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Rift Valle University

Department of Computer Science

Web Based Warehouse Management System for Bale Robe Ethio-



1.Endale Gurmu 0108/11
2.Alemu Dida 0090/11
3.Tilahun Negash 0160/11
4.Senait Getahun 0015/11
5.Hawi Yasin 0119/11


1. Introduction
Warehouse is the main part of any organization. It has a big impact on the performance of the
organization and staffs. As we know warehouse is a place where product and materials are kept,
in some organization may not produce an object while they may give a service. In any case
having a good warehouse management system it contributes significant role in the performance
of the organization. Ethio-Telecom in bale robe shop is one of the organizations that give a
communication service for the user around the shop. The current Ethio-Telecom in bale robe
shop warehouse management system gives vast service however it uses a partially manual
management system which leads the system to be inefficient and inaccessible. As part of the
effort to bring efficient, accessible and modern management system in Ethio-Telecom, the new
system is designed and implemented that enables properties to be controlled and managed
properly and make the system accessible from anywhere.

Web-based warehouse management system for bale robe shop of Ethio-Telecom in the whole
records of warehouse information would be managed details about different types of materials.

The system would be able to know the material availability status based on proper login, which
would be provided to them. The management would be able to know the whole system status and
customized reports would be generated.

These projects "warehouse management system" of giving us complete information about the
material, the record of new and retrieve the details of the material available in the system. We
can issue the material to the departments and also check how many materials are issued and
available in the warehouse.

1.1. Background of the project

The introduction of telecommunications services in Ethiopia dates back to 1894, when Minilik
II, the King of Ethiopia, introduced telephone technology to the country.

Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation is the oldest public telecommunications operator in

Africa. In those years, the technological scheme contributed to the integration of the Ethiopian
society when the extensive open wire line system was laid out linking Addis abeba with all the
important administrative cities of the country. The Imperial Board of Telecommunications of
Ethiopia, which became the Ethiopian Telecommunications Authority in 1981, was placed in
charge of both the operation and regulation of telecommunication services in the market reforms.
In 1996, the Government established a separate regulatory body, the Ethiopian
Telecommunication Agency ETA) by Proclamation 49/1996, and during the same year, by
regulation10/1996, the Council of Ministers set up the Ethiopian Telecommunications
Corporation (ETC).

Ethio Telecom is launched on December 2, 2010. The company is fully owned by the state
government, but management is outsourced to France telecom known as Orange Company for
two years. The government is outsourced the old company ETC because of unable to meet the
demands of the fast growing country. The contract is aimed to improve the service of Ethio
telecom to international standards and to facilitate technology transfer for domestic

Warehouse management system enables to manage, control and improve the material available
in the warehouse, return used or damage material to warehouse and total cost required for
solving the operational performance of bale robe shop Ethio telecom. Warehouse management is
to receive materials, to protect them while in storage from damage and unauthorized removal, to
issue the material in the right quantities, at the right time to the right place and also at least cost.

Bale robe shop is one of Ethio- Telecom shop. The main office is 330km distance from the
capital city of Ethiopia that located at Robe town. Under this shop, there are 11 departments and
7 sections. The whole department requires materials to facilitate the day to day activities.
Sourcing and facility department of bale robe shop have main warehouse at Robe town located at
robe and also have min warehouse at areas and every staff use these warehouse to take needed
material for his/her daily activity and also return used or damaged materials to these stores.

We are focusing to the bale robe shop Ethio- Telecom warehouse management system creating
web-based warehouse management system in order to enhance the management advantage and
increase revenue.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Since the Ethio-Telecom at bale robe shop warehouse management system were partially manual
management system, this makes a gap on:

 Accessing the system by all staffs is impossible.

 There exists a subjectivity between the supervisor and staffs
 un accountability and irresponsibility of supervisor
 High time and paper cost
 Data lose problem

By fulfilled the gap of the current manual operation system helping activates across the bale robe
shop to get the maximum value from their planning processes and dependencies. Some examples
of capabilities that can be gained by implanting in a web-based warehouse management system
as advanced planning and execution solutions are:

 Accessibility of staff to warehouse

 Reduce unnecessary cost of paper
 Reduce subjectivity
 Accountability will increased

1.3. Project Objective

The objective of the project is to solve the problem of warehouse management in Ethio-Telecom
at bale robe shop
1.3.1. General objective
The general objective of our project is to fill the gap existed in warehouse management system at
bale robe shop Ethio- Telecom by making the system fully automated.

1.3.2. Specific objective

To achieve the general objective, the project covers the following specific objective

 Develop and Implement web based to access warehouse management system.

 Develop and implement a user-friendly interface.

 Develop a database to warehouse and retrieve user and material information.

1.4. Scope and limitations

1.4.1. Scope

This project is restricted only to automate operation system of bale robe shop Ethio-Telecom
warehouse at Robe, mainly to improve operational performance and easy to access the database.

Our system includes:

 The Staff can view and request material available in the warehouse.

 The Supervisor, department Manager or warehouse manager can assign/approve or reject

a requested material.

 Supervisor, department manager, warehouse manager and supply chain admin can view
and generate Report.

 All users can log in & log out.

 Systems Admin can register, modify, delete account and manage user related
information’s to the database

 Supply chain admin can add and update material to the database.

1.4.2. Limitations
 Due to language gap and time constraint the developed system can’t support local
 User must have English language and basic computer skill.
 Data entry actors must have back up knowledge.

1.5. The significance of the project

The aim of our proposed system is to improve the overall management and services of the
sourcing and facility department for bale robe shop Ethio-Telecom by developing a web base
warehouse management system. The main significance of our project includes: -

 Control and manage subjectivity (all staff request material with system so it makes
supervisor to handle all staff equally and with no dalliance).

 Reduce error rate (error rate due to manual filling to requisition was more than two times but
now it null or no more than one)
 Save processing time (the process time for material requisition was more than half a day but
now it takes no more than an hour and report time also reduced).
 Provide reliable and fast approve of the requested material.
 Change the manual system into computerized that reduce paper cost. It supports to improve
service quality reachability (reduce maintenance and service time so that it increases revenue
for the organization).

1.6. Methodology and Tools

In order to accomplish this project on time and within the cost, we followed different procedures
which are described below.

Software requirement for developing the project includes: MYSQL, PHP, HTML, JavaScript and

MYSQL: -To warehouse and manage users and schedule information on the database and access
the information at the time we need. It is platform independence, portable, have many objects
and compatible.
PHP: - Is a server-side programming language that used to develop the website.
HTML (version 5.0) - It is the predominant markup language for developing web pages.
WAMP: - It is open source software and it is an HTTP web server notable for playing a key role
in the initial growth of the WWW and the most popular web server to host and handle HTTP
request from client machines to the web server IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
We also use Notepad++ and net bean as an editor MS word for documentation and browsers like
Mozilla, Firefox, and chrome and internet explorer.
1.6.1. Data Collection Methods
These methods are designed in detail to ensure higher response rate and better accessibility to
respondents. Listed below are different methods of data collection used.

~5~ Mail
The organization has email address for every individual employee to communicate the day to day
activities. Due to this, we use Email to the feasible method for data collection. Because more of
the Technical department staff works out of the office. Site observation

We observed the problem when staffs are filling material requisition form manually. Individual interview

In this method we chosen for the interviewee such as manager, supervisor, specialists and staff.
The most fundamental questions that are prepared for gathering the necessary information are the

 How do you access warehouse?

 How do you get material needed for your daily work?
 How do you know if the material you need is available or not in warehouse?
 How do you generate a report and how much time does it take?
 What problems are you faced in this system? Document Review

In order to cross check we use document review of different department like the operation and
maintenance department, sourcing and facility department, marketing department, fixed accesses
network department and other related workers.

1.6.2. System Development Tool

To achieve the objective of this project we use Object Oriented Design. It is about how our
objects collaborate with each other. Here, we decide who create which objects and how they
interact to fulfill the needs of a user. After Finding and organizing the objects, we describe how
the objects interact, class name and attributes with their association identified then we moved to
OOD and during this we used to design the system include Database design (Persistence
models), Deployment modeling and User interface prototyping.

~6~ Hardware Requirement: Are hardware needed to develop the system (planning up to
testing the proposed developed system)

Hardware Tools Requirement

Personal computer 500GB hard disk and 4GB RAM
Flash disk 8GB
Table 1.1 hardware requirement Software Requirement: These are software to develop the system

Applications Software tools Requirement

Client Side Scripting HTML, CSS, JavaScript Version 5.0
Any Operating System MS Windows Any
Database Server MySQL Version 7.5.31
Web server WAMP Version 3.2.3_x64
Server-Side scripting PHP Version 7.3.21
Browsers Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, IE Version,
Editors Notepad++,Sublime Version 8.1.3 and 4113_x64
User Interface Design HTML, CSS Version 5.0
Table 1.2 software requirement

1.7. Project Management Technique

1.7.1 Team Composition
No. Name Role
1 Endale Gurmu Project Manager
2 Endale Gurmu and Alemu Dida Programmers
3 Tilahun Negash and Senait Getahun Software Architecture and developer
4 Senait Getahun and Hawi Yasin Database Administrator
5 Alemu Dida and Tilahun Negash System Analyst
Table 1.3 Team composition

1.7.2. Budget
This describes the costs that are finished when we develop our software from initial stage up to
the implementation stage.

A. Hardware Requirements and their cost

No Materials required/project phase Amount Price per unit Total cost

1 Computer 1 25000 25000

2 Pen 5 5 25

3 A4 Size Paper 1 packet 150 150

4 Printing per page 200 1 200

5 Flash disk for backup 1(8G) 200 200

6 CD-ROM 2 10 20

7 Other 3000

Total 28,585 Birr

Table 1.4 Hardware Requirement Cost

B. Software Requirements and their Cost

No Materials Required Price Per Unit

1 Microsoft Free

2 Notepad++ ,Sublime Free

3 WAMP Server Free

4 Internet explorer, chrome, Mozilla Firefox Free

TOTAL 0.0 Birr

Table 1.5 Software Requirement Cost

C. Professional Cost

No Requirement Price Per Unit

1 Project Manager 9,000.00

2 Programmers 8,000.00

3 Software Architecture and developer 7,000.00

4 Database designer 7,000.00

5 System Analyst 5,000.00

TOTAL 36,000.00Birr

Table 1.6 Professional Cost

1.7.3. Project Schedule
We try to assess the activities involved in constructing the system completed in time and weather
they being done actually solve the problem as intended. The project team members expected the
project to be completed on time without any delay.

Figure 1.1 project schedule

1.8. Feasibility of project

In order to determine the problem, potential and solution of the existing system and the goal of
proposed system we make an analysis of the feasibility of our system about warehouse
management if there is a complex problem or opportunity.

~ 10 ~
1.8.1. Economic Feasibility
The material to implement our system does not cost a great amount of money. The cost we are
spending while developing the system is less than as compared to its benefit. Finally, we can
conclude that our project has more economical benefit: -

Tangible benefits: are benefits that are measured in quantity. Saving human power.

Reduce time consumption

Intangible benefits: are benefits that are measured in quality.

 Increase security.
 Work initiation
 Attract end users
 Increase reliability

1.8.2. Technical Feasibility

When we say our new system is technically feasible the proposed system needs easily maintain
and fix without requiring high experts because the system is developed by familiar programming
language the project team members have learned programming languages that required for the
successful completion of the project such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, and MySQL. Our
new the system is technically feasible as it is very easy for the End users to operate it. It only
needs basic information about the Windows platform.

1.8.3. Operational Feasibility

We concerned with the operability of the system after it has been installed. The new system can
provide sufficient service for the Staff. The proposed system or the new system is operationally
feasible because it can fulfill the following requirements: -

Provides the end users with timely, accurate, reliable, flexible and useful information.

 We beieved that our project would be workable and user-friendly and it

satisfies the customer needs or requirements.
 The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the end users to
operate it. It only needs basic information about internet access.

~ 11 ~

2.1. Introduction

The existing system brings the Ethio-Telecom warehouse management from manual into
partially automated. This enables to improve the performance of the company from the previous
status. But we cannot say the system solve the entire problem, that is why our project group
wants to fill the gap which is existed in the system that makes the system to be fully automated.
To do so it was necessary to know the existing system as a base to develop the proposed system.
bale robe shop sourcing and facility department facilitate all material for all other department of
the shop based on the requests from staff by using a manual system, and the supervisor insert the
requested material to the system, which in turn go to department manager for approve. After that
the warehouse manager approve the request from the other department, and finally the supply
chain admin check and give the requested material to the requester by taking one hard copy and
also print another paper to sign the requester on it for evidence.
The existing partially Manual warehouse system takes more paper documents, if mistakes are
made or changes or corrections are needed, often a manual transaction must be completely
redone rather than just modify.
2.2. Description of the existing system
In the existing bale robe shop warehouse management system, there are different players:

1. Staff
 Request material manually
2. Supervisor
 Take the manual request from staff and re request material, view material, generate
report and assign to department manager for approval.
3. Warehouse manager

~ 12 ~
 View material, approval and generate report.
4. department Manager
 Request material, view material, approve and generate report.
5. Supply chain admin
 View material, update the warehouse management, and deliver material to the
requester and Report.

2.3. Drawback of the existing System

Tasks at bale robe shop Ethio- Telecom warehouse management system is performed not in fully
automated system. Staff request is done manually by paper and the sourcing and facility
department team has no modern database management system and this leads to the following

 It takes more time: -Processing is slow due to paper work by staff and no view
privilege to all staff for available material in warehouse.
 Late responded time

 Data is stored for staff in different file and not secure and data loss due to hard copy

2.4. Business Rule of the Existing System

It is defined by the access level of the user who works on it in different sectors of the
management system and includes.

 All users must be member of the organization.

 All Staff members can request material to supervisors manually.
 Supervisors should accept the requests and respond accordingly fill on system to
request material and send to department manager for approval.
 Department and warehouse Managers should approve the request.
 Staff members should report upon completion of a task (receive the material).

2.5. Forms Used in Existing System

bale robe shop Robe Sourcing Department use material Requisition form for staff to
request material.

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Figure 1.1 material requisition forms

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3.1. Overview
The proposed system converts the overall process of the existing system to a computerized or
online web-based application through automating the warehouse material requesting and
approving the process.
Our proposed system, staff members access the web interface of the system through a computer,
laptop or mobile to view available material and request.
The supervisors can log into the system and view material availability and so they can check the
request and assign to department manager for approval.
The department manager approves and send to warehouse manager. The warehouse manager
approves and send it to supply chain admin.
Generally, on this project we use the existing system as the model for the new system, like
requesting material and communication performed by manual, to make them with the help of
computer system for better performance and good service. In the new system, the interaction
between users handled with the help of client-server mode communication.

3.2. Functional Requirement

Functional requirements explain what the new system provide or do. These are:


FR00: Logging in to system: should be able to log in to the system.

FR11: Change password: able to change his/her password

FR01: view Materials: should able to view all available material in the warehouse.

FR02: request Materials: should able to request material needed in the warehouse.

FR10: Logout: should be able to logout from the system.


 FR00: Logging in to system: should be able to log in to the system.

 FR01: view Materials: should able to view all available material in the warehouse.

~ 15 ~
 FR03: Assign request: should able to assign request to department manager
 FR02: request Materials: should able to request material needed in the warehouse.
 FR11: Change password: able to change his/her password
 FR10: Logout: should be able to logout from the system
Department Manager

 FR00: Logging in to system: should be able to log in to the system.

 FR01: view Materials: should able to view all available material in the warehouse.
 FR02: request Materials: should able to request material needed in the warehouse.
 FR05: Approval: should approve the requested material
 FR11: Change password: able to change his/her password
 FR10: Logout: should be able to logout from the system
Warehouse manager

 FR00: Logging in to system: should be able to log in to the system.

 FR01: view Materials: should able to view all available material in the warehouse.
 FR05: Approval: should approve the requested material
 FR11: Change password: able to change his/her password
 FR10: Logout: should be able to logout from the system
System admin

 FR00: Logging in to system: should be able to log in to the system.

 FR06: Register: should register new user
 FR07: delete: can delete user account.
 FR08: Modify: can modify user
 FR11: Change password: able to change his/her password
 FR10: Logout: should be able to logout from the system
Supply Chain Admin

 FR00: Logging in to system: should be able to log in to the system.

 FR01: view: should view available material
 FR12: Add material: should add new material
 FR11: Change password: able to change his/her password
 FR09: Update material: should update the available material.

~ 16 ~
 FR10: Logout: should be able to logout from the system

3.3. Non-Functional Requirement

The system shall provide the functionality to a single user on a laptop, Desktop computer or
mobile in case of invalid inputs. In fact, it is impractical to avoid errors but by checking the
error inputs and any invalid operations, the system failure shall be reduced as possible.

The system is supposed to be developed by using GUI supporting programming tools so it will
be easy for use. The simplicity of the system for use shall be ensured by incorporating the
following functionalities into the system: -
 NFR00: Well-structured user manuals
 NFR01: Informative error messages during invalid data entry
 NFR02: Well-formed graphical user interfaces.
Data security
This is one of the project objectives towards which we are working to achieve so the following
two securities are ensured to provide the system secure.
 NFR03: User authentication: The system shall be password protected so anyone who has
no user account and password cannot get access to the system more over the access
privileges to the user is also limited to their user account type.
 NFR04: only system admin can register, modify and delete users for security.

3.4. Performance Requirements

 NFR05: The system minimizes error and displays a clear error message that guides users
than the current system.
 NFR06: The system can validate user inputs by checking forms that filled by users.
Invalid data is not allowed to enter into the database than the current system.
 NFR07: There shall be easy ways of retrieving data and it shall take less time than the
current system.
 NFR08: The availability of the software is for everyone who has an internet connection.

~ 17 ~
 NFR09: The system is available for 24 hours and 7 days a week if there are an internet
connection and electric power.

 NFR10: The software work properly in any browsers.

3.5. System model

Is the process of developing abstract models of a system, with each model presenting a different
view or perspective of that system. It is about representing a system using some kind of
graphical notation, which is now almost always based on notations in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML). Models help the analyst to understand the functionality of the system; they
are used to communicate with customers.
Models can explain the system from different perspectives:

• An external perspective, where you model the context or environment of the system.
• An interaction perspective, where you model the interactions between a system and
its environment, or between the components of a system.
• A structural perspective, where you model the organization of a system or the
structure of the data that is processed by the system.
• A behavioral perspective, where you model the dynamic behavior of the system and
how it responds to events.

Five types of UML diagrams that are the most useful for system modeling:

• Activity diagrams, which show the activities involved in a process or in data

• Use case diagrams, which show the interactions between a system and its
• Sequence diagrams, which show interactions between actors and the system and
between system components.
• Class diagrams, which show the object classes in the system and the associations
between these classes.
• State diagrams, which show how the system reacts to internal and external events.

~ 18 ~
Figure 3.1 System model

3.5.1. Scenarios
A project scenario is a description of what project will look like when it is completed. This
allows planners to identify potential problems that may occur along the way so they can be
addressed in project planning for a smooth and productive outcome.
In this session we will introduce the concept of objects and classes. We will present methods for
identifying classes given textual descriptions of required system functionality. We will illustrate
the benefits of highly cohesive loosely coupled classes. We will explain the UML class and
object notion. We will introduce the term encapsulation and show the benefits of applying
encapsulation to classes.

3.5.2. Use Case Model

A Use Case Model describes the proposed functionality of a new system. A Use Case represents
a discrete unit of interaction between a user (human or machine) and the system. This
interaction is a single unit of meaningful work, such as Create Account or View Account

~ 19 ~
Details. Each Use Case describes the functionality to be built in the proposed system, which can
include another Use Case's functionality or extend another Use Case with its own behavior.

Figure 3.2 use case diagram of WMS

Use case model description

ID Use case name ID Use case name
UC00 Register UC06 View material
UC01 Login UC07 Update material
UC02 Logout UC08 Add material
UC03 Modify user UC9 Change password

UC04 Delete User UC10 Assign material

UC05 Request Material UC11 Approve material

Table 3.1 use case table

~ 20 ~
Use case name Register
Use case Id UC00
Summary The actor enters their details into the system. Details of the customers
used to be validated by the system and save into the database

Actor system admin

Pre-condition The actor needs to access the system through a web browser

Main sequences 1. Actors provide users details.

2. The system then saves the actor's details into the database.
4. The system registers a new actor.
5. The system shows a success message after saving the details

Use case Login

Alternate sequences N/A

Post condition The system creates an account for the new actor.
Table 3.2 registration use case table

Use case name Login

Use case Id UC01

Summary The actor enters their username and password to access their account

Actor Staff, Supervisor, warehouse manager, department Manager, supply chain

admin, and system admin
Precondition the actor need to login as a user

Main sequences 1. Actors enter actor credentials.

2. The system verifies actors.
3. The system redirects to the user page.
4. The system shows the success message after successful login.

Use case Register


~ 21 ~
Alternate sequences (a) If actors are unable to login to the the system then the system will
“Check user name or Password” link where they can check their user name
or password.
(b)if the actor are able to login the system will redirect to user page
Post condition The system redirects actors to their account or the user page.

Table 3.3 login use case table

Use case name log out
Use case Id UC02
Description the process of user terminate the session from the system
Actor Staff, Supervisor, Warehouse manager, department Manager, supply chain
admin, and system admin

Precondition Precondition: the user already logged in to system

Main sequences 1. User login to page
2. user click logout link
3. Use case ends
System response The system redirected to homepage
Alternative course None
of action
Post condition The user session is terminated
Table 3.4 logout use case table
Use case name Modify user

Use case Id UC03

Summary Admin can update actors (staff, supervisor, department manager,

warehouse manager, supply chain admin) credentials such as
username and password if necessary.

Actor System Admin

Precondition Admin need to login to the system.

~ 22 ~
Main sequences 1. Admin login to the system.
2. Admin enters a new username or password for staff,
supervisor, department manager, coordinator, and supply chain
3. The system validates the details provided by admin.
4. The system saves data into the database.
5. The system shows the message successful after Saving the
details into the database.

Use case associations Register, Login

Alternative Sequences N/A
Post condition System saves username or password staff, supervisor, department
manager, warehouse manager, supply chain admin.
Table 3.5 update users Credentials use case table
Use case name Delete User Account
Use case Id UC04
Summary Admin can delete accounts if necessary.
Actor System Admin
Precondition Admin need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. Admin login to the system.
2. Admin accesses the account file of users.
3. The system shows users account.
4. Admin select users account.
5. Admin clicks the button “Delete Account”.
6. The system deletes the user account.
7. The system shows the message successful after deleting the
Use case association Register, Login

Alternative N/A
Post condition System deletes account from database.

Table 3.6 delete use case table

Use case name Request material
Use case Id UC05
Summary Actors can request material.
Actor Staff, Supervisor & department Manager
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.

~ 23 ~
Main sequences 1. Actor login to the system.
2. The actor accesses the "request material” section.
3. The actor will be provided a form to fill.
4. The actor fills the request form and submits.
5. The system validates the form input.
6. The system saves the request to the database and forwards to the next
Table 3.7 request material use case table
Use case name View material
Use case Id UC06
Summary The actor can view materials through the system.
Actor Staff, Supervisor, department manager, warehouse manager, supply
chain admin.
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. Actor login to the system. 2. The actor accesses the “view” section.
3. the actor chooses the material needed
4. The system display material with full description.

Alternative N/A
Post condition System display material in detail.
Table 3.8 view use case table
Use case name Update material
Use case Id UC07
Summary The actor can update the material
Actor Supply chain admin
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. Supply chain admin login to the system.
2. Supply chain admin update material.
3. Supply chain admin clicks the button “update”.
4. The system shows the message successful update result.

Use case association Register, Login

Alternative N/A

~ 24 ~
Post condition System updates amounts to database.

Table 3.9 update use case table

Use case name Add material
Use case Id UC08
Summary The actor can Add new material
Actor Supply chain admin
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. Supply chain admin login to the system.
2. Supply chain admin Add new material.
3. Supply chain admin fill the form and clicks the button “submit”.
4. The system shows the message successful add result.

Use case association Register, Login

Alternative N/A
Post condition System adds new material, item code and amounts to database.

Table 3.10 Add material use case table

Use case name Change password
Use case Id UC09
Summary The actor can change his/her password
Actor System admin, Staff, supervisor, department manager, warehouse
manager and supply chain admin
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. Actor login to the system.
2. Click change password on sidebar.
3. current and new pass word window open
4. Fill old and new password. submit button

Use case association Register, Login

Alternative N/A
Post condition System updates the changed password in to database.

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Table 3.11 change password use case table
Use case name Assign material
Use case Id UC10
Summary The actor can assign the requested material
Actor Supervisor
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. Supervisor login to the system.
2. Supervisor click assign material button on side bar.
3. Supervisor checks the request from staff and click assign button.
4. Material assigned successfully will display.

Use case association Register, Login

Alternative N/A
Post condition Material assigned successfully

Table 3.12 assign material use case table

Use case name Approve material
Use case Id UC11
Summary The actor can approve the Assigned material
Actor Department manager and warehouse manager
Precondition Actor need to login to the system.
Main sequences 1. The actor login to the system.
2. The actor click approve material button on side bar.
3. The actor checks the assigned/approved material and click approve
4. Material approved successfully will display.

Use case association Register, Login

Alternative N/A
Post condition Material approved successfully

~ 26 ~
Table 3.13 approve material use case table

3.6. Object Model

An object model is a logical interface, software or system that is modeled through the use of
object-oriented techniques. It enables the creation of an architectural software or system model
prior to development or programming. An object model is part of the object-oriented
programming (OOP) lifecycle. An object model uses various diagrams to show how
objects behave and perform real-world tasks. The diagrams used include use-case diagram and
sequence diagram. The object model describes objects in object-oriented programming, object-
oriented analysis, and object-oriented design. If you use object model for your system instead of
relational databases, instead of designing. E-R diagram, design persistence models. Show the
mappings and the relations of the E-R diagram given below.

Figure 3.3 Object model diagram

~ 27 ~
3.6.1. Database Dictionary
A data dictionary contains metadata i.e. data about the database. The data dictionary is very
important as it contains information such as what is in the database, who is allowed to access it,
where is the database physically stored etc. The users of the database normally don't interact
with the data dictionary; it is only handled by the database administrators. The data dictionary in
general contains information about the following

Names of all the database tables and their schemas.

Details about all the tables in the database, such as their owners, their security constraints, when
they were created etc.
Physical information about the tables such as where they are stored and how.

Table constraints such as primary key attributes, foreign key information etc.

Information about the database views that is visible.

This is a data dictionary describing a table that contains employee details.

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Username varchar 10 Not null User name
Password varchar 100 Not null Login Pass word
Account_type varchar 30 Not null Account Type
Dept int 30 Not null List of each Department
Section int 11 Not null The name of each Section
Idno int 5 Not null Id no
Table 3.14account dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Requested_by varchar 50 Not null Requested by
Item_code int 6 Not null Item code
Material_name varchar 50 Not null Material name
Unit varchar 6 Not null Unit of measurement

~ 28 ~
Amount Int 8 Not null Amount
Formdate datetime Not null Date and time
Table 3.15 data dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Dept_name varchar 30 Not null The name of each Department
Table 3.16 department dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Fname varchar 15 Not null First name
Lname varchar 15 Not null Last name
Username varchar 8 Not null User Name
Email varchar 30 Not null Email
subject varchar 30 Not null Subject
Message varchar 100 Not null Message
Table 3.17 inbox dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Item_code int 6 Not null An item code given for each
Material_nam varchar 50 Not null A name given for the material
Amount int 8 Not null Amount
Unit_price int 8 Not null Unit price
Table 3.18 material dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
to_user int 11 Not null To user

~ 29 ~
to_dept int 11 Not null To department
to_warehousma int 11 Not null To warehouse manager
to_supplyca int 11 Not null To supply chain administrator
Message text text Not null Message
Table 3.19 notification dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Userid int 6 Not null User id
Fname varchar 15 Not null First name
Lname varchar 15 Not null Last name
phone int 12 Not null Phone number of the member
Table 3.19 notification dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
Requested_by varchar 50 Not null Indicates the requested staff
Item_code int 6 Not null An item code given for each
Material_nam varchar 50 Not null A name given for the material
Amount int 8 Not null Amount
Unit int 6 Not null Unit
Requestdate datetime Datetime Not null Request date
Approveddate datetime Datetime Null Approved date
Delever varchar 11 Null Conferm Delever
Approved int 11 Not null Approved
Approveddept int 11 Not null Approved department
Approvedwam int 11 Not null Approved warehouse manager
Approvedsca int 11 Not null Approved supply chain
Table 3.21 request dictionary table

Filed Name Data Type Field Constraint Description
~ 30 ~
Id int 11 Primary key Unique id for each of them
section_name varchar 50 Not null Section name
parent_dept int 30 Not null Parent department
Table 3.22 section dictionary table

3.6.2. Class Diagram

Class diagrams are used to describe the structure of this system. Class diagrams which are going
to be designed describe the system in terms of objects, classes, attributes, operations and their

Figure 3.4 Class Diagram

3.7. Dynamic Model

A dynamic model represents the behavior of an object over time. It is used where the object's
behavior is best described as a set of states that occur in a defined sequence.

~ 31 ~
The dynamic model is used to express and model the behavior of the system over time. It
includes support for activity diagrams, state diagrams, sequence diagrams and extensions
including business process modeling.

3.7.1. Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one
another and in what order. A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines),
different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages
exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur.

Figure 3.5 sequence diagram for login

~ 32 ~
Figure 3.6 sequence diagram for logout

3.7.2. Activity diagram

An activity diagram illustrates the dynamic nature of a system by modeling the flow of control
from activity to activity. An activity represents an operation on some class in the system that
results in a change in the state of the system. Typically, activity diagrams are used to model
workflow or business processes and internal operation. Activity diagrams are mainly used as a
flow chart consists of activities performed by the system. But the activity diagram is not exactly
a flow chart as they have some additional capabilities. These additional capabilities include
branching, parallel flow, etc.

~ 33 ~
Figure 3.7 material request Activity Diagram

3.7.3. State diagram

A state chart diagram is a UML diagram that provides a graphical view of a State Machine, the
public behavior of a classifier (component or class), in the form of the changes over time of the
state of the classifier and of the events that permit the transition from one state to another.

3.7.4. User interface

User interface is an excellent means of generating ideas about how the GUI can be designed and
it helps to evaluate quality of solution at early stage. Although our system has may interfaces,
we have tried to show some of the interfaces based on the user logged-in to the system.

~ 34 ~
Figure 3.8 User Interface for Login

Figure 3.8 User Interface for Login

~ 35 ~
Figure 3.10 User interface for users list

Figure 3.11 User interface for Message

~ 36 ~
Figure 3.12 Sys. Admin user interface for registration

Figure3.13 staff user interface to request material

~ 37 ~


4.1 Over view

System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design model and
answers the question “how”. System design is the first part to get into the solution domain in a
software development. Design focus on transforming the analysis model into the design model
that takes into the nonfunctional requirements and constraints described in the problem
statement and requirement analysis.

4.1.1. Purpose of the System

The purpose of our proposed system is to develop online warehouse management system for

Bale Robe Shop Ethio telecom. The system provides services such as

 View and request materials

 Manage material, assign and approve
 Prepare periodical reports and view
 Register users, login and logout
 Update material status

4.1.2. Design Goals

 Decompose the system into a smaller subsystem that can be realized by individual
 Select strategies for building the system such as
 Hardware/software platform on which the system will run
 The persistent data management strategy
 The access control policy
 Handling the boundary condition
 Provide a connected warehouse management system that offers efficient and
reliable material availability and request options for all materials.
 Provide a safe warehouse management system.

~ 38 ~
 Provide an accessible warehouse management system fits within context of its
surroundings and users.
 Provide a warehouse management system that supports the company
economically and efficiently movement of materials.
 Maintain warehouse management system infrastructure in a state-of-good
Identifies the qualities that our system should focus on. Here we are interested in the following
In the Requirements Analysis and Design, we have identified the functional and non-functional
requirements of the system and produced the analysis model.

4.2. Proposed System Architecture

The proposed software three-tier architecture is a client-server software architecture pattern in
which the user interface (presentation), functional process logic ("business rules"), computer
data storage or data access are developed and maintained as independent modules, most often
on separate platform.
Presentation Tier
The top-most level of the application is the user interface. The main function of the interface is
to translate tasks and results in something the user can understand.
This tier is the applications user interface containing data entry forms and client side
applications. It displays data to the user. Users interact directly with the application through user
interface. The client tier interacts with the web/application server to make requests and to
retrieve data from the database. It then displays to the user the data retrieved from the server.
Logic Tier
This layer coordinates the application, processes commands make logical decisions and
evaluations and perform calculations. It also moves and processes data between the two
surrounding layers. The data identify then sent to the data layer to check authenticate whether
they are correct or not.

Data Tier

Here information is stored and retrieved from a database or file system. The information is then
passed back to the logic tier for processing, and then eventually back to the user.

~ 39 ~
The data tier maintains the applications data such as material data, user data, system admin
data etc. It stores these data in a relational database management system (RDBMS). The middle
tier (web/application server) implements the business logic, controller logic and presentation
logic to control the interaction between the application’s clients and data. Sample presses

Figure 4.1 Proposed system Architecture diagram

4.1.1 Overview of System architecture

System Architecture is abstract, conceptualization-oriented, global, and focused to achieve the
mission and life cycle concepts of the system. It also focuses on high-level structure in systems
and system elements. It addresses the architectural principles, concepts, properties, and
characteristics of the system-of-interest. The aim of the proposed system is to develop an
automated and online application that resolves the problems of the current system. The system
has a centralized database and client-server architecture. The architecture shows a client can use

~ 40 ~
Internet browsers to access the system within the local area network of the office or anywhere
using the Internet.

Figure 4.2 System architecture diagram

4.2.2. Internet Service Portal

An internet service portal is a web-based platform that collects information from different
sources into a single user interface and presents users with the most relevant information for
their context. Over time, simple web portals have evolved into portal platforms that support
digital customer experience initiatives.

4.2.3. System Process

System processes are essentially in distinguishable from any user-written program—they use
the same public API and kernel services available to any (suitably privileged) user process. Both

~ 41 ~
are independent processes that can be written by an end-user and started and stopped on an
asneeded basis.
A system is the overall “thing”, or a core element, you're looking to have and/or implement in
your business. It's something that helps your business run.
The processes are all the things you do in order to make any given system work most

4.2.4. Subsystem decomposition

Subsystem decomposition reduces the complexity of the solution domain into smaller parts
called subsystems. In the case of the complex subsystem, we recursively apply the same
principle to decompose the subsystem into the simplest subsystems. A subsystem is
characterized by the services it provides to another subsystem. Accordingly, our system is
decomposed into the following subsystems:
1. Operation subsystem: - is responsible for handling the availability of
2. Display subsystem: - is responsible for viewing and printing reports.
3. Data entry subsystem: - is responsible for inserting material requests and
assign/approve material to the central database system.
4. CDBM/ central database management/sub system - is responsible for storing
persistent data of the material.

~ 42 ~
Figure 4.3 Subsystem decomposition diagram

4.2.5. Hardware/ software mapping

Hardware /software mapping describes how the subsystem are assigned to hardware and off-
theshelf components. It also lists the issues introduced by multiple nodes and software reuse.
In our proposed system the central database subsystem mapped into the server. Other
subsystems are mapped to client computers.

~ 43 ~
Figure 4.4 Hardware/ software mapping diagram

4.2.6. Persistent data management

Persistent data is data that has to be stored for permanent reuse. Most functionality in the system
is concerned with creating or manipulating persistent data. A relational schema outlines the
database relationships and structure in a relational database program. It can be displayed
graphically or written in the Structured Query Language (SQL) used to build tables in a
relational database.

~ 44 ~
Figure 4.5 Persistence modeling for object oriented data base diagram

4.2.7. Component Diagram

Components of the system will be wired showing that there is a relation among components,
management of the system, database and operations performed on databases such as security

~ 45 ~
Figure 4.6 Component diagram

4.2.8. Deployment Diagram

Deployment modeling is used to show the hardware of the system, the software that is installed
in the hardware and also the middleware that is used to connect the disparate machines to one
and other.

~ 46 ~
Figure 4.7 Deployment diagram for WMS

~ 47 ~
4.2.9. Boundary Condition
In this topic, we need to examine the boundary condition of the system that is to decide how the
system is started, initialized, and shut down. We need to define how we deal with measure
failures such as data corruption, caused by a software error or power outage.

i >>

Manage users Access right

Administrator <<includes>>
Manage server


Shut down

Figure 4.8 Boundary condition diagrams

4.2.10. Database design

Database Design is a collection of processes that facilitate the designing, development,
implementation and maintenance of enterprise data management systems. Properly designed
database are easy to maintain, improves data consistency and are cost effective in terms of disk
storage space. The database designer decides how the data elements correlate and what data
must be stored. The main objectives of database design in DBMS are to produce logical and
physical designs models of the proposed database system. The logical model concentrates on
the data requirements and the data to be stored independent of physical considerations. It does
not concern itself with how the data will be stored or where it will be stored physically. The
physical data design model involves translating the logical DB design of the database onto
physical media using hardware resources and software systems such as database management
systems (DBMS).

~ 48 ~ Conceptual database design
Conceptual ERD models information gathered from business requirements. Entities and
relationships modeled in such an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) are defined around the
business's need.

Figure 4.9 Conceptual database diagrams Logical database design

Logical ERD also models information gathered from business requirements. It is more complex
than the conceptual model in that column types are set.

~ 49 ~
Figure 4.10 Logical database design diagram Physical database design

Physical ERD represents the actual design blueprint of a relational database. It represents how
data should be structured and related in a specific DBMS.

~ 50 ~
Figure 4.11 Physical database design diagram

4.2.11. Access control and security

 The system has users who are members of Ethio-Telecom. Hence, each user has a right
to access the system.
 Only System admin can create account and add privilege for user of the system.
 Physical control: - server room will be secure through using different mechanism like
physical lock, security camera, cladding technology, setting sensor which detect
temperature, and also using access control card to prevent illegal accessing of the server
room. Additionally, hardware access control mechanisms are used to prevent illegal
intrusion and control non-authorized access to internal system by configuring firewall.

~ 51 ~
 Software control: - to prevent illegal access to the system security management software
are install to the system which restrict use of easily guessed password for data protection
and also using server logs which record all activity in detail this help to investigate if
any problem is occur.
In multi-user systems, different actors have access to different functions and data.
Subsystem Class Operation
Data Entry subsystem staff, supervisor, department The data entry subsystem is
manager, warehouse manager and responsible to fill the information
supply chain admin
Operation subsystem Staff, supervisor, department The Operation system is
manager, warehouse manager responsible to enter details to
material request, assign and
Display subsystem supervisor, department manager, The display subsystem is
warehouse manager and supply responsible to view materials.
chain admin
CDBM subsystem System Admin The CDBM subsystem is
responsible to store persistent data
Have permission to Create, update
and delete account

Table: 4.1 Access control and Security

~ 52 ~


5.1 conclusions
The study was conducted to assess warehouse management system refers to Bale Robe Shop
Ethio telecom, it is clear that warehouse plays a very important role in many service industries.
These study "warehouse management system" giving us complete information about the
material, the record of new and retrieve the details of Bale Robe Shop Ethio telecom material
available in the system. We can issue the material to the staff and section also can check how
many materials are issued and available in the warehouse. The aim of our proposed system is to
improve the overall management and services of the sourcing and facility department for bale
robe shop Ethio telecom by developing online warehouse management system. For Control and
manage the material easily, reduce error rate, save processing time, improve delivery time and
Provide reliable and fast approve of the requested material. Generally, on this study we use
some features from the existing system as the model for the new system, like requesting system
that is performed by human and their manual communication, to make them with the help of
computer system for better performance and good service. The interaction between stakeholders
will be handled with the help of client-server mode communication.

5.2 Recommendation
The scope of this study is restricted only to automate operation system of bale robe shop Ethio
Telecom, mainly to improve operational performance and easy to access a centralized database.
This warehouse management system helps the day to day activities for Ethio Telecom due to
this future researcher works beyond the boundary. We strongly recommend bale robe shop
Ethiotelecom to implement our new system in order to achieve capabilities like reliable data
keeping, fast data processing and transmissions, well defined communications among
Supervisor, Manager, Employee, by sharing a single database. We recommend that the next
developer, it is better to do in an inclusive manner for any other region, to do it be better for
report generating System.

~ 53 ~

1. Ethio telecom website WWW.ethiotelecom .et.

2. Maud, S. (2001). Information system analysis and design 3rd edition.
3. Stapens, D. R. (2007). Use case driving object modeling with UML: theory and practice.
4. Shah Masud: - Information Systems Analysis and Design 3rd edition.
5. Ambler, Scott (2001) The Object primer: The application Developers Guide to
ObjectOriented and the UML.2nd rev. Ed England: The Cambridge University Press.
6. Bruegel, Bernd (2000) Object-oriented Software Engineering Conquering
ComplexandChanging System. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
7. conceptual, logical and physical data

~ 54 ~

Dear Sir/Madam
Here we are students of Rift Valley University; we are currently doing our degree with online
warehouse management system of Ethio telecom BALE ROBE SHOP at Rift Valley University,
School of Graduate Studies. We would like to explore the factor affecting successful warehouse
management system of Ethio Telecom at BALE ROBE SHOP. We believe your experience and
educational background will greatly contribute to the success of our project. So, it’s with great
respect that we ask you to fill this questionnaire with your best carefully as your answers will
have an influence on the outcome of the project. All the information you provide will kept in
strict confidentiality and it will be only used for academic project only. We are worth your
participation and thank you for the commitment of time, energy and effort.
The most fundamental questions that are prepared for gathering the necessary information are
the following.
How do you access warehouse?

How do you get material needed for your daily work?

How do you know if the material you need is available or not in warehouse?

How do you generate a report and how much time does it take?

What problems are you faced in this system?

~ 55 ~
General Information

Please tick (X) in the appropriate box provided to indicate your answers.

1. Gender: A. Male ☐ B. Female ☐

2. Age: A. Below 25☐ B. (26-35) ☐ C. (36-45)☐ D. Above 45 ☐

4. Educational Status:

A. Diploma ☐ B. BA/BSC ☐ C. Masters ☐ D. PhD ☐

5. Department: A. Wireless network ☐ B. Fixed Network ☐ C. Others☐

6. Category of Job:

A. Director ☐ B. Manager ☐ C. Supervisor ☐ D. Staff ☐

7. Years of Experience:

A. Less than 5 years ☐ B. 6 to 10 years ☐ C. 11 to 15 years ☐

D. Above 15 years ☐


For each of the following statements, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that the
statement describes Factors affecting successful warehouse management system. This part you
are expected to tick the appropriate condition or perception peculiar to your experience in

1= Strongly disagree (SD) 2= Disagree(D) 3= Neutral(N) 4= Agree (A) 5= Strongly Agree (SA)

Questions 1 2 3 4 5

1 The sore is accessed easily and I can request ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

material easily whenever I need

2 I can view material and request them after I see ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

enough availability in warehouse

~ 56 ~
3 The time I waste to request and take material from ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
warehouse is minimum

4 I waste my time to request material and take them ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

from warehouse and this make my activity to lag

5 There is subjectivity about material request around ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐


6 I can get any material I request from store any time ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

7 There is repetition to move again and again to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

warehouse to have material requested

8 Supply chain admin respond me immediately and I ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

can get material on time
9 There is paper work to request material that is ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
boring and time taking
10 I receive material from warehouse immediately ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
that supply chain admin identify the requested
material easily
11 Every material data in warehouse are kept ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
electronically and supply chain admin identify then
If you have any comment on BALE ROBE SHOP warehouse management
system and how is the process to request material

~ 57 ~
Thank You!!

~ 58 ~

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