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A Quantitative Research

Presented to the SHS Faculty of

Maryknoll Academy of Cateel

Cateel, Davao Oriental

A.Y. 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

in Investigative Research

S.Y 2022-2023

De Guzman, Vergilio M.

Ibañez, Ceejay Paul C.

Inob, Herly L.

Morales, Cathelene Rose M.

Salcedo, Arianne Nicole L.

MAY 2023



Background of the Study

Violence and crimes are continuously increasing every year. As crime continues

to become more rampant, people in conflict with the law continues to increase in a larger

and uncontrollable scale. Juvenile delinquency is the participation of minorities to illegal

activities. This is one of the most serious problems faced in an international scale. These

crimes committed by the youth could be a result of a lot of factors, that are not only

limited to poor education and exposure to violent scenes from action films and gruesome

video games and online games that children play/watch. Such factors that drive

minorities doing such crimes, fall into three major categories which are: individual-level,

social, and community factors. Misdemeanours done by children on their pre-teen and

teenage years may be considered normal, as they go on and develop their minds and

perceptions on the world around them and on themselves. However, these

misdemeanors may not always be a normal behaviour on a child’s development. Some

factors that may appear early on include: “abnormal or slow development of basic skills

such as speech and language, chronic violation of the rules, and serious aggressive

behavior toward other students or teachers” (Legal Dictionary, n.d).

National Academy of Sciences (2017) stated that juvenile Delinquency is one of

the most serious problems faced in an international scale that is a concern shared by the

local government, state, and the citizens of every nation. One of the major problems and

challenges on juvenile crime is how the authorities deal with juvenile delinquents.
Conflicts between rehabilitation and punishment that are given to juvenile delinquents

may be ineffective to their learning.

According to the United Nations, as time goes on, conflicts regarding juvenile

delinquencies are enlarging and getting complex. Another, crime prevention

programmes are either not proposed or ineffective to the current situation. Furthermore,

international assistance is inadequate and a lot of developing countries do not give

considerable amount of attention to deal with these problems. Developed countries have

anchored on juvenile crime prevention and yet their corresponding actions are rather

ineffective because the mechanisms in place are dominantly inadequate when it comes

to addressing existing situations (World Youth Report, 2003).

The Republic Act No. 9344 also known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act

of 2006 of the Philippines was being implemented last July 25, 2006. The author of this

law is Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan, and it was approved by the congress, senate

and the former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo during her term. Juvenile Justice and

Welfare Act of 200 6shall cover the different stages involving children at risk and children

in conflict with the law from prevention to rehabilitation and reintegration. Thus, this law

battled a lot of controversies from the people and government officials because of the

negative impact to the society in terms of criminal rate (Besing, 2012).

RA No. 9344 prohibits the detention of children in jails. It likewise raised the age

of criminal responsibility from nine under Presidential Decree 603 to a minimum of 15

years old. RA 9344 also exempted CICLS aged 15 and above from criminal liability

unless the prosecution proved that they acted with discern mentor the capacity to

determine what is right and wrong (Castillo in Casiano, et. al., 2016).
According to Ayala Foundation (2013), as the number of young people in the

Philippines increase, the need to tap the youth’s active participation in the nation’s

growth and development has never been more urgent.

When we are dealing with children in conflict with the law, we are dealing with

children who had a bad start in life with circumstances and experiences very difficult to

accept. The state has the obligation, according to Article 4 of the United Nations

Convention on the Rights of the Child to protect all children and to translate all rights in

the Convention into reality (Murdoch-Verwijs in Laserna, 2010).

Purpose of the Study

The specific purpose of the study is to:

a. Compare the number of police-reported juvenile delinquency cases in the

Municipality of Cateel during Duterte Administration and Marcos Administration.

b. Specify the delinquent cases committed by juveniles.

c. Determine the age groups of juveniles who committed said cases.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the reported juvenile delinquency

cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the first 9 months of service of the

Duterte Administration from June 2016 to Februrary 2017 and the first 9 months

of service of the Marcos Jr. administration from June 2022 to February 2023.

With this, the researcher will seek answers to the following statements;
1. This research study aims to show the comparison of the number of police-

reported juvenile delinquency cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the

first 9 months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to

Februrary 2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr.

administration from June 2022 to February 2023.

2. This study aims to determine the delinquent cases committed by juveniles in

the Municipality of Cateel during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte

Administration from June 2016 to Februrary 2017 and the first 9 months of

service of the Marcos Jr. administration from June 2022 to February 2023.

3. This research study aims to determine the age groups of juveniles who

committed delinquent cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the first 9

months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to Februrary

2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr. administration from

June 2022 to February 2023.

Research Questions

1. What is the comparison of the average number of police-reported juvenile

delinquency cases per year on the Municipality of Cateel during the first 9

months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to Februrary

2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr. administration from June

2022 to February 2023.

2. What are the delinquent cases committed by juveniles in the Municipality of

Cateel during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte Administration from
June 2016 to Februrary 2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr.

administration from June 2022 to February 2023.

3. In what age groups do the juveniles who committed delinquent cases in the

Municipality of Cateel during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte

Administration from June 2016 to Februrary 2017 and the first 9 months of

service of the Marcos Jr. administration from June 2022 to February 2023.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may provide data that can contribute to the

awareness of the Municipality of Cateel regarding juvenile delinquency.

Furthermore, the study is beneficial and significant to the following:

Students. This study can help students to be aware of the consequences of

delinquent behavior leading to an increase in their chances of leading law-

abiding and productive lives.

Teachers. The study can serve as a guide for teachers, especially in terms of

preventing teenage delinquency which they can apply in their teachings.

Parents. This study will give the parents an overview of how their child may be

prevented on involving in illegal cases.

School. This research study can benefit the school through its contents

containing facts that can help the school observe the behaviours of the students

that may lead to involvement in juvenile delinquency

Community. The results of this study can help uphold society's values. This can

be used as a guide to promoting building a safer community and a secure


Researchers. The researchers shall be benefited as well because they will be

aware about the factors that drives juvenile delinquency.

Future Researchers. This research study will serve as a useful reference for

future researchers attempting to pursue a relevant study.

Conceptual Framework

Duterte Admnistration Juvenile Delinquency

Marcos Jr. Administration

Figure 1. The independent and the dependent variables

Understanding the risk and protective factors of child delinquency is imperative in

order to create and implement treatment and intervention programs. It has shown that

factors that influences the child's behavior affects the crime rates in a certain area

Furthermore, any individual factor contributes only a small part to the increase in risk. It

is, however, widely recognized that the more risk factors a child or adolescent

experiences, the higher their risk for delinquent behavior.

Theoretical Framework

Social Disorganization Theory (Shaw and McKay, 1942; 1969) seeks to explain

community differences in crime rates. The theory identifies the characteristics of

communities with high crime rates and draws on social control theory to explain why

these characteristics contribute to crime. Social disorganization undermines or hinders

informal social controls within the community and neighbourhood, thus allowing high

rates of crime to occur. Therefore, the absence or breakdown of social control is a key

component behind the concept of social disorganization.

According to Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977), juveniles learn to engage

in crime in the same ways they learn to engage in conforming behavior: through

association with or exposure to others. Primary or intimate groups like the family and

peer group have an especially large impact on what we learn. In fact, association with

delinquent friends is the best predictor of delinquency other than prior delinquency.

However, one does not have to be in direct contact with others to learn from them; for

example, one may learn to engage in violence from observation of others in the media.

This study also employs to Strain Theory by Testing Agnew. According to Strain

theory, (Agnew, 1992), people engage in crimes as they experience strain or stress, they

become upset, and they sometimes engage in crime as a result. They may engage in

crime to reduce or escape from the strain they are experiencing. For example, they may

engage in violence to end harassment from others, they may steal to reduce financial

problems, or they may run away from home to escape abusive parents. They may also

engage in crime to seek revenge against those who have wronged them. And they may

engage in the crime of illicit drug use to make themselves feel better. Two general
categories of strain that contribute to crime are described: (1) others prevent you from

achieving your goals, and (2) others take things you value or present you with negative

or noxious stimuli. While strain may result from the failure to achieve a variety of goals,

the failure to achieve three related goals: money, status/respect, and—for adolescents—

autonomy from adults, may lead to crime.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused mainly on the police-reported juvenile delinquency cases in

the Municipality of Cateel, during pre-pandemic and post-pandemic. The said study

needs a certain area to be paid attention to formulate statistical data that is important to

solve the problem of the study, the locale of the study is chosen for its active crime

reports involving juvenile delinquency cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the first

9 months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 and

the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022 to February

2023. This research study is based on documentary evidence, in this case, the

researchers will only base on the documents handed by the police officers.

Definition of Terms

Juvenile. An individual who is under an age fixed by law (such as 18 years) at

which he or she would be charged as an adult for a criminal act.

Delinquency. Conduct that is out of accord with accepted behaviour or the law.
Juvenile delinquency. Also known as juvenile offending, is the act of

participating in unlawful behaviour as a minor or individual younger than the

statutory age of majority.

Juvenile delinquent. Refers to a young person whose conduct is characterized

by antisocial behaviour that us beyond parental control and subject to illegal


Behavior. The range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals,

organisms, systems, or artificial entities in some environment.

PNP or the Philippines National Police. The one enforce the law, prevent and

control crimes, maintain peace and order, and ensure public safety and internal

security with the active support of the community.

MSWD or the Municipal Social Welfare and Development. The one who

facilitates the implementation of welfare programs for the disabled, elderly, end

victims of drug addiction, the rehabilitation of prisoners and parolees, the

prevention of juvenile delinquency and such other activities that would eliminate

or minimize the ill-effects of poverty.

Police. The department of government concerned primarily with maintenance of

public order, safety, and health and enforcement of laws and possessing

executive, judicial, and legislative powers.

Report. An account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision.



Overview of the Related Literature

In this chapter, related literature and studies that were gathered and selected

thoroughly from various sources like books, journals, researches, the internet,

undergraduate thesis and other useful materials which have bearing and relationship to

the present study are presented. This chapter also presents the synthesis of the state of

the art, the gap bridged by the study, the theoretical and conceptual frameworks and

their paradigm as well as the definition of terms to provide better comprehension of the


History of Juvenile Justice System

Statistical data shows that rates of youth delinquency shot up in the late 80's and

early 90's globally. The social support relations that ensure a smooth transition from

childhood to adulthood are no longer functional (Brook, et al. 2013). Issues such as

unemployment, inadequate housing facilities, absence of social services, local authority

disintegration, irrelevant educational systems, and peer pressure are some of the

challenges facing the 21" century youth. As a result, violence is often looked upon as an

agreeable outcome (Anna. Ryan. & Michael, 2011).

In the 19 century, children and teen were viewed as adults under the law (Chung

& Laurence. 2013). Their trials were held as adults, they served their terms in jails and
penitentiaries. The judicial system offered few options and hence youth regardless of the

age and gender were confined together with hardened adult criminal and the mentally

challenged culprits in overcrowded penal institutions. In most cases, their crimes did not

amount for such harsh treatment. The punishment still did not yield the required results

in terms of rehabilitation but instead resulted in hardened criminals (Chung & Laurence,


Related Studies

According to Binder et al (1988), juvenile delinquency is “a legal term whose

definition varies from state to state.” Juvenile delinquency is described as illegal or

immoral behaviour especially by young people (Merriam-Webster, 2017). Individuals

included in the ‘juvenile’ group are those under the standard age of majority, which

depends on the set standard of the nation or state. Delinquency usually refers to

behaviour that would be criminal if the child were an adult. However, according to

Burgess (1952), “A boy or a girl is not a juvenile delinquent just because he commits a

delinquent act. If so all boys and all, or practically all, girls would be delinquent. A

delinquent is one who has been treated as such by society. He must be considered by

the people in the community to be a delinquent. In other words, he must have an official

record. The longer his record, other things being equal, the more delinquent is the child

up to the point at which he reforms.”

The causes of juvenile delinquency have being a field that many scholars have

built their research on. In addition, causes leading to violent behavior especially among

the youth has being widely studied aiming at intervention at an early stage (Schreck.

Fisher, & Miller, 2012). In the vast field of psychology, human violence is a key element
consequently: psychologists evaluate how the environment interacts with the individual

to result in a violent act (Jessica, Osmond, & Ballick, 2014). Juvenile violence is a key

issue in the corridors of justice on a global scale. However, juvenile violence focuses on

the punishment rather than development of mechanisms that may be instrumental in

prevention and intervention at early stage in life (Winterdyk, 2014).

According to Soriano (2010) “Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention”, the

protection of society is the primary responsibility of government. Specifically, it is the

government’s duty to ensure that the rights of every individual, especially the children,

are protected. As the principal agent of the government authorized to enforce laws and

to maintain peace and order in the community, the police force plays a crucial role in the

protection of children’s rights.

It is recognized that the responsibility of the police in the protection and care of

children is comprehensive. If policemen carry out their jobs more effectively, less

children will anguish in jail and more will receive appropriate intervention and immediate

protection from the hazardous conditions in the community. The manner by which

various categories of children are handled by the police considerably influences and

guides the courts of the juvenile justice system.

The researchers included this as related literature because it discusses the

primary responsibility of a police officer, who first interacts with a juvenile upon

commission of a criminal offense. This will help the researchers to understand the very

actions of a police officer with regards to the minor offender.

Another study by Aviola, (2012) “Juvenile Delinquency”,juvenile crime represents

one of the most demanding and frustrating areas of police work because one of the most

common complaints the police receive is that the juvenile offenders are back on the
streets before the officers have had a chance to complete the necessary paper work.

Youthful law breaking and misbehavior strain law enforcement in a large degree. The

leniency of juvenile court codes also makes it difficult for the police to effectively deal

with youth crime. The significance of the police is the fact that they are usually a juvenile

offender’s first contact with the juvenile justice system. As the doorway into the system,

the police officer can use his discretion to either change the youth or involve them in the

system. In fact and in truth, the police officer becomes an on-the-spot prosecutor, judge

and correctional system when dealing with a juvenile offender.

Furthermore, according to Grossman, Miller (2012), they that found that juvenile

curfew laws were effective at reducing adverse youth health outcomes (e.g., trauma

transports); juvenile crime; and victimization were of higher quality (e.g., stronger

methodologic approaches) than those finding no effects. However, given the limited

number of studies and concerns with quality, they conclude that more research is

needed before conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of juvenile curfew


Laws are in existence to keep people safe and out of harm’s way. Ideally, people

will not be injured physically, financially, or emotionally if people followed all the laws.

Realistically, not all laws are followed and officials resort to creating laws to combat

lawlessness. As a way to reduce juvenile crime, cities throughout the United States have

imposed curfew laws for minors. The goal of these laws is to deter the youth from

committing crimes and while this goal is admirable, these laws may no longer be

necessary or even effective (Duncklee, 2015).

Juvenile curfew laws are designed to prevent crimes committed by young people

and from preventing young people from becoming victims of crimes themselves. These
laws limit the time in which juveniles are allowed in public. Expected to be off the streets

and in their homes after certain hours of the day. Juvenile’s curfew laws require the

assistance of community members as well as law enforcement for the curfew to be

effective. These laws are not just intended to prevent crime or victimization, but to deter

young people from becoming a delinquent (Pedro Vasquez, 2012).

Curfew laws have serious unintended consequences, including disproportionate

minority contact, the criminalization of homeless and runaway youth, worsening

outcomes for kids and the exposure of cities to lawsuits for unconstitutionality. Local

decision-makers should consider taking the following actions in order to ensure that their

curfews protect rather than harm young people in their cities (Indira Jimenez, 2016).

Juvenile curfews aim to reduce crime through incapacitation: if we tell young

people to go home earlier at night, we hope they will have less opportunity to get into

trouble. Juvenile curfews are extremely common in the United States—most large cities

have them, as do many smaller cities and towns. They typically apply to those under age

18, and the punishment for breaking curfew is usually a fine. Despite their ubiquity,

juvenile curfews are extremely controversial, mostly because of concerns that police

disproportionately target racial minorities when enforcing curfew laws (Jennifer L.

Doleac, 2015)

Thematic Discussion of Literature

This quantitative study aims to compare the police-reported juvenile delinquency

cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the Duterte administration and Marcos

administration. The rates of juvenile delinquency cases are based on how the
administration operates the Juvenile Justice System and the programs that they

implemented in response to child's delinquent behaviour. Hence, based on the related

studies there are factors that influences the child's behavior to commit crimes. Research

over the past few decades on normal child development and on development of

delinquent behavior has shown that individual, social, and community conditions as well

as their interactions influence behavior. There is general agreement that behavior,

including antisocial and delinquent behavior, is the result of a complex interplay of

individual biological and genetic factors and environmental factors, starting during fatal

development and continuing throughout life (Bock and Goode, 1996).

There are also two related themes in this literature review. First theme is that

various life events and immediate environment including home, school, and

neighborhood is essential in shaping ones trajectory as ones transit from childhood

through adolescence to adulthood. The second theme is that identifying such life events

is the determining factor of delinquent behaviour. This only shows that this two related

themes were also strongly related to children’s delinquent character and behavioural


In conclusion, the researchers gather information from documentary evidences,

other related studies, and articles to know the comparison of this two administration and

the factors that greatly contributes to the rates of Juvenile Delinquency cases in the


The synthesis gathered data was from a source of documentary evidence

handed by the Cateel Municipal Police Station, articles, and other related ideas. All

reviews were focused on the history of juvenile justice system and the laws that will

prevent the juveniles to commit crimes. Studies continue to show that how parents treat

their children has an important impact on whether or not their children become criminal

delinquents. Parental conflict and harsh, erratic discipline have been shown to contribute

to juvenile crime. Abused children are also at high risk of becoming involved in crime.

According to Banham Bridges, Delinquency itself is socially inadequate

adjustment on the part of the individual to difficult situations. The factors which go to

make up these difficult situations, together with the mental and physical conditions which

influence an individual's capacity to adjust, constitute the causes of Delinquency.

Each juvenile offense is the outcome of a complexity of causes, some of whose

origins date back years before committal of the offense and others whose origins are

more obviously and immediately connected with the act of delinquency. It has been

shown that a different set of causes is involved in each individual case. It is impossible

therefore to state the group of causes which will invariably result in any particular


The following outline comprises the factors which have been found to operate in

some thousands of cases studied and reported on various authorities. These factors are

classed under six general headings: physical factors, ental factors, Home conditions,

School conditions, Neighborhood conditions and Occupational conditions. The first two

groups include all factors dependent upon the bodily and mental condition of the

delinquent. These are the product of both heredity and environment. The other four

groups consist of environmental factors: unfavorable condition in the home and the
family of the child, unfavorable conditions in the school environment, the neighborhood,

and occupational environments.

Responding to juvenile crime requires the establishment of programs to prevent

its development as well as programs to deal with young people who have committed

criminal acts. These programs may be found in a variety of institutional settings,

including schools, community-based organizations, religious organizations, mental

health settings, and the formal juvenile justice and adult criminal justice systems. In

summary, the pathway to crime for a child is greatly dependent on the social bonds that

exist in the society



This chapter presents the research techniques and methods that will utilize in this

study. These involve the locale of the study, research respondents, research design,

research instrument and, data collection process. The main goal of this chapter is to

guide the readers on how to apply these procedures and methods in making their own


Research Design

The researchers will use a correlational research design to establish associations

and investigate relationships of the police-reported juvenile delinquency cases between

the first 9 months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February

2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022

to February 2023 in the Municipality of Cateel.

Locale of the Study

The researchers aims to conduct the study in the Municipality of Cateel. The said

study is limited only to the respondents from the office of Cateel Municipal Police Station

and Cateel Municipal Social Welfare and Development. The researchers limits this study

only with the police-reported juvenile delinquency cases in the Municipality of Cateel

during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to
Februrary 2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr. administration from

June 2022 to February 2023. The analysis of the study will be empirically based on the

findings of the research study.

Sampling Method

This comparative study will employ a purposive sampling technique. Purposive

sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-

probability sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing

members of the population to participate in their surveys. This sampling technique is

applied when the researchers want to access a particular subset of people, as all

participants of a survey are selected because they fit a particular profile. This research

study is based on documentary evidence, in this case, the researchers will only base on

the documents handed by the respondents.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are from the office of the Cateel Municipal Police

Station and the Cateel Municipal Social Welfare and Development office. This research

study is based on documentary evidence, in this case, the researchers will only base on

the records handed by the office of the Cateel Municipal Police Station and the Municipal

Social Welfare and Development office.

Research Instrument

Upon conducting the said study, the researchers are obligated to have a

research instrument that may help them in gathering the data needed for this study. The

instrument that will be used in data collection is a survey questionnaire that contains

matrix questions involving the Likert scale. The researchers will make use of

questionnaires with a predetermined list of possible answers, limiting data acquisition.

Respondents are advised to choose the closest possible item to their response.

Data Collection Procedure

After the approval of the panel members in the first defense, the researchers

undergone the following steps and procedures in gathering data for the study. The

researchers asked permission through a letter to conduct a study in the Municipality of

Cateel. First, the researchers asked for approval from the office of the Municipal Social

Welfare and Development (MSWD) in Cateel and the Office of the Cateel Municipal

Police Station to continue with the data gathering procedure. Furthermore, after the

approval of the selected government sectors the researchers requested in both offices

for a document on police-reported delinquency cases in the Municipality of Cateel during

the first 9 months of service of the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February

2017 and the first 9 months of service of the Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022

to February 2023. Moreover, after the approval of the said request the researchers will

get the documents from the offices. Finally, the researchers will tally and tabulate all the

gathered data from the respondents, subject to statistical analysis. The statistical results
will be analyzed and interpreted. With the data, conclusions will be drawn and

recommendations that were formulated based on the findings of the study.

Plan of Analysis

The gathered documentary evidence regarding the first 9 months of service of

the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 and the first 9 months of

service of the Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022 to February 2023 will be tallied

and tabulated. The researchers will sort the cases and the age of the offenders based on

the year that the crime is committed. The statistical results handed by the respondents

will be analyzed and interpreted. With the data, conclusions will be drawn and

recommendations that were formulated based on the findings of the study.



This chapter presents the findings and discussions of the study, which answers

the study’s objectives and identifies the cases of juvenile delinquency and its crime rate

in the Municipality of Cateel during the Duterte and the Marcos Jr. administration.







Graph 1. The percentage distribution of Juvenile Delinquency cases during the Marcos

Jr. Administration from June 2022 to February 2023.



THEFT 4 13.70%



CHILD AT RISK 23 79.30%

TOTAL 29 100%

Table 1. The number and percentage distribution of the Juvenile Delinquency cases

during the Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022 to February 2023 according to the

Cateel Municipal Police Station.

The table 1 shows the number and the percentage distribution of the Juvenile

Delinquency cases during the Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022 to February

2023. According to the Cateel Municipal Police Station, there is a total of 29 minors who

are involved in committing juvenile delinquency cases. 4 out of 29 minors committed

theft which is equivalent to 13.70% out of 100%, 2 out of 29 minors committed reckless

imprudence resulting to physical injury which is equivalent to 6.80% out of a hundred

percent, 23 out of 29 minors are involved in a child at risk case which covers most of the

number of violators that is equivalent to 79.30% out of 100%.






Table 2. The age range of Juvenile Delinquency violators during the Marcos Jr.

Administration from June 2022 to February 2023 according to the Cateel Municipal

Police Station.

Table 2 shows the age range of Juvenile Delinquency violators during the

Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2022 to February 2023. According to the Cateel

Municipal Police Station, The age of the minors that are involved in committing theft

ranges from 10 to 14 years old, those wo are involved in violating the reckless

imprudence resulting to physical injury are 15 to 16 years old, the ages of the minors

that are involved in the child at risk cases ranges from 10 to 16 years old.






Graph 2.The percentage distibution of Juvenile Delinquency cases during the Duterte

Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 according to the Cateel Municipal

Police Station.


THEFT 1 10%

MURDER 1 10%



TOTAL 10 100%

Table 3. The number and percentage distribution of the Juvenile Delinquency cases

during the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 according to the

Cateel Municipal Police Station.

The table 3 shows the number and the percentage distribution of the Juvenile

Delinquency cases during the Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February 2017.

According to the Cateel Municipal Police Station, there is a total of 10 minors who are

involved in committing juvenile delinquency cases. 1 out of 10 minors committed theft

which is equivalent to 10% out of 100%, 2 out of 29 minors committed physical injury

which is equivalent to 10% out of a hundred percent, 7 out of 10 minors were involved in

a child at risk case which covers most of the number of violators that is equivalent to

70% out of 100%.






Table 4. The age range of Juvenile Delinquency violators during the Duterte

Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 according to the Cateel Municipal

Police Station.

Table 2 shows the age range of Juvenile Delinquency violators during the

Duterte Administration from June 2016 to February 2017. According to the Cateel

Municipal Police Station, the age of the minor that is involved in committing theft is 12

years old, the one who is involved in committing physical injury 17 years old, the ages of

the minors that are involved in the child at risk cases ranges from 13 to 15 years old, and

the minor that is reported for murder is aged 17 years old.


Marcos Jr. Administra- Duterte Administration

Theft Physical Injury Violation in Curfew

Graph 3. The number of Juvenile Delinquency cases during the Duterte and Marcos Jr.

Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 and June 2022 to February 2023

according to the Office of the Cateel Municipal Social Welfare and Development.
Graph 3 shows the number of Juvenile Delinquency cases during the Duterte

and Marcos Jr. Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 and June 2022 to

February 2023. According to the Office of the Cateel Municipal Social Welfare and

Development, there are only 2 reported cases of juvenile delinquency during the Marcos

Jr. Administration which if theft and curfew violation, and in the Duterte Administration

there are 3 reported cases of juvenile delinquency specifically 2 for theft and 1 for

physical injury.

Results of Analysis

This presents and summarizes the results of this quantitative research through

documentary evidence handed by the respondents. The researcher ensures that the

data gathered from the respondents is based on facts and there’s no alteration of the

number of cases have been done. The collected data was analysed in percentage

distribution with the use of graphs and tables to show the statistical results were properly


Based on the data gathered, the researchers found out that the rates of juvenile

delinquency cases during the first 9 months of Duterte administration has only few

recorded cases. While on Marcos Jr. administration, the crime rates committed by

Juveniles were increased. In Duterte administration, there were 1 reported case of theft

that has been recorded. According to the police, the children are forced to steal due to

hunger and poverty.

Moreover, the statistical data shows that the number of Juvenile crimes were

based on how the administration operates the Juvenile Justice System and the
programs that they implement as a response to the delinquent behavior of the children

that greatly affects the crime rates committed by Juveniles in the Municipality of Cateel.

Discussion of Findings

The main goal of this research is to compare the number of cases committed by

Juveniles in the Municipality of Cateel during the Duterte administration and Marcos Jr.

administration. The researchers gathered the data through the use of documentary

evidence handed by the office of Cateel Municipal Police Station and Municipal Social

Welfare and development. They gave us documentations on what type of crimes that the

juveniles have committed and the number of crime rates that’s been recorded during the

first 9 months of service of the Duterte and the Marcos Jr. administration.

On the basis of the documents handed by the respondents, it shows that there

are only few recorded cases of crimes committed by Juveniles during the first 9 months

of Duterte administration. The cases of crimes that’s been recorded are murder, physical

injury, theft, and child at risk. While on Marcos Jr. administration, the crime rates have

been increased. There is no murder case that’s been recorded but the cases of theft,

child at risk, and reckless imprudence resulting to physical injury were increased.

Overall, the findings of this study show that there’s a difference on how the two

administration operates the Juvenile Justice System and the programs that they

implement as a response to the delinquent behavior of the children that greatly affects

the crime rates committed by Juveniles in the Municipality of Cateel.

Implication of Hypothesis

This quantitative study compares the police-reported juvenile delinquency cases

in the Municipality of Cateel during the Duterte administration and the Marcos Jr.

administration. Rates of juvenile delinquency cases may rise or drop depending on how

the administration operates the Juvenile Justice System and the programs that they

implement as a response to the delinquent behavior of the children. If the crime rates

rise, the administration may not operate the juvenile justice system effectively. On the

other hand, if the crime rate drops it is a sign that the administration successfully

operated the juvenile justice system well. The number of juvenile delinquents in the

Philippines is astounding, laws protect them from being put on trials as adults. The state

and laws put in place prioritize their welfare, rehabilitation, and reintegration into society,

allowing CICLs to improve their lives after the crimes they’ve committed in the past.

There are moves in the House of Representatives to lower the minimum age of criminal

responsibility (MACR) in the Philippines from the current 15 to as young as 9 years old.

According to the data presented by the researchers, the first 6 months of service of the

Duterte Administration have lesser juvenile delinquent cases compared to the Marcos Jr.


Role of the Researchers

This study was conducted by the researchers namely: Cathelene Rose Morales,

Arianne Nicole Salcedo, Ceejay Paul Ibanez, Herly Inob, and Vergilio De Guzman. The

researchers aim to conduct a research about Juvenile Delinquency cases in the

Municipality of Cateel during the Duterte administration and Marcos Jr. administration.

They should know the difference of the number of cases between the two
administrations and to identify the level of policies and regulations they implemented for

us to know primarily the main reason that affects the rates of cases that’s been recorded

during their term. It is also important for us to know the factors that might develop the

child’s behavior to commit crimes for we are also vulnerable and prone to this kind of


Hence, the goal of this research study is to spread awareness to every individual

particularly to the youth and to the government sectors to prevent and lessen the cases

committed by Juveniles. Our knowledge from this study will help us to become more

conscious and aware of our actions in order to prevent ourselves from committing

crimes. This will also give the parents an overview of how their child may be prevented

on involving in any illegal cases. With this, it might be an effective way to lessen the

Juvenile cases in our Municipality.



Restatement of the Research Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the reported juvenile delinquency

cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte

Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 and the first 9 months of service of the

Marcos Jr. administration from June 2022 to February 2023. With this, the researcher

will seek answers based on the research problems. This study aims to show the

comparison of the number of police-reported juvenile delinquency cases, determine the

delinquent cases, and determine the age groups of juveniles who committed delinquent

cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte

Administration from June 2016 to February 2017 and the first 9 months of service of the

Marcos Jr. administration from June 2022 to February 2023.

Summary of Findings

This quantitative study primarily compares the police-reported juvenile

delinquency cases in the Municipality of Cateel during the Duterte administration and the

Marcos Jr. administration. Involved in this study is the crime rate of juvenile delinquency

cases and the age range of the violators. As presented in the previous chapters

specifically in the data presentation, it is illustrated that the transition from the Duterte to

the Marcos Jr. Administration created an impact to the number of juvenile delinquency

cases in the Municipality of Cateel. Based on the analyzed data, the rates of juvenile

delinquency cases during the first 9 months of service of the Duterte administration has
only few recorded cases. While in the Marcos Jr. administration, the crime rates

committed by Juveniles increased. In conclusion, the findings of this study show that

there’s a difference on how the two administration operates the Juvenile Justice System

and the programs that they implement as a response to the delinquent behavior of the

children that greatly affects the crime rates committed by Juveniles in the Municipality of


Implication for Practice

In this section of the study the researcher discussed about the relevance of their

research and how they are going to deliver it to the participants and other individuals.

The findings of this study have been presented based on the documents handed by the

respondents. Hence, the purpose of this research study is to know primarily the factors

that affects the rates of Juvenile Delinquency cases during the two administration. The

results of our study are relevant to the researchers and also to the youth so that we will

have knowledge and know the main cause of Juvenile Crimes. The researchers explain

how an individual could develop such behavior that could lead to illegal cases. With this,

the researchers and the respondents will have an awareness on how a youth might be

prevented from doing crimes. This case is rampant nowadays and we need to take an

action to lessen this serious problem that the youth are facing right now.


The researchers are putting all they have into finishing this research and making

it an accomplishment since it is also a representation of our potential, which implies that

our grades are on the line. This study must be taken seriously because it is all for our

benefit, as we are the ones contributing. The researchers may have spent a significant

amount of money, but we have gained knowledge that will help and direct us in the


However, we met various problems and difficulties while performing this

research, not only in terms of the research itself, but also in relation to personal

concerns. From the start to the completion of our research, it has not been an easy

journey for us; we continue to battle, become stronger than before, and persevere with

what we've been began since we place such a great value on our future. We had the

valuable tools, such as a cell phone, textbooks, and internet connectivity, but unlike

other groups, it was insufficient for us.

The most challenging component of completing this study for us is time

management, because procrastination is one of our behaviors that causes us to finish all

of our responsibilities tomorrow. The second problem is that we are severely


Despite all of the hardships, obstacles, concerns, sufferings, barriers, struggles,

and other words which could be used to characterize our life experience while carrying

out this study, I am grateful that we have been able to finish it. Moreover, we have been

helpful in enhancing our time management skills.


On the basis of the present study some recommendations for students, parents,

schools, community, public sectors, and future researchers are drawn as follows:
 For students, it would be an effective way to focus on your studies and self-

development to avoid any conflict. This should also be a lesson for them to avoid

any violent behaviour and crimes that they may commit.

 For parents, it is very crucial for them to show positive attention and proper

guidance to their children. It helps children feel secured and valued. With this, it

may help their children prevent from involving in any illegal cases.

 For schools, they should discipline their students through strict implementation

of the rules and regulations and a proper monitoring for all their students to avoid

any conflict and crimes.

 For community, the successful prevention of juvenile delinquency requires

efforts on the part of the entire society to ensure the harmonious development of

adolescents, with respect for by engaging in lawful, socially useful activities and

adopting a humanistic orientation towards society and outlook on life, young

persons can develop non-criminogenic attitudes.

 For public sectors, they should stand as a supportive framework for

safeguarding the personal well-being and rights of all young persons, particularly

those who are demonstrably endangered or at social risk and need of special

care and protection. They should developed community-based services and

programs for the preventions of juvenile delinquency cases.

 For future researchers, they should have an in-depth research for the

progression of their future study.





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