Q3 Raws Week2

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from the latin word exemplum –
meaning to provide examples about

The examples act as supporting

material to explain or clarify a general

20XX presentation title 4

How do we write and provide examples in writing?


• after all • in other words • stated differently
• as an example • in particular • that is
• consider the • in short • to be specific
following • namely • to clarify
• for example • put another way • to illustrate
• for instance • specifically
20XX presentation title 5
While the Internet offers so many benefits to man, it also has its downsides.
One of these phishing, which refers to the act of fraudulently obtaining
personal information, such as passwords and credit card details, through
online means. In other words, phishing is a form of cybercrime. For example,
Mr. X receives an email stating that his Gmail account has been compromised
and that he needs to click a link to update his personal information. If Mr. X
clicks on the link, his personal information will be illegally acquired by

20XX presentation title 6


A comparison-and-contrast
pattern organizes ideas based
on how events, places,
people, things, and concepts
are similar to or different
from one another.

20XX presentation title 7

SEPARATELY – involves describing
one item first followed by the second

SIDE-BY-SIDE – discussing both items

based on each point of comparison

20XX presentation title 8

Concentrate on the
most important parts of a
pattern: the purpose of
comparison, the points of
comparison, and the actual
similarities and differences
of the items being

20XX presentation title 9


• also • likewise
• as • similary
• both • to compare
• equally
• in a similar fashion
• in comparison
• in the same way
• like

20XX presentation title 10


• although • even though • on the contrary

• and yet • in contrast • on the other hand
• as opposed to • in spite of • otherwise
• but • in the meantime • still
• conversely • instead • the fact remains
• counter to • however • unlike
• despite • nevertheless • whereas
• even so • nonetheless • yet

20XX presentation title 11

Are you not sure which phone to buy? To help you decide, this review will inspect the
basic similarities and differences of the flagship phones of two giant companies: Apple’s
iPhone 6 and Samsung’s Galaxy S5. Both brag to be the best smart phones in the market
to date. While these state-of-the art phones have similarities in the form of their sleek
design, multi-touch touch screen, and multimedia feartures, they have their distinctive
features as well. First, Galaxy S5 has larger screen at 5.1 inches as compared to iPhone
6’s 4.7 inches. As for the operating system, iPhone 6 uses iOS(8.x) while S5 uses Android
(5.0, 4.4.2). In the terms of camera, S5 has a 2.1-megapixel front facing camera which is
higher than iPhone 6’s 1.2 megapixels. Unlike S5, iPhone 6”s battery is not user-
replaceable and has a shorter talk time, but when it comes to built-in storage, iPhone 6
outperforms S5. Now that you know the basic differences of the two phones, you can

20XX presentation title 12

A cause-and-effect pattern organizes details based on the
cause, the reason, and the result or consequence of a certain
phenomenon. This pattern may discuss the causes only, the
effects only, or both.

To better comprehend a text that follows a cause-and-effect

pattern, a fishbone mapcan be used. Other graphic organizers
that can be used as as follows:

Single Cause, Multiple Effects Single Effect, Multiple Causes

Effect Cause

Cause Effect Cause

Effect Cause
Multiple Causes, Multiple Effects Alternating Causes/Effects in a Chain
(Domino Effect)

Cause Effect Cause

Cause Effect
Cause Effect
Single Cause, Multiple Effects
The implementation of a comprehensive recycling program in our
community has had a singular cause with multiple positive effects.
By introducing recycling bins and educating residents about the
importance of waste reduction, the primary cause was a reduction
in landfill waste. This singular action, however, yielded several
beneficial effects. Firstly, there was a noticeable decrease in
overall waste disposal costs for the municipality. Secondly, the
recycling initiative contributed to a cleaner environment by
reducing pollution and conserving resources. Additionally, the
community experienced a boost in civic pride, as residents actively
participated in the collective effort to promote sustainability. In
this case, a single cause, the introduction of a recycling program,
had far-reaching positive effects on both the local economy and the
well-being of the environment and community.
Single Effect, Multiple Causes
The decline in academic performance among high school students
can be attributed to various contributing factors. One significant
effect is a decrease in overall grade point averages. Multiple causes
underlie this decline, including increased social media usage, lack
of effective time management, and heightened academic pressure.
The pervasive influence of social media often leads students to
spend excessive time on online platforms, diverting their focus
from studies. Simultaneously, inadequate time management skills
exacerbate the problem, with students struggling to balance
academic responsibilities and other activities. The mounting
pressure to excel academically, driven by expectations from
parents and peers, further compounds the issue. Thus, the single
effect of declining academic performance can be traced back to a
combination of causes, encompassing social, personal, and
external factors.
Multiple Causes, Multiple Effects
The global issue of climate change is complex, with multiple causes
and far-reaching effects. On the one hand, the burning of fossil
fuels for energy production releases greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, trapping heat and contributing to the warming of the
planet. Deforestation, on the other hand, reduces the Earth's
capacity to absorb these gases, exacerbating the greenhouse effect.
These causes collectively result in rising global temperatures,
altered weather patterns, and an increase in the frequency and
intensity of extreme weather events. Additionally, the melting of
polar ice caps and glaciers leads to rising sea levels, threatening
coastal ecosystems and communities. Furthermore, changes in
temperature and precipitation patterns affect agriculture, leading
to food insecurity in many regions. In essence, the issue of climate
change demonstrates the intricate web of multiple causes giving
rise to a myriad of interconnected and severe effects on the
environment and human societies.
Alternating Causes/Effects in a Chain
(Domino Effect)
The abrupt closure of a popular manufacturing plant led
to a chain of events resembling a domino effect. The initial
cause was the company's decision to relocate operations
overseas in pursuit of lower production costs. This
relocation resulted in the immediate effect of hundreds of
skilled workers losing their jobs. With the sudden influx of
unemployed individuals, the local economy suffered a
blow, leading to decreased consumer spending. As a
consequence, neighboring businesses faced financial
strain and, in turn, had to lay off their employees. This
cascade of events highlights how a single decision, like
relocating a manufacturing plant, can set off a domino
effect, impacting individuals, businesses, and the broader
When reading this type of pattern, focus on
and take note of the following elements:
the purpose of the text, the relationship between
causes and effects, and the potential causal
fallacies or illogical arguments.
Signal words for Causes
• as • for • owing to (the fact)
• because (of the • for the reason that • seeing that
fact) • in that • since
• being that • in view of (the fact)
• due to (the fact • inasmuch as
• one reason
Signal Words for Effects
• accordingly • hence • thus
• as a consequence • in consequence
• as a result (of this) • so
• because (of this) • so much (so) that
• consequently • so that
• for this reason • therefore

The advancement in technology and economy has created major

changes modern technology. One of these changes is globalization.
As we know, globalization has affected the world in many ways.
First, it served as a catalyst to worldwide trading, thus allowing
countries to access foreign products. Although this has positive
effects, it also poses a real theat to the merchandise of local traders.
Second, globalization has affected the financial market. As a result,
different countries have more access to funds, and the exchange in
national currencies has dramatically increased. Finally,
globalization also led to the privatization of various facilities, such
as public health institutions. These institutions are now being
privatized due to the idea that the private sector can better manage
and provide health services. In consequence, health policies
become more and more of a commodity on a global scale.
A problem-solution pattern organizes ideas into
problems and proposed solutions. The problem
section usually includes the what, who, when,
where, why, and how of the problem. The
solution section then presents the major effects of
the problem, the possible solutions to address it,
and the steps in implementing the solutions. Note
down these parts when you encounter a problem-
solution text.
To better comprehend a text that follows a problem-
solution pattern, a problem solution map can be used.
Signal Words for Problem-Solution

• but • one way is

• first, second • the problem
• nonetheless • the solution
• one reason for the
• one solution is
Today, most of the energy resources we have are generated from coal,
oil, and natural gas. However, these resources are limited. If continously
consumed at an alarming rate, fossil fuels necessary for generating
power to operate vehicles and factories will run out before long.
Nonetheless, this problem can be resolved through the use of alternative
sources of energy and conservation efforts. First, using alternative
sources of energy such as solar energy and fusion energy would lessen
pollution. These alternatives are actually more accessible and cost-
efficient. Although there are some potential risks in using fusion energy,
these risks can be mitigated by implementing strict safety measures.
The second solution that governments can adopt is the enhancement of
conservation efforts. To do this, governments need to make the public
more aware of the benefits of conservation, as well as ways of
conserving energy, such as recycling. Laws can also be passed to
mandate the public and all stakeholders to recycle energy.
A persuasion pattern organizes ideas to
show how a set of evidence leads to a logical
conclusion or argument. Specifically, this
pattern presents the issue, the position, and the
supporting evidence that supports the position.
Make sure to check these three essential
elements while reading a persuasion text.
To better
comprehend a
text that
follows this
map can be

o again o indeed o with this in mind

o for this reason o to emphasize
o in fact o to repeat
o in that case o truly


o admittedly o needless to say o true
o assuredly o no doubt o undoubtedly
o certainly o obviously o unquestionably
o granted o of course
o it is true that o to be sure

20XX presentation title 32

Euthanasia or mercy killing has been a widely debated issue. It is an act to
end a person’s life to alleviate the suffering brought by a terminal or grave
illness. While it may be supported by some, mercy killing is a crime. After
all, on the most basic level, euthanasia still takes a life. In fact, majority of
the countries in the world, including those that have legalized it, consider
it as homicide. Aside from being a crime, euthanasia is unethical in the
medical context because it violates the principle of “primum non nocere”
which means “first, do not harm.” In their code of ethics, doctors have the
responsibility of saving lives, not destroying them, which is why euthanasia
can never be acceptable.

20XX presentation title 33

Identify whether the following
paragraphs are example of
exemplification, compare and
contrast, cause and effect,
problem –solution or persuasion
The increasing pollution levels in urban areas
pose a significant threat to public health. To
address this issue, cities should invest in eco-
friendly public transportation systems, encourage
the use of bicycles, and implement stricter
emission standards for vehicles. By adopting these
solutions, we can reduce air pollution, improve
air quality, and create a healthier living
environment for residents.

20XX presentation title 35

High school and college may seem similar at first
glance, but they differ significantly in terms of
structure and expectations. While high school has a
more rigid schedule with fixed classes and subjects,
college offers greater flexibility in choosing courses
and creating one's timetable. Additionally, the level of
independence expected in college surpasses that of
high school, as students must manage their time and
assignments with minimal guidance.

20XX presentation title 36

Many people find solace in adopting a pet. Take,
for instance, my friend Sarah, who struggled with
loneliness after moving to a new city. She decided to
adopt a rescue dog named Max. Max not only
became her loyal companion but also helped her
make new friends during daily walks in the park. The
bond between Sarah and Max exemplifies the
positive impact pets can have on an individual's well-

20XX presentation title 37

Embracing renewable energy sources is not just
an environmental necessity but a practical and
economical choice. By transitioning to solar and wind
energy, we not only reduce our carbon footprint but
also create sustainable and affordable energy
solutions. Governments and businesses should invest
in renewable technologies, not only for the planet's
future but also for the economic benefits they bring,
such as job creation and long-term cost savings.

20XX presentation title 38

The excessive use of smartphones among
teenagers has led to a decline in face-to-face
communication skills. Constantly engrossed in their
screens, teens are missing out on crucial social
interactions that help develop effective
communication. As a result, they struggle with
maintaining eye contact, expressing themselves
verbally, and understanding non-verbal cues,
ultimately hindering their interpersonal relationships.

20XX presentation title 39

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