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ps p18 p28 p38 p48 p58 p62 p72 Tell me a story p82 What's your opinion? p92 10 | It's a mystery = pi02 End-of-year review p112 Pa Game p1ié Grammar reference p1i8 5 Irregular verb list p128 ey Welcome : sson 1 Meet the Academy Stars 1 What do you remember? Read and complete. | 'm1___ Sophia | like doing? | J inmy free time. I play ° at a weekends. My favourite subject is * 2 Him! Hive with my mum, my dad and my 2 -Ilike?____ things like models. ss ond * My favourite subjects are “ 3 I'm? . | ive with my parents and my two 2 In my free time, | like * My favourite subject is * 4 Hello, 'm? . | live with my parents and my 2____ My favourite subject is ° | play the * and the * 2 & Complete the sentences for you. Hi, I'm | live with At school my favourite subject is____ In my free time | This year | want to anon ‘What did they do in the holidays? Complete with the past simple. Then write the name of the character. 41 stayed (stay) at home. | (play) tennis and (visit) museum: Alice i (go) to Jordan. We (visit) an ancient city called Petra. 1 (take) lots of photos.’ I went to the beach. | (swim) in the sea and (eat) ice cream, 1_________ (have) a great tim ‘We visited a farm in the countryside. 1 (see) cows, sheep and horses. Then | (make) a model of a castle.” 2 Write about what you did in the holidays. Use some of the verbs in the box. ‘eo sty visit. ~«= see. = eat’ «shave ~— play = make ©=— swim — take. Mitesson 2 Let's revier 1 Write the words in the correct column. butchers —horseriding -—chef_~=—s mountain. «= fur wings. root police officer soiling stream photographer surfing chemist’s stem feather bakery ~—watterfall petal ee Od Tite g | Pts eroigelt cron butcher's 2 Look at the picture on Pupil’s Book pages 6-7 for one minute. Then close your book and write T (True) or F (False). 1. There's a waterfall in the mountains. i 2. Someone is fishing in the stream. 3 There are some flowers in the grass. 4 Aman is taking a photograph of the sea. 5 People are mountain biking and walking in the mountains, 6 People are sailing and surfing in the sea. 7 There isn’t a fishmonger's in the village. 8 Acchef has bought some vegetables from the greengrocer's. 9 A business woman is looking at her phone. 10 A police officer is driving his car. 3 Write four more sentences about the picture on Pupil’s Book pages 6-7. 1 2 3 4 Complete with the verbs in the box. Use the correct form of the past simple. hove ge_—s ride =~ find. «= speck ©=©= get_—=S stoke «= do. say buy Hi, Mum! I'm having a great holiday. Yesterday we *__went to the beach. We? lots of activities like swimming and sailing. Then we went mountain biking Wes our bikes to the top of a hill - the view was fantastic! But | ¢ a photo because | forgot my camera! We a lovely place to have a picnic. It started to rain, but we sat under a tree so we* wet. In the afternoon, we went into the village. We ” some fruit at the greengrocer's and a nice cake at the bakery. It was a great day, wee lots of fun. you to Grandma at the weekend? What ® she about the present I sent her? See you on Friday! Jack Circle the correct form to complete the sentences. Add two more sentences. {tS isn’t important to think about safety when you are in the countryside. Don't pick any flowers which / where you see in the countryside. You should / shouldn't take a map to help you find your way. You must / mustn't eat any plants — they could be dangerous. If you decide to swim / swimming in a river, be careful in the water. Don't leave /to leave any rubbish otter a picnic. Go to a chemist’s to buy / buying mecicine if you feel i ‘Always close the gate in fields where / who there are animals. oe, ___Lesson Vocabulary 1 Read and match the words to the correct definition. 1 CONDOM EON 10 2 Complete the dialogue with the words from Activity 1. A: B: a PoP > Another word for electricity. @ ambulance large machine that you use to cook food. b milion To practise something before you perform it in front of people. © hit The word for 1,000,000 — one thousand times one thousand. accident A form of transport that takes people to hospital. © power You use this to make a building warm. f rehearse A source of energy that we use for lights and many machines. g embarrassed Something bad that happens that often hurts you. h cooker To happen, or affect people, with force. i heating Feeling uncomfortable and a little stupid. j electricity Hi, Zoe. Why didn’t you call me last night? I'm sorry, there was no' electricity and all the lights went out. ‘Oh, no — you had a? ____ cut! Where were you when it > fd | was at school. I'm going to play in a concert on Soturday so | had to * How did you get home? Thad to walk. It was scary in the dark. And | saw an 2 = car crashed into a building. Was it serious? No, no one was badly hurt. But an © Did you get home OK? Yes, but it was really cold. There was no” And we couldn't moke any dinner — the ® stopped working, too, Poor you! What time did the electricity come back on? This morning! A man from the electricity company was on TV. He was really ® ‘about the power cut. More than a 1° people had no lights or power all night. took the driver to hospital, » Reading comprehension id the newspaper article on Pupil’s Book pages 8-9. Then tick (V) the rrect ending, a or b. Martha had biscuits for dinner because ... she didn’t like soup. cs her cooker wasn't working, Notasha was scared because ... a woman stopped the train. the train had no lights and couldn't move. Lo there were lots of car accidents. a b a b 3 Doctors worked very hard because... a b the ambulances couldn't help people. a b a b 4 The elephant escaped because ... it was looking for food. someone left the gate open. [| an animal broke the power lines, QO New York Power cut the power lines. 5 The power cut happened because ... How did they feel during the power cut? Match. 1 ee @_ worried about an animal Natasha cold and hungry 2 b 3 John © very busy 4 James d. scared 5 Mami e embarrassed Learning to learn Tick (V) the words that have the same verb and noun form. 1 escape |v 3 answer 5 notice 7 drink 9 sing 2 rehearse 4 teed 6 colour 8 heat 10 break % Write the correct noun for the words that are different in Activity 3. 1 rehearsal 2 3 4 & Choose two noun / verb pairs from Activity 3. Write a sentence with each word. 1 BD crammar 1 Underline the verbs. Tick (V) if the verb form is correct and cross (x) if it isn’t. I was sitting | V | in my classroom when the electricity was going off [x] My class wos doing|_]a test when it happened|_|. We did[_]our English project when Paut shouted [_], ‘Help! Our teacher went to the library when the lights were coming back on. 6 Wehad lunch when there was another power cut. 1 2 3 Iwas working|_|on the computer when | was tosing|_] my work. 4 5 2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Last night there was a problem at the zoo. The new zookeeper ‘__was feeding (feed) the tiger when it escaped. He wasn't watching whenthetiger?__— (run) away. Some tourists * (walk) in the park when they heard a strange noise. They 4 (buy) ice cream when they saw the tiger. They were phoning the emergency services when a police car ® (arrive). The tiger sleep) under a tree when the police finally caught it. It is now safely back in the zoo, Fix | A At 3 What happened after school? Write sentences with when. 1 go home / see an accident Twas going home when I saw an accident. ny phone police / ambulance arrive e ‘open door / lights come back on - watch TV / power go off again ow wash the dishes / water go cold Language in use jatch to make sentences. realised it was an emergency the fire started. we were waiting in the playground. were rehearsing for a concert. while | was doing a science experiment. when we heard the alarm. There was a fire drill while we We were singing We were walking outside when we I saw smoke outside I wos measuring liquids when © The fire engine arrived while ~eaoccea ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. ' was doing (do) gymnastics when the emergency happened _ (happen). The alarm (ring) while my friend (listen) to music. We (hear) a fire engine while we (leave) the sports centre. We (not wear) coats when we (go) outside. The fire fighters (arrive) while we (wait) in the car park. They (bring) the last person out of the building while we (watch). & complete the questions. Then write answers for you. 4 What __were you doing _ (you/do) when the fire alarm rang (ring)? 2 Wht CCCCCC(yoour friends / play) when you__(arrive) at the park? 3. Whot music (you / listen) to when your mum (come) home? 4 What (your friend / do) when you (phone)? 5 What (you / write) when the computer working? Go to Grammar reference page 118 Unit [ibeson 5 Exam practice = 1 %& Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. Example emergeney fire engine electricity smoke safe ambulance alarm fire drill accident rescue On Soturday night there was an __emergency _ at the city zoo. A fire started in the zoo's café. A neighbour phoned the fire brigade at 12 o'clock when the fire ! rang. After ten minutes a? arrived. The animals were making strange noises when the firefighters went into the zoo. It was very dark because there wasn’t any® . The firefighters were carrying torches. They tried to stop the fire and the thick black * They took water from the small lake in front of the café. Suddenly an elephant appeared. It started to take water from the lake with its trunk and helped the firefighters. Doug Miler, a firefighter, said, it wos amazing. The elephant started to help us while we were working. It's a hero!” At 12.30, Fire Officer Mackenzie reported, ‘The fire is out now. The kitchen is a mess, but all the animals are * And we had a little help from an ‘onimal friend!” Unit 1 choose the best name for the story: Ecident at the 200 al to the rescue the city I was on a boot trip when suddenly the engine stopped. | was'__ surprised __ (surprise) but everything seemed to be OK. We were out at sea ond it was 2 (excite), But after a few minutes | felt a bit? (worry) that there was a problem. Suddenly, someone screamed. It was ‘ (terrify). The children in the boat were® (frighten) and started to cry. Then the captain said, ‘Get into the lifeboat, please.’ His face was red and he looked very a (embarrass). The rescue boat arrived and after 20 minutes we were back on land! Prepare to write 1 Look at the pictures. Number them in order to tell the story. 2 Which part of a newspaper article about the story are these sentences from? Write I (introduction), M (main body) or C (conclusion). The weather changed suddenly while they were soiling towards an island. A family is safe after a soiling accident yesterday, Suddenly the boat hit a large rock and started to sink, ‘An emergency helicopter rescued them from the island. ‘They were lucky the accident happened near the island,’ said the helicopter pilot. 6 Jock Robson and his parents were on a boat trip when an accident happened. apron 3 Complete with the sentences in Activity 2. Add one more sentence to each section. Introduction: Who? Where? What were they doing? Main body: What happened? How did they feet? Conclusion: How did it end? What did people say? dy to write Write a newspaper article about the sea rescue. Remember to include a headline. New York Metro & Read and check what you wrote in Activity 4. Ask yourself: Is the structure correct: headline, introduction, main body and conclusion? Is the information clear? Did | include direct speech? Is the punctuation correct? Did | use past tense verbs correctly? Rewrite the newspaper article in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 5 to improve your work. |__Lesson 7 Functional language 1 Complete the sentences. explained whispered shouted screamed seid. «asked. 1 ‘Ima bit cold and tired,’ she said p 2 ‘Are you wearing your life jacket?’ the teacher son 3 ‘Aaagh!’ he when he saw the shark. 4 He that a rescue helicopter was coming to save them. 5 ‘Help!’ they _ when they saw the helicopter. 6 She couldn't speak so she her name quietly. 1 Complete the puzzle. + B Across is 3. Asmall boat for emergencies. Gee 5 You see this when there is a fire. 6 Totalk very, very quietly 7 Feeling really scared. = 8 Televisions need this to work. Down 1 You hear this in a fire dil 2. This takes people to hospital. 4 You can do this in a science lesson. 7 mplete with the correct tense of the verbs. saw a bad traffic accident yesterday while I'_was going _ (go) to school. E (walk) along the High Street when | * (hear) a loud noise. n someone said, ‘That car crashed into a bus while it (urn) the corner!” ‘was a real emergency. People * (Get) off the bus quickly when a fire engine (atrive). The firefighters stopped the fire in a few minutes and everyone was safe. n ambulance * (come) while they ° (fight) the fire. It took two people hospital. A reporter came to write about it. ‘What ® you (do) when e accident happened?’ she asked me. ‘| (wait) to cross the road?’ | answered. hat a terrible day! Write sentences with when or while. 1/have / English lesson // fire alarm / ring was having an English lesson when the fire alarm rang. electricity / go off //1 / work / in / library 1/ make dinner // fire / start 1/ fall over // 1 / play / outside my mum / broke / leg // she / go / downstairs What I can do! Puta tick (V) or across (x). understand facts in a newspaper article use adjectives with -ing and -ed talk about interrupted past activities write a newspaper article from notes talk about emergency situations identify ond express feelings My unit progress 1° My favourite activity: 2 Something | did well: 3. Something | could improve: Py] Life in the past WM tesson 1 Vocabulary 1 &¥ Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. build burn down buy dig freezing office pertrat_ possession servant _ soldier A picture or painting of a person. Very, very cold ‘Someone who works for another person in their house. To put something in the ground and cover it A building or room where people work. ‘person who works in the army Something that is yours — it belongs to you. To make something by putting parts or materials together. To use a tool to make a hole in the ground. 10 To be destroyed by fire. portrait, CONDMaAON A Complete the text with the words from Activity 1. lama’___soldier___ inthe King’s army. Yesterday | woke up early in the morning. The weather was very cold = It was® outside. | got up and called my® +o bring breakfast. Suddenly | heard someone shout, Firel. looked out of the window. There was a huge fire inthe streets — ‘the houses near us were going to* Soonwe may needto®__newhouses. Iwent-to my? and found my favourite” Itwas a mall 8 of my wife. |went outside to the garden to? ahole, |had ‘to a the portrait: to save it from the fire, Reading comprehen: ad the diary on Pupil’s Book pages 22-23. rite T (True) or F (False). Samuel Pepys bought a watch to tell the time. He got to work quickly on 16th March, Elisabeth had her own teeth. It took a long time to paint a portrait. The Great Fire of London started on 2nd September. It destroyed houses built of stone. mplete the sentences with your own words. ‘Samuel was wearing three jackets because He knew what time it was when he heard After he bought a pair of glasses he felt The servants woke him up early because He went to speak to the King because He hid his most expensive possession _ OnOLONn + Working with words Make nouns from the verbs in the box. Write the words in the correct column. act build direct invent paint ‘sail teach sing Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. 1 Myfriend wants tobe an___actor__. 'm going to watch her_act_in our school plu: 2 My uncle is a He around the Caribbean last summer. 3 Thomas Edison the light bulb. He's my favourite 4 Jane's grandfather their family home. He used to be a ‘ 5 Steven Spielberg is a famous He the Indiana Jones fms: Lesson 3». Grammar 1 Read and circle the correct form. This is my great grandfather. Life was very different when he was young, He “Gsed t9Y didn't use to work in on office in the city. Travelling to the city was difficult. People * used to / didn’t use to have cars so they * used to / didn’t use to walk a long way. My great grandmother * used to / didn't use to work in the city, she stayed at home every day. She ° used to / didn’t use to cook and clean, and she * used to / didn’t use to make a fire every morning because it was so cold. There wasn't ‘any electricity so people ’ used to / didn’t use to watch TV. In the evenings, my great grandfather ® used to / didn’t use to light candles to read, 2 & Write about you when you were four years old. Use used to or didn't use to. go to school. go to bed early. read books. play computer games. speak English. _ have a favourite toy, Darona 3 Imagine your country 200 years ago. Write about what people used to / didn’t used to do. Use the topics below or your own ideas. travel servants electricity candles + computers Life in my country 200 years ago was very different. People didn’t use to travel by bus or car. 4» Language in use Unscramble the questions about when you were five. Then answer for you. English / Did / you / speak/ use / to? Did you use to speak English? play / What / use / games / to / you / did ? pet / use / have / Did /to / you/a? bed / What / did / to/ go / time / use / to / you ? rite questions with the prompts to complete the dialogue. = Where / tive? Where did you use to live? Bi | used to live in a cottage near the beach. | 2 have / servants? : No, we didn't. | used to help with the chores. * What / chores / do? | used to dust and vacuum the carpets. = ‘go /to school? as Yes, | used to go to the village school. = 5 What / study? : We used to study maths, history ... all the subjects that you study! = ® go out / with friends? ast : Yes, | did. We used to go to the cinema. rite questions to go with the answers. Did you use to have hot water? No, | didn't. There wasn’t any hot water in my house. | used to read or sew in the evenings. | used to walk to school. Yes, | did. | used to play outside every day, | used to play tennis. Exam practice 4 &% Kim is visiting an old school today. She is asking the guide questions about the classroom. What does the guide say? ; Read the conversation and choose the best answer on page 23. : Write a letter (A-H) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example. Example Kim: How many pupils were there? Guide: B Questions Guide: Welcome to our old-time classroom. I'm your guide for today. You can see there was only one classroom for all the pupils. 1 Kim: — Where did the pupils use to live? Guide: There are no computers! How did they use to write? Did they use to have electricity? Did they use to have heating? 5 Kim: — What sports did they use to do? Kim: — Wow! School was very different in those days. Unit 2 A They used to use pen and ink. There used to be about 30 pupils at the school. (example) They used to do gymnastics. They didn't use to have a computer. They lived in villages near the school Yes, they did. There was only one fire so it was freezing. They didn’t use to study. No, they didn’t. They used to use oil lamps. rowmoow in 6» Learning fo learn Match the strategies for memorising vocabulary to the pictures. Write the words on labels. Stick them in different places around your home. Record the words on your phone, play them back and repeat. Write sentences or definitions with the words. Draw a picture or diagram in your notebook and add labels. Use colour coding for different kinds of words, e.g. nouns, adjectives. Create a mini-dictionary on your phone or computer. Organise by topic. 5 ) o © | Verb Noun portrait freezin, em: Vv 5 ala act___actor as ee eee visit __vieitor ae a v | aah i) e cllairip) «—f; eanale We use acaleulator to RS ta help us in maths. dig verb ink to break up or move earth ce with a tool or machine He dug a hole to bury the treasure. E. & Tick (v) the strategies you use. Then choose a new strategy to try out. L Lesson 6» Writing Prepare to write zz) ie 1 Complete the diary entry with the words in the box. BEST Acarghill LOVE Yum!!! toot, toot! yuck! ‘cool AWESOME Sunday, th May Today was really’ cool! __Iwent to an adventure park with my family. There were lots of amazing animals. We watched the lions and one of them roared at me —2 — it was really scary! After that, we explored the Adventure Castle — it was ee . Then we took a train round the lake - * | took.a photo of a crocodile with tte mouth open ~ On the way home we stopped for ice cream. |® ice cream! | had strawberry flavour.” _ It was the ® day out ever! How could you write sentences 1-5 in a diary? Use your own ideas or the ones in Activity 1. 1 Itwas deticious. Yum! 2 2 twas really scary. 3 really like chocolate. 4 Itwas really horrible. 5. had a fantastic day Plan a diary entry about a day out with your family, Write notes. Where did you go? Who with? When did you go? What did you do? What did you see? What did you enjoy most? How did you feet? What did you think about your day? dy to write rite your diary entry. & Read and check what you wrote in Activity 4. k yourself: Did | use informal words and expressions? Did | use punctuation in the style of a diary? Is the information interesting and fun to read? Did | use past tenses correctly? Is the spelling correct? ite your diary entry in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 5 improve your work. 7». Functional language 1 Complete the dialogue with phrases from the box. F'm going to talk about in those days Could you repeat Weleometo | Another interesting thing Can | check something What do you mean by r At Welcome to the History Project. Today 2 transport in our town 100 years ago. It was very different 3 . In 1900, horses were the main form of transport. B: 4 that, please? Of course. Horses were the main form of transport, They used to pull almost every vehicle. B: ¢ ____ ‘pull every vehicle"? ‘A: A vehicle is a type of transport. Horses used to pull most of them, including buses. ° is that most people couldn't use public transport because it was very expensive. They used to walk to work every day, B: 7 : , please? Were there trains in 1900? Yes, there were. There were steam trains for travelling long distances. te ez Check-up challenge 1 Write the words in the correct column. ink servant guide build carpet. — soldier burn down dig portrait 2 Unscramble the words to complete the sentences. 1 Samuel Pepys worked in an fiecof___ office To learn about the past, we study yorstih My mobile phone is my favourite nissosspeo It snowed last night so this morning it's zegrifen Asmall house in the country is called a togcate We use email and text messages to camutciemon If you can't do maths in your head, use a talucoclar Life is very different in the 21st ryncuet | | ONanaon Unit 2 istakes in the picture and write sentences. Students didn’t use to have mobile phones. They Teachers They Classrooms They mber the dialogue in order. Then complete with the correct form of use to. We play in the woods and ride our bikes No, we didn't! We have them in those days! That's nice. What you do there? About two kilometres. We went to a farm to buy eggs. 1 ____ Visit my grandma, She lived in the countryside. How far you cycle? What did you use to do at the weekend? you play computer games? i What! can do! comes Put a tick (V) or across (x). infer meaning from a text make nouns from verbs L] ask and answer about past situations write a diary entry describe past habits and situations give a talk and clarify information My unit progress 1 My favourite activity: 2 Something | did well: 3. Something | could improve: E} Adventure time E Lesson 1 Vocabulary Read and unscramble the words. 1 Canoeing is similar toagikakny kayaking 2 There's an amazing wiev from the top of this building. 3 You can go insigk in the mountains when there is enough snow. 4 Tose a canoe or a kayak you need a dalepd 5 You can take a trip into the air in a toh-rai lobonal a 6 Be careful in the balloon because the aefml ___ is very hot. 7 You need to listen carefully when the etsnrrituo _ tells you what to do. 8 Canada has all kinds of esrceyn — sea, mountains, lakes and forests. 9 You can see different types of lilwedif . including brown bears. 10 | took lots of photos of the amazing delsapnac 2 Complete Adam's blog with the words from Activity 1. 4th June 16th June Hi, there! I'm Adam. 'm doing something I've never fl Now I'm in the west in the done before I'm flying ina? _ho! . fff Rocky Mountains. There's Its really hot @ inside because of the lots of snow and today | went a But the * =f: for the first from up here is amazing. You can see for miles — time. Tomorrow I'm going up to it’s a beautiful + Jasper National Park to see all the © Maybe Ill see a bear! ‘9th June Today | was on the river. I've never been s before. A kayak is smaller than a canoe and the ° is different. We practised in the morning with the 7 at the kayak school. Then in the afternoon we travelled down the river. The® was awesome, it’s very colourful at this time of year. on 2 Reading comprehension ead Emmo’s blog on Pupil’s Book pages 34-35. Then find and correct the mistake each sentence. Emma's blog is about ¥aneeuver. __Canada__ Emma tried kayaking for the second time in June. A canoe paddle has got two blades. People fly hot-air balloons when the wind is calm Emma went for a hot-air balloon ride in the evening. They did the Edge Walk around the city, They were 553 metres above the ground. Emma's dad showed them how to do the Edge Walk. ircle the best answer to complete each sentence. Emma thinks Vancouver is great because othe scenery the city life. She thinks skiing is dangerous / exciting. She spent three hours on the river / at kayak school. She thinks hot-air balloons are quiet and cool / hot and noisy. 5 She thought the Edge Walk was difficult but fun / scary but exciting. Emme’s blog shows that she likes adventures / sports forking with words Complete the chart with the past participle forms. none prc) cr ers tls ‘Complete the text with verbs from Activity 3. This holiday I've *__done__a lot of exciting things! I've 2 some amazing experiences. I've ? in a hot-air balloon and I've * ina tent at Adventure Camp. I've ® a brown bear in the wild, I've ® the birds sing, ‘and I've? in a big lake. I've = lots of interesting people, too! That's why I've ® this blog! 1 3» Grammar Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 Ive flown (fly) in @ hot-air balloon. 2 He (swim) with dolphins in the sea. 31 never (visit) the USA, 4 We (climb) a very high mountain. 5 They (travel) to lots of different countries. 6 She never (see) a brown bear in the wild. Write sentences about Kelly with the prompts. Kelly Martin is 12 years old. 1 She / write /a blog She's written a blog. 2 She / travel / to Africa on safari 4 She / never / fly / in a hot-air balloon | 3. She / never / see /a lion in the wild | | | 5 She / sleep / in the jungle 6 She/ never / swim / with a shark & Write about what you have and haven't done. Use the suggestions below or your own ideas. fly in a hot-air balloon travel by train sleep in a tent meet a famous person swim with dolphins write a poem Ive "ve never Unit 3 Go to Grammar reference page 120 4» Language in use i Complete the survey for you. Write Yes, I have or No, I haven't. Have you ever been camping? Have you ever put up a tent? Have you ever slept in a sleeping bag? Have you ever carried a rucksack? Have you ever made a camp fire? Have you ever seen the stars? mplete the questions with Have you ever and the correct verb. tk use be put up sleep see E Have you ever been camping? : No, | haven't. eB map? : Yes, | have. | leamed about maps at school. 2 And? in the mountains using a compass? : No, | haven't. Is it difficult? 2 No, it isn't, Pl show you in a tent before? No, | haven't Is it scary? : No, but you must be careful of the wildlife. a brown bear? : Yes, | have — but only in the zoo! OK, time for the tent. 6 a tent before? B: No, | haven't. A: Oh, dear! | can see that! Goto Grammar ference page 20 unt ET Lesson 5 Exam practice Hi Bill, Example Being an explorer is the best job! So far I've had ____ a good experience in the Amazon. I've seen amazing scenery and wildlife. Yesterday | saw a snake, 1 butit bite me — thank goodness! I've spent four days in the jungle ‘and | haven't got lost! I've compass to find my way because this river isn’t on the map! It's time to stop for the night now. I've put up my 3 and I'm making dinner. It doesn’t smell delicious ... - I'm enjoying travelling atong the river boat. It's amazing to 5 explore places where people have been before. See you soon. an show you all my amazing photos! ®S* Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more words. Ly Sr oe 3 Learning to learn Imagine you went to an adventure camp. Complete the mind map. Lesson 6» Prepare to write 1 Complete the blog with the correct letter, a-f. @ Stay with me b See you later © Whot a fantastic day d FmetAdventure- Camp @ I've never slept in the forest before f We've done lots of exciting things Writing G http:/ 3rd August Hi, my name's Rob. Welcome to my blog. Right now '__d_. It’s really cool! I'm with my cousins, Lee and Gemma. ?_like kayaking, It was amazing, but | was a bit scared too! @ * and follow our adventures. 5th August Wow! «__! I've been horse-riding and I've climbed a mountain. The views from the top were amazing! Tomorrow we're going to camp in a forest for the night.°_— or put up a tent so I'm feeling nervous!*__! 2 Plan a blog about an adventure camp. Use your mind map from page 33, Activity 1, and complete the notes. Date: Opening: Where: I'm at Adventure Camp in Who with: Activity 1: What happened: Feelings / Opinions: Activity 2: What happened: Feelings / Opinions: Finish: dy to write ‘ite a blog about Adventure Camp. cs G hitp:/; Read and check what you wrote in Activity 3. sk yourself: __| Is the information clear and in date order? _| Did | inctude interesting and exciting information? | Did | start ond finish with a friendly comment? __| Did | include my feelings and opinions? __| Did | use verb tenses correctly? rite the blog in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 4 > improve your work. Unit 3 Checkup challenge Lesson 7 ». Functional language 1 Complete the dialogue with the correct phrases, a-f. 2 Great — we always need good coaches. Can you tell me more about the sports activities? b That's very useful. é Have you ever done a course? Do you play well enough to coach? ~oaos : Hello, Katy. Have you worked at an adventure camp before? ; No, | haven't, but I've been to lots of camps. ; 1 Really? Well, that’s good experience. ; And I've done lots of different activities — sports, acting and painting. 2 : Of course. I've done a lot of kayaking and | also play basketball, a : Yes, | think so. | play for the school team. : can also do first aid. : Yes, Ihave. | did one at school last year. PUOrPMO>Or>oa>oroDd 1 Read and circle the correct word. Well, here | am at Adventure Camp. I've been ' kayaking / @Kiing)in the mountains ~the ¢ view / camp from the top was amazing! We've done forest walks, too. I've seen some amazing * landscape / wildlife — there are lots of animals here. I've used a * compass / camera to find my way. It’s fun to be an ° explorer / instructor, but | don't want to get lost! I've been camping in the forest, too. I's quite difficult to * put up / get up a tent! And I've slept ina rucksack / sleeping bag — it wasn't very comfortable! I've also learned to cook on the camp fire. Lost night | made dinner and it was * horrible / delicious! Everyone liked it. Write true sentences about you. Then add two more things you’ve done. | aes try / skiing climb / a tree visit / another country write / a blog : travel / by boat sleep / under the stars Ive tried skiin« . | I've never tried skiin jing an explorer. Write questions and answers. 1 Have you ever seen a snake? (see / a snake) plorer: Ye 2 What I can do! Put a tick (V) or a cross (x). differentiate between fact and opinion describe life experiences ask and answer about experiences My unit progress 1 My favourite activity: 2 Something | did well: 3. Something | could improve: (be / on TV) (travel / across Africa) (swim / with sharks) (write / a book) use irregular past participles write a blog entry act out an interview J" Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. gardener pilot ~~ vet_-—_university interested in challenging energetic. ~—clever_~—=—srewarding ~—safe This means you're out of danger. Someone who makes sick animals better as a job. A place where some people study after they finish school. This describes something that makes you feel important or useful. This describes an activity which is difficult, but interesting and enjoyable. Someone who flies a plane as a job. Intelligent and good at Learning things. Someone who looks after a garden as a job. This describes someone who is active and full of energy. Liking something and wanting to learn more about it. Se©mVaonaona 1 2 Complete the text with the words from Activity 1. My name is Sara Barton and | work at the same adventure safari park s Derek Chatham. He's the *__@ __here ond cuts the tall plants. 'm a? ‘ond | work with the animals. Before | studied at ° , | wanted to be a and fly planes. You need to be > to do both jobs, but I'm happy that | chose this job. It can be difficult sometimes — looking after lions is more ® than cats or rabbits, but it’s also a very? job. It feels good to help sick animals and keep them * ‘ I'm very ® wildlife, but | sometimes do more ® activities like karate. 2». Reading comprehension id the article on Pupil's Book pages 48-49. Then write T (True), F (False) ‘NM (Not Mentioned). Adela has been a pilot for ten years. She helps people in danger. Tyler has an intelligent horse. He's had his horse for eight years. Jill only looks after small animals. Her job is very challenging | Derek did his job more quickly before he got stits. He would like to work in a smaller garden. h the names to the descriptions. Some names match to more than one description. @_ goes to sports events for the job feels healthy doing the job Adela Tyler os loves teamwork b c will d_ enjoys learning in the job Derek € likes meeting different people f enjoys the job more now that it’s easier Find the answers to the questions on Pupil’s Book ges 48-49. How quickly can you do this? Time yourself! How many people did they interview? four What does Adela fly? Where did Adela learn to fly? What is the name of Tyler's horse? Which country does Jill work in? How long did vill travel to rescue an animal? How tall are the plants Derek looks after? 4 5 6 7 8 What does Derek use to make his job faster? I completed this activity in |__| minutes. 1 Write the phrases in the correct columm. Grammar twoweeks tenminutes 2012-—_—ithree years last year 7oclock = alongtime —_—I left school two weeks ‘Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. fol Howlong. visted since. for ; Howlong have you'___been __a dentist? : I've been a dentist 2 50 years. a________ have you worked here? 14 worked here for 40 years. " What about your assistant? How long she worked here? ®____ 1975. Butno one has 7 for years, Hmm ... | think my teeth are fine! B: Don't worry ... | haven't done this © 4 very long time, but | think | know what to do RRR oe > & Write questions with the prompts. Then answer for you with for or since. 1 How long / have / your mobile phone? How long have you had your mobile phone? How long / have / your favourite hobby? ny © How long / live /in your home? 4 How long / know / your best friend? Unit 4 Go to Grammar reference page 121 Language in use Write sentences about your day at a sports club. Use the verbs in the box. play meet have find 4 gym instructor V / swimming coach x a et the gum ins Ive alrea Ihaven't met yet. 2 gym v /canteen x 3 adrink v / lune! 4 basketball v / football x & Write five sentences about your day with I’ve already ... and I haven't ... yet. Use the suggestions or your own ideas. have breakfast /lunch/dinner domy homework —_see my friends have a maths / English / science lesson _play basketball / football / tennis Go to Grammar reference page 121 Unit 4 Ft ssOn 5) Exam practice 1 © Jane and Laura are in the school canteen. They're talking about what they're going to eat. What does Laura say? Read the conversation and choose the best answer on Page 43, Write a letter (A-H) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example. Example Jane: Hi, Laura. Have you been to the new school canteen? Laura: a | 1 Jane: Great, let's go now! Have you had lunch yet? Laura: 2 Jane: Good — so we can have ice cream now! Have you tried these ones? What's your favourite flavour? —__ 3 ee |! haven't tried that flavour yet. Pass me a spoon, please. es OK! Mmm, it's delicious. ... Oh no, there’s the bell, Laura: Oh, dear. Jane: Hurry up! I've already been late three time this week! | haven't finished my ice cream yet. Here you are. Be careful — it's freezing! ve already had it. No, | haven't been there yet. (example) Yes, I've already had a sandwich. No, | haven't tasted them yet. lke mango it tastes delicious. I've already been to the cloakroom. rommoonpD .. Working with words rite the phrases in the correct column. a noise the cleaning -omplete the text with make or do. @ paramedic and | work in a hospital. My job is very busy and | also have lots of chores to do. usually * do the shopping on the joy home. 12 the cooking in 1e evening. Sometimes | ® a cake while my children * their jomework. At the weekend, I° cleaning while the children tidy their bedrooms. Then we do something together. Sometimes we ® ‘a model or = poster, We usually ” alot of vise! When it's cold we * afire keep warm. areise the cleaning the shopping a fire a poster your homework. the washing a.cake a model the cooking Lesson6» Writing Prepare to write | 1 Match notes a-g to the plan for a magazine article. a forfive years b best moments are getting close to wildlife © David-Faylorhelicopterpiles _ inan unusual place - Antarctica e loves flying and visiting interesting places flles a helicopter to bring food and medicine g made a hole in the ice to see animals underwater ~ Paragraph 4 (introduction) 1 Name and job 2 Where he works 3 How long he has done it 4 What he does in his job David Taylor, helicopter pilot Paragraph 2 (main body) 5 Why he chose it 6 Recent interesting experience Paragraph 3 (ending) 7 What he likes most 2 Which paragraph (1, 2 or 3) do these sentences come from? 1 ‘We saw seals and penguins under the ice!’ 2 2 He sometimes rescues sick people or animals. 3 'My favourite thing is looking at the landscape and all the ice.’ 4 ‘Iwanted to do something completely different.” 3 Answer the questions to add more information to the article. 1 What is the climate like in Antarctica? 2 How does David feel about working there? 3 Howis his job challenging / rewarding? Unit 4 idy to write rite a magazine article about David Taylor. Give your article a heading. & Read and check what you wrote in Activity 4. Ask yourselt: Did | organise the information into paragraphs? [_] bid | inctude direct speech? Did | use punctuation correcty? [_] Dia | use tinking words like because, but and so? Is the grammar correct? Rewrite the magazine article in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 5 to improve your work. Lesson 7 1 You are talking to your robot home helper. Complete the dialogue with the phrases. Shall I do it Don’t worry would be great behelpful Hm-serry Would you like A: Hello! Have you done all the chores yet? st I'm sorrt , | haven't finished yet. That's OK. Have you made the beds? Functional language afraid | haven't haven't had time B A B: No, I haven't. @ A: : Thanks, that would * Have you done the washing? B: No, I'm4 5 A: Yes, please. That ® Have you made the dinner yet? B: No, I'm afraid |7 I make it now? = going to have pizza. 1 Circle eight words in the wordsearch. Then complete the sentences with the words. eck-up challenge me to do it now? I can do it. We're tfofalk|[rjo|ojm| 1 vielelafs{tfultle] , vjolajh|ri|tiglole rit{t{rje|n}o}elc}| 3 i[t]tfele[wlk[i] 4 5 t x filhilele q e z 5 tle|r}/klelwin|riv elniulmls|/pliltje| 7 fa) [ay |e [Pah é [it i 8 Unit 4 now? Shall You leave your coat in the __ cloakroom at school. That tastes horrible. | want to it out! You must be to your teacher. My robot needs a to work. People make things like cars in a You can keep your books in a at school. He's very — he's always top of the class, Don't eat ice cream too quickly or your mouth will & Write questions with the verbs and your own ideas. Answer for you with for or since, 1 (want) How tong have you wanted to. I've wanted to (live) How tong have you. (play) (have) (i) == Read and write the missing words. Jeff is a new student at our school. He * only been here? aweek, but he has * made a lot of friends. He hasn't met all the teachers * and he® done his maths homework, so | don't know if he's ‘6 good student. But | know he’s good at sport. He's © basketball in the gym, but he hasn't joined the team yet. He loves food too! He's already 7 to the canteen and tried all the pizzas! How? have | know Jeff? I've only known him . Monday, but we " become really 900d friends. Put a tick (7) or across (x). scan a text for specific information use expressions with make or do talk about how long | have done something write a magazine article say what has or hasn't happened make and accept offers My unit progress 1 My favourite activity: 2. Something | did well: 3. Something | could improve: 2 What I can do! caguee eu a au .wi sews E Lesson 1 Vocabulary 1 @ Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. hugs pedal_-—=—sift_—— old-fashioned skyscraper backwards forwards -— polluted = virtual = workshop To move something to a higher position. lift You do this to make a bicycle move. Towards the direction that is in front of you. Towards the direction that is behind you. Avery tall, modem building. ‘A place where you make things or repair broken things. You often do this to someone to show love or friendship. Not modern — typical of a time in the past. The air in a city is like this if there is a lot of traffic. 10 This describes something on a computer screen that looks real. ©ONaOHRON= 2 Complete the text with the words from Activity 1. love playing computer games, especially ‘__virtual ones, which are so realistic. I've got a new time-travel game. If you click the button to go? into the future, you can see very tall ® . On the screen, you = can* people into the airtothe =~ top of these buildings and see inside. If you click the button to go § , you can see the past. I's fun to see how people travelled over 100 years ago. There weren't many cars so the ir wasn't § . In the game there's, an? car in a § for repair. it doesn't go very fast! People ° their bicycles along the street. You can make friends and the people you like, You can follow them around to see. their daily life, which is fun! Unit 5 Reading comprehension Read the story on Pupil’s Book pages 60-61. Then number the sentences in order. Abi went into grandma's workshop. She rode the bike back in time to the present. Abi didn't like what she saw in the future. They went outside to play tennis. Grandma gave Abi a game for a birthday present. ae Abi was playing a virtual tennis game. She found an old-fashioned bike and rode it into the future. Grandma suggested playing tennis outside. zsatroanocea In what ways is the future that Abi sees different? Write three more sentences. 4 There are lots of skyscrapers and flying cars. care careful careless olaleloln| = s g Complete the sentences with words from Activity 3. This pizza doesn't have any flavour — it's tasteless. He's the fastest runner in the country — his legs are very That poor man doesn’t have anywhere to live — he’s He isn't scared of anything — he’s What a nice picture! The red and orange flowers are very | made a lot of mistakes because | was very Oarons Lesson 3 1 ». Grammar Complete the sentences about Cuban taxis with not as ... and the adjectives. 1 Both taxis are cheap. Coco taxis are __just as cheap as___regular taxis. 2 Coco taxis are faster. as or just as ... Regular taxis aren't __ Coco taxis. 3 Regular taxis are more comfortable. Coco taxis aren't regular taxis. 4 Both taxis are fun. Aregulartoxiis__-— a Coc 0 tox 5 Both taxis are noisy. ACoco taxi is @ regular taxi. 6 A regular taxi is safer. Coco taxi isn't @ regular tox. Write sentences to compare the transport. planes / helicopters (dangerous) x Planes aren't as dangerous as helicopters skateboards / motorbikes (exciting) = Skateboards are just as exciting as motorbikes buses / trains (expensive) x cars / taxis (fast) = bikes / motorbikes (noisy) x planes / trains (comfortable) = On Rene & Tick (v) all the ways of getting around in your town. Then write four sentences to compare them. bus taxi car bike wolking boat train [_] the metro In my town ... 1 (expensive) _buses aren't as expensive as trains (safe) (fast) (comfortable) (noisy) abon Unit 5 Go to Grammar reference page 122 on 4» Language in use ead and circle the correct words. walk to school, but it's (foo slow)/ slow enough — it takes me 0 minutes. I'd rather cycle because walking isn't? too fast / ast enough. I've got a helmet and there's a cycle path, but ‘my mum says it's ° too dangerous / dangerous enough. ‘My friend Carl travels to school by train. He hates it because the trains are “ too crowded / crowded enough and they ‘aren't ‘too comfortable / comfortable enough. His travel ‘card also costs a lot of money, Carl thinks it's ® too expensive / ‘expensive enough. ‘Complete the sentences with foo or not enough and the adje Use the correct form of fo be. 1 Simon doesn't like cycling because it isn’t fast enough . (not fost) 2 Helen doesn't like buses because they . (slow) 3 Mel doesn't like trains because they . (expensive) # Paul doesn''t like eyeling because it queso tne eee ate eerste 5) & Mick doesn't like walking because the traffic . (noisy) & kelly doesn't like eyeling because she - (not fit) & what problems are there getting around in your town? Write sentences using foo and not enough. 1 Cycling is too dangerous. 2 The buses aren't fast enough. 3: ne reer ne aus Lesson 5) Exam practice 1 “S* Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3, or 4 words. At the skate park Elena got a skateboard and a helmet for her birthday. They were very expensive because her mum is worried about safety. ‘Cheaper equipment isn't as safe as expensive equipment, she told Elena. Yesterday Elena went to the skate pork to practise skateboarding. The park is very popular so it was crowded. She saw her friend Liam and went over to speak to him. ‘Hi, Elena! Is that your new skateboard?’ he asked. “Yes, itis,’ she replied. | want to try something new, and keep fit and healthy at the same time? Elena put on all her equipment — helmet, gloves and pads. Then she rode her skateboard down the skate park slope. She felt very happy. It was just as exciting ‘8 everyone said. Then suddenly she realised that she didn't know how to stop. She screamed! The skateboard was going too fast and Elena was terrified. ‘She jumped off just before she hit a tree, but then she fell over. Her friend Liam ran to help her, “Elena, are you OK?’ he asked. “Yes, I'm not hurt’ she replied. ‘t's « good thing my mum bought all the right safety equipment. It protected me. Maybe skateboarding isr't as easy as | thought!” ‘lean teach you!’ said Liam. ‘Come on!’ ena's mum chose expensive equipment because it was safer jestions, There were a lot of people at the skate park because it is, Liam is Eleno’s Elena wants to skateboard to stay To protect her, Elena wore a Elena screamed because she was She wasn't hurt when she Liam offered to how to skateboard. Depart m Town Square 9.20 10.30 “Central Station 930 10.40 Green Lane 940 1050 Brook Way 955 11.05 Dome Stadium 1010 11.20 High Street 10.25 11.35 1250 3.05 *This Cer Which doy of the week can you not travel? Sundai Where does the bus start from? What time is the first bus in the morning? How often does it run in the afternoon? How long does it take from Town Square to Brook Way? How long does it take from Green Lane to the High Street? How long is the whole journey from Town Square to the High Street? Which service does not run if it is a holiday? a Lesson6» Writing ! Prepare to write 1 Look and think about the story. Number the pictures in order. b| is 2 Plan your story. Make notes to answer the questions about the story in Activity 1. At the beginning 1 Where is the boy? 2 What's he doing? 3. Whats his problem? In the middle 4. What was the weather like at the start? 5 How was the boy doing in the race? 6 What was the weather like later? 7 What happened to the other cyclists? In the end 8 Who won the race? Why? 9 How did the boy and his friends feel? | LI & Read and check what you wrote in Activity 3. Ask yoursett: {J 1st organised into paragraphs? Does it have a beginning, a middle and an end? Did | use different vocabulary? [_] did | use verb tenses correctly? Is the spelling correct? Rewrite the story in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 4 to improve your work. | Lesson 7» Functional language Check-up challenge 1 Write questions with the prompts to complete the dialogue. A: Good moming. How can | help you? B: Could / you / tell me how / get / to the island? 1 Could you tell me how to get to the island? | A: Ofcourse. The quickest way is by ferry. B: How long /it/ take? e 2 ie It takes 20 minutes. B: How often / it / depart? + ? A: Itdeparts every hour. B: How much / cost? ees oe eee : A return costs £5. There's a discount if you're under 18. : Could /1/ have / return / please? ‘A: Here you are. Enjoy your day. Circle the word in each group that is different and explain why. 1 polluted / old-fashioned /Giscound/ popular / crowded —_It isn’t an adjective. 2 workshop / ticket office / virtual / skyscraper / factory 3 pedal / hug/ protect / accident / lift 4 elbow pad / safety / helmet / knee pad / gloves Complete the text with the words in the box. ticketoffiee discount ‘crowded cycle path travel card old-fashioned polluted popular Get your tickets for the next island trip! The ferry leaves in 20 minutes. You can get your tickets atthe ticket office _. They only cost £5. There’s a? for children and students who have a * - Don't miss this fantastic trip! The island is ‘amazing — you can see the * houses in the historic part of the town. You can ride your bike around the island on a special * There's a lot of wildlife because the istand isn’t ® ~ the air is very clean. Hurry now — we've sold a lot of tickets already and the ferry is getting” because our trip is very 8 inscramble the sentences. Then tick (V) if you agree or cross (x) if you don’t agree. exciting / as / aren't / ferries / as Ferries aren't as exciting as planes. noisy / motorbikes / just / as / are / os ‘ helicopters. skateboards / as / aren't / as / dangerous bikes. trains / as / aren't / expensive / as taxis. comfortable / just / are / as / buses / os trains. jobby is at the playground with his grandpa. Look and complete with .0 or not enough and the correct adjective. dangerous fast young = old-—S sit. The girl is cycling too fast. Bobby isn’t to ride in pedal cor. The pedal cars are for young children. Grandpa isn't to go on the swings. Grandpaisnt____———__to cycle. Ao Bunty 2 What! can do! «seuss Puta tick (V) or across (x). infer meaning from a short story use suffixes -ful and -less compare different types of transport write a short story Gl talk about getting to school [] request information about a journey My unit progress 1. My favourite activity: 2 Something | did well: 3 Something | could improve: Mid-year review 1 Circle the word in each group that is different and explain why. 1 smoke / fireengine / GxperimenD / alarm / lifeboat It isn’t part of an emergency situation. 2 instructor / cooker / soldier / explorer / gardener 3 cottage / office / canteen / workshop / ferry 4 compass / discount / tent / rucksack / sleeping bag 5 shout / whisper / scream / explain / terrified 6 factory / canteen / cloakroom / locker / gym 2 Complete with the words in the box. cccident safety equipment communicate polluted erewded rescue boat —_protect kayaking instructor Going to the beach can be a lot of fun. However, beaches can be very * crowded in summer and sometimes they're 3 ___ - try to find a clean one which is safer. The beach is a good place to try water sports. If you do on activity like * __, make sure you have a good * to teach you the basics. You should also use the proper * , like a helmet and | life jacket. It is important to ® yourself so that you stay safe. If you do have an? , you need to know what to do. * with the emergency services as quickly as possible to let them know what's happened. If necessary, they will send out a ® Mid-year review ircle the correct words to complete the sentences. He felt frighten /(ffightened) frightening when he saw the lion. | was walking to school when / while / as | saw an accident. He not / didn't / doesn’t use to wear glasses. I've never fly / flew / flown in a helicopter. At holiday camp | had to put up / go up / bun down my tent. My brother is very interested in / at / with wildlife. haven't met the new teacher yet / already / soon. I've been at this school since / for / in four years. omplete with the past simple or past continuous. ast month |'__was travelling (travel) to holiday camp when we q (have) an accident. A cyclist ® (ride) ‘out in front of our bus while the driver * (turn) the corer. The bus hit a tree. When | > (get) off the bus, 1° (see) a lot of smoke coming from the engine. | told our teacher and he phoned the emergency services. The cyclist's leg was hurt and he looked terrified. ‘lm sorry, he said. ‘17 (not look) when the bus * (tum) ‘the corner. | didn't see it’ The ambulance * (arrive) to take him “to hospital while the firefighters " (put) out the fire on the bus. Luckily no one was badly hurt. ‘Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. for already yet always ever. = Howlong since : Look at this photo. This is the house where | ' used to live when | was little. Did you to live in this town? No, I've ived in a village in the countryside. BE have you lived in your new house? I've lived here ® last summer. : Have you made new friends at school ® 2 : Yes, | have. I've been a member of the football club a six months. I've ® met a lot of new people. And I've tried new sports like skiing! Have you ® been skiing? B: No, Ive ® tried skiing. | don't think I'd lke to - it's too cold! 6 Write sentences with just /not as ... as or to0 / not enough. 1 Buses / not / fast / trains Buses aren't as fast as trains. 2. Skateboarding / just / exciting / skiing 3. Buses / crowded / in the morning 4 Cycling / not / exciting / for me 5 Helicopters / just / noisy / motorbikes 6 Travelling by plane / expensive / for my family 7 ‘* Read the story. Choose a word from the box, Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. Example while when that since too for frightened __enough frightening as Last summer Marie went to an adventure comp in the mountains. The scenery was beautiful and she wanted to see some wildlife. Another girl arrived ___while she was putting up her tent. ‘Hi, 'm Lucy,’ the girl said. ‘Hello’ said Marie. ‘How long have you been at the camp?" ‘I've been here * Saturday. I'll help you with your tent. The two girls became friends. They spent the first day kayaking, which Marie found challenging, but it wasn't as difficult? ________ putting up a tent. In the evening, they were tired after a busy day. After dinner, they went back to their tents. Marie was opening her sleeping bag *______ she heard a scream. She ran to Lucy's tent. ‘Look!’ said Lucy, pointing inside her tent, ‘I's a snake!” Lucy was*__, but Marie stayed calm. She ran to. find the camp leader, Mrs Gibbs. Mrs Gibbs called the mountain fescue service and they took the snake into the forest. ‘Well, we wanted to see some wildlife,’ said Lucy, ‘but finding asnoke in your tentis*____ exciting for me!” BT) 2120 view Pete is talking to his Aunt Carol about her job. What does she say? ad the conversation and choose the best answer. fe a letter (A-H) for each answer. do not need to use all the letters. There is one example. ample ———— How long have you been a vet, Aunt Carol? e Pete: — Have you ever done a different job? Pete: How long have you worked at the animal clinic? Pete: _Isit an interesting job? Pete: — What were you doing when | called you this morning? Can | visit you at the clinic one day? I've worked there since | left university. | was checking a cat's teeth. For about 12 years. (example) You haven't finished school yet. Yes, | have. | used to work in a factory. Yes, itis. I've never felt bored. Yes, of course. You'll learn a lot there! You need a lot of experience with animals. rOo™mMm0oOuD> 6 How is it made? E Lesson 1 Vocabulary 1 Read and unscramble the words. 1. The most popular type of trousers are called sejan. jeans They are usually made of blue medin, This material comes from the totnoc plant. After about six months the cotton is ready to resvath. At the factory the cotton is made into nary ‘Some jeans are washed with stones to make them fots. To make the jeans blue, indigo yed is added. Jeans are usually a kard blue colour. ‘Stonewashing changes the colour to tighl blue. 10 You shouldn't wohrt yawa your old jeans - recycle them! COV FHMRAN 2 Complete the text with the words from Activity 1. What can you do with your old * leans 2 You really shouldn't old clothes. Just be-creative and recycle them! Jeans are made of * ‘a material which is made from a plant called * ___.. After a few months, the cotton is readyto®____. Then it is made into ® This is then coloured with indigo” . Which gives the material its typical blue colour. Denim is a strong material so you can Use it to make a useful bag for school. Choose normal * blue jeans, or use stonewashed denim, which is ® blue. Itis also very ® and comfortable. Give your old jeans a new life and help the environment too! In 2». Reading comprehension at do you remember? Number the pictures in order to show how jeans are made. n read the text on Pupil’s Book pages 70-71 and check. ircle the correct words to complete the sentences. Cotton grows in warm,(wei)/ dry countries. A lot of water is needed to grow / harvest cotton plants. To change the colour of material, water / dye is used. Jeans are stonewashed to make them clean / soft. Jeans are packed and transported all over the world / the USA. A Lot of people / resources are used to make one pair of jeans. forking with words rite the noun form of the verbs by adding -tion, -ion or -sion. create __creation 3 direct 5 invent decide 4 educate 6 explode -omplete the text with the words from Activity 3. tt Robson made the '__decision __ to study science hen he was 18. He had a good ? at niversity and now he works in a special factory. His latest has helped NASA's space programme. 's a special material which protects spaceships against heat. \e material is very important when a spaceship is travelling the’ of the sun. Without it, there could be né ‘I love my job; said Scott. ‘It’s great to tbe part of scientific discoveries and the . of new ideas. ns Grammar 1 Which sentences are in the passive voice? Tick (v). 1 Some jeans are made of stonewashed denim. v People throw away millions of pairs of jeans every year. Many expensive dresses are designed in France. Many people give their old clothes to a charity shop. | prefer to buy light blue jeans. Danan Two and a half billion T-shirts are produced every year. 2 Write sentences in the passive voice with the prompts. 1 in some countries / cotton / plant / by hand ; In some countries cotton is planted by hand. 2. alot of cotton / grow / in China and India 3 summer clothes / make / of cotton because it's cool 4 some paper money / make / with cotton 5 over 2 billion cotton T-shirts / sell / every year 3 Complete with the passive form of the correct verbs. wash make sell transport -~—colour._—pack New «old! J, Did you know that a lot of clothes *___are made __from old plastic bags or bottles? Just look at this amazing dress! | -Yoireediaieety plastic bottles to make it! First, the bottles | z to make sure they are clean. Next, they? with dye. Then the dress ‘ by a fashion designer. After that, the bottles > into different shapes and the dress is made in a factory. Then the dress & into a box. it? to a shop or market and finally it® Unit 6 Go to Grammar reference page 123 Language in use mplete the dialogue with phrases from the box. Can you guess what this is? ligitachoir? : ' Is it made of leather? What's it made of? No, it isn't. It's made of metal. Is it used for keeping bottles in? I's used for sitting on. 2 Yes, itis. : Now you guess this one. It's made of glass. }: No, it isn’t. It's used for telling the time! It’s a clock! ite sentences about the objects with made of and used for. Then check your nswers on Pupil’s Book page 74. It's made of metal. It's used 2 Draw an unusual object. Write sentences about it with made of and used for. 5 Exam practice 1 &S" Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Example Noarona Example Unit 6 COrIaneona 10 And here are this evening's programmes ... The news starts at 6 pm. It is read as usual by Geeta Barnes. This is followed by a and how they Machine — a machine that is used for because it's made Programmes after this. At 8 pm, it's the at 6.30 pm about recycled materials used again to make new creations like clothes. ‘or bags. You can also find out about a new _. It's a coffee year! Join us at the stadium for the And now it’s time for the Try our natural orange juice. It is are no chemicals added Mmm! It’s delicious. for documentary is inventor moke of big news film make Each by advert are invention to make into bigger sports programme end made All coffee. It's unusual wood. Stay with us for more great football match of the you're all waiting for, with real oranges and there bottle contains the juice of 25 oranges. with music programme have invent making bu biggest documentary adverts making Other Learning to learn You want to know ... What's happening in your country today. What life was like in the past. =e how chocolate is made. information about the area where you live. the meaning of a new word. about animals and where they live. ~waoca 1 Write two more ways of researching information. Dy ee Match the situations to the best way of researching the information. Look at websites on the internet. Watch the news on TV, Ask your grandparents. Use a dictionary. Watch wildlife documentaries. Look in the local community section of your town library. 2 © & Think of something you need to research soon and answer the questions. 1 What do you want to find out about? 2 What is the best way to find this information? 3 Why? Writing Prepare to write 4 Look at the infographic. How is pizza made? Match the pictures to stages a-h. press the dough into fiat circles make into flour in a factory om ‘add toppings like cheese and tomato ‘add water to make dough transport pizzas to the shops harvest the wheat ‘grow wheat ols bake pizzas in an oven zsye*oeaonca 2 You are going to write an article about how pizza is made. Underline the verbs in Activity 1. Then complete the notes with the correct passive form. 1 Wheat _is grown. 5 The dough to cird 2 The wheat : 6 Toppings Ps 3 It into flour. 7 The pizzas inano 4 Water : 8 The pizzas tothe s 3 Add information to make your article more interesting. 1 Whyis pizza a popular dish? 2. What other toppings are added to pizzas? 3. What is your favourite kind of pizza? dy to write ‘ite an article about how pizza is made. Ask a G Read and check what you wrote in Acti yourself: Did | include all the stages in the process? [| Are the stages in the correct order? Did | use the passive voice correctly? Did | include extra information? Did | use sequencing words like first, next, then correctly? Rewrite the article in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 5 to improve your work. Functional language ‘1 Complete the advert with the words in the box. plastic throw away usedfer invention Is it a pen? Is it a paint pot? No! It’s the new Squirty ketchup pen. I's? used for putting ketchup ‘on your food and @ itwith funny faces! It’s made of * and it* red or dark blue. It's useful AND fun — that's why it's so*____! So try out our new 8 and see for yourself how fantastic itis! r your old ketchup bottle and buy the Squirty ketchup pen today. And look at our special price to see how ® itis! 1 Complete the puzzle. Find the secret word. 1 These are shown on TV to sell things. ae 2 The opposite of hard. 3 Different from, and usually better than, s | ae! . what is usual. | ° 2 4 This describes something that helps ] you in different ways. ae ‘ 5 The material that jeans are made of. a ; 6 Something that doesn't cost a lot of d moneys ... 7 Aprogramme on TV or the radio that u tells you about recent events. eae 8 A soft material that comes from a plant and is used for making denim. r | 9 Shoes and bags are often made of Ie this material. L_| 10 The opposite of light. 11. This is used to change the colour of material. many / sell / as birthday presents the wood / take / to a workshop the trees / cut down toys / take / to toy shops trees / plant the wood / make / into beautiful toys ese beautiful toys are made in small workshops. “feed J birds plastic keep / money in order. Then write sentences using the passive voice. 1 Trees are Describe the objects using made of and used for. Use the words in the box. denim Puta tick (V) or across (x). interpret on infographic talk about processes describe objects My unit progress 1 My favourite activity: 2 Something | did welt: 3 Something | could improve: 2 What! can do! esas use suffixes -tion and -sion write about a process write and perform a radio advert Read and match the definitions to the correct words. 1 A musical instrument in the shape of a box. @ classical music 2 Music with a strong rhythm and spoken woe Nt pop music 3 Traditional music that often tells a story. € accordion 4 Amore serious style of music, often played on a piano. d rap 5 A type of modem music which young people often like. folk music Read the definitions and write the correct words. tour aagthm: tune perform promote 1 A regular, repeated pattern of sounds in music. rhythm 2 To act, sing, dance or play music in front of people. 3 To travel around playing music in different places. 4 The sound and rhythm of a song or a piece of music. 5 To give publicity to something to make it poputar. Complete the dialogue with the words from Activities 1 and 2. A: What's your favourite type of music? B: | especially like * rap because | love the cool words and chants. | don't like ® because it’s too traditional. At school | played > on my violin, but | prefer more modern styled ikea What instruments do you play? | play the violin, the guitar and the > ‘What are your plans for the future? too. eee Well, I'm writing a new song right now. I've written the words ‘and now I'm working on the music. It's got a great 8 | Which is easy to sing along to because it’s got a very regular” I'm going to ® Europe and 8 my new song at concerts, You can find all the dates and places on the internet — I'm using social media to * the song. in 2, Reading comprehension ad the interview on Pupil’s Book pages 82-83. rite T (True), F (False) or NM (Not Mentioned). Martin doesn't like classical music. He believes that we can learn a lot from folk music. Martin has read a lot of books about Robin Hood. He thinks about the tune first when writing a song. The piano was the first instrument he learned. He's at the Trocadero right now. ead the song lyrics on Pupil’s Book page 83. Underline the best words complete the sentences. In the first verse, a girl is walking with... @ her fother. Robin Hood. in another country. near the girl and her father. lived in Sherwood Forest. helped poor people. his clothes. where he lived. strong and dangerous. honest and kind. only people he knew. everyone. Robin Hood lived He was famous because he ... He was called Robin Hood because of Robin Hood was ... csecescescaocace ‘Complete the words with im- or ci/s- to make them negative. 1 _dis honest Ss agree 5 respect 7 polite possible 4 perfect 6 appear 8 mature omplete the text with words from Activity 3. metimes we have different opinions and’ __disagree __ with our friends. However, 1u shouldn't be rude or ? to people you don't agree with. You shouldn't be either — it's important to say what you really think. It's also important not to people who don't agree with you. For example, | love rap, but my sister hates i She says its * to listen to. So when | want to play rap, | just § "nto my bedroom and listen to it on my computer. 1 Read and circle the best form of the verbs. 3 & Write sentences with your own ideas. Grammar On Friday night, |" Gm going to) perform at the school concert with my friends. We? "l/’re going to play our new song. My friend Lou ° will / is going to sing. My sister * won’t/ isn’t going to perform with us because she’s ill. My friends think that 1 5°ll /’m going to be famous one day and perform in front of millions of people. But in the future, | think people ° will / are going to perform virtually — they 7 won't / aren't going to be there in person. |® won't /'m not going to study music at university, but I'd like to start @ group with Lou. When we're famous, we ® won't / aren’t going to remember how nervous we used to be at school concerts! Oh, look! There's our music teacher. The rehearsal * will / is going to start in a few minutes. Write sentences with the correct form of will or going to. 1 Next year I_'m going to lear to play the accordion. 2 Inthe future, all music be digital. 3 On Friday night, we watch a concert. 4 There be any instruments in the future, only computers. 51 ____study music at school next year. 6 Be careful! You drop your guitar! 71 have a piano lesson on Saturday, 8 Look! The musicians are here. The concert start. This week, 'm going to Next summer, In the future, In 20 years time, Look! = Unit7 Go to Grammar reference page 124 Language in use the sentences refer to present routine or the future? Write P (Present) or F (Future). P T always have cereal for breakfast. What time does the concert start tonight? What do you usually do after school? The bus leaves at 11.30 tomorrow morning. What time does your train arrive this afternoon? Orchestra practice sometimes finishes quite late. k and complete the sentences about a school trip. bus / leave arrive / at the z00 dolphin show / start have / lunch penguin tea party / start park / close The bus leaves at__o'clock We at the 200 at The dolphin show at We lunch at The penguin tea party at The park at mplete the dialogue with the correct form of a verb from the box. ve start have finish ‘open have arrive finish I've just looked at the calendar. It's your school play on Friday night. : That's right. We * have our final rehearsal on Friday afternoon. : What time does it start? It? at 3 o'clock. : What time * the bus 2 It leaves at 2 o'clock. We * at 2.30 so we have half an hour before the rehearsal. And when ® the rehearsal 2 E ite at about § o'clock. Then we ” @ break for two hours. 2 So the play starts at 7 o'clock? : Yes, that's right. The doors ® at 6.30. : You're going to be great! itesson oni Learning to learn ©. Complete the song lyrics with the words in the box. day play free holiday down Holiday blues

I'm on my own here every day, With no friends to come and * My phone goes beep! Is it for me? Hi, there ... Yes, today I'm > My friend Is coming round today, Thisibthe bests ees E Count the syllables in each line of the first verse and chorus. Do the other verses have the same number of syllables in each line? ~ Lesson6 Wi Prepare to write 1 Which words rhyme? Write the words in the correct column. ply late everyone dream today end sign run sunshine send wait ice cream 2 You're going to write two more verses for the song on page 77. Think of ideas to complete verse 4. Try to use some rhyming words from Activity 1. My phone goes beep! Is it for me? Hi there ... Yes, today I'm free. yh My friend is coming round today, This is the best holiday! We'te going to And I'm feeling Today 3 Look at the picture and answer the questions to plan the final verse. What time is it? ee eee How do you feel? What are you going to do now? What are you going to do tomorrow? Be err te verses 4 and 5 of the Holiday blues song. Then write a second e for the chorus. 2p (Chorus) Yj, Now I've got so much to do, & Read and check what you wrote in Activity 4. Ask yourself: Do the pairs of lines rhyme? Did | use different rhyming words? Is the number of syllables in each line correct? Do the verses have a good rhythm? Is the spelling correct? Rewrite the verses in your notebook. Use the points in Activity 5 to improve your work. 1 Read and complete the words. 2 Complete the text with the words in the box. Functional language & Someone is interviewing you for a music Programme. Answer the questions for you. Interviewer: What's your favourite kind of music? You: * Interviewer: What's your favourite song? You: ? Interviewer: What's it about? You: ° re ee Interviewer: How does it make you feel? You: ¢ Interviewer: What does it remind you of? You: ° Check-up challenge 1 When a music group travels to different countries and cities they t_o_ It's 12 o'clock at night. Its nh _. A group of people who play classical music is calledan___¢____s__r Really catchy songs have a good tuneandr___t___—; We havea____he____s____ tomorrow for the school concert. 6 This song makes mefeel____t__m____ ti__ about the future. Tomantic _folkmusic -—eatehy~—=—stively-— accordion —_—_cheerful Tlove all kinds of music. I sing alot so I like catchy tunes that | are easy to remember. I'm energetic, so I like ? music that | makes me want to dance. I also like ? , which is traditional, but the tunes make me feel happy because they're really “ | T don't like ® songs, though ~ they're too slow. \\ Tm learning to play two instruments at the moment — the trumpet and the Ve Tm not very good, but I practise a lot. rcle the best verb form to complete the sentences. What time do /is /@oes)the film start? Musicians aren't going to / don’t / won't play instruments in the future. Be careful! You ’re going to / aren't going to / will fall off the stage. When does / do / will the buses leave for the concert hall? The concert starts ot 8 o'clock, but the doors open / will open / are going to open at 7. Listen! The orchestra does / will /is going to start playing. & Answer the questions. Write sentences with will or going to. What music are you going to listen to tonight? How will music be different in the future? 3 When do your school holidays start? 4 What are you going to do this weekend? 5 Where do you think you will live in the future? 6 What job do you think you will do in the future? & What! can do! Put a tick (V) or a cross (x). recognise the features of different text types use prefixes im- and dis- talk about the future with will and going to write verses for a song talk about future scheduled events [] give atatk about « song My unit progress 1 My favourite activity: 2 Something | did well: 3 Something | could improve: a messon 7» Functional language u 1 2 & Someone is interviewing you for a music programme. Answer the questions for you. Interviewer: What's your favourite kind of music? You: | Interviewer: What's your favourite song? your * Interviewer: What's it about? You: * Interviewer: How does it make you feel? You: * Interviewer: What does it remind you of? You: * Read and complete the words. When a music group travels to different countries and cities they t © It's 12 o'clock at night. Its____n h A group of people who play classical music is called an __ Really catchy songs have a good tune andr__t___. Wehavea____he____s__ tomorrow for the school concert. 6 This song makes me feel __m____ ti__ about the future. aeons Complete the text with the words in the box. romantic folk music eetehy lively accordion cheerful Tove all kinds of music. Tsing a lov so Duke #aeatchu tunes that are easy to remember. I'm energetic, so I like 2 music that makes me want to dance. I also like ® , which is traditional, but the tunes make me feel happy because they're really * | I don't like ® songs, though ~ they're too slow, | Tim learning to play two instruments at the moment ~ the trumpet and the ‘es Tim not very good, but I practise a lot. ircle the best verb form to complete the sentences. What time do / is (@oes)the film start? Musicians aren't going to / don't / won't play instruments in the future. Be careful! You ’re going to / aren’t going to / will fall off the stage. When does / do / will the buses leave for the concert hall? The concert starts at 8 o'clock, but the doors open / will open / are going to open at 7. Listen! The orchestra does / will / is going to start playing & answer the questions. Write sentences with will or going to. 1 What music are you going to listen to tonight? 2 How will music be different in the future? 3 When do your school holidays start? 4 What are you going to do this weekend? 5 Where do you think you will live in the future? 6 What job do you think you will do in the future? & What I can do 1 Putatick (V) or across (x). recognise the features of different text types use prefixes im- and dis- talk about the future with will and going to L write verses for a song talk about future scheduled events give a talk about a song My unit progress 1 My favourite activity: 2. Something | did well: 3 Something | could improv E-¥ teil mea story — tesson 1 Vocabulary 1 °F" Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. furious palace own powerful emperor forgive astonished badtemper swan collect 1 Aman similar to a king in ancient China. emperor 2 Alorge white bird with a tong neck. pie 3 Very, very angry. 4 Alarge building where a king, queen or emperor lives. 5 Very, very surprised. 6 This means you are strong and have a lot of control. ae 7 Togo and get something that you have ordered, ae 8 You have this if you are often angry or annoyed with people. 9 To have something as a possession. 10 To stop feeling angry with someone for doing something wrong, 2 Complete the text with the words from Activity 1. ee ee = Zhong Wel was on ' —emperor___ He ved ina beautiful in China. He was strong and? and he often became angry very quickly because he had a : Zhang Wei had hundreds of paintings, but he also wanted to * apicture of a® He asked Cheng Li, an artist, to paint one for him. After two years, Zhang Wei went to” the painting, butit wasn't finished, He was* with Cheng Li, After onother year, he went again and Cheng Li painted a swan very quickly. The emperor was ? because the picture was so beautiful. However, he was also very ‘ongry because he had waited for so long. He sent Cheng Li for, far away. Then the emperor found out why it took so long to paint the swan and asked Cheng Li to come back to China. Cheng Li decided to the emperor and became his royal painter.

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