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Knowing about English as a second language is a great choice for any opportunity in your future.

I agree with the idea

that teachers should teach you English when you are still young. If this wasn’t taught, you will use your days in hard
mode. (you will have a difficult time communicating with native speakers in the future)

Firstly, the local language you learned from your parents can be practiced anytime because it is being used in your daily
communication. Therefore, you should know about second language. English is a better choice than the other languages
because nowadays, English live in every in your life wether any facility

and any document. So, school must teach about a basic of English because learning when you are child. In my experence,
it is effective more than you learn in adult age.

Next, if you didn't taught by teacher, you can learn by yourself or study in tutorial school. In your further, English will be
the importance language when you work

or travel because these is used in communication with another people and mostly, the document of any organize is
English. Additional, if you want to increase your salary

or do in better position you must use English as very well.

In conclution, nowaday, English is the importance language in dairy life. So, from the base learning that is school should
teach you like any subject that you is taught.

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