Tugas Kelompok 13 Tenses

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In English

Group: 1 (One)
1. Muhammad Ghulam Atqya 23012010050 (Leader)
2. Bagas Arya Satya Dinata 23013010276 (Member)
3. Yuliana Anggraini 23043010061 (Member)
4. Najwan Ryan Zeredian 23045010046 (Member)

DR. Drs. Sukirmiyadi Soehardjo, M.Pd.


A. The usage
The simple present, present simple or present indefinite is one of the verb forms
associated with the present tense in modern English. It is commonly referred to as a tense,
although it also encodes certain information about aspect in addition to the present time. The
simple present is the most commonly used verb form in English, accounting for more than half
of verbs in spoken English. It is called "simple" because its basic form consists of a single word
(like write or writes).

Simple present, present simple atau present indefinite adalah salah satu bentuk kata
kerja yang terkait dengan present tense dalam bahasa Inggris modern. Hal ini sering disebut
sebagai tenses, meskipun juga mengkodekan informasi tertentu tentang aspek selain waktu
sekarang. Simple present adalah bentuk kata kerja yang paling umum digunakan dalam bahasa
Inggris, terhitung lebih dari setengah kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris lisan. Ini disebut
"sederhana" karena bentuk dasarnya terdiri dari satu kata (seperti menulis atau menulis).

B. Time Signal

Always, often, frequently, usually, normally, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, never,

every year, every day, every month, in the morning, at seven, twice a day, rarely, seldom.

C. Pattern


→ (+) Subject + Verb1/Verb1 + Es

→ (-) Subject + Do/Does + Not + Infinitive

→ (?) Do/Does + Subject + Infinite + ?


→ (+) Subject + (is/am/are) + Nominal

→ (-) Subject + (is/am/are) + Not + Nominal

→ (?) (is/am/are) + Subject + Nominal + ?

D. Exemple

→ (+) I am doctor

→ (-) I am not doctor

→ (?) Am I doctor?


A. The usage
Present continuous tense is to use it when you are taking about around now, and not
necessarily at this very moment as many teachers will tell you. Present continuous tense is kind
of tenses of English which describe activities that are happening at the moment of speaking,
activities that are currently in progress or plans for the future.
Present continuous tense adalah menggunakannya ketika Anda mengambil sekitar
sekarang, dan belum tentu pada saat ini seperti yang akan dikatakan banyak guru kepada Anda.
Present continuous tense adalah jenis tenses bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan kegiatan
yang terjadi pada saat berbicara, kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung atau rencana untuk masa
B. Time Signal
Tomorrow, at present, nowadays, at the moment, just, still, now, right now, today, this
morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week, next month, next years, this holiday, this
weekend, soon.
C. Pattern
→ (+) Subject + is/am/are + Verb-ing + …
→ (-) Subject + is/am/are + not + Verb-ing + …
→ (?) Is/am/are + S + Verb-ing + … + ?
D. Exemple
→ (+) I am sleeping in the bedroom
→ (-) I am not sleeping in the bedroom
→ (?) Am I sleeping in the bedroom?
A. The usage
Past perfect tense is a tense used to state that an action was completed at a point in the
past before another action occurred. The definition of past perfect continuous is a tense used to
express past activities, events or activities that have been completed or are no longer discussed.
The definition of past perfect tense is a change in the form of a verb to describe that there was
an action in the past that was completed before another action (which was also in the past)

Past perfect tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu tindakan
telah selesai pada titik di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain terjadi. Pengertian past perfect
continuous adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aktivitas, peristiwa, atau
aktivitas masa lalu yang sudah selesai atau tidak lagi dibahas. Definisi past perfect tense adalah
perubahan bentuk kata kerja untuk menggambarkan bahwa ada suatu tindakan di masa lalu
yang diselesaikan sebelum tindakan lain (yang juga di masa lalu) terjadi.

B. Time Signal

After, before, by, by the time, when, by the end of, until, just, as soon as.

C. Pattern

→ (+) S + had + verb 3 (Past Participle)

→ (-) S + had + not + verb 3 (Past Participle)

→ (?) Had + S + verb 3 (Past Participle)

D. Exemple
→ (+) I had studied sains before took olimpiade
→ (-) I had not studied sains before took olimpiade
→ (?) Had I studied sains before took olimiade?


A. The usage
Present perfect continuous tense is a form of verb or tense to express an action that has
been completed at a point in the past, or an action that has started in the past, but the action is
still happening/continuing until the present.
Present perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja atau tenses untuk
menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lampau, atau tindakan yang sudah
dimulai di masa lalu, tetapi tindakan tersebut masih terjadi/berlanjut sampai masa sekarang.
B. Time Signal
Now; sekarang, Right now; sekarang, Today; hari ini, Since; sejak, For; selama
C. Pattern
→ (+) Subject + Have / Has + Been + Verb-ing + Object.
→ (-) Subject + Have / Has + Not + Been + Verb-ing + Object.
→ (?) Have / Has + Subject + Been + Verb-ing + Object + ?
D. Example
→ (+) He has been playing video games for three hours.
→ (-) He has not been playing video games for three hours.
→ (?) Has he been playing video game for three hours?


A. The usage
Past Future Perfect Tense is used to describe situations where we planned or assumed
something in the past but it was not implemented successfully in the present.

Past Future Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi di mana kita
merencanakan atau mengandaikan sesuatu di masa lampau tetapi tidak berhasil dilaksanakan
di masa kini.

B. Time Signal

On last week; minggu lalu, In July last year; pada juli tahun lalu, At on o’clock
yesterday; pada jam satu kemarin, In last year; pada tahun lalu.

C. Pattern


→ (+) Subject + would/should have + V3 (past participle)

→ (-) Subject + would/should not have + V3 (past participle)

→ (?) Would/should + subject + have + V3 (past participle) + ?


→ (+) Subject + would/should have been + complement

→ (-) Subject + would/should not have been + complement

→ (?) Would/should + subject + have been + complement + ?

D. Example


→ (+) He would have came

→ (-) He wouldn’t have came

→ (?) Would he have came?


→ (+) She would have been a mother

→ (-) She wouldn’t have been a mother

→ (?) Would she have been a mother?


A. The usage
The simple past tense is used to convey that something happened in the past and has
concluded. The specific time in the past when the event occurred is the focus, as the activity
or situation has ended. The action began and ended at a certain point, and the focus is on its
Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu telah terjadi di masa
lampau dan telah selesai. Waktu tertentu di masa lalu ketika peristiwa itu terjadi menjadi
fokusnya, karena aktivitas atau situasi tersebut telah berakhir. Tindakan yang dilakukan
dimulai dan diakhiri pada titik tertentu, dan fokusnya adalah pada penyelesaiannya.
B. Time Signal
Back then; dulu, Before; sebelum, Ago; yang lalu, Formerly; dahulu, Previously;
sebelumnya, Yesterday; kemarin, Last night; kemarin malam, Last week; minggu lalu, Last
month; bulan lalu, Last year; tahun lalu.
C. Pattern
I / You / We / They:
→ (+) Subject + Verb 2 + Complement
→ (-) Subject + Did Not → (Didn’t) + Verb 1
→ (?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + ?
He / She / It:
→ (+) Subject + Verb 2 + Complement
→ (-) Subject + Did Not → (Didn’t) + Verb 1
→ (?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + ?
D. Examples
I / You / We / They:
→ (+) I went to the park yesterday
→ (-) I didn’t go to the park yesterday
→ (?) Did I go to the park yesterday?
He / She / It
→ (+) Jordan broke a vas last night
→ (-) Michelle didn’t break a vas last night
→ (?) Did Aaron break a vas last night?


A. The usage
In general, the past continuous tense is the simple past to show that an activity or
situation started and ends at a certain time in past. (Betty Azar, Page 45, 2009)
Past continuous tense (or also called past progressive tense) to talk about actions that
were in progress (not finished) around a certain time in the past.
Past continuous tense (atau disebut juga past progressive tense) untuk membicarakan
tindakan yang sedang berlangsung (belum selesai) sekitar waktu tertentu di masa lalu.
B. Time Signal
Last night: semalam, When: ketika, At this time yesterday: pada saat seperti ini
kemarin, At 7 o’clock last night: pukul 7 tadi malam, while: ketika, All day: sepanjang hari,
At that momen : pada saat itu.
C. Pattern
I / You / We / They / He / She / It:
→ (+) Subject + was/were + verb-ing
→ (-) Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing
→ (?) Was/Were + subject + verb-ing?
D. Examples
I / You / We / They/ He / She / It:
→ (+) I was studying last night.
→ (-) We were not watching TV at that time.
→ (?) Was she talking to him at the party?


A. The usage
The past perfect expresses an activity that was completed before another activity or
time in the past. (Betty Azar, Page 50, 2009)
The past perfect tense is the tense we use to describe past activities that happened and
were completed before another event or time in the past.
Past perfect tense adalah tense yang kita gunakan untuk menggambarkan aktivitas masa
lalu yang terjadi dan diselesaikan sebelum peristiwa atau waktu lain di masa lalu.
B. Time Signal
Back then; dulu, Before; sebelum, Ago; yang lalu, Formerly; dahulu, Previously;
sebelumnya, Yesterday; kemarin, Last night; kemarin malam, Last week; minggu lalu, Last
month; bulan lalu, Last year; tahun lalu.
C. Pattern
I / You / We / They / He / She / It:
→ (+) Subject + Had + Verb 3
→ (-) Subject + Hadn’t + Verb 3
→ (?) Had + Subject + Verb 3 + ?
D. Examples
I / You / We / They/ He / She / It:
→ (+) My father had watched the movie before he moved to the bedroom.
→ (-) My father hadn’t watched the movie before he moved to the bedroom.
→ (?) Had my father watched the movie before he moved to the bedroom?
A. The usage
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a tense used to tell an event or action that started in
the past, happened in the past, and is ongoing in the past. The past perfect continuous tense
formula is formed from the auxiliary verb "had", followed by "been" and the main verb
"verb-ing" (present participle).
Past Perfect Continuous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menceritakan
sebuah kejadian atau aksi yang dimulai di masa lalu, terjadi di masa lalu, dan sedang
berlangsung di masa lampau. Rumus past perfect continuous tense terbentuk dari kata kerja
bantu "had", diikuti dengan "been" dan kata kerja utama "verb-ing" (present participle)
B. Time Signal
After; sesudah, Before; sebelum, When; ketika, For; selama, Since; sejak, By last;
menjelang, By the time; menjelang.
C. Pattern
I/ You/ We/ They / He/ She/ It:
→ (+) Subject + had + been + Present Participle → (V-ing)
→ (-) Subject + had + not + been + Present Participle → (V-ing)
→ (?) Had + Subject + been + Present Participle → (V-ing) + ?
D. Examples
• Adjective:
→ (+) Jae had been working hard for a long time
→ (-) Jae had not been working hard for a long time
→ (?) Had Jae been working hard for a long time?
• Noun:
→ (+) I had been helping your sister since you're not here
→ (-) I had not been helping your sister since you're not here
→ (?) Had I been helping your sister since you're not here?
• Adverb:
→ (+) Andy had been traveling around the world for a year
→ (-) Andy had not been traveling around the world for a year
→ (?) Had Andy been traveling around the world for a year?

A. The usage

The type used to express future events, either planned (be going) or spontaneously
(will) Jenis yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa depan, baik secara terencana
atau secara spontan

B. Time signals

If; Jika, When/While; Ketika, Before; Sebelum, After; Sesudah, As soon as; Segera,
Until; Hingga, Tomorrow; besok, Till; Hingga,

C. Pattern

Verbal sentences

→ (+) Subject + will/shall + V1+ complement

→ (-) Subject + will/shall + not + V1 + complement

→ (?) will/shall + Subject + V1 + complement ?

Nominal sentences

→ (+) Subject + will/shall + be + complement

→ (-) Subject + will/shall + not + be + complement

→ (?) will/shall + Subject + be +complement ?

D. Example


With s/es :

→ (+) The new year will be brings hope for a better future

→ (-) The new year will not be bring hope for a better future.

→ (?) Will the new year be bring hope for a better future?

Without s/es :

→ (+) His speech tomorrow will be undoubtedly inspire many.

→ (-) His speech tomorrow will not be undoubtedly inspire many.

→ (?) Will his speech tomorrow be undoubtedly inspire many?

Nominal :

• Adjective

→ (+) The upcoming concert will be spectacular.

→ (-) The upcoming concert will not be spectacular.

→ (?) Will the upcoming concert be spectacular?

• Noun

→ (+) The graduation ceremony will be a joyous occasion

→ (-) The graduation ceremony will not be a joyous occasion

→ (?) Will the graduation ceremony be a joyous occasion ?

• Adverb

→ (+) Budi will be take intermediate accounting class tomorrow.

→ (-) Budi will not be take intermediate accounting class tomorrow.

→ (?) Will Budi be take intermediate accounting class tomorrow ?


A. The usage

Used for actions that will be ongoing at a specific moment in the future. Digunakan
untuk tindakan yang akan berlangsung pada saat tertentu di masa depan.

B. Time signals

At this time tomorrow (Pada waktu ini besok), At the same time tomorrow (Pada waktu
yang sama besok)

C. Pattern

→ (+) Subject + will/shall + be + verb-ing + complement

→ (-) Subject + will/shall + not + verb-ing + complement

→ (?) Will/shall + subject + be + verb-ing + complement ?

D. Example

(+) Dika will be studying English tomorrow.

(-) Dika will not be studying English tomorrow.

(?) Will Dika be studying English tomorrow ?

XII. Future Perfect Tense

A. The usage

expresses an activity that will be completed before another time or event in the future.
mengungkapkan kegiatan yang akan diselesaikan sebelum waktu atau acara lain di masa depan.

B. Time signals

By the end of ...; Menjelang akhir dari ..., Before; Sebelum, By next; Selambatnya, By now;
Pada waktu ini

C. Pattern

Verbal sentences

→ (+) subject + will + have + verb-3 + complement

→ (-) subject + will + not+ have + verb-3 + complement

→ (?) will+ subject + + have + verb-3 + complement?

Nominal sentences

→ (+) subject + will + have + been + complement

→ (-) subject + will + not+ have + been + complement

→ (?) will + subject + have + been + complement?

D. Example

Verbal: With s/es

→ (+) Rachmawati will have finished her homework by the time her parents arrive

→ (-) Rachmawati will not have finished her homework by the time her parent arrives


→ (?) Will Rachmawati have finished her homework by the time her parent arrives


Verbal: Without s/es

→ (+) Dwi will have reached their destination before sunset.

→ (-) They will not have reached their destination before sunset.

→ (?) Will Dwi have reached their destination before sunset?


• Adjective

→ (+) The project completion will have been a remarkable achievement

→ (-) The project completion will not have been a remarkable achievement

→ (?) Will the project completion have been a remarkable achievement?

• Noun

→ (+) The company's expansion plans by 2025 will have been a strategic move.

→ (-) The company's expansion plans by 2025 will not have been a strategic move.

→ (?) Will the company’s expansion plans by 2025 have been a strategic move?

• Adverb

→ (+) Rizqy will have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning.

→ (-) Rizqy will not have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning.

→ (?) Will Rizqy have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning?

A. The Usage

Simple Past Future Tense is a form of verb in English to talk about the future from the

perspective of the past.

Simple Past Future Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk

membicarakan masa depan dari perspektif masa lalu.

B. Time signals

Usually; Biasanya, Always; Selalu, Often; Sering, Ever; Pernah, Never; Tidak pernah, Seldom;
jarang, Hardly; Sangat jarang.

C. Pattern


→ (+) S + will+ be + ANA

→ (-) S+will+ not + be + ANA

→ (?) Will+S+be+ ANA?

→ (?) (Wh-) WH-Questions+ will + S + be + ANA?


→ (+) S+will+V1

→ (-) S+will+ not + V1

→ (?) Will + S + V1?

→ (?) (Wh-) WH-Questions + will + S + V1?

D. Example


→ (+) I will be home in 30 minutes.

→ (-) I won't be home in 30 minutes.

→ (?) Will you be home in 30 minutes?

→ (?) (Wh-) When will you be home?


→ (+) My father will arrive between 6 and 7 tonight.

→ (-) My father won't arrive between 6 and 7 tonight.

→ (?) Will your father arrive between 6 and 7 tonight?

→ (?) (Wh-) When will your father arrive tonight?

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