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Social Studies | Graded Assignment | Trade

Name: Date:

Graded Assignment
Save the Rainforest!
(Total points: 20 points)

The Amazon Rainforest

Step 1: Research
1. Research the internet for articles and information about:
a. Interesting facts about the Amazon Rainforest
b. Benefits of the Amazon Rainforest (why is it valuable to us?)
c. Efforts to save the Amazon Rainforest (ideas about how to save the
2. Cite your sources (Bibliography)
a. Write down the all the websites that you get your information from.

Step 2: You Choose! Pick one of the following assignments to complete.

1. Writing
a. Type all information you researched into an essay, 3 full paragraphs.
2. PowerPoint Brochure
a. Create a PowerPoint presentation and include all researched information with
pictures. You should have at least 4 full slides of writing.

1. Interesting facts about the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest is home to
approximately 390 billion individual trees, representing about 16% of the world’s

3. Why is the Amazon Rainforest important? What does it provide for the Earth?
Why is the Amazon Rainforest Important? What Does it Provide for the Earth?
4. Biodiversity: The Amazon Rainforest plays a crucial role in maintaining the
planet’s biodiversity, housing numerous species of plants, animals, and
5. Climate Regulation: It acts as the Earth’s lungs, producing approximately 20% of
the world’s oxygen and playing a vital role in regulating the global climate.
6. Medicinal Resources: Many plants in the Amazon Rainforest have medicinal
properties, contributing to the development of various pharmaceuticals.

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Social Studies | Graded Assignment | Trade


8. What are some ideas to save the Amazon Rainforest? Ideas to Save the Amazon
9. Sustainable Logging Practices: Promote and implement sustainable logging
methods to reduce deforestation.
10. Conservation Reserves: Establish and expand protected areas and conservation
reserves to safeguard the diverse ecosystems within the rainforest.
11. Community Engagement: Involve local communities in conservation efforts,
ensuring sustainable practices and providing alternative livelihoods.

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