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2. pitch
3. dissonance:
A combination of sounds or musical notes that are not pleasant when heard together
Ex: i find the characterization that cognitive dissonance can be induced only by facts
to be incorrect
Syn: cacophony, harshness, jangle
Ant: consonance, harmony, peacefulness
Wf: dissonant (a)
Dissonantly (adv)
>< 4. Consonant (a)
Def: in music
5. prime
Def: to tell someone sth that will prepare them for a particular
6. circuitry (hệ thống mạch điện
Exp: the circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic
Syn: network, chains
7. rudimentary
deF: basic, simple
8. perception
9. a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem
Ex: these
10. project (v)
Def: to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already
10. merely (adv)
Def: used to emphasize that you mean exactly what you are saying and nothing more
Ex: I wasnt complaining, i merely said that i was tired
11: pin down sth
Def: to discover exact details about sth
Ex: we cant pin down where the leak came from
Synonyms: appoint, dêtrmine, identify, indicate
Antonyms: lose, miss, refuse
12: romanticize (v)
Def: to talk about sth in a way that makes it sound better than it really is
13: incorporate (v)
Def: to include sth as part of sth larger
Syn: assimilate, blend, consolidate, cover
Ant: disconnect, diverse,
14: ponder (v)
To think carefully about sth, esp for a noticeable length of time
Example: she sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game

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