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A bakeshop is having problems meeting

2. Adrian, a 65-year-old retired mechanical deadlines from customers this coming time of the
engineer, has applied for a part-time job on the year. They don't have enough manpower and
sales floor of a large national home improvement equipment to meet all the demands. If they don't
store. Adrian doesn't need the job financially, but he get to deliver, they will lose all these customers to
is bored staying at home. Which of the following their competitors. What is the best thing for them to
statements & TRUE? do?

● The selection process used by store ● Buy more equipment

should be aged neutral and whether
or not Adrian is hired should be a ● Hire more people
function of the selection process
● Have orders outsourced
● Adrian should be hired because the
company can earn can good publicity ● But they more equipment, then get
for its affirmative action plan because project hires
Adrian is old and because he will
probably become disabled

● Adren should be given hiring preference 5. Anselmo has an opening to fill in his department.
over younger applicants because older Although high performance is really needed from a
workers have stronger work ethics than new employee, Anselmo's organization has little to
younger people offer in the way of organizational support. The
organization has no real training program, the
● Adrian is overqualified for the job and technology the department uses is outdated, and
should not be hired. Overqualified the relationships among Anselmo's other
employees have higher turnover and subordinates: are somewhat conflict-ridden. Which
absenteeism rates of the following statements is TRUE?

3. When allowing employee self-service options

whereby employees can enter the organization's
HR database and change their personnel records, ● In this situation. Anselmo should look for
enroll in benefit plans, and apply for posted jobs, a an employed who is a self-starter and
critical concern is who can impose structure on an
ambiguous job

● In this situation, it is unlikely that any

● training non-computer literate new hire would be able to perform at
employees to use the system. a high level

● monitoring excessive employee use of ● In this situation, the manager will get
the system. high performance from the new hire if
he selects an applicant with extremely
● overcoming internal HR management high ability
resistance to technology.
● in this situation, the manager will get
● maintaining security of the system. high performance from the new hire if
he selects an applicant who is highly
motivated and has a strong work ethic
6. Belinda, the school administrator sighs as she 8. HR managers should view absenteeism and
examines the list of resignations for the upcoming turnover as
school year. She says, "I guess there's no way we
can keep good people from

leaving for other schools if we can't pay top ● unavoidable dysfunctional behaviors.
salaries. We have competitive pay, but that's
● largely out of the organization's control
just not enough. As director of HR, you tell the
school administrator ● unrelated forms of withdrawal.

● symptoms of problems within the

● "You're right. Money is the main reason
people stay in a job.

● No. I disagree. People, especially 9. As director of HR of a medium-sized information

dedicated teachers are not much technology consulting firm, you are most concerned
affected by pay levels. about turnover of ____because this will have a
significant effect on retention of remaining staff.
● I don't entirely agree. There are other
factors that have more impact than
money when pay is competitive.
● low performing but highly motivated
● "Actually, most of our teachers are employees
women, and they usually leave jobs for
● employees who are popular with a large
involuntary reasons connected with their
number of co-workers
families, so pay is not a big factor in
their retention. ● employees with high performance

● Middle level management employees

7. Graciel, VP for HR, is disturbed at the high level
of turnover at her company. From exit interviews,
she suspects that certain supervisors have higher
dysfunctional turnover rates among their 10. The most difficult stage in the business cycle is
subordinates than others. In order to verify this depression. When this occurs, it is best for the
hunch, Graciel should analyze turnover by company to
department and by

● Defer accepting applicants and consider

● employee performance rating retrenchment

● employee length of service ● keep hiring to a minimum, but consider

outside recruiting sources
● employee race and gender
● Change the HR strategies in
● employee job title recruiting

● offer new applicants lower pay scale

11. If an organization is in need of highly-qualified Association. This will determine the _____ for the
employees, it will be most able to find these job of loan officer.
employees when

● recruitment pool
● There is a high level of unemployment.
● labor force population
● the economy is strong
● applicant population
● the labor market is tight
● talent pool
● the demand for labor exceeds the
supply of labor.

15. Mario's office schedule starts at 8 o' clock in the

morning, based on what he signed with his
12. Which of the following does not affect the roles company. However, his attendance record shows
played by HR management in the firm? that for the last three months, he has been
consistently late. Which of the following statements
may not be true?

● challenges of managing a more

highly-educated workforce.
● He should have been terminated
● globalization of business because of his tardiness

● cost reduction pressures ● He should not be a tenured employee

● organizational restructuring ● He should get a memo

● He can be given a legal case because

of breach of contract
13. In order to become a desirable employment
option for prospective employees, an organization
needs to establish a/an
16. One of the following is not an advantage of
internal recruitment. What is it?

● reputation as having the highest ● The organization's culture may become

compensation in the marketplace. unstable.

● positive brand image for the ● "Chain-reaction promotions are needed

organization, when an internal candidate is promoted.

● youth-oriented organizational culture ● The company has to do all hiring at the

that appeals to younger workers. entry level.

● cutting-edge, high innovation image. ● The company needs to have a

management development program.

14. As director of recruiting for a large bank, Stacy

has decided to restrict her recruiting efforts

for loan officers to placing advertisements on the

web site of the American Banking
17. One of the following is not a recommendation 19. One of the most difficult tasks of the human
for recruiting. What is it? resource department is to select the most qualified
candidate for the vacant position, especially for a
new manager. If you are the one to decide, which
between the two external candidates will you
● Consideration of the recruiting ads of accept, considering their respective qualifications
other rivals as follows:
● Sticking with the internal recruiting
functions to guarantee efficiency
John is formerly a supervisor of a company and fits
● Launching an impressive company's the job perfectly, but the asking price is a little over
image the company budget.
● Assessing the striking effect of the Paul is formerly a supervisor of a company who is
company's recruiting strategies not asking too much, has great working knowledge
about the job, but HR has concerns with his
previous medical records.

18. After Miguel has taken early retirement at age

● Get someone else who is picture perfect
59. Miguel's old company wants to re-hire him as a
since both have great risks
consultant. Which of the following statements is
TRUE? ● Get John, stretch out the finances a
little bit offer a salary that is close to
what he wants
● The firm is violating the Equal Pay Act
● Get Paul for sure he has enough
because Miguel will be doing the same
medication to compensate for his health
work, but he will not receive the medical
and other benefits he would have
received as an employee ● Force-promote someone from the ranks
to become the manager
● Under the ADEA John will have to limit
the amount of income he can earn as a
consultant because he is under age 65
20. Work teams success are contributed by all of
● This is a common practice by the following EXCEPT
organizations to preserve access to
the talents of their experienced
former employees.
● the team has authority to make
● Miguel cannot legally work for his former decisions
employer and still receive his pension.
● the team works in complete harmony.

● the team is composed of

"group-oriented employees

● the team members have both

individual and team-based
21. Jacinto, a 40 year-old manager of a bank individuals. You suggest as the most appropriate
decides to resign and begin a career as a manager response to this retention problem..
in a call center because of a bigger pay and better
set of benefits. Which statement is true?

● retention bonuses

● From mid-career, he goes back to the ● increasing opportunities for personal

establishment stage growth for engineers

● From mid-career, he goes back to the ● motivational seminars and retreats

exploration stage
● employee recognition programs
● From mid-career, he stays in the same
stage because he is still a manager

● From mid career he shouldn't be 24. Maynard is an extremely successful

resiming because of a very stable job salesperson for a hospital-products manufacturing
company. His sales are approximately twice those
of the average salesperson in his category, and he
is a very valuable employee. But Maynard's
22. Emmanuel, the vice president of HR for the administrative abilities are minimal. This is causing
legendary motel chain, has been on the HR side of problems with orders, customer follow-up, and
the hotel/motel industry for over 30 years. reporting. Maynard's boss is frustrated because
Emmanuel has become a prized partner with the significant training expenditures on Maynard have
top executives of the Legendary Corporation, and resulted in minimal improvement in his
his advice is valued by the executives. Emmanuel administrative performance. The situation cannot
prides himself on making decisions based on his continue. Which of the following would be the most
"gut" and his intuition honed over his career. Which useful solution for the company?
of the following statements is most likely to be

● Maynard should be converted from an

employee to an independent contractor
● Emmanuel will be easily impressed and so that he will be motivated to hire an
influenced by strategic arguments assistant to do his administrative work.
based on analysis of extensive HR data
● This is likely a person-job ft issue and
● Legendary's top executives will press Maynard must be moved to a different
Emmanuel to support his intuitive job or terminated.
arguments with hard data.
● Maynard's compensation should be
● Emmanuel would appreciate the changed so that he is penalized for
efficiency aspect of HRMS more than inadequate administrative work
the effectiveness aspect of HRMS
● This is probably a person-job fit
● Legendary possesses a state-of-the-art issue and Maynard's job should be
HRMS system re-designed.

23. The executive committee of the firm is

concerned with the high rate of turnover among
their most promising engineers between 25 and 35
years old. They ask you, as the new director of HR,
what suggestions you have for retaining these
25. After the annual medical examination, most of 28. One of the major causes of the differences in
the employees in the Internal Audit Department of earnings between males and females is that
ABC Corporation have found to have stress-related
illnesses. In this case, the management of ABC
Company should.
● males typically start work earlier in their
● find immediate replacements for the sick lives, therefore have more experience
employees: on their resume

● lessen the tasks to be delegated to ● females negotiate less for their salary
these employees
● females drop out of the labor force to
● offer these employees flexible bear and rear children
● none of the above
● re-assess the job design in the Internal
Audit Department
29. All these statements are FALSE except one,
what is it?
26. An employee who previously resigned from
office has decided to return to his previous
employer because he cannot find a job elsewhere.
● There was an increase in the
What is the most logical scenario here?
proportion of labor force in the older
age groups, and a decrease in
proportion is the younger ones.
● He can get a job again in the office
because of rehiring procedures ● Because of the many carly retirement
programs instituted in the last decade,
● He can get his former job back because the average age of the workforce is
it is found in the labor law younger

● He will not get him anymore because ● Variation of ages in the workplace is not
the office will not have any assurance considered "diversity in the same sense
that he would stay that variation by race and gender is
considered “diversity"
● HR will not get him because there is no
provision in the law that says so ● As the workforce ages, the need for
diversity training in decreasing due to
the psychological maturity of the older
27. Which of the following does not affect the
applicant population?

● image of the company

● company reputation

● administrative recruiting functions

● the organization's applicant screening

30. Workers who are hired by companies to work ● Subject the candidate to a psychological
on a specific task should be able to comply within exam
the time frame agreed on by both parties.
Hemington is a Tailor and Owner of a Sportswear ● Hire the candidate and remind him of
shop. He is a/an the existing culture of the company so
he can fit in

● project-based professional
33. Carlito is a 50 year old perfectly qualified
● independent contractor applicant for a role as a mover for a moving
company. However, his application was turned
● contingent worker down, and a 20 year old with no experience was
hired for the position. Carlito wanted to sue the
● leased employee company for age discrimination and the following
would most likely occur:

31. The following statements are FALSE about

religious expression in the workplace except one, ● the employer would be prosecuted for
what is it? age discrimination

● as per EEO the punishment for age

discrimination is a hefty fine upon the
● Employers must accommodate all of the
religious practices of all employees
● the employer cannot be prosecuted
● Discriminating against employees for
for such discrimination because the
their religious beliefs is prohibited.
law does not impose any specific
● Adjusting work schedules to punishments on them
accommodate religious observances is
● none of the above
not considered a reasonable religious
accommodation in most cases.

● Religious speech, including 34. Organizations have found that high employee
proselytizing in an effort to convert turnover rates in the first few months of
co-workers, is a protected activity in the employment is often linked to

● inadequate selection screening,

32. During the interview, HR has narrowed its
selection to one final candidate. They have ● noncompetitive pay scales
however detected a certain oddity with his
handwriting. It indicates all the signs of a hot ● incompatibility with the supervisor.
headed person, something that the culture of the
company doesn't really tolerate. What do they do ● Disillusionment with the organizational
now with this concern, considering that the position culture.
needs to be filled in ASAP?

● Hire someone else

● Hire a behavioral scientist to fully

evaluate the candidate's personality
35. Which of the following is not TRUE about the ● if Gaudencio's personality has
conduct of exit interviews? changed.

● Departing employees are eager to 38. If there are exactly the same number of
use the exit interview to unburden applicants who meet the minimum requirements
themselves about the real reasons and the number of job vacancies, then
for their leaving

● HR typically conducts exit interviews

● the HR doesn't need to go through
● It is often more useful to contact further selection process
departing employees a month or so
after departure may be more willing to ● it can be claimed that the selection
provide information process is excellent

● About half of organizations use exit ● this means that the company should not
interviews to make changes to aid be so strict in finding replacements
● none of the above

36. Which of the following is not an example of

flexible staffing? 39. The President has asked your advice as the
vice-president of HR how to improve the
employees' view of the organization. Increasing
compensation and benefits is not possible in the
● Providing internships current economic environment. You say that there
are a number of options, but one that would be
● using independent contractors. realistic and appropriate to the President's role
would be
● employee leasing

● hiring temporary workers

● increasing the number of levels in the
organizational hierarchy to allow for
more promotion opportunities
37. Gaudencio's performance has been lower in
the last six months than his average in the previous ● arranging for well-known motivational
three years. Gaudencio's supervisor wants to speakers to give speeches to
understand why Gaudencio's performance is employees on a monthly basis.
slipping. It is obvious that Gaudencio's ability has
not changed, so the supervisor must consider all of ● to demonstrate visionary leadership
the following factors EXCEPT by developing and communicating
the company's strategic plan.

● to promise employees that they will

● whether Gaudencio is having trouble have long-term employment security.
working with new job software

● whether Gaudencio has lost his

motivation for some reason.

● whether the supervisor herself has

changed how she manages Gaudencio
40. All of the following are benefits of outsourcing ● this information is probably an artifact of
recruiting EXCEPT the exit interviews and that the real
reason for turnover lies elsewhere.

● Freeing up HR staff time.

43. All the statements below are FALSE except
● reducing the number of HR staff one, what is it?

● faster and cheaper recruiting.

● An employee can start even if there is
● excellent fit of new hires to company no contract of employment yet
● An employee can start even if there is
no job description yet

41. From an HR perspective, a compelling reason ● An employee can start even if he did not
for an organization to maintain high ethical submit a clearance from previous job
standards is
● The employee can start working if
there is no workstation available

● the reputation of the organization's HR

department in the profession
44. Jaime has told the director of HR at Singtel that
● the ability to attract and retain as of next month he will be Jasmine. This is a
employees. complete surprise to the director, and Jaime's
co-workers are also unaware of his upcoming
● higher salaries for HR managers transformation. Jaime has been a high-performing
employee for over 10 years in the telephone and
● the ability to succeed in bids for
email customer support function. Which of the
governmental contracts
following statements is TRUE?

42. The Executive Director of a major nursing home

● The company should send out a
chain is having lunch with the director of HR.
company-wide email supporting Jaime's
Turnover of employees in the lower-skilled jobs is
very high. The Executive Director remarks bitterly
that these employees "will abandon ship for a ● If in the future Jasmine files a sex
measly dollar an hour. They have no loyalty to us." discrimination charge, the company will
As HR director, you reply likely be held accountable for

● Jaime's supervisor should be notified so

● at low pay scales, people are much
that any decrement in performance can
more sensitive to wage differences
be documented and available to use in
than are more highly-paid
a termination action
● Given the lack of official recognition
● we need to implement more generous
for the different sexual orientations
benefits to retain these employees.
employment discrimination practices
● We must be more selective in the against Jaime are not likely to be
people we hire in these positions. brought into the open
45. Johnelyn applied for the open position of a 47. Companies offer early retirement and apply
medical representative because HR said that she downsizing primarily
will get a car for her job, which will be her own after
5 years of working with the office. Two months
passed, and Johnelyn still does not have a car, so
she takes the commute to get to her hospital areas. ● to reduce employment costs.
Did HR do anything wrong to Johnelyn?
● to open up advancement paths for
● No, it is just a simply delay, no need for younger talented employees.
a big issue about it
● because older employees are often
● No part of being a professional is unable to adjust to new technology.
● because younger employees are more
● Yes. HR should have told her that productive than older employees.
there could be delays with the car

● Yes. HR took advantage of her

48. Roberto has recently joined his family's
excitement to get the job
wholesale landscape nursery business as vice
president of operations. The firm employs 25 full
time employees, plus about 20 seasonal
46. As HR manager of a medium-sized candy employees. In the past. Roberto's father personally
manufacturing plant in a rural area, you have handled all HR issues. Roberto plans to bring the
learned that Angel, one of the female customer company in line with typical HR staffing levels.
representatives, has been receiving bizarre e-mails Roberto will
from one of the female line operators. These emails
are sexually suggestive and Angel is upset. As the
HR manager you should
● hire a full-time HR manager and a
payroll clerk

● counsel Angel that this behavior is not ● add a clerical employee to help with
quid pro quo sexual harassment HR tasks
because she and the line operator are
● outsource the HR function,
not in a supervisor/subordinate
relationship, and it is not hostile ● hire a full-time HR professional
environment harassment because they
work in separate departments.

● immediately put an electronic usage

policy in place. Without this policy, the
line operator cannot be disciplined for
this behavior.

● document the incidents in order to

have a record in case the behavior
escalates to the point of sexual
harassment. At this time, the
behavior is not legally harassment
since no overt sexual advances have
been made

● document the incidents investigate and

take action to prevent future harassment
49. The following are said to be myths of retention
EXCEPT one, what is it?

● Money is the main reason people leave.

● Hiring has nothing to do with retention

● When you train people, you are training

them for another employer.

● Employees are best viewed as free


50. As Vice-President for HR, Mark finds it difficult

to hire more sales clerk this christmas season.
Before this month end, he should have enough
number of personnel to be stationed in different
units of the department store. He considers
outsourcing as the best solution to this problem.
Which among the procedures may not fit should he
decide to outsource?

● posting of recruiting ad

● conduct of face-to-face interview

● initial assessment of submitted


● training the applicants

51. Rutcher is a single father. This morning

his 5-year old son woke up with a 104
degree fever and a body rash. Rutcher
has called his supervisor to say that he
will have to take his son to the doctor
and that he may be out all day
depending on the doctor's diagnosis.
This would be categorized

● functional

● dysfunctional

● involuntary

● voluntary

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