Physical Education and Wellness-2024-03-14

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Active Living: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can physical activity be included in daily life? How can physical activity contribute to health? What makes physical activity meaningful?

Learning Outcome Children explore physical activity in a variety of contexts. Students investigate the benefits of physical activity. Students investigate physical activity and relate it to personal experience.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Individual or group Physical activity Perform physical Immediate changes Physical activity Experience changes in Factors influencing Physical activity can Identify how factors
physical activity involves participation activity experiences from participating in causes immediate the body as a result of physical activity be influenced by a influence physical
includes in movement that provide personal physical activity changes in the body. participating in include variety of factors. activity.
play experiences in safe enjoyment. include physical activity. peers
active modes of and enjoyable faster breathing family Competence, Describe experiences
transportation environments. Explore a variety of faster heart rate culture confidence, and as a result of
recreation seasonal physical feeling good natural motivation can participating in
activities. increased thirst environments increase personal adventurous play.
Physical activities are built environments engagement and
informed by the cost of activities enjoyable experiences
seasons. and programs within physical
Adventurous play can
provide individuals
with opportunities to
establish personal
physical activity
develop confidence
and independence
experience healthy
develop movement
develop decision-
making and
develop physical

Physical literacy
includes developing
the competence,
confidence, and
motivation to be
physically active
throughout an
individual’s lifetime.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 1
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Physical activity needs Physical activity Discuss how rest is Physical activity is Physical activity Participate in physical Many physical Physical activity can Participate in physical
to be balanced with requires an individual required to allow the associated with mental supports mental activity in a variety of activities experienced be connected to activities on the land.
rest. to expend energy body to recover from health benefits, such health. contexts to improve on the land can be experiences on the
when moving. physical activity. as well-being. enjoyed across a land. Discuss safety
Rest contributes to happiness lifespan, such as measures related to
optimal health. calmness Reflect on personal hunting land-based physical
improved sleep feelings or emotional trapping activities.
positive well-being when fishing
relationships participating in gathering
physical activity. nature walks

Some land-based
physical activities may
require further safety
measures, such as
awareness of
Games and activities Physical activity can Participate in a variety Long-term health Regular physical Describe health Personal factors Physical activity can Participate in physical
can be done by an be experienced in a of physical activities benefits of regular activity has health benefits of regular affecting physical be modified in activities that can
individual or a group variety of ways. and games. physical activity benefits and can help physical activity. activity include response to a variety provide personal
(e.g., rhythmic, include prevent illness. time of personal factors. enjoyment.
gymnastic, expressive, stronger bones injury
challenging, stronger muscles enjoyment
adventurous, and improved brain
cultural). function
Each day provides Daily physical activity Select a variety of Preparation and Physical activities can Demonstrate
different opportunities supports mental health physical activity recovery actions can be enhanced through appropriate
for physical activity. and is foundational for opportunities to support endurance, preparation and preparation for and
a healthy lifestyle. experience regularly. improve flexibility, and recovery. recovery from physical
Play can be structured, reduce the risk of activity.
unstructured, or Engagement in injury.
adventurous. various types of play
supports motivation Preparation for and
Adventurous play and confidence in recovery from physical
includes experiencing physical activities activity include
challenging activities (physical literacy). nutrition and
in outdoor learning hydration
environments. warm-up and cool-
Games and activities appropriate
can be done by an equipment, clothing,
individual or a group and footwear
(e.g., rhythmic,
gymnastic, expressive,
challenging, and

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 2
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Physical activity can Participation in Demonstrate positive

promote positive physical activity interactions with others
interactions with others supports mental health during physical activity.
through shared and provides
interests, goal setting, opportunities for
and experiences. individuals to interact
positively with others.
Games and activities
can be enjoyed in a
variety of ways (e.g.,
rhythmic, gymnastic,
expressive, individual,
adventurous, and
Physical activity can Physical activity can Participate in physical
be categorized as require varying activities that require
light, moderate, and degrees of exertion various levels of
vigorous. and energy. exertion and energy.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 3
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can an awareness of the body facilitate movement? How might awareness of the surroundings impact movement? How are awareness and movement connected?

Students refine and apply spatial awareness across a variety of physical

Learning Outcome Children explore spatial awareness in a variety of physical activity contexts. Students exhibit spatial awareness during a variety of physical activities.
activity contexts.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Spatial awareness Spatial awareness Practise moving in Spatial awareness Spatial awareness Demonstrate various Spatial awareness is Spatial awareness can Scan and assess
includes knowing helps people move relation to the location includes the ability to helps individuals think ways of moving safely knowing how the body be improved through surroundings to
one’s location relative safely during various and proximity of judge one’s distance about their whole body through space during moves through space. ongoing scanning and support spatial
to physical activities. people or objects in a in relation to as it moves through physical activity. assessment of awareness.
people variety of physical people personal and general surroundings.
objects activity contexts. objects space.
the surrounding the surrounding
environment environment Spatial awareness
involves moving
Personal space is the creatively to safely
physical space navigate through
immediately personal and general
surrounding an space.

General space is the

space within a defined
area through which an
individual can move.
Responses that Environmental cues Demonstrate Spatial awareness Effective decision Refine movement
support movement can help individuals appropriate responses includes the ongoing making related to skills in relation to
through general space with their spatial to environmental cues. process of making spatial awareness can people or objects in a
include awareness in order to decisions in relation to support favourable variety of physical
adjusting location navigate through people or objects. movement outcomes. activities.
and distance general space.
stopping on signal
moving safely
Awareness of spatial Spatial awareness can Modify and adapt
changes may require influence movement game play based on
creativity and within and across awareness of spatial
modifications to game physical activities. changes.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 4
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can an awareness of the body facilitate movement? How might awareness of the surroundings impact movement? How are awareness and movement connected?

Students demonstrate how movement can support different types of

Learning Outcome Children investigate movement of the body. Students modify movement to improve control and efficiency.
physical activity.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Movement of the body Movement is any Practise movement in Locomotor Locomotor movement Demonstrate a variety The preparation phase Three phases of Experiment with the
can occur in a variety physical activity that any direction from one movements can occur occurs when the body of locomotor or ready position movement include three phases of
of ways, such as includes changes of point to another. in a variety of ways, travels from one point movements. includes preparation, carrying movement in a variety
walking position or physical such as to another. facing the target out, and completion or of physical activities.
running location. crawling Perform locomotor establishing a follow-through.
jumping skipping movements in a variety stable position Modify one or more
throwing hopping of physical activity finding a lower phases of movement
kicking rolling contexts. centre of gravity to improve control and
catching leaping efficiency.
Participate in a variety The carrying-out phase
First Nations, Métis, of First Nations, Métis, includes the body
and Inuit physical and Inuit physical gathering momentum
activities and games activities and games. and working to
are played for specific produce movement.
purposes that support
physical movements The completion or
used in daily life. follow-through phase
includes movement
continuing in the
direction of action,
slowing down of
movement, and
regaining stability.
Indoor contexts include Movement can occur Explore movement in a Non-locomotor Non-locomotor Perform non- Movement skills can Movement skill Participate in
gymnasiums in a variety of indoor variety of indoor and movements can occur movement is locomotor movements be refined and development requires repeated practice for
classrooms and outdoor physical outdoor physical in a variety of ways, performed within in a variety of physical corrected with repeated practice and skill development.
arenas activity contexts. activity contexts. such as personal space. activity contexts. feedback and effort
balancing practice. . Reflect on the
Outdoor contexts twisting Performance in performance of
include bending physical activities can movement skills, and
ice be enhanced by effort apply ways to be more
snow and repeated practice. efficient.
water Feedback and
land practice can enhance
enjoyment, and
physical literacy.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 5
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Creative movement Movement can help Demonstrate Object manipulation Object manipulation is Demonstrate a variety Locomotor Learned movements Utilize movement skills
can be inspired by express ideas, movement of the body can occur in a variety the ability to control of object-manipulation movements can occur can be utilized across from one physical
imagination feelings, and in creative ways. of ways, such as and handle objects skills. in a variety of ways, physical activity activity in another
music emotions. sending objects, with the body. such as contexts. physical activity.
literature including pushing, Select appropriate galloping
nature throwing, and object-manipulation wheeling
kicking skills required for jogging
receiving objects, various physical
including catching activity contexts. Non-locomotor
retaining objects, movements can occur
including trapping in a variety of ways,
and carrying such as

Object manipulation
can occur in a variety
of ways, such as
sending objects,
including passing
and pulling
retaining objects,
including bouncing
receiving objects,
including collecting

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 6
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question What is fair play? How can fair play contribute to engagement in physical activity? How can teamwork support participation, safety, and enjoyment?

Students demonstrate fair play and support engagement in a variety of Students demonstrate teamwork and support participation in a variety of
Learning Outcome Children explore fair play through a variety of physical activities.
physical activities. physical activities.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Fair play is a set of Fair play informs Explore what fair play Fair play supports Fair play involves Demonstrate how fair Behaviours that Physical activities Display behaviours
expectations that help decisions that support looks like during a motivation, acknowledging the play encourages support participation have expectations that that support
individuals connect positive relationships. variety of physical participation, and a importance of all. participation. include support participation, participation, safety,
during physical activity. activities. feeling of being using fair-play safety, and enjoyment and participant
valued. practices for all. enjoyment.
respecting others
Fair play involves supporting others
building relationships using kind language
with people,
regardless of skill or
ability, in physical
Fair play includes Fair play ensures Demonstrate respect Fair-play practices Fair play is supported Demonstrate practices Teamwork can build Some physical Exhibit teamwork in a
honesty, respect, and fairness of the physical for others during include by practices that that support fair play. relationships and activities require variety of physical
goodwill to others. activity. physical activity. respecting rules contribute to a sense support others in teamwork. activity contexts.
taking turns of responsibility in a unique ways.
acknowledging variety of physical Teamwork is working
success of others activities. Teamwork includes with others to achieve
encouraging others communicating a common goal.
making decisions
Rules of play are sharing ideas
expectations contributing
associated with involving all
various physical participants

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 7
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Character Development: Exploration of life opportunities and virtues develops resilience and personal talents and promotes lifelong learning.

Guiding Question How can personal characteristics influence feelings and emotions? How can personal characteristics contribute to self-understanding? How are roles connected to character development?

Children describe personal characteristics and explore feelings and Students examine personal characteristics, feelings, and emotions and Students examine roles, responsibilities, and self-regulation and their
Learning Outcome
emotions. explore understanding of self. connections to self-understanding.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Personal Personal Identify how Personal Personal Recognize how A role is a specific Roles have different Describe and
characteristics are characteristics can characteristics can be characteristics can be characteristics can individual and group position that someone responsibilities. compare
features or qualities represent individuals unique or shared. unique or shared contribute to self- characteristics are holds in work, social, responsibilities
belonging to a person in place and time. among individuals and worth, self-confidence, unique and valued. or relational contexts connected with various
and can contribute to Identify personal groups. and self- roles.
how an individual characteristics. understanding.
views themselves Participate in a variety
(body image). of roles in learning
characteristics include
Expression of feelings Feelings can be Express feelings in a Personal Personal Describe personal There are a variety of Sense of community is Examine ways that
and emotions can be personal or shared variety of ways. characteristics can characteristics can learning strengths and roles available for developed through the individuals can
physical with others that are describe an help individuals abilities. individuals within a awareness of the roles positively contribute to
artistic trustworthy. individual’s strengths understand community. and responsibilities of communities through
verbal and abilities. themselves as Explore how some individuals within the various roles.
written Feelings and emotions learners. First Nations, Métis, community.
can be identified, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit view personal Investigate
expressed, and and Inuit recognize Personal characteristics as gifts opportunities to
described. individual characteristics can be that can contribute to participate in
characteristics as acknowledged in a individuals and community roles.
gifts. variety of ways in community.
different cultures.
Areas for nurture and Recognize that
development include cultures celebrate
patience personal
honesty characteristics in a
kindness variety of ways.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 8
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Individuals experience All people experience Recognize that Emotions show how Reactions to feelings Recognize how People, land, and Communities include Explore how the roles
feelings differently. feelings and emotions. feelings and emotions an individual feels. and emotions can be emotions can be animals have specific people, land, and and responsibilities of
are part of the human experienced and expressed. roles and animals. people, land, and
People can experience. People can observed. responsibilities that animals contribute
experience a range of experience a range of Identify and contribute to People, land, and positively to
feelings and emotions, feelings and emotions, Feelings can be communicate feelings community well-being. animals are community well-being.
such as such as identified and in a variety of contexts. interconnected.
happiness love communicated to help
sadness sadness people understand
surprise frustration one another.
Individuals can Feelings and emotions Identify strategies to Thoughts, feelings, Feelings, the body, Identify responses to Self-regulation is Self-regulation can Explain the benefits of
develop strategies to are connected and can recognize and and emotions are and the brain are emotions. effectively maintaining help decrease stress self-regulation.
respond to feelings change over time. respond to feelings connected to interconnected. control over attention, and manage anxiety.
and emotions, such as and emotions in a behaviour. thoughts, emotions,
by variety of situations. and behaviour in a
taking a break Awareness of the variety of situations.
changing activity or body’s reaction to
location emotion helps an Self-regulation is the
asking for support individual to choose ability to attain or
appropriate maintain a level of
Support for feelings responses, such as focus and function.
and emotions can focusing on
come from a variety of breathing
sources, such as taking a movement
parents break
family seeking out a
teachers supportive adult
school counsellors identifying feelings
spiritual leaders
Elders The body experiences
Knowledge responses to
Keepers emotions, including
fight, flight, or freeze.
Reflection and An individual’s Reflect on feelings and Self-regulation Self-regulation Describe strategies
feedback on feelings experiences can affect emotions that result strategies include strategies that that support self-
and emotions can feelings and emotions. from various personal breathing maintain or enhance regulation.
contribute to personal experiences. techniques positive emotions are
growth and learning. Feelings and physical activity important for Practise a variety of
experiences can nutrition and establishing effective self-regulation
influence learning. hydration breaks outcomes. strategies.
thinking before
challenges and

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 9
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Self-regulation can be Self-regulation can be Explore ways

developed with help of supported through communities work
community supports, community. together to support
such as self-regulation.
parents Self-regulation is
families connected to signals Identify signals that
caregivers from the body, mind, support self-regulation.
guardians and spirit.
school counsellors
spiritual leaders

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 10
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Safety: A lifetime of optimal well-being is supported by prioritizing health and safety.

Guiding Question What might boundaries look like in different situations? How can boundaries contribute to safety? How can safety be promoted in various contexts?

Learning Outcome Children recognize boundaries in various situations. Students explain how boundaries connect to safety. Students examine and apply personal safety in a variety of situations.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Boundaries in Boundaries are Describe personal, Consent includes Personal boundaries Practise ways to Safety strategies are Safety strategies and Practise safety
designated play or guidelines that help to physical, and visual giving permission or are connected to an express, request, developed for a variety procedures can be strategies and
work spaces include keep people safe. boundaries found in agreeing to individual’s body and obtain, or refuse of contexts, such as practised in a variety procedures in a variety
rules familiar contexts. something. personal space. consent relating to home of ways. of situations.
symbols personal boundaries. school
signs Consent includes Consent is established online
digital safety (digital asking for permission. by clearly emergencies
citizenship) communicating refusal
Refusal can be and permission.
communicated verbally
and non-verbally.

Individuals can use

non-verbal refusal
cues, such as
shaking head
facial expressions
hand gestures
walking away
Permission can be Personal boundaries Indicate permission Safety includes When boundaries are Identify trusted adults Safety is when Safety is needed for Discuss ways to
communicated verbally can be established verbally in a variety of understanding the crossed or in the school and individuals are free survival. respond in unsafe or
using the word “yes.” through permission contexts. differences between disrespected, children community who can from physical harm or uncomfortable
and refusal. situations that are safe can tell a trusted adult. support personal injury, illness, and Individual consent is situations.
Refusal can be Indicate refusal and those that are safety. emotional harm. important in making
communicated verbally verbally and non- unsafe or It is important to ask safe decisions.
using the word “no.” verbally in a variety of uncomfortable. for help in situations Describe differences Decisions for safety
contexts. that do not feel safe. between safe include requesting, Trusted adults in the
Refusal can be situations and unsafe obtaining, giving, or school and community
communicated verbally or uncomfortable refusing consent. can support individuals
and non-verbally. situations. in unsafe and
A variety of phrases situations.
can be used to request
permission, such as
“May I?”
“Can I, please?”
“Is it okay?”

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 11
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Personal boundaries Boundaries can be Identify how to Boundaries can Boundaries can Discuss situations or Substances can be Safety involves Classify situations that
can be communicated communicated to set communicate personal change in various change over time or in reasons that might harmful if used assessing for potential are safe and unsafe.
through words and expectations for how a needs and situations, including different situations. lead to a boundary incorrectly or not for risk or injury by
actions. person would like to expectations to others type of activity change. the intended purpose. identifying safe and Describe situations
be treated. in various situations. people involved unsafe situations and where substances may
purpose Situations and substances. be harmful.
use of technology contexts may present
different safety Examine how safety
concerns. can be improved in a
variety of situations.
Personal and group Boundaries are Discuss needs and
boundaries can be expressed to indicate wants that connect to
expressed through a need or a want feelings of safety and
rules related to feelings of security.
symbols safety and security.
signs Identify how
body language Substances can be boundaries might
harmful to personal protect a person or a
Safety includes safety. group of individuals.
knowing the difference
between safe and Identify household
unsafe substances at substances that may
home, in the school, be harmful.
and in the community.

A variety of
substances can be
harmful, such as
household products

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 12
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Healthy Eating: A lifetime of optimal well-being and physical wellness is supported by prioritizing nutrition and healthy eating.

Guiding Question Why is food necessary for life? How can food affect health? How can food impact well-being?
Students examine and connect a variety of foods to growth and Students examine internal and external factors that influence food choices
Learning Outcome Children explore how food connects to daily life.
development. and decisions.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Food is what Food provides energy Explore a variety of Whole foods are found Food can be natural or Differentiate between Cues associated with The human body Discuss cues
individuals eat or that helps the body foods that help the in nature. processed. whole foods and hunger include provides cues that tell associated with
drink. function and grow. body grow. processed foods. stomach growling an individual when they hunger and thirst.
Whole foods include low energy are hungry or thirsty.
fruit irritability
legumes Cues associated with
nuts thirst include
grains dry mouth
low energy
Processed foods headache
include whole foods
that have been
changed or have
added ingredients.

Processed foods can


Food can be obtained Food can be obtained Identify the source and A variety of foods A variety of food is Examine decision Food guidelines Food guidelines help Explore
from markets, grocery from a variety of origin of a variety of provide more or less needed by the body in making in food provide information to inform decision recommendations
stores, or directly from sources. foods. of what is needed by order to grow and selection. about the variety of making. from a variety of food
the land. the body. develop. foods the body needs. guidelines to support
Identify foods that nutritional decisions.
Food from the land Individuals make Individuals can expand contribute to the
can be obtained decisions about what their food preferences growth and
directly in a variety of to eat as part of their by trying new foods. development of the
ways, such as well-being. body.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Food allergies are Foods can contain Examine personal

when one’s body risks and benefits to food preferences.
reacts unusually to an individual’s health.
food. Identify personal food
Allergic reactions to
food can range from
mild to severe,
including anaphylactic

Food preferences are

ways an individual
chooses what to eat or
Food can foster Food can provide an Discuss ways that
community opportunity for food provides insights
connection individuals to into various cultures,
family experience various practices, and
tradition cultures and traditions. traditions.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 14
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.

Guiding Question What are healthy relationships? How can connections support healthy relationships? How can healthy relationships be portrayed in various contexts?
Children examine healthy relationships in learning and playing Students investigate how healthy relationships in learning and playing Students connect healthy relationships to a variety of learning and playing
Learning Outcome
environments. environments are built through connection. contexts.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Healthy relationships Relationship is a Describe ways people Playgrounds and Places that bring Describe the ways Healthy relationships Healthy relationships Reflect on how
can be based on feeling of being develop healthy community centres can people together community supports can be strengthened can include bonds personal relationships
shared experiences connected. relationships with other be places found within support relationships relationships with through frequent or formed with one are maintained or
shared interests people, the land, communities. within the community. others. ongoing interactions. another or with nature. strengthened.
kindness and Relationships can be animals, places, or
mutual respect made in learning and objects.
playing environments.
Friendship is a type of Define and practise
relationship. Friendships are friendship.
unique connections
A person can be between people.
connected to
another person
the land
a place
Healthy relationships Healthy relationships Discuss the impact Healthy relationships, Healthy relationships Explain how shared Community supports Connections and Identify sources of
can lead to a broad support social- healthy relationships including friendships, are an essential interests and goals include supports within a support within the
range of feelings. emotional well-being. have on personal can develop between human need and can support healthy resources community help to community to enhance
feelings. individuals and groups support social- relationships. programs develop social- well-being and
Healthy relationships when trust is built and emotional well-being. services emotional well-being. relationships.
can result in people share Explore how healthy
experiences of feeling something in common. Friendships add to relationships help fulfill Friendships can be Practise sharing and
loved, respected, feelings of well-being. human needs. developed based on listening to ideas of
cared for, and valued. sharing, listening to others.
Practise words and ideas, and having
actions that support experiences with
friendship. others.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 15
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Growth and Development: Decision making that optimizes personal health and well-being is informed by understanding growth and development.

Guiding Question How is growth unique and individual? How is growth multi-faceted? How can growth change over time?

Learning Outcome Children identify physical growth. Students investigate growth and its connection to healthy practices. Students examine how growth is affected by variables.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Physical growth is a Physical growth is Recognize that Physical growth Physical growth is the Describe how the Body image is the way Accepting and Recognize how a
process that can be different for everyone. physical growth is begins before birth change of features. body grows and an individual views or appreciating the variety of factors can
observed. different for everyone. and can continue changes over time. feels about their body. changes of the body affect healthy growth.
throughout a lifespan. Changes that occur during growth can
during growth are Factors influencing support positive body
Physical growth and unique to each growth include image.
physical changes in individual and are food
the body occur over something to physical activity Growth can be
time. appreciate and be rest affected by various
proud of. family traits factors.
Parts of the body can
be identified using
proper names.
Growth involves Bodies are special Describe physical Healthy hygiene Healthy hygiene Describe healthy Parts of the body that Growth of the body Acknowledge parts of
changes in an and unique. changes in the body practices include practices can support hygiene practices. exhibit different rates varies and happens at the body may
individual’s body. since birth. dental care health and growth. of growth include different rates. experience growth that
handwashing and hair is more visible.
sanitization foot size
protocols for height
sneezing and
not sharing
personal items
adequate rest and

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 16
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2

Organizing Idea Financial Literacy: Informed financial decision making contributes to the well-being of individuals, groups, and communities.

Guiding Question What is money? In what ways can money be used? How does decision making influence money management?

Learning Outcome Children explore money. Students explore money and how it is used for everyday living. Students relate money and decision making.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Canadian money Money has unique Explore the value of Canadian money Money can be used to Explore the value of Decisions about Managing money Distinguish between a
comes in many forms, features to represent Canadian coins and comes in many forms, exchange for goods Canadian coins and money include how involves making paying job and
such as its value. bills. such as and services. bills. much to decisions. volunteer work.
coins coins spend
bills Identify features of bills Money has value and Sort Canadian coins save Decisions related to Describe how money
Canadian coins and debit cards purpose in everyday and bills. share money are based on can be divided for
Canadian coins and bills. credit cards living. needs and wants. different purposes.
bills come in different Identify goods and Individuals can have a
denominations, such Canadian coins and Money has unique services that can be limited amount of Practise making
as bills come in different features to represent exchanged for money. money to spend. money-related
loonies denominations, such its value. decisions in a variety
toonies as Money spent on one of contexts.
$5 nickels item means less
$10 dimes money for other items
quarters or activities.
Canadian coins and loonies
bills have different toonies Individuals can save
features, such as $5 money for an item, an
colour $10 event, or the future.
number $20
images $50 Individuals can donate
size $100 money through
Images on Canadian organizations, and
coins and bills include agencies to help
wildlife others or support a
sports cause.
emblems Money can be earned
historic figures in exchange for work
that is done or goods
Money can be and services that are
shared provided.
saved Responsible decision
spent making involves
borrowed spending money on
needs before wants.
Goods are things that
are made and
produced and can be
touched, such as

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2


Services are things

individuals do for
others, such as
health services
personal services

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 18
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Active Living: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can a variety of physical activities be incorporated into an active lifestyle? In what ways can a variety of physical activities contribute to active living?

Learning Outcome Students examine how participation in a variety of challenging physical activities fosters well-being. Students examine how choices in physical activities affects active living.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Increased levels of physical activity Participation in a variety of physical Experience and reflect on how well- Active living options can vary for Choice in physical activity can Investigate how the choice of
support well-being and people activities supports well-being. being is supported through a variety individuals over time due to various enhance exposure to a variety of physical activity may change over
having healthier hearts, lungs, of physical activities. factors, such as active living options. time in relation to various factors.
and minds time
improving coordination preference Experience and reflect upon the
connecting with others access and availability benefits of building knowledge,
experiencing enjoyment sense of purpose skills, and confidence through a
variety of physical activities.
Active living options include
activities that are
A plan involves identifying a goal Planning for active living is Participate in physical activities that Components of physical fitness Physical fitness can support Participate in a variety of physical
and then listing the steps needed to important for leading a healthy life. increase in complexity. include performance in a variety of physical activities that develop various
reach that goal. muscular strength activities. components of physical fitness.
Participation in a variety of physical Identify and implement personal flexibility
Physical activities that can increase activities enables individuals to strategies to overcome challenges cardiorespiratory endurance
in complexity include pursue goals and plan activities that in a variety of physical activities. muscular endurance
rhythmic satisfy personal interests and
gymnastic preferences. Muscular strength is the amount of
expressive force produced by the muscles.
individual Exploration of a variety of physical
challenging activities can build transferable Flexibility is the ability of the body to
adventurous skills, self-knowledge, and move easily through a full range of
cultural resilience in the face of challenges. motion.

Cardiorespiratory endurance is the

ability of the heart and lungs to
provide muscles with oxygen and
blood over a given period of time.

Muscular endurance is the ability of

muscles to sustain a force for a
period of time.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 19
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Each season offers different Physical activity in diverse Modify plans for physical activity in Enjoyment can influence choice Healthy choices related to physical Engage in physical activities that
opportunities for active living. environments and during different response to changing seasons and related to physical activity. activity can lead to increased levels are enjoyable or rewarding.
seasons builds confidence and diverse environments. of interest and engagement.
Diverse environments can present resilience. Physical activity can be enjoyed by
opportunities and barriers for active an individual or as a group.
Rewarding and engaging physical
activity can foster motivation.
Participation in risk-taking and Participation in active living Participate in risk-taking and Awareness of community Involvement in a variety of physical Participate in physical activities that
adventurous play activities with provides individuals with options to adventurous play activities that programs, activity spaces, and activities can be supported by local are available and accessible within
reasonable risk can broaden skills develop confidence and promote well-being. people who can support physical communities. local communities.
for well-being. independence. activity is helpful when planning for
active living.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 20
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can tactics support movement competence? How can elements of movement and tactics support active living?

Learning Outcome Students examine and integrate tactics in a variety of physical activity contexts. Students select and implement strategies and tactics in a variety of physical activities.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Tactics are used to achieve Tactics function to support a Apply tactics in a variety of physical Strategies are plans of actions and Strategies and tactics can vary Practise offensive and defensive
desired outcomes through desired outcome or goal. activity contexts. choices used to set and achieve based on number of participants strategies and tactics in a variety of
purposeful movements applied by goals and enhance outcomes. and approach. physical activities.
individuals and groups and include Assess the effectiveness of tactics
changing direction applied in a variety of physical Strategies and tactics can be
changing speed activities. individual
passing an object group
changing levels offensive
Tactics are responses to other Tactics can be spontaneous, Implement a variety of tactics in Similar strategies and tactics exist Strategies and tactics can be Transfer strategies and tactics
participants and changing creative, or practised. response to other participants and across physical activities. transferred across physical across various physical activities.
situations. changing situations. activities to improve individual or
group success.
Tactics in First Nations, Métis, and Tactics in traditional First Nations, Investigate how tactics in First Roles within various physical Strategies and tactics can require Apply strategies and tactics that
Inuit physical activities and games Métis, and Inuit society are Nations, Métis, or Inuit physical activities include team members to have specific capitalize on the strengths of
help develop skills for everyday life, essential for survival of the activities and games help develop leader and follower roles and responsibilities. individuals and groups.
such as community and cultural continuity. skills for everyday life. offender and defender
familiarity with the land teammate and opponent Practise strategies and tactics in a
knowledge of weather patterns variety of roles.
and cycles
respect for self, others, and the
built and natural world
Strategies and tactical actions and Strategies and tactics can involve Implement strategies and tactics to
formations include actions or formations that enhance improve performance.
positioning of players performance.
adjusting elements of movement Reflect on strategies and tactics
use of equipment Strategies and tactics used in First used in various physical activities to
time of possession Nations, Métis, and Inuit games enhance performance.
honour place and can be
understood through the sharing of
generational knowledge.
Modifications for game situations Strategies and tactics can be Modify strategies and tactics based
include adapted or changed when the on changing game situations.
changes in the environment game situation is modified.
number of participants
equipment used
rule changes

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 21
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can elements of movement support movement competence? How can elements of movement support active living?

Learning Outcome Students investigate and demonstrate how elements of movement support physical activity. Students integrate and experiment with elements of movement to support physical activity.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Locomotor movements include Elements of movement can be Apply movement elements when Locomotor movements include Elements of movement are Integrate elements of movement in
sliding and chasing. modified to make creative engaging in physical activity. dodging and crossover. integrated through various various physical activities.
movements. combinations to create movement.
Non-locomotor movements include Non-locomotor movements include
twisting, rising up, and lowering. lifting, extending, and flexing.

Object-manipulation movements
sending objects, including
punting and striking
retaining objects, including
receiving objects, including
catching and collecting

Elements of movement include

space, direction, and effort.
Space includes the area around or The element of space can be Adjust movement in response to the Object-manipulation movements Elements of movement can be Perform elements of movement
taken up by the body. explored through body movement. element of space. involve manipulated to improve accuracy when receiving, sending, and
sending objects, including and control. retaining an object using various
Space can be volleying parts of the body and equipment.
general retaining objects, including
personal dribbling Manipulate movement elements to
in relation to people, objects, receiving objects, including improve efficiency, accuracy, and
and the surrounding environment catching and collecting control.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 22
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Directional movement is body The element of directional Demonstrate directional movement

movement in various directions, movement can be manipulated by in physical activity.
levels, and pathways. the body.

Directions include
forward and backward
up and down
left and right
lateral and diagonal

Levels include elevations that are


Pathways include
Force involves a push or a pull and Effort determines speed, time, and Experiment with effort in a variety of
can be strong or light. force. movement contexts.

Speed can be

Time involves tempo, beat, and


Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 23
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can teamwork support positive interactions? How can teamwork enhance participation in physical activity?

Learning Outcome Students identify and demonstrate how teamwork supports positive interactions during physical activity. Students connect and demonstrate how teamwork enhances participation in physical activity.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Teamwork allows opportunities for Teamwork provides opportunities Explore opportunities to contribute Team success is optimized through Teamwork provides individuals with Reflect on contributions made
individuals to explore for individuals to contribute to team to teamwork. the contributions of all members. opportunities to be accountable for during team activities.
interests efforts and goals. their contributions.
skills Team members show
talents accountability by being responsible
virtues for their actions or decisions.
Teamwork provides opportunities Encouragement of others can Engage in positive interactions that Teamwork strategies include Teamwork can involve individuals Demonstrate effective teamwork
to build relationships and create a support positive interactions during support teamwork. constructive feedback creating and enhancing strategies strategies during physical activity.
sense of purpose and belonging. physical activities. clarifying rules during physical activity.
clarifying role expectations
creating a safe environment
praise and encouragement of
consideration of individual and
group strengths
Participants can promote Team performance can be Experience a variety of roles and
teamwork, safety, and positive enhanced through effective responsibilities that support team
outcomes through contributions communication. performance.
made in different roles.
Explain the impact of
Communication skills can help communication on role clarity and
establish roles and responsibilities. responsibilities during physical

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 24
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Character Development: Exploration of life opportunities and virtues develops resilience and personal talents and promotes lifelong learning.

Guiding Question How are roles connected to character development? How can a variety of life experiences influence resilience and perseverance?
Students analyze different roles within varied contexts and examine how roles can support the development of
Learning Outcome Students interpret how resilience and perseverance can be influenced by a variety of life experiences.
talents, virtues, and resilience.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Community, social, and work roles Roles and occupations have Examine the requirements, Individuals can seek out Experiences can be individual or Determine a variety of contexts in
can require certain actions, requirements, purposes, and purposes, and expectations of a experiences based on their shared and can occur in a variety of which experiences can be
behaviours, and responsibilities. expectations. variety of roles and occupations. interests contexts. individual or shared.
Individuals can hold multiple roles at personal enjoyment Experiences can provide a sense Investigate experiences in a variety
one time. ambitions of purpose and belonging. of contexts.

Roles can vary between Experiences can occur in a variety

cultures of contexts, including
organizations physical
communities social
families emotional
Family structures can vary; may Roles are influenced by family, role Investigate how personal talents Experiences can be represented Experiences can lead to personal Examine how experiences with
include extended family; and may models, learning environments, and and potential are influenced by role through places, languages, and development. places or artifacts can be
consist of a single parent, a mother community. models. cultural artifacts. meaningful.
and a father, stepparents, two
fathers, or two mothers. Roles are established and Experiences on the land are
maintained through culture and significant to learning and personal
Families can be intergenerational relationships with people and the development in First Nations,
with many generations residing in land. Métis, and Inuit communities.
one home.

Children may spend time between

more than one family.

Positive role models can inspire

individuals to develop personal
talents and potential.
Roles can connect to specific life Individuals can assume or earn Examine how roles can provide Strategies that support resilience Resilience may result in the Describe strategies that support
and career stages to provide various roles in their lifetime. individuals with opportunities to include increased ability to respond to resilience.
individuals with opportunities to develop. identifying a purpose future adversity.
develop seeking positive role models
talents focusing on the solution instead Resilience is supported by
personalities of the challenge development of perseverance over
attributes breaking down tasks into time.
virtues smaller, achievable goals

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 25
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Self-regulation helps individuals to Individuals can use self-regulation Practise self-regulation to maintain Perseverance involves effort, Perseverance is continuing with a Examine how challenging situations
engage with commitments, to adjust to various situations. engagement in a variety of courage, commitment, and belief in difficult task for a short or long can involve perseverance.
expectations, and tasks. situations. one’s abilities to be successful. period of time.

Personal success is unique to each Perseverance can enable an

person. individual to succeed despite
Resilience includes the capacity to The development of resilience is Identify emotions in a variety of Perseverance is supported by Perseverance is finding ways to Examine the connection between
manage adversity or stress in supported through understanding of situations. goal setting continue to improve skills and stay perseverance and personal growth
effective ways. emotions. practice motivated during difficult situations. and learning.
self-regulation Explain how perseverance affects
reflection skill development and motivation.

Reflection and feedback on

success and failure provide
opportunities for personal growth
and learning.
Self-regulation and resilience can Resources are available when self- Create a plan to identify self- Volunteerism is an experience of Volunteer experiences can enable Identify ways volunteering can
be supported by resources, such as regulation strategies are not regulation resources that can be donating time, talent, and energy for individuals to function as balanced, contribute to a sense of purpose
parents effective or when an individual is accessed when needed. the benefit of people and contributing members of a and belonging.
family and kin feeling overwhelmed. community. community.
teachers and school counsellors
health-care professionals Volunteerism can provide
community agencies opportunities to
spiritual leaders develop skills and interests
Elders contribute to the community
Knowledge Keepers create a sense of satisfaction
and commitment
build confidence and resiliency

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 26
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Safety: A lifetime of optimal well-being is supported by prioritizing health and safety.

Guiding Question How is safety connected to health? How can taking responsibility impact safety?

Learning Outcome Students investigate and explain safety and its correlation to health. Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Proactive planning includes Safety involves prevention that Examine situations that require Responsibility includes making Responsibility includes the Describe responsibility and its
wearing appropriate and requires proactive planning. proactive planning. decisions to ensure self or others opportunity, ability, or right to act impact on personal and group
protective gear are not in unsafe and uncomfortable independently or make decisions. safety in a variety of contexts.
awareness of instructions and situations.
digital citizenship (responsible
conduct and safety)
Consent is established by clearly Consent is important for personal Practise permission and refusal Consent is critical to respecting the Responsibility includes respecting Identify situations where
requesting, obtaining, and giving safety. skills in a variety of contexts. rights, feelings, and belongings of the rights and feelings of others. responsibility supports the rights
permission or communicating others. and feelings of others.
refusal in support of personal
Specific rules or guidelines can Rules and guidelines can promote Explain the function or purpose of Responsibility occurs in a variety of Responsibility includes an Examine how responsibility can
determine a course of action safety in various contexts. specific rules or guidelines within contexts, such as awareness of surroundings to impact safety in a variety of
prevent accidents various contexts. home determine the safety of a situation. situations.
protect safety of self and others learning environment

Responsibility includes making

decisions when dealing with and
handling a variety of substances.
Experiences that involve challenges Safety is impacted by the Generate examples of situations
and taking risks can develop environment and behaviours. where behaviours would be
knowledge around safety. appropriate and others where they
Use of legal and illegal substances would involve risk.
Substances can be classified in can impact well-being.
different ways, including legal and Discuss reasons why substances
illegal. might be classified as legal or
Resource that support personal Safety of self and others can be Identify available resources that
safety include met through awareness of supports. support safety.
safety networks
emergency services
safety manuals or guidelines

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 27
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Healthy Eating: A lifetime of optimal well-being and physical wellness is supported by prioritizing nutrition and healthy eating.

Guiding Question How does nutrition function in the body? How can nutrition influence health?

Learning Outcome Students investigate food and describe how it affects the body. Students examine nutrition and explain how it informs decision making about food.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Food provides energy and Optimal brain and body functions Explore the effects of food and Nutrients provided by foods include A variety of foods are required to Explain the effect of nutrition on
nourishment to the brain and body. are influenced by foods and hydration on the brain and body. fats provide different nutrients for body well-being.
hydration. proteins functions and well-being.
The most effective way to hydrate carbohydrates
the body is by drinking water. water
Some foods and drinks can provide minerals
hydration to the body.
The characteristics of food can be The characteristics of food vary and Examine how food-preparation Sources of nutritional information Credible nutritional information for Identify sources of credible
affected by can be affected by food- techniques can affect the that support balanced food choices decision making can come from a nutritional information to determine
cooking preparation techniques. characteristics of common foods. include variety of sources. the requirements for balanced food
storing health professionals choices.
preparing nutrition guidelines
freezing food labels Consider nutritional information that
drying supports decisions related to
balanced food choices.
Characteristics of food that can be
affected by preparation techniques
Food labels provide nutritional Food choices can affect the ability Explore benefits associated with
information and ingredients. to acquire essential nutrients. various foods.

Food portion sizes and number of Investigate food choices that

servings can inform balanced require alternative sources of
nutrition choices. nutrition.

Food choices, including being

vegetarian or vegan, can influence

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 28
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.

Guiding Question How can problem solving support healthy relationships? How can resolving conflict and healthy relationships be mutually supportive?

Learning Outcome Students investigate and describe how problem solving can affect healthy relationships. Students reflect on resolution and explain connections to healthy relationships.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Individuals in healthy relationships Problem solving and resolution can Generate solutions to problems in a Conflict resolution can occur using Resolution supports healthy Describe strategies that can be
resolve conflict by sharing the facilitate understanding and variety of relationship contexts. a variety of strategies, such as relationships. used to support resolution to a
responsibility in coming to fair connections among people. creating a safe environment problem, conflict, or challenge.
solutions to problems. Identify respectful and positive communicating respectfully
interactions with others. negotiating and compromising
Characteristics of healthy reflecting on actions taken
relationships and friendships Practise conflict-resolution or implementing appropriate
include problem-solving strategies that solutions
care, trust, mutual respect, and support friendships. making repeated efforts to solve
support a problem
open, honest, and safe
communication Resolution requires personal
equality responsibility and
acknowledgement of conflict.
Problem solving is a process of
finding a resolution to a problem.

Problem solving includes

rephrasing to clarify
determining relevant information
considering possible outcomes

Friends can resolve conflicts by

listening to one another
trying to understand each other’s
point of view
taking time to consider solutions
getting help from a peer or an

Resolution involves individuals

taking responsibility for actions and

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 29
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Individuals in the community share Resolution within communities Investigate how communities use Bullying is repeated, deliberate, Individuals have the right to live in Recognize harmful bullying
in the responsibility for offering fair seeks to restore balance with self, resolution to restore balance within and targeted behaviour with intent healthy, safe, and bully-free behaviours.
solutions to problems. others, and the land. relationships. to harm. environments.
Identify actions that can be taken
Bullying behaviour can be seen or when bullying occurs.

Roles of individuals in situations of

bullying include the bully, the bullied,
and the bystander.

Actions to address bullying include

speaking up
walking away
getting help
safely intervening
reporting the incident
Relationship building and resolution Resolution can contribute to people Explain the connection between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit In First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Discuss the importance of
include interacting with others in a resolution and developing healthy communities have traditional communities, resolution involves traditional First Nations, Métis, or
empathy respectful and positive manner. relationships. events, processes, and ceremonies restoring harmony and balance to Inuit events and ceremonies and
forgiveness to renew relationships, restore maintain individual and community how events and ceremonies are
compromise balance, and reconcile conflict. well-being. effective for reconciling
respect relationships.
Resolution involves recognizing that Resolution requires the sharing of Explain the significance of
actions have consequences for multiple points of view. acknowledging conflict and taking
oneself, others, and the community. responsibility when working toward

Discuss multiple points of view

involved in a resolution.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 30
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Growth and Development: Decision making that optimizes personal health and well-being is informed by understanding growth and development.

Guiding Question How can development evolve throughout growth? How is change reflected through development?

Learning Outcome Students examine and describe development related to personal growth. Students explore various areas of development.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Development is the process of Development is a natural, multi- Describe changes in the areas of Social-emotional changes include Social-emotional factors influence Describe changes related to social-
becoming a unique person. faceted, and continuous process. development that occur during self-image positive mental health and well- emotional development.
childhood. self-confidence being.
Areas of development are body image
interconnected and include emotions
mind relationships
body social skills
Development can be During development, progress may Examine instances where different Social development includes Social development helps build and Consider how to interact and
observed be made in some areas and limited areas of development can developing an awareness of a maintain positive relationships. respond to others in a variety of
experienced in other areas. simultaneously progress, be variety of social and cultural contexts and situations.
described limited, or remain unchanged. contexts.

Social development includes

expanding social networks
taking on new responsibilities
embracing new challenges
One stage of development Development can happen in Examine life stages and how they Intellectual development includes Intellectual development can enable Describe changes related to
establishes the necessary body predictable life patterns or stages. correlate to personal development. the critical and creative use of the individuals to think, reason, and intellectual development.
conditions for the next stage. mind to its fullest potential in areas, organize ideas and thoughts to
such as make informed decisions.
Each developmental stage comes concentration
with new perception
expectations problem solving
abilities memory

Life stages include


Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 31
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Internal developmental factors Internal and external factors Communicate how internal and Social-emotional, intellectual, and Social-emotional, intellectual, and Explore ways of supporting
include influence development at different external factors can affect spiritual development can occur spiritual development are personal development.
family traits (genetics) rates. development. through supported in many ways.
personality traits listening
life experiences observing
previous learning communicating
speaking first language with
External developmental factors others
include learning
social relationships

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 32
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Growth and Development: Decision making that optimizes personal health and well-being is informed by understanding growth and development.

Guiding Question How is change reflected through development?

Learning Outcome Students explain how development and puberty are connected.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures

Puberty is a period of rapid Puberty can allow individuals to Recognize that puberty marks
growth and progression from take on new roles and the beginning of a new life stage
childhood through adolescence responsibilities and experience as individuals move toward
to adulthood. new learning opportunities. becoming mature adults.

Puberty marks the beginning of

the life stage of adolescence.

A growth spurt can be an

indicator of the beginning of

Puberty prepares the human

body for reproduction.

Puberty prepares people to

function as adults, with healthy

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 33
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Differences in physical Puberty is a process of Describe changes that happen

characteristics can occur during maturation that includes during puberty.
and after onset of puberty. physical and social-emotional
The progression of puberty can
be experienced in unique ways. Awareness of changes that
happen in puberty can support
Physical changes in puberty mental health and emotional
include well-being.
growth of body hair
skin changes
voice changes
sperm production

Puberty can result in social-

emotional changes, such as
increased intensity of feelings
friendships becoming more
emphasis on body image
wanting to fit in and be liked
Some cultures have different Cultural traditions can mark the Explore how transitions into
celebrations that recognize the transition from childhood to puberty are acknowledged in
transition into puberty. adulthood. different cultures.

Recognize that First Nations,

Métis, or Inuit entry into puberty
can be accompanied by
ceremony that supports the
ongoing transition into
Adolescents may have Sources of support are available Identify credible sources in the
questions about puberty and its for adolescents during puberty. community to support
associated changes. individuals through the changes
that occur during puberty.
Puberty can be supported using
credible sources, such as
parents and caregivers
health professionals
spiritual leaders
Knowledge Keepers

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 34
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Changes to hygiene practices Puberty can require changes in Identify how personal hygiene
include personal hygiene practices. practices may need to be
using deodorant or modified as the body changes.
showering or bathing more
changing clothes regularly

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 35
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Organizing Idea Financial Literacy: Informed financial decision making contributes to the well-being of individuals, groups, and communities.

Guiding Question In what ways can money management be supported? What is personal finance?

Learning Outcome Students describe strategies that support responsible money management. Students examine factors that influence spending.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Good money habits allow Individuals can develop good habits Discuss the importance of Money is commonly exchanged in Goods and services can be Identify a variety of situations that
individuals to appreciate the value early in life to make responsible responsible spending and saving. the form of purchased in a variety of ways. would use different forms of money.
of money and the importance of money decisions now and in the currency
managing it. future. Identify possible short-term and credit cards Consider a variety of factors when
long-term saving goals. debit cards making decisions about spending
Responsible spending can be Saving is essential for personal electronic transfer money.
supported through strategies, such short-term and long-term goals. prepaid cards
buying needed items first Donating money can have a Currency includes coins and paper
buying items that are affordable significant impact on the well-being money.
taking time when making of others.
purchases Credit cards enable individuals to
not purchasing more than is borrow money from banks or
needed financial institutions.

Saving means not spending in Credit cards

order to keep money aside for have a spending limit
unexpected expenses and to pay must be repaid on time
for purchases, activities, and future have penalties if payment is not
plans or goals. paid on time
are issued by a bank or financial
Responsible saving can be institution
supported through strategies, such
as Debit cards enable individuals to
considering needs and wants access money from a personal
setting financial goals bank account.
establishing a savings account
putting earned money aside on a Prepaid cards have a fixed amount
regular basis of money that can be spent.

Responsible money management Factors to consider when spending

can allow individuals to help others include
in need through donation. budget
price comparison
quality and quantity
needs and wants

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 36
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 3 Grade 4

Managing personal finances Banking practices play a significant Describe the purpose of various
involves understanding banking role in managing personal finances. banking practices.
practices, such as
bank accounts Apply various banking practices in
deposits a variety of contexts.
service fees
online banking

Canada’s first bank was the Bank

of Montreal, founded in 1817.

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 37
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Active Living: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question What is the relationship between motivation and active living? How can motivation support engagement in active living?

Learning Outcome Students examine the effect of motivation on physical activity. Students analyze motivation and its relationship to personal development and active living.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Motivation is the process that Motivation can be internal and Describe internal and external Motivation is supported by setting Motivation in physical activity can Connect daily routines and planned
supports individuals to take external and can change over time. factors that influence motivation to goals and monitoring progress support different training principles. physical activities with active living
initiative, set goals, and complete be physically active. toward those goals. goals.
tasks. Motivation in physical activity can Motivation can support individual
be enhanced when an individual Training principles include physical activity routines to improve Examine how training principles
Motivation can be influenced by feels safe, is connected with others, frequency well-being. can contribute to active living.
factors, such as and feels a sense of intensity
energy levels accomplishment. time Participate in a variety of
available time type moderate-to-vigorous physical
sense of enjoyment activities that support training
peers Frequency is how often an principles.
individual is engaged in physical
External motivation can include the activity.
benefits or rewards that encourage
individuals to engage in physical Intensity is the level of physical
activity. exertion experienced during
physical activity.
Internal motivation can include the
enjoyment, pleasure, or satisfaction Time is how long an individual is
that encourages an individual to engaged in physical activity.
engage in physical activity.
Type is the physical activity

Physical activity guidelines

recommend between 30 to 60
minutes of moderate-to-vigorous
daily physical activity.

Moderate-to-vigorous physical
activities include

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Grade 5 Grade 6

Motivation increases the potential Choice in rewarding and engaging Consider why motivation is Motivation can lead to development Motivation can lead to Recognize the influence of
for regular physical activity. physical activity can foster important to active living. of movement skills. accomplishment and performance motivation on movement skill
motivation. across various physical activities. development and proficiency in
Motivation can lead to exposure to various physical activities.
a variety of physical activities. Feedback and self-reflection can
support motivation.
Refinement of skills in adventurous Safe engagement in adventurous Examine ways adventurous and Motivation can lead to commitment, Active living in the community Describe personal and community
and challenging physical activities and challenging physical activities challenging physical activities personal development, and occurs when individuals are supports associated with
can support motivation. can broaden skills for active living. introduce and support motivation increased levels of engagement. encouraged and supported. motivation for active living.
for skill development.
Games and activities to support Refinement of movement skills and Motivation can be supported by
motivation and skill development motivation are interconnected. Engage in adventurous and members of the community, such
include challenging physical activities that as
rhythmic support motivation. parents and caregivers
gymnastic community organizations
expressive teachers and coaches
individual spiritual leaders
challenging Elders
adventurous Knowledge Keepers

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How might tactics support decision making in physical activity contexts? How does structure bring organization to physical activity?

Learning Outcome Students analyze and apply strategies and tactics that support improved decision making in physical activities. Students examine and demonstrate an understanding of structure in physical activity.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Personal and group strengths can Strategies and tactics take into Adjust strategies and tactics based Structural components of physical Structure provides an objective or Describe the structure of physical
be considered when developing consideration personal strengths on the strengths of participants in activities can have various purpose to the physical activity. activities performed in the learning
strategies and tactics, such as and the strengths of others. various physical activities and characteristics and features, such environment.
specific movement skills games. as
communication rules and guidelines Apply structure in the creation and
prior experience protocol playing of games.
knowledge of game play purpose or intent
number and roles of participants
required equipment

Structure has commonalities and

varying levels of complexity across
various physical activities.
Strategies and tactics include Creative thinking is required to Choreograph creative strategies Structure can be modified to meet Structure provides parameters to Modify physical activities and
reducing open spaces by generate strategies and tactics. and tactics. the needs of participants by support safety, engagement, and games to improve safety,
working with others changing equipment size and inclusion of all participants. engagement, and inclusivity.
creating space for teammates type
varying rhythm and intensity of adjusting playing area
movement adjusting time
changing target size and
Strategies and tactics include skill Strategies and tactics involve Demonstrate decision making Strategies and tactics are Structure provides parameters that Utilize understandings of structure
execution and anticipation, such as making decisions with limited time through the application of strategies supported through an support opportunities for critical to inform strategies and tactics.
modifying movement skills and space. and tactics. understanding of the structure of and creative thinking.
based on the task physical activities and games.
selecting the best option based Reflect on the outcomes of
on opposition’s position strategic and tactical decisions.
positioning to create advantage
Physical activity and game Tactics require an understanding of Assess the effectiveness of tactics
structures include how games and physical activities in a variety of physical activity and
rules are structured. game structures.
boundaries Recognize how changes in rules
safety considerations influence the tactics being used.
objective of game

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question How can diverse movement patterns contribute to success across physical activities? In what ways can movement patterns function to improve performance?

Learning Outcome Students demonstrate and adapt various movement patterns to enhance skill development. Students adapt and apply movement patterns in controlled and dynamic physical activities.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Movement patterns can include Movement patterns are Combine movement skills to Similar patterns exist across a Patterns can be transferred across Demonstrate how movement
locomotor, non-locomotor, and combinations of movement skills. perform movement patterns in a variety of physical activities. a variety of physical activities for patterns are applied across various
object manipulation. variety of physical activities. individual or group success. physical activities.
Patterns can be a planned set of Patterns can be customized to
movements that support success enhance proficiency of movement. Identify ways movement patterns
across a variety of physical experienced through physical
activities. Patterns are essential to the activities can support skill
development of specialized development.
movement skills in a variety of
physical activities.

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit

physical activities and games
provide opportunities to develop
and enhance skill through
engagement in unique and diverse
movement patterns.
Patterns are sequences of Movement patterns can be Perform movement patterns using Controlled physical activities can Controlled and dynamic physical Adapt movement patterns to
movements. expanded to include new and novel various types of equipment, be activities that are structured, activities can support movement improve accuracy, speed, and
physical activity skills. individually and with others. individual, or partnered. skill patterns in a variety of physical proficiency in a variety of controlled
Movement can occur in two-part activities. and dynamic physical activities.
sequences, such as Consider sequencing and Controlled physical activities allow
run and catch repetition of movement patterns for repeated practice of movement
run and throw when engaging in locomotor, non- skills.
toss and hit locomotor, and object-manipulation
activities. Dynamic physical activities are
Movement can occur in three-part limited in structure yet fluid and
sequences, such as Adapt movement patterns based changing.
run, turn, and catch on feedback.
walk, turn, and throw Dynamic physical activities require
hop, skip, and jump immediate decision making and
refinement of movement skills.
Feedback can be used to improve
movement patterns when
performing movement skills.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Movement patterns can be Patterns can be improved by Adapt elements of movement to Creativity in movement can be Movement combinations, patterns, Implement movement patterns in
improved by adapting elements of adjusting elements of movement. enhance movement patterns. supported by including objects and and sequences can be adapted response to a variety of physical,
movement, such as changing tempo and rhythm. using creativity. verbal, visual, and musical stimuli.
sending and receiving while Identify patterns and elements of
changing direction and speed movement that are visible in Patterns are movements that
throwing objects at different rhythmic and expressive activities. enable the body to move in
levels response to a stimulus.
adjusting speed or changing
direction to avoid individuals or

Patterns and elements of

movement are featured prominently
in rhythmic and expressive
activities, including dance.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Movement Skill Development: Developing physical literacy through movement and active living supports well-being across a lifespan.

Guiding Question What is the relationship between collaboration and physical activity? How can conflict resolution support engagement in physical activity?

Learning Outcome Students demonstrate how collaboration influences physical activity. Students analyze and apply conflict resolution in physical activity.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Collaboration is working with others Teamwork requires collaboration to Practise collaboration during Team success can be influenced by Team effectiveness can be Practise conflict resolution.
to achieve a common goal, create and enhance strategies. physical activity. conflict. influenced by the ability to manage
including exchanging ideas and conflict. Reflect on practices used to resolve
sharing responsibilities. Practices to manage conflict conflict.
include Teamwork requires collaboration
Collaboration during physical acknowledging emotions when coming to a resolution.
activity involves clarifying facts and
identifying goals understanding Successful teams develop
planning strategy listening to understand practices to manage conflict.
exchanging ideas discussing possible outcomes
making and implementing proposing solutions
Consideration of team members’ Teamwork acknowledges the Demonstrate respect for the Individuals and groups in both Cooperative and competitive Discuss how cooperative and
perspectives can support decision perspectives of all members. contributions and perspectives of cooperative and competitive situations may require group competitive situations influence
making and the achievement of others when working together to situations can experience conflict members to adjust thinking or thinking and actions to resolve
goals. make decisions or achieve team differently. actions to resolve conflict. conflict.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Character Development: Exploration of life opportunities and virtues develops resilience and personal talents and promotes lifelong learning.

Guiding Question How can a variety of life experiences influence resilience and perseverance? How can lifelong learning be supported?

Learning Outcome Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being. Students connect strategies for well-being to life opportunities and lifelong learning.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Life experiences can inform Life experiences can influence Examine how life experiences can Insight into life roles can be Changing life roles may require Relate personal skills and interests
strengths understanding of events or shape understanding over time. supported by knowledge of increased independence to to various life roles.
preferences situations and responses to them. talents develop personal talents.
beliefs assets
attitudes virtues
decision making strengths
virtues interests

Independence includes having the

confidence and ability to make
decisions to try new or challenging

Independence supports the

development of initiative.
Life experiences are the effects or Events or situations provide Identify life experiences that have Learning can occur through Personal potential develops over Examine changes in personal
influences of an event or subject on opportunities for gaining life influenced thinking or behaviour. challenging and adverse time and can evolve from interests, strengths, and skills.
an individual. experiences. experiences. experiences.
Reflect on personal skills and
Involvement in a variety of activities Learning is a lifelong process. interests for continued development
can provide opportunities for and growth.
personal development.
Life experiences can result in: Life experiences can expose Reflect on personal learning and Strategies for learning and Individuals can apply a variety of Develop and apply personal
acquisition of knowledge or individuals to challenges and development in a variety of personal development include strategies to maximize learning strategies to support learning and
skills learning opportunities. experiences. managing time potential and support personal development.
development of personal prioritizing tasks development.
strengths and potential clarifying expectations
application of learning to asking questions
produce favourable outcomes reflecting
establishing routines
Volunteering provides individuals Every individual has the ability and Connect personal knowledge and Exposure to a variety of Volunteerism provides possibilities Discuss the effects of volunteerism
with opportunities to make potential to contribute to their skills to opportunities for volunteerism experiences provides for social connectedness. on self and the community.
meaningful contributions to the community in different ways. volunteering in the community. options when making decisions
community. about life and career opportunities. Plan for potential volunteerism
opportunities in the school and
Perseverance can be Perseverance can lead to positive Connect perseverance to Discipline includes taking proactive Discipline encourages a positive Identify experiences in which
demonstrated by individuals, feelings when achieving personal or improvements in individual or steps to improve well-being and future and an inclination to expect discipline can have a positive effect
groups, or communities. community goals. community circumstances. responding positively to successes favourable life outcomes. on well-being.
and challenges.

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Grade 5 Grade 6

Perseverance can be supported by Perseverance can be supported by Identify protective factors that can Motivation strategies include Hope can be cultivated through Apply motivation strategies in a
protective factors, such as protective factors within the support perseverance. focusing on positive aspects of applying motivation strategies. variety of contexts.
parents community. situations or events
families and kin reflecting on gratitude
caregivers seeking positive encouragement
guardians and supports
spiritual leaders
Knowledge Keepers
friends and social groups
first responders

Effects of perseverance on well- Perseverance can shape well- Describe the effects of Goal-achievement strategies that Hope can be cultivated through Relate strategies to achieving
being can be being over time. perseverance on well-being. can build hope include applying strategies to achieve goals in a variety of contexts.
positive mental health listing personal priorities goals.
increased confidence setting specific goals
belief in one’s abilities to organizing goals into small steps
achieve specific goals developing creative ways to
sense of accomplishment overcome obstacles
lifelong learning

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Safety: A lifetime of optimal well-being is supported by prioritizing health and safety.

Guiding Question How can responsibility lead to a desired outcome? In what ways might risk influence the outcome of an action?

Learning Outcome Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being. Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Responsibility is being accountable Personal actions and decisions can Reflect on how the results or Risk is the overall assessment and Measured risks can be taken in Discuss how feelings associated
for actions and decisions and affect physical, social-emotional, consequences of personal actions identification of hazards related to stages and are more likely when with risk taking affect actions and
accepting the results or and financial well-being. and decisions can affect the well- personal safety and vulnerability. individuals feel safe, respected, decisions.
consequences. being of self and others. and trusted.
Considering possible outcomes Assess safety and vulnerability
Responsibility includes clearly Examine the impacts of a variety of can inform decisions regarding Safe online, digital technology, and risks associated with use of digital
requesting, obtaining, giving, or factors on personal actions and consent in risk-taking activities. social media practices can reduce technology.
refusing consent. decisions. risk.
Risk involves taking action that may Identify potential harms from online
Responsibility includes respecting evoke a variety of feelings, such as and social media use.
the acceptance or refusal of independence
consent from another. fulfillment Explain how to deal with unwanted
uncertainty attention, communication, or
Decisions related to substance use vulnerability images.
can be influenced by a variety of
factors, such as Digital privacy is important to
media protect personal information.
peer influence
marketing Individuals can seek assistance
when experiencing unwanted
attention, communication, or

Safety risks associated with use of

digital technology include
intrusion of privacy
inability to properly request,
obtain, or give consent

The Internet and social media can

expose an individual to unwanted
communication or images and

Sharing explicit or graphic images

can have significant consequences,
including being illegal under the
Criminal Code of Canada.

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Grade 5 Grade 6

Responsibility can be developed by Personal roles and responsibilities Describe situations where Short-term and long-term risk can Risk can lead to an increased Describe consequences that may
taking on leadership roles to include promoting the safety of self responsible leadership supports be managed or reduced through likelihood of complications in result from risk taking in various
promote safety of self and others. and others. the safety and well-being of self and planning, rehearsal, and evaluation. various contexts. contexts.
Safety of self and others can be Responsibility includes ensuring the Identify laws, rules, practices, and Risks of substance use can include Several risks connected to Recognize the risks associated
enhanced through community safety of self and others. protocols that support safety and addiction substance use can have short-term with substance use.
programs, such as first aid training, well-being in a variety of contexts. impaired brain development and long-term effects.
and supports, including health decreased mental health Identify positive choices and
professionals. Practise digital citizenship by being impaired thinking actions that can reduce risks
considerate of others. associated with substance use.
Responsibility to ensure the safety
of self and others includes following
digital citizenship (responsible
conduct and safety)
Aspects of life impacted by risk Risk has potential to positively or Reflect on the positive and negative
include negatively impact several aspects impacts of risk taking in a variety of
mental health of life. contexts.
physical well-being

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Healthy Eating: A lifetime of optimal well-being and physical wellness is supported by prioritizing nutrition and healthy eating.

Guiding Question To what extent does nutrition contribute to health and well-being? How might access to food affect nutrition?

Learning Outcome Students evaluate aspects of nutrition and examine their benefits to well-being. Students examine access to food and its effect on making decisions related to nutrition.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Nutrition and hydration can affect Nutrition is essential to good health, Describe how nutrition can affect Factors that affect access to food Access to nutritious and traditional Identify factors that affect access to
learning disease prevention, and longevity physical and mental health and well- include foods is different for individuals and food.
concentration of life. being. season is affected by a variety of factors.
activity cost of food
behaviour budget
food-preparation skills
In First Nations, Métis, and Inuit location
communities, nutrition can
contribute to holistic, medicinal, or Access to food includes
healing practices that enhance the land
physical and emotional well-being. farms and gardens
grocery stores
farmers’ markets

Whole foods can be more

expensive than processed foods.
Nutrition and hydration can affect Nutrition provides energy and Research the effects of nutrition Access to food includes availability Access to food affects nutritional Discuss the effects of limited
body systems, including nourishment to the body and and hydration on body systems. of food that meets individual dietary intake and an individual’s ability to nutritional food choices on physical
cardiovascular supports body systems. and cultural needs and food make balanced food choices. and mental well-being.
digestive preferences.
reproductive Lack of access to food can affect
Social and cultural experiences Nutritional sources and traditional Discuss sources of nutrition from Contexts where nutritional choices Access and cost within a variety of Examine how access affects
influence decisions related to food and cultural practices are various cultures and traditions. may be affected include contexts can affect nutritional nutritional choices in a variety of
choices. connected. restaurants choices. contexts.
social and recreational events
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit First Nations, Métis, and Inuit learning environments Compare cost of food in a variety of
cultural knowledge about food gatherings, ceremonies, practices, contexts.
choices are tied to the land. and protocols can influence Cost of food can vary depending on
nutritional choices. context.

Energy-dense fast foods are easier

to access than nutritious foods.
Nutritional requirements change at Nutrition and hydration may need to Investigate how various personal
various developmental ages. be adjusted in response to various factors can influence nutrition and
factors. hydration requirements.
Nutritional choices can be affected
by individual eating cues, including
hunger, appetite, and satiety.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Eating a variety of foods provides a Nutrition can be improved through Assess the nutritional value of a
balanced range of nutrients. the planning and preparation of variety of snacks and meals.
balanced meals and snacks.
Food portion sizes and number of
servings can inform balanced
nutritional choices.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.

Guiding Question How might healthy relationships support understanding in various social contexts? How can perspectives influence healthy relationships?

Learning Outcome Students acknowledge and connect perspectives of self and others through communication and listening skills. Students consider and describe a variety of perspectives that support the development of healthy relationships.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Perspectives can support Perspectives include how we Describe how experiences can Positive social behaviours include Healthy relationships and pro-social Demonstrate positive social
collaboration through shared perceive, understand, and feel in affect individual or group respecting others behaviours can be enhanced by behaviours to develop and maintain
interpretations, understandings, various social or physical activity perspectives. helping others considering the perspectives of healthy relationships.
and findings. contexts. being honest others
Identify personal and environmental acknowledging diversity
Perspectives can be influenced by Perspectives can be individual or factors that influence perspectives.
virtues shared.
kinship ties
Effective listening and Perspectives can be shaped or Describe how listening and Perspectives of others within Healthy relationships require Consider ways in which diverse
communication skills include shared through effective listening communication skills can support relationships should be clarified consideration for different opinions, perspectives align or differ.
listening for understanding and communication skills. understanding of individual and rather than assumed. thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and
asking clarifying questions group perspectives. needs. Identify how the consideration of
paraphrasing or restating Consideration of perspectives others’ perspectives contributes to
statements Identify ways to reach shared includes recognizing and empathy.
recognizing non-verbal cues understandings when perspectives appreciating the points of view of
considering the audience or opinions within a group are others.
considering point of view different.
having respectful interactions Empathy involves trying to
Demonstrate respectful understand or share the feelings of
communication skills when working another person.
with others on tasks or challenges.
Recognition and appreciation of Perspectives can contribute to a Examine the connections between
social and cultural perspectives can sense of belonging and perspectives and social and
contribute to acceptance, inclusion, interconnectedness. emotional well-being.
and the common good.
Empathy can be improved through Development of empathy can Examine how empathy toward
role modelling reduce bullying behaviours. others with different perspectives
practice supports healthy relationships.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Growth and Development: Decision making that optimizes personal health and well-being is informed by understanding growth and development.

Guiding Question How are maturation, growth, and development interconnected? How can decision making support change during maturation?

Students examine physical, social, personal, and environmental factors connected to maturation during
Learning Outcome Students investigate maturation and identify changes during adolescence.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Changes in the brain associated Maturation occurs from birth and is Describe the impact maturation has An individual can experience social Knowledge and awareness of Consider the impact of physical,
with maturation include significant during adolescence. on the brain. changes during maturation, such as changes that can occur during cognitive, emotional, and social
greater efficiency and curiosity in trying new things maturation support holistic well- changes during maturation in
effectiveness Maturation can result in changes in increased importance of peers being. adolescence.
increased connectivity among the brain. changes in self-knowledge and
brain regions self-image Maturation can result in an
changes in the frontal lobe, pre- language an individual uses to individual’s increase in ability,
frontal cortex, and executive describe themselves adaptability, and capacity in a
function increased expectation of variety of contexts.

Self-image develops over time and

can evolve from experiences.

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Grade 5 Grade 6

Maturation is a process that is Maturation involves an awareness Identify and describe physical, Maturation can be supported Maturation can be supported Identify personal and environmental
different for every individual. of the interconnectedness of cognitive, and behavioural changes through decision making related to through various personal and factors that can influence well-being
physical, cognitive, and behavioural that occur during adolescence. personal and environmental factors, environmental factors. and maturation during
Maturation can result in uneven changes. such as adolescence.
bone and muscle development. stress reduction
The way individuals think of mental health Connect personal and
Maturation can result in changes in themselves, and describe body image environmental factors to decision
coordination when practising skills themselves to others, is unique and immunization making during adolescence.
and activities. should be respected. daily physical activity
substance use
Physical changes can include Maturation results in changes in the rest and sleep
bones growing faster than muscle body that can occur at different nutrition
during maturation in adolescence. rates.

Individuals can experience

behavioural changes, such as
setting personal goals
seeking independence
prioritizing consideration of
having increased capacity for

Individuals can experience

cognitive changes, such as
ability to retain, process, and
organize larger amounts of
enhanced critical-thinking,
reasoning, and decision-making
thoughts and feelings about self-
Fluctuations in physical needs Growth associated with maturation Connect physical needs to
during maturation can result in can lead to increased physical maturation changes during
fatigue and changes in sleep needs. adolescence.
changing energy levels
increased nutritional demands
increased appetite

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Growth and Development: Decision making that optimizes personal health and well-being is informed by understanding growth and development.

Guiding Question In what ways can puberty and the capacity for human reproduction reflect change? How can human reproduction support growth and development?

Learning Outcome Students connect puberty to the capacity for human reproduction. Students investigate human reproduction from fertilization to birth.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
Each part of the human Well-being is supported through Identify the components of the Pregnancy can occur as a result Pregnancy is a natural human Identify effective ways to
reproductive system serves a knowledge and awareness of human reproductive system. of sexual intercourse. process. prevent pregnancy and sexually
specific function. human reproduction. transmitted infections.
Describe the functions of the Pregnancy can be confirmed by Abstinence is the most effective
The human reproductive system Human reproduction includes a components of the human a test. way to prevent pregnancy.
and other body systems are sequence of biological reproductive system.
interconnected. processes. Abstinence means choosing not Sexual activity without consent
to have sexual intercourse. is sexual assault and can have
Human reproduction occurs physical, emotional, social,
when a sperm cell and egg cell Any sexual activity always and/or legal consequences.
join together (fertilization) and requires consent.
implant in the uterus Birth control and natural family
(implantation). Self-control can support planning can help prevent
decision making related to pregnancy and sexually
human reproduction. transmitted infections.

Different types of birth control

can have varying levels of
effectiveness and risks.

Sexual activity can expose

individuals to sexually
transmitted infections and
blood-borne infections.

Some birth control measures

can lower the risk of sexually
transmitted infections and
blood-borne infections.
Changes in puberty include Puberty signals changes in a Describe how physical changes Factors that influence In Canada, individuals have the Examine factors that can
change in functioning of the person’s reproductive capability. during puberty affect reproductive decisions include right to make decisions about influence decisions related to
testicles and ovaries reproductive capability. age reproductive health and can reproductive health.
maturation of the financial preparedness decide if, when, and how often to
reproductive organs health reproduce.
appearance of secondary sex family, caregiver, and
characteristics community supports
production of hormones

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Grade 5 Grade 6

Menstruation is the monthly Puberty is often associated with Describe the processes of The length of a pregnancy is Fetal development occurs in Examine fetal development in
cycle that prepares the body for the processes of menstruation menstruation and sperm approximately 40 weeks and is stages throughout a pregnancy. each of the three trimesters.
a possible pregnancy. and sperm production. production. divided into three stages called
trimesters. Examine factors that can
The female reproductive system adversely affect fetal
includes ovaries that contain A child born before 37 weeks of development.
egg cells. pregnancy is called a pre-term
Ovulation occurs when an egg
releases from an ovary. Fetal development during
pregnancy can be adversely
Hormonal changes regulate the affected by
menstrual cycle and ovulation. poor nutrition
The egg travels to the uterus alcohol use
and is released with the lining of drug use
the uterus, if unfertilized.

Fertilization is more likely to

occur at a specific point in the
menstrual cycle.

The male reproductive system

includes testicles that produce

Sperm travels through the vas

deferens and is combined with
other fluid to produce semen.
Positive health practices during Positive health practices during Identify positive health practices Supportive health practices Supportive health practices can Identify health practices that
puberty include puberty support a healthy during puberty. during pregnancy include enhance reproductive health, a support a healthy pregnancy.
engaging in physical activity reproductive system. eating nutritious foods healthy pregnancy, and safe
eating nutritious foods engaging in physical activity childbirth.
reducing stress getting adequate sleep and
attending early and consistent
medical visits
Reproductive health information Credible sources can provide Identify credible sources of
can be provided by credible accurate information on reproductive health information.
sources, such as reproductive health and support
parents and caregivers healthy reproductive decisions.
health professionals
spiritual leaders
Knowledge Keepers

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Grade 5 Grade 6

There are diverse traditional, Traditional, cultural, and Consider ways that human
cultural, and religious beliefs religious beliefs can affect reproduction can be influenced
regarding reproductive health. understandings of human by traditional, cultural, and
reproduction. religious beliefs.

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Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

Organizing Idea Financial Literacy: Informed financial decision making contributes to the well-being of individuals, groups, and communities.

Guiding Question In what ways can financial goals be supported? How can personal finances be enhanced?

Learning Outcome Students demonstrate how planning can support financial goals. Students investigate borrowing and investing in a variety of situations.

Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures Knowledge Understanding Skills & Procedures
A budget is a plan that supports an Budgeting is important to Develop a simple budget for an A loan is money that is borrowed Borrowing money to buy goods and Analyze the risks and benefits of
individual when making decisions responsible financial decision activity or event. with an agreement to pay it back. services can have financial risks borrowing money in a variety of
on how to earn, spend, save, invest, making and can support achieving and benefits. situations.
and donate over a period. short-term and long-term financial Examine the components of a A loan can come from a variety of
goals. budget. sources, such as Borrowing money can support Identify situations where an
A budget consists of money banks financial goals if done individual can responsibly take on
currently on hand (assets), money Create a savings plan for short- financial institutions appropriately. debt.
expected to be earned (income), term and long-term goals. family
and money planned on spending friends
The decision to borrow money may
A budget can be divided into needs be based on
and wants. ability to repay
intended purpose
Budgets can be used for a variety additional costs
of situations, such as short-term and long-term goals
personal impact on budget
business Decisions by banks or financial
an event or activity institutions to loan money may be
based on
Budgets may need to be adjusted ability to repay
due to unforeseen circumstances. previous loan history
other existing debts
Short-term financial goals can be intended purpose
immediate and can support
attainment of long-term goals. Borrowing money through loans can
cost money in the form of interest
Long-term financial goals can take on the amount borrowed and over
several years to achieve, involve the term of the agreement.
more money, and require
commitment. Interest is a fee paid to the bank or
financial institution that loaned the

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 56
Physical Education and Wellness Kindergarten to Grade 6 Curriculum

Grade 5 Grade 6

A consumer is an individual who When purchasing goods and Examine factors that influence Investing is purchasing something Investing money can have financial Analyze the risks and benefits of
purchases goods and services. services, individuals have the ability consumer choice. that is expected to earn additional risks and benefits. investing in a variety of situations.
to make choices. money or increase in value.
Factors that can influence
consumer choice include Individuals can make a variety of
marketing investments, such as
advertising real estate
media stocks
availability digital currencies
trends bonds
price mutual funds

Physical Education and Wellness | April 2022 Final Curriculum: Implemented September 2022. Page | 57

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