Rent Rece: t.OOII

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-- 2' 11)

t.OOII !~ or (b)
:112.00II id 2) er oHc) or (d)}
·" ttent {LOW
• edfReceivab\e • t
l 1te
ll;:'so o xce11"O) no vacancy, rent received/rece
(I. case, if there was. ivable

would have been~\1,500 x.
to.tbtS hie is low er in thi s case due to \ 1 = \ ,50 ,00 0
ived/rece1va . va cancy, therefore GAV
-... ad rent rece rec
tp•"'..-._ the rent eived/receivable.
ebJII al
0r055Anllu Va\ue \,25,00()
~ o n l f Gross Annu
o,1 11Putatton o al Va lu e
) fair Rent .
(a (\6,000 X 12) .
Municipal Valuation
(b (18,000 X 12) ,l,\6,000
(c) }lighet of (a) or (b)
(d) standard Rent '
(17,000 X 12) .2,04,
{) Expected Rent {Lower of (c)
or (d))
(Q Rent Received/Receivab _•
(17,000 X 8) le
. .
If there was ~o vacancy, th '
at case rent received/receiva •• \,36,
cted rent, therefore GA.V sh ble would have been tl1 00
and It was still less than expe
all be expected rent 11_
Gross An nual Value ' Ox ::- t\ ,&7 ,000
Situation 4 •
. ••
Computation of Gross Annu
al Value 2,04,
(a) Fair Rent
(14,000 x 12) '
• •
(b) Municipal Valuation ,• • :1,68,
(9,000 X 12)
(c) Higher of (a) or (b) 1,08,
(d) Standard Rent
(8,000 X 12) t,
(e) Expected Rent lLowe~
of (c) or (d))
(t) Rent Received/Receivab
(21,000 X 8)
In this case, rent R/ R is hi
gher than the expecte d rent, GAV shall be Rent R/R
Gross Annual Value ••
' ·, '·. •
Illustration 6: M r. X ha . .
s le t out one house prop
Municipal valuation t&0,00 erty to Mr~ Y @ t S0,000
0 p.m. and Standard rent p.m. Fair
for 2 months and there was of the house t76,000_~m. ~ :; :
. .. unrealised rent for 3 month
m1.erest on \oan for constru s.
. 69 000MHe r. X has paial. mum
ction of house property 1s t , • ha s caus mco
Compute his lncome and 1'a . ..- . -;• •
x Liability for A.Y .2024-2S
. .

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