operator’s network in scenarios where sensors and M2M devices do not
connect directly to the network.
– Thus, the task of gateways and routers are twofold.
– Firstly, they have to ensure that the devices of the capillary network
may be reached from outside and vice versa. These functions are
addressed by the access enablers, such as identification, addressing,
accounting etc., from the operator’s platform and have to be
supported at the gateway’s side as well.
• Thus, platform and gateway form a distributed system, where generic and
abstract capabilities are implemented on the gateway’s side.
• Consequently, there will be a control flow between gateway and operator’s
platform that has to be distinguished from the data channel that is to
transfer M2M application data.
– Secondly, there may be the need to map bulky internet protocols to
their lightweight counterpart in low-power sensor networks.
• However, the latter application might lose its relevance since there are
implementations of IPv6 for sensor networks available, that allow an all-IP
Architecture & Components of
Machine to Machine (M2M)

• M2M Communication Networks (Network Domain): It covers the

communications between the M2M Gateway(s) and M2M
application(s), e.g. xDSL, LTE, WiMAX, and WLAN.
• M2M Applications: It contains the middleware layer where data
goes through various application services and is used by the
specific business-processing engines.
– M2M applications will be based on the infrastructural
assets (e.g., access enablers) that are provided by the
– Applications may either target at end users, such as user
of a specific M2M solution, or at other application
providers to offer more refined building blocks by which
they can build more sophisticated M2M solutions and
services. e.g. customer care functionality, elaborate billing
functions, etc.
Architecture & Components of
Machine to Machine (M2M)
• Networks that cover fairly short distances are called personal area networks
(PAN) and local area networks (LAN).
• PAN and LAN networks are considered to be fairly cost-effective, but the transfer
of data can sometimes be unreliable.
• Wireless personal and local area network technologies that are commonly
incorporated into IoT connectivity solutions are WiFi and Bluetooth.
• WiFi can be used for applications that run in a local environment, or in a
distributed setting if there are multiple access points integrated into a larger
– One downside to WiFi is that it works only if the signal is strong and you’re
close to the access point.
– Also, WiFi is generally more power-hungry than people think, but it is
possible to operate it in a way that’s a little more power-efficient (for
example, your device only connects periodically to send data, then goes back
to sleep).
• Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a more energy-efficient wireless network
protocol—if you’re not receiving data constantly, a single battery running BLE
could last up to five years. However, compared to WiFi it is slower to transmit
and is more limited in the amount of data it is capable of sending.
IOT Low Power Wide Area Network

• IoT devices that run on LPWANs send small packets of information

infrequently and over long distances. This type of wireless network
was developed in response to the early challenges of cellular
• Proponents of LPWAN position it as longer-range than WiFi and
Bluetooth, but using less power than cellular.
• A well-known and commonly used IoT network protocol in this
category is LoRaWAN (long range wireless area network), which
runs on the LoRa (long range) communication network.
• Advantages of LoRaWAN for IoT devices are its low power
requirement (for long battery life) and relatively low-cost chipsets.
• Plus, under the right conditions, a single base station or gateway
running on a long-range network is capable of providing service to
a very large area—a few kilometers in dense urban areas and up to
15–30 kilometers in rural areas.
IoT Node

• IoT is a combination of hardware and software - where in

sensors and actuators play the role of capturing data and
taking action respectively.
• Embedded modules, packaged devices, smart thermostat,
wifi and iot enabled tubelight and the iot gateways or
controllers can all be classified as iot nodes.
• We call nodes to those devices which are battery operated &
wireless and does only 2 major task sensor data collection &
perform action in communication with wireless gateway.
• Nodes can be any device, server or database which can add
value to the communication between machines based on
which decisions can be made.
IoT Proxy
• The proxy is an important element in the IoT network that supports protocol
translation, registration, discovery, management, and other major functions.
• The proxy is a necessary network element in the IoT which aims to enable
communication between heterogeneous networks.
• The perspective from service clients, the proxy bridges services including
traditional web services and emerging IoT services from various domains through
a consistent interface.
• For the appearance of services in the network where the proxy is deployed, the
information of services needs to be registered.
• The resource directory (RD) is used for registering the resources information to
provide the information to clients.
• The proxy involves the functionalities of RD to provide the information of
resources for enabling the client to lookup accessible services in the network.
Once the resource information is retrieved by a client, then the client can access
the service which is exposed by the resource.
• The accessing to the service can be direct if the client and server use the same
protocol, or through the proxy for converting the protocol.
• Therefore, the client needs to be aware regarding the server for selecting a
suitable way to generate the request message whether the server is a service
provider or a proxy.
• An IoT proxy is proposed that is used for bridging the web services from the
Internet to the IoT network.

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