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Name: Orlino, Joshua S.

Section: ARC 211


1. Rank the elements of the state from the most important to the least important and
provide why you chose one over the other.

- For me, my ranking is as follows: Sovereignty, Population, Territory, Government. I

chose Sovereignty as my first choice as I do believe it is the most important element of
the state. It ensures that a state can function properly and effectively that considers its
citizens as well. Sovereignty is the foundation in which all other elements are built upon.
Once it is compromised, all other elements will fail as well. Second is Population, it
basically is what the state is made for, the people. The state’s main purpose is to serve
and cater to its people, addressing their needs and concerns that ultimately lead to its
solidity. Third is Territory, this is where the state’s control starts and ends. It is the plot of
land in which all the state operates. It is in 3rd place since it is basically made of the first
two elements: Sovereignty & Population. Last is Government. This is where the
implementation of the laws, regulations, policies etc. come into play. It is the interaction
of the state and its people. It is in 4th because without all the other elements before it, it is

2. Among the theories of the origins of the state, which do you think is the most logical
in explaining how states came about? Explain your answer.

- Upon studying the theories of the state's origins, I believe the Social Contract Theory is
the most logical. The Social Contract theory states that it originated from a voluntary
agreement between individuals that in essence, built the government and its rights. I
chose this theory as it is defined by our choices and not by other factors such as religion
etc. It is made by people, for the people. The theory revolves around the concept of
humanity and how we humans rely on our natural instinct to survive and thrive.

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