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I am writing to you regarding the Agreement in respect of Franklin Red Limited (FR Ltd),

which has now been finalized by FR Ltd's solicitors. This version remains unchanged from
the last one that was sent to you via email. As we discussed previously, please pay
particular attention to the details concerning employees in Schedule 5. I believe everything
is as expected, but should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do
not hesitate to reach out. If you are satisfied with the terms outlined, I kindly request that
you proceed with arranging for the Agreement to be executed on behalf of Lincoln James
Ltd as indicated. Please ensure that the executed Agreement is brought along to our
scheduled meeting on Monday, 11th.

Looking forward to our meeting.

Warm regards, Alex Paine

1 - c besides
2 - d for the remainder of
3 - f together with the letter
4 - e additional
5 - a for now
6 - b changed

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