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So much to learn about it´ll make you wanna shout with me
Football is such a fun game
Let´s go inside and play some football
It´s a picture of mighty red
I wonder what it says
It´s gonna teach us how to be a mascot
I don’t know how to make my way to the field
Maybe he left us another clue
There it is check it out mighty red
Go through these doors and pass by the trophies, you´ll be close by
It seems like we need to go trough these doors
Hey look players and officials
This is the players entrance
Before de match they go through these doors too
We´re getting a lot closer to finding mighty red
It reminds me
Mighty red is a liver bird and has lots of feathers
Mighty red has 6 spikes on his head
My bread is so cool
Mighty red wrote, nearly there Blippi find your way to the place
You are just a few steps away from mighty red
I bet we can find another clue in here
These are the home kits
This is what a Liverpool player would wear if they´re playing here at Anfield
Seeing it close
There are 11 players on the field, 10 outfielders and one goal keeper
I bet she would want to be the goalkeeper
Keep looking that we can find this clue somewhere
We can find a clue inside of a locker
I´ll walk through a tunnel will lead you to the pitch
The fans did exit watch the game up there
They cheer, clap and get really loud
Look at who it is
It is no way check it out
We both really like one thing
That´s so silly
He is really good at getting the fans really excited for some football
I´m gonna go be the audience and you can be the mascot
So relaxed really nice being here wait it´s mighty red
Shake our arms and make the noise and get louder
You practice being the crowd
Let´s switch
It looks like I see a fan
He gets everyone really excited pumped up for the match
You can follow along too
Hello first wave now stand up and make some noise
He´s a little quiet but you can make some noise with me
You´re really good at doing football tricks and playing football
You think we could play a little more together
We were passing the football
When you´re on the pitch passing to other players
But juggling with your feet
I´m not gonna use my feet I´m gonna use my knees
Let´s count how many times I can juggle the football
I think we should try doing the rainbow flick ourselves
Here we go get ready to catch it
I think I could use a little more practice
Thanks for teaching us how to beat a mascot and for leaving all those fun clues

At precisely 6 a.m., the sound of the alarm clock pierces the air.
Sandy drags herself out of bed and begins her morning routine.

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