English Exam 2024

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Question 1

The concrete foundation supports the steel column, preventing downward movement. As well
as providing support, it anchors the column, holding it in position to stop it sliding or lifting.
To provide a connection, bolts are attached to a plate at the bottom of the column-called a base
plate. The bottoms of the bolts are embedded in the concrete of the foundation - that is, they are
surrounded and held by the concrete.
When foundations for steel columns are poured, cone-shaped holes are formed in the concrete
to accommodate bolts to hold down the base plate. The holes allow the tops of the bolts to have
a certain amount of play - that is, they are free to move slightly. This means the bolts can be
adjusted to allow the bolts to slot through the holes in the base plate, so that the plate and bolts
can fit together.
As the column is lowered into position, steel wedges are placed below the base plate. These act
as packers, and leave a gap between the plate and the concrete. The wedges also enable
adjustments to be made. By hammering a wedge horizontally, the side of the base plate can be
lifted, allowing the column to be plumbed.
A type of cement, called grout, is then placed beneath the base plate. This fills the gap between
the base plate and the foundation, and the holes around the bolts. It also seals the joint against
rainwater, protecting the bolts from corrosion.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage? Choose
either True, False or Not Stated if there is no information on this in the reading passage.
Cement mixture known as grout is used as a filler above the base plate. ..[[2]]..
Grout is the main material preventing the degradation of rafter connections. ..[[2]]..
Foundation can only keep the column in position to prevent it from rising. ..[[2]]..
Grout is the mixture obtained by mixing cement and sand with water. ..[[3]]..
The top of the bolts are anchored in the foundation. ..[[2]]..
Steel columns usually involves forming the holes while pouring the concrete. ..[[2]]..
Rainfall increase the speed of the degradation occurs in joints. ..[[3]]..
Packers enable adjustments to be made between the steel wedges and foundations. ..[[2]]..
By hammering a shim horizontally, the side of the base plate can be dropped. ..[[1]]..
Be plumped is the opposite of made exactly vertical. ..[[2]]..

Cement mixture known as grout is used as a filler above the base plate. False
Grout is the main material preventing the degradation of rafter connections. False
Foundation can only keep the column in position to prevent it from rising. False
Grout is the mixture obtained by mixing cement and sand with water. Not Stated
The top of the bolts are anchored in the foundation. False
Steel columns usually involves forming the holes while pouring the concrete. False
Rainfall increase the speed of the degradation occurs in joints. Not Stated
Packers enable adjustments to be made between the steel wedges and foundations. False
By hammering a shim horizontally, the side of the base plate can be dropped. True
Be plumped is the opposite of made exactly vertical. False
Question 2
Here is part of a text about civil engineering. Complete the text with the following words:
site investigation, feasibility study, design, tender, turnkey, building contractor, stability,
commission, maintenance, load-bearing, soil mechanics, hydraulics.

Any major civil engineering project starts with a ....[[1]]..... to assess both financial and
engineering aspects. During the feasibility study a preliminary ....[[2]]..... is carried out. Once a
scheme has been approved, a more extensive investigation is usually necessary to evaluate the
....[[3]]..... qualities and ....[[4]]..... of the ground. This filled is called ....[[5]]...... The design of
engineering works may require the application of principles of ....[[6]]....., thermodynamics and
nuclear physics. During the construction phase, a consulting engineer is often employed to be
responsible for ....[[7]]..... of the works, supplying specifications, drawings, and legal
documents to get competitive ....[[8]]..... prices. In a ....[[9]]..... or package contract the
....[[10]]..... undertakes to finance, design, specify, construct, and ....[[11]]..... the whole project.
....[[12]]..... is normally carried out by the contractor as part of the agreement; if there are
maintenance problem, it is the responsibility of the contractor to pay for any necessary work.

Solutions: feasibility study, site investigation, load-bearing, stability, soil mechanics,

hydraulics, design, tender, turnkey, building contractor, commission, maintenance

Question 3
Match the following words and phrases with their definitions

Feasibility study: investigation to asses s both financial and engineering aspects of a project
Site investigation: study of the proposed location to assess geology of the area
Maintenance: activities carried out after the project to ensure problems are solved
Soil mechanics: extensive investigation to evaluate the load-bearing qualities and stability of
the ground
Specifications: dimensions and measurements
Technical drawings: detailed plan of proposed structures
Commission a project: to order a plan to be carried out
Costing system: procedure to monitor the costs of a project so that management can get
information on development
Tender: offer of a bid for an engineering contract
Turnkey project: building or installation which is built, supplied, or installed complete and
ready to operate
Question 4
Here is part of a text about house building. Complete the text with the following words:
quantity surveyor, load-bearing, architect, carpenters, masons, electricians, plumbers, painters,
foundations, dug out, roofers, plasterers, surveyor

There are two main methods of building houses. In one, solid walls known as ....[[1]]..... walls
are constructed. They support the floors and the roof of the building. In the other, a
framework of steel, timber or concrete is constructed. The frame can be covered or filled in
with lightweight material.
When building a house, the .....[[2]].... first of all examines the site and makes a plan of the
size and shape of the plot of land. Next, an ....[[3]]...... makes a detailed drawing of the
building, and gives information about the materials which are to be used. A ......[[4]]......
calculates exactly how much of these materials will be needed for the building.
Then, the ground is ....[[5]].... and the ....[[6]].... laid. During building, .....[[7]].... make the
wooden structures, .......[[8]]....... cut and place stone, .......[[9]]...... construct the roof and
.......[[10]]...... cover walls and ceilings with plaster. Once the building has been completed,
........[[11]]....... lay meters of electrical cable, and .......[[12]]....... install pipes for heating and
water. Finally .........[[13]]......... paint the walls and ceilings of the building.

Solutions: load-bearing, surveyor, architect, quantity surveyor, dug out, foundations,

carpenters, masons, roofers, plasterers, electricians, plumbers, painters

Question 5
Replace the underlined words and expressions with the following words and expressions:
load, static load, loaded, exerted on, self-weight, uniformly distributed load, dynamic load,
magnitude, concentrated, an impulse, imposed on, point load
If you look at the objects around you, it's difficult to find something that couldn't be smashed
with a hammer. But if you laid a hammer down carefully on any of those objects, the force
....[[1]]..... which it put on ....[[2]]..... them wouldn't be sufficient to cause even the slightest
damage. This comparison illustrates the difference between:
 a moving force ....[[3]]....., which combines mass and movement to apply a shock
 a still force ....[[5]]....., which consists only of an object's own mass ....[[6]]......
Between the two situations, the size ....[[7]]..... of the load placed on ....[[8]]..... the surface is
dramatically different.
The above comparison illustrates another difference in the way surfaces are pressured
....[[9]]...... When a hammer is laid horizontally on a surface, its weight is spread over a
relatively large area. It therefore applies a spread out force ....[[10]]...... By contrast, when a
hammer hits something, only the edge of the hammer head comes into contact with the surface.
The force is therefore focused ....[[11]]..... in a small area, applying a localized pressure

Solutions: load, exerted on, dynamic load, an impulse, static load, self-weight, magnitude,
imposed on, loaded, uniformly distributed load, concentrated, point load

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