Oross: (11, Aoo:, ::or (B)

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i2) •
-,, .,. v-•uation
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IP . . . . . • •." •• • r·•r.t•~ ':'~r.jll~,4'~=•

(11,aoo:,~::or(b) • , , '..,. <:. c • },~:"',......,.__,

@fj(~ Rent • . t ,_. •.• = _: .::~ : . .tn'i
~~.,J2) . . . =·-~: . . .-··J~.~~~•:"'....
,., 12,uuu , > • . - - - . ,
•• ( t~ Rent eivable ,. . , . .-. . '.: • ._ ,. " . ""'
(t)~eceived/Rec . d/receivable would have been U2,500 x 12 = U,S0,000 • '
(f) ~2,~00 x l O) as no vacancy, re~t rthe~eivasee due to vacancy, therefore GAV ·- · • . -_· - _·· ;. _, ••
(1. -ce, I·rthere w • ble IS • I wer ID IS C • . • ·,
Ill lhtS •ved/rece1va . Ol • - • • •
-. .- . . .
· . ..
rent rece1 ·vedfrece1vab e. . -•.. 1,25 Nil\ .
the rent rece1 .: . • . .. . .-. .: .. ,. ,vvu.
-'-•'I be V Iue •. · ~- •• •
P- J\Jlflual a -..- . . ,. • ;
oross 3 f Gross Annual Value .....
CfflllJi!!!.- •_! , . .- , : --. . •• .-. ·: ..
~tadotno .. . _._. -~ ·_;..-. -: .· •
• Ren ' • •
• (a) faU'ooo x 12) - .' -
• ~~icipal Valuation , : .. . • . .- ; . ·· ·. , ; ,••. •..}:1
; (b)(IS,000 x 12)
of (a) or (b)
(c) ffigher ._.:< . . ._ ,__• , . •..•.. 2,1
•_•· ,
. (d) standard Rent - -,_-:; .. l • •
04 .- ,~

- (17 000 X 12) - , _. _ .•_\ .';:',. • • • .-

(e) ~ted Rent {Lo~er of (c) or (d)} ••• .. ·: .'.: zo;«


(f) Rent Received/Receivable _ _..... • . .

· (17,000 X 8) . . . _.- -~'--', .. .
If there was ?o vacancy,~ that case rent rece1ved/rece1vable would have been tl 7,OOO x 11=
and It was stlll less than expected rent, therefore GAV shall be expected rent. _ . _ . -= • ·.:wWI1l-w;~~~Jpiw.~;
Gross Annual Value • • : 1

Situation 4 •• - • __ .. ' ,. ·-. .. :.;

Computation of Gross Annual Value • ·- • •. • A

(a) Fair Rent .-

& t • •

.. .
(14,000 X 12) -· . . ,. . - . ... '. '

(b) Mtµtlcipal Valuation

(9,000 X 12) , .. .

(c) Higher of (a) or (b)

(d) Standard Rent
(8,000 X 12)
(e) Expected Rent {Lowe~ of (c) or (d)}
(Q Rent Received/Receivable
[/2!,000 X 8) . . . • ._ _ .· .
1 tins case, rent R/R 1s higher than the expected rent, GAV shall be R~t. ~- • .
oss Annual Value ·•' • • ·.
• • •• . t.

K°5!1"~tion 6: Mr. X has let out one hoUse property to Mr. Y ®--~ S0;.0.QQP. ebo-'.ndl~~
. lllllctpal valuation ~80 000 p.m. and Standard rent of the house t76,000_p.m. ·par tai/lA~l6G11 'f!1
~r 2 months and there ~as unrei.tlised rent for 3 months. Mr. X has
etere on loan for construction of house property is t69,000. He ha~ causa .me~· ,. ..,, ··· ."'.X
rrm~u~e his Income and.Tax Liability for A.Y.2024-25: . _ : _: : : :. <;'° t-.\ ·.
L. l

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