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Choose the right option (3points)

About Alex´s power

1. What was Alex's initial motivation to become an influencer?

a) To gain popularity and fame

b) To connect with people worldwide and share his passions

c) To make money through sponsored posts

d) To showcase his photography skills

2. What content did Alex initially share on his social media?

a) Personal growth stories and mental health advice

b) Fashion trends, beauty tips, and lifestyle advice

c) Political opinions and news updates

d) Cooking recipes and fitness routines

3. What made Alex reconsider the way he used his influence?

a) A decrease in the number of followers

b) A heartfelt message from a follower

c) Criticism from other influencers

d) Pressure from sponsors

4. How did Alex's content change over time?

a) He started sharing more personal stories and messages of self-acceptance

b) He stopped posting about fashion and beauty

c) He began promoting various products and brands

d) He only posted pictures of his travels

5. What does the story suggest is the true power of being an influencer?

a) Gaining a large number of followers

b) Earning money through sponsored content

c) Inspiring and making a positive impact on others

d) Being able to live a luxurious lifestyle

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the text: (2 points)

good – acceptance –– gratitude – canvas - office – mental health – ambitious - purpose – passion

a) Alex had a________ for fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

b) Alex's journey as an influencer became a journey of self-____.

c) Alex decided to use his platform for ____.

d) Alex's story was about finding ____ and using his voice to make a difference.

e) The digital world became Alex's ____, and every post was a stroke of creativity.

Traduce lo siguiente: (5 points)

Alex, a young and ambitious individual wanted to become an influencer in the realm of social media. With a passion for
fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, Alex quickly gained followers. However, the pressure to maintain a flawless image led to
questions about authenticity. A heartfelt message from a follower made Alex realize that true influence lies not in likes
or followers, but in the ability to inspire and uplift others.

From that day , Alex changed his focus, sharing stories of personal growth, mental health, and self-acceptance. The
emphasis moved from external validation to inner fulfillment. As time went on, Alex's influence grew as a result of the
genuine connection with the audience. The journey of an influencer became a journey of self-discovery, as Alex learned
that true influence comes from staying true to oneself and making a positive impact on others.

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