Dart Lesson Plan

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Dart Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Beginner Dart Developers

Prepared by All Saints Tech Community


These Short documentation courses are meant to aid in your understanding of the Dart programming
language and it’s philosophy, together with some projects

1. The developer must be able to understand the philosophy of the language
2. The developer must be able to use his/her language the right way
3. Developer must be able to create and manage projects professionally

1. Visual Studio code or Gitpod
2. Github account
3. Learn Dart Documentation
4. Kodeco Dart basics


1. Divide yourselves into multiple groups
2. Following the curriculum and using the links given in materials needed section, discuss the given
component e.g if you want to learn about data types, go to any documentation website and search
for data types.
3. After finishing each section, you will be given code for the section for a specified learning
project. If you can be able to understand the process your group will be given an extra project to
test your knowledge on the section


Steps to check for student understanding

4. A developer can be able to build simple projects

5. A developer can be able to implement the language framework effectively
6. A developer has simple understanding on core components

Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson

Beginner Tutorials

● Introduction to Dart Programming: Overview of Dart programming, its features, and

● Installing and Setting up Dart: Installation and configuration of Dart programming
● Basic Syntax of Dart: Introduction to Dart's syntax, variables, data types, and operators.
● Control Structures: Understanding if-else statements, loops, and switch cases.
● Functions: Writing and calling functions in Dart.
● Object-Oriented Programming in Dart: Introduction to classes, objects, and inheritance.
● Lists and Maps: Creating and manipulating lists and maps in Dart.
● Exception Handling: Handling errors and exceptions in Dart.

Intermediate Tutorials

● Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Dart: Abstract classes, interfaces, and

● Generics: Understanding generic programming and implementing it in Dart.
● Asynchronous Programming: Understanding asynchronous programming in Dart, using
the async and await keywords.
● Streams and Futures: Working with streams and futures in Dart.
● File and Network I/O: Reading and writing files, making network requests in Dart.
● Reflection and Annotations: Understanding reflection and annotations in Dart.
● Testing: Writing unit tests in Dart using the built-in test library.
● Command-line Applications: Building command-line applications in Dart.

Advanced Tutorials

● Flutter: Building mobile apps with Flutter using Dart.

● Server-Side Programming with Dart: Building server-side applications using the Dart
language and frameworks like Aqueduct or Angel.

● Web Development with Dart: Building web applications using the Dart language and
frameworks like AngularDart or Dart Web.
● Compilers and Interpreters: Understanding how Dart compilers and interpreters work.
● Metaprogramming: Understanding metaprogramming in Dart.
● Concurrency: Understanding concurrency in Dart and implementing it in real-world
● Memory Management: Understanding memory management in Dart and optimizing
● Advanced Topics: More advanced topics in Dart like isolates, extensions, and foreign
function interfaces.

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