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Sample B

Information for Patients and Carers

Lunch or Dinr1er

If you have lost weight or your appetite is poor, making Soup - add milk, cream or grated cheese
simple changes to your meals and snacks rnay help.
This advice may not be suitable for some people with Sandwiches with meat > fish, cheese or eggs. Add
conditions such as swallowing difficulties or diabetes. mayonnaise> salad cream or chutney.
Ask your doctor or nurse for further advice if you are
unsure. Meals with creamy or cheese sauces such as macaroni
cheese, lasagne or fish in sauce
•j • •

Pies, pastries, pizza, sausages

Eat little and often - 3 small meals a day with 2-3
snacks in between meals Chips, roast potatoes or mashed potatoes with butter,
milk, cream or cheese
• Include meat, fish. chicken, eggs, milk, cheese,
yoghurt, beans or lentils at each meal Vegetables with white sauce, butter or cheese

Avoid low fat, sugar-free, diet foods and drinks Puddings

Try ready made meals if you don't feet like cooking Milk puddings with extra jam , sugar or cream
Having your drinks after meals may prevent you Cakes, pastries, jeUy or trifle. Add cream, ice-cream or
feeling full evaporated milk.
Try to have a pint of full fat milk every day. You can Creamy, full fat yoghurts with extra sugar
enrich this by stirring in 2-4 tablespoons of dried milk
powder. Use this instead of milk or water in drinks, Snacks and Drinks
cooking, cereals and puddings.
Crackers, crumpets, toast, pancakes or teacakes. Add
Eat what you enjoy most! butter, cheese ot jam.

Biscuits, chocolate, crisps, nuts

Ideas for meals and adding extra calories
Milky drinks such as coffee, hot chocolate, milk shakes,
Breakfast malted drinks. Add sugar and cream .

Cereal or porridge with milk, cream or sugar N ourishing drinks such as Complan or Build-up can be
bought in supermarkets or pharmacy shops.
Roll or toast thickly spread with butter or m argarine
and jam, m armalade or honey
If you continue to lose weight after following this
Bacon, egg or sausages advice, contact your doctor or nurse.

Developed by the Tayside f\lutnllon t.lotworn -.vith c:or1nbut1ons from panonts and carers. Fob 201 0

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