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Making ready a people prepared for the Lord…

Luke 1:17

Heavenly and Revelatory Encounters

Read heavenly and revelatory encounters of God's genuine servant's and

believer's all around the world, that will steer you on the path of holiness
and make you a spiritual ranking-being with understanding of the
immortal realms






“Then Jesus said to them, 'I saw the devil fall like
lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you
power to tread on snakes and scorpions and power
to withstand the forces of the enemy, so that nothing
can harm you.'” ( Luke 10:18-19 ).

At midnight on January 1, 1981, Lucifer invited all of
us, his students, to his secret school. We met him in
the air beyond Earth. We found ourselves in an
egg-like place, but we could still see through. It's
very hot inside. Lucifer spoke to us in a loud voice.

"Who called you to come here?" he growled.

All were silent and very afraid. A disciple from India

replied, "Sir, we came here of your own will."

“It was not I who brought you here, but their

Master(Jesus,)” said Lucifer.
Why is Satan so angry? Revelation 2:13 is the
answer. Lucifer said, “I'm really in trouble and you
guys have to cooperate with me. I was thrown from
heaven By God and now I am waiting for the time
when I will be thrown into the lake of fire. I can't go
there alone. We need more people to go with us.”

Suddenly, Lucifer flips the switch on something that

looks like a tv and shows us all the events of his fall
from heaven. We saw something huge fall from the
sky with a roar and then start burning with great fire,
like lightning. Then we saw angels falling to earth,
water (great oceans, rivers and others) and to hell
(evil spirits). When they fell, some became trees,
some became animals including monkeys. After
such a movie, Lucifer stopped him and said, "All of
you, look at me and see."

So we watched him, then we saw angels (very ugly

shapes) standing around him. Then she said, “The
58 angels who fell with me were the most powerful,
but the 58th was the most powerful among them and
was called Rosa. In the Pacific Ocean there is
another powerful person named Maria Marguela.
The Devil's Servants category

Lucifer said, “You are my students and you will learn

from me. I will teach you how to act in the world
because you have problems. You must match me in
every way. In the end, you guys have to work hard
with me because we want more people to be on our
side. We will not perish alone. When you suffer
alone, it is more painful, but when many face the
same fate, you are comforted. So you guys have to
win over as many people as possible. I will teach
you how to face people and lead them to hell. Those
of you who become my disciples hold a prominent
position in my view.”

Then he began to show his government

organization. Through the most horrific scenes, we
soon witness how much the devil hates the name of
Jesus. One day, someone dared to say it in front of
Lucifer when we were having a meeting. Lucifer fell
from his seat, got up instantly with anger and hit the
person and immediately killed him and drank all his
blood in front of all of us who saw him with fear,
horror and astonishment. He then turned around and
made threats against anyone who dared. And when
he was teaching us a lesson about his distaste for
the name, someone timidly asked why he was
particularly bothered by it and why we couldn't say
"that name." he replied,“One day I sent someone to
kill his older brother who used to pray against us.
But the man found his brother praying in the name of
Jesus. And because of that name, my fellow fell in
front of his brother.”

Lucifer's Government Is Neatly Organized. Lucifer

begins to show how his government is organized.
The following is the hierarchy of demon powers:

Lucifer himself, the supreme master of all evil.

Rosa , who is called the dragon ; those who pray the

rosary directly communicate with it. [Please read
Babylon Mystery Religion as an introduction].

Maria Marguela , a figure who often appears in

visions and dreams, plays the role of Our Lady, the
mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is to blind and
deceive the minds of God's people. This spirit (fallen
angel) controls all kinds of creatures in the
underwater world.

The 57 fallen angels surround Lucifer as his

personal bodyguard.

Evil spirits who are fallen angels in hell . They are

very powerful forces of destruction and they are very
fond of blood. If they are summoned out of hell for
an assignment, then they will not return without
destroying everything they went through.

Other fallen angels in the atmosphere of the air or in

the sky . They are deceiving spirits who blind people
so they don't know the true God (Father, Son and
Holy Spirit).

The spirits of the dead who were previously in sin .

When someone who lives in sin under the leadership
of deceiving spirits dies, the spirits will leave him in a
permanent state as a human spirit, which then
wanders around looking for opportunities to
dominate living humans.
Lucifer Students : 140 students who graduate every
10 years. Every 10 years, Lucifer selects from all the
countries of the world, people deemed qualified to
become students of his secret school. They are very
skilled at using evil spirits, especially the spirits of
the dead who do not have Jesus in their lives and
those who have low morals, even though they claim
to have Jesus in their life on earth.

Messengers : (sent as representatives of Satan in

human society). Their role is to work for Lucifer and
for the benefit of his kingdom ; they include
sorcerers, sorcereress, and so on.

Specters of satan are people who use the goods of

satan's emissaries to make their life successful
materially and physically, but pay no attention to

Hours of Activity and Maximum Rest (Day and Night)

Although God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and

Omniscient, knows everything, is omnipotent and
everywhere at the same time; still both day and
night, there are hours of the fullness of His presence
and the activities of His angels on earth that are so
intense that Satan and his agents have had to hide
themselves. They can only lead man by his flesh.
Lucifer and his government also have hours where
they carry out great activities and their presence
becomes very real on earth. According to the
lessons I received from Lucifer and my own
experiences in that kingdom, the following is a
summary schedule of the activities of the spirit world
that occur on earth.

Time of Activity on earth

00.00-01.30 Presence of Lucifer

01.35-04.30 Fullness of the presence of God, the

Holy Spirit and His angels.

04.30-05.30 Presence of evil spirits; the sorcerers

returned to their homes.

05.30-06.30 Neutral time

06.30-08.00 Fullness of presence of God's angels

09.00-10.00 Fullness of the presence of the Holy


11.30-13.00 Presence of the devil and his angels

14.00-16.00 The fullness of God's presence, the

Holy Spirit and the angels of God

17.00-20.00 Presence of evil that brings disease,

bad luck, curses, active sorcerers

20.00-21.00 Neutral time

22.00-00.00 A time of great darkness from the evil


Hours not mentioned above are neutral hours or

transition periods. To be able to ensnare many
people for satan, his messengers use various
tactics. For people who love the world, the
messengers will attract them with success,
prosperity, healing, power, money, women or men of
the world. And for those who love God, the
messengers draw them into churches and satanic
cults that use the Bible and God's name incorrectly.
In fact, I usually serve holy communion with one of
the Catholic priests. Some demon messengers have
magical houses where they sell magical items to
people who wish to have the power to perform
prominent miracles such as healing, predictions of
the future or prosperity. I saw many evangelists who
seek fame and popularity before men and who seek
material things more than God Himself. They
emphasize miracles, but live in sin. Some of these
evangelists are in contact with magical houses like
“la Maison Canadienne” (Canadian House). Those
under the ministry of such people have been
deceived and their spiritual life is in danger. When
they accept Jesus as their personal Savior, they still
struggle to live as Christians who are victorious over
sin. They are always jittery and very carnal. but live
in sin. Some of these evangelists are in contact with
magical houses like “la Maison Canadienne”
(Canadian House). Those under the ministry of such
people have been deceived and their spiritual life is
in danger. When they accept Jesus as their personal
Savior, they still struggle to live as Christians who
are victorious over sin. They are always jittery and
very carnal. but live in sin.


I was with 140 other students from all over the world
to attend the devil's bible school. Some came from
India, some from America, Japan and others, who
were sent from different cults and religions. The devil
began to teach us the Bible so that we would know
how to weaken God's children by misleading them
through twisting God's Word. Satan taught us how to
read the Bible upside down. So we all read the Bible
not because we want to apply it to our lives, but to
know how to lead God's children into sin and then
gain control over them through evil spirits. Satan
opened and read Numbers 21:4-9 and said that here
Israel got impatient and started grumbling.“You must
try the patience of God's children and lead them to
sin. And when they sin, the veil of God automatically
withdraws from them. This is your chance to
dominate and block their victory.”
Then Lucifer added, “The evidence that God sent
snakes to bite the Israelites means that He
empowered us (evil spirits, devils and their agents)
to harm every child of God when he sins. Our effort
is to prevent every child of God from fixing his eyes
on Jesus. If we don't hinder him, then surely he will
gain the victory and it will be difficult for us to harm

Another article is Luk. 14:25-27. The devil said that

we should follow and attack people who are very
possessive, because that is not God's way. After
those lessons, the devil sent us to practice them on
earth. I was assigned to church no. 34 in Zaire.


No one can be controlled by evil spirits if he himself

does not open the door for these spirits. That's why
the Bible says not to give the devil a chance. (
Ephesians 4:27-28 ).

Satan teaches us how to get someone to open their
life to us. We soon realized that when we speak ill of
someone, their anger allows us to control their
thoughts, especially the part of the mind that
contains self-control. If a person hears something
and responds angrily, then immediately he can be
controlled. The controlling spirits sit on top of the
spirits they already have, so that the victim is unable
to control himself. His mind was blocked for a while.
The spirits enter when someone is arguing (Prov.
17:14). That is why the Bible says that we must fight
the devil (when he tempts us) and he will run (Jas.
4:7). If you are a quarrelsome person,



Before starting my work, I was in hell for 3 months to

get to know the place better and I carried a special
mission, namely to find my deceased father. I walked
every path of hell on my feet and saw every place
there with my own eyes. I saw my father with my
own eyes, living in a room with no doors, no
windows and we could see each other, but we never
communicated. All the evil prophets who have died
live there. Dear friends, hell really exists. But the
death and resurrection of Jesus has prepared a way
out for you. In my dad's room it says “Alexander
Max” (his full name), false prophet.

We go to hell through the cemetery leaving our

bodies behind, just as we left our clothes. In the
spirit world (hell) we take the souls of people who die
between the ages of 18 and 50, because they die
with unfulfilled desires of the flesh. If they enter and
control a human, then that person will work hard to
fulfill the desires of the spirits. Then the evil spirits
will use the person's body to enjoy the pleasures of
their fleshly lusts. Satan assigns each of us, his
students, to go to hell every day and take 5,000 (five
thousand) evil spirits for purposes such as adultery,
fornication, drunkenness, lies and multi-projects
(where people usually plan to work on projects that
often fail). I remember what happened in the early
days of my assignment with Christians. Armed with
radar, I watched the people walking on a particular
street in Zaire and was amazed to find only one
pretty girl in clothes. The others are all naked.
Immediately I want to master it, but there seems to
be no chance. I walk behind him. No way. Even
though the devil kept urging me to catch up and
control that girl. As an introduction, I greeted him,
“Hello …” He smiled shyly and ignored me,
shrugging as he walked away in disgust. I realized
that he thought I was ugly (not as handsome as I am
now, Jesus made me handsome) and I decided to
throw a tantrum by saying something to piss him off.
After he got annoyed, I started cursing at him,
"You're a slut," I said while facing him in tension. "Do
you think you're pretty? I'm telling you, you're ugly.
My wife is much prettier than you.” The girl became
very angry with me. As soon as he exploded in
anger, I immediately threw the spirits of whore at
him. Then I watched him again after his anger and
saw that he was now completely naked. I have
mastered it with the spirits of harlot. It didn't take
long before she became a complete apostate and
became a prostitute on the street.

I work hard to cause accidents, to get people's blood

to fill my vial; while buying my time to train students
for Lucifer who will also die and go to hell with me. I
also need time to stay alive first, because my wife is
expecting the birth of my first child. Remember, the
devil gave me 8 years to live. I was scheduled to die
in 1987 ! I don't want to die before seeing my son.
The devil finally agreed to give me an additional 3
months to live, but during that time I had to feed him
human blood. The devil also kept reminding me that
I only had a few months left, by flashing before me a
coffin and a cross, every time I was working. When I
protested and asked why he treated me like that, he
replied that he didn't want me to forget that my death
was at the door. “Also so that you are prepared for
it,” he said. The devil builds tension and fear inside
me to such an extent as my days draw near, that I
get stomachaches.

I'd like to add that the devil cannot give his students
time to live beyond the age of 25. Everyone who
participates in the training school in particular, must
make every effort, after he has graduated, to disciple
the other 4 people and the 4 people will then make
another 4 sets of disciples for each of them and
teach them. Everyone must continue the chain of
discipleship. And when 25 years are up for each set
of Lucifer's disciples, then they will have to die with
other people in all shapes and kinds of accidents.
Remember the many air crashes that happened in
1987. Most of those who graduated with me did it.
However, if the bodies of ordinary people can be
found, then the bodies of demon followers cannot be
found; if not disappear, then they would be burned
beyond recognition. One such incident involved a
US-bound airplane (in 1987), which exploded in a
blazing fire while in the air and all aboard died. As I
write this story, I firmly believe that all 140 members
who graduated with me from the special Lucifer
school have all died.

Lucifer taught us how to use a special radar in the

palm of our hand to read people's lives. By
spreading our fingers in front of our faces while
closing our eyes, we can see and know who he is.
Those who have truly been saved are covered by
their clothing, but those who have not been saved
appear completely naked.
“Listen my children,” said Lucifer. “In the world there
are three kinds of people. Those who appear to be
wearing clothes, have the Holy Spirit and belong to
Jesus. They are our main target. It's not easy to
master them. We must not look such Christians in
the eye, but we must try and overwhelm them
suddenly from behind. Then, there are those who
are completely naked. You will have no difficulty
controlling them, because they are naked and their
lives are open to anything. They put on clothes and
went to church, but because they were not
consecrated, they appeared completely naked. They
also do not hold a special role in the church. Lastly,
are those who are not yet saved.”Satan regards the
unsaved as his own and does not bother them.
Within this group itself, there are three types of
people who carry out various purposes in the satanic
government; namely messengers, spectators and
disciples. The first are those who absolutely belong
to satan and have been sent to carry out his
schemes against people and various churches.
Then, those who are spectators, but still active. They
indirectly work for Satan to gain wealth and position
and are willing to give their lives and blood in return.
However, this group pays no heed to satan and is
not even interested in continuing to follow it, other
than using it for their own benefit.

Lastly are the students who are taught and trained

continuously to carry out their duties on earth. I am
one of them. I worked hard for satan to shake up the
church of Jesus Christ according to a strictly detailed
strategy, which is to destroy Christians' love for their
neighbors. If this succeeds, the church will no longer
exist. We have to control people, for example by
making them angry, so that they open their souls so
that we can put evil spirits in them. Everyone who
appears to be wearing clothes is our target. If we
see them, then we will wait until they speak. We do
not have the ability to control people who speak
carefully and remain self-conscious. Anger and
careless words are our main entrance. We take
advantage of people's spirits of lust, attachment to
alcohol and smoking, especially in bars, where they
drink and talk freely. We directly put the spirits into
the glasses on the glass rack and when the visitors
talk to each other and drink from the glasses, the
spirits automatically control them.
This is my work when I encounter Christ. I am a
helpless prisoner of the enemy and when I
remember the moments when I was released, I truly
thank God who sent a Christian named Mutombu
and his wife to be able to help and release me from
the clutches of the devil. By the time they met me, I
was drifting helplessly towards destruction. I can't
help extricating myself.

After my release, I learned with joy that the devil

really cannot read our minds, he is not all-knowing,
not all-present or all-powerful like God. In another
chapter, I will tell the full story of my deliverance.
Before I met Pastor Kaniaki who accepted and
nurtured me with the heart of a shepherd, I was in a
very bad state, being attacked by demons from left
and right and desperately needing teachings to
grow. And above all, I need help to return to my
village and destroy the tree that is the symbol of my
existence and save my entire family from the
clutches of the enemy. I want to sever all ties with
my family's past.
I know Jesus can. I also inherited a chest containing
my family's magical powers, sorcery and sorcery. I
am the only member of my kind who has such a
terrible legacy. I want everyone in my family to know
that we have been living under the power and
illusions of the enemy. I realized how much we had
been conned and I knew for a fact that Lucifer was
not friendly with anyone. I needed direction to know
Jesus better and the day came when I met my


"Life and death are controlled by the tongue,

whoever likes to echo it, will eat its fruit." ( Proverbs
18:21 ).

Dear brothers and sisters, beware of anger and vain
words. If someone is angry, then the evil spirits
easily enter it. If you like to speak carelessly, then
you are like signing your life and the lives of others
in the presence of satan. Anything you say will be
picked up and used against yourself. Even if the
devil's agents are not near you, but evil spirits are
everywhere and they will use your words to do what
you want. The devil is watching you, ready to record
words of failure, defeat, weakness and even gossip,
to then instill in you spirits that will bring about the
exact circumstances of your words. A mother who,
when she is annoyed, calls her child a "dog", there is
no need to be surprised if the child will soon develop
the characteristics of a dog. And husbands, be
careful of the words that just come out of your mouth
when you're angry. If you call your wife a goat, don't
be surprised if she then acts stupidly. So every time
you say or do something wrong, you are either
selling or destroying your life. As soon as you do it,
just as quickly you lose Divine protection.
Immediately ask for forgiveness and cry out for the
blood of Jesus. do not be surprised if he then acts
foolishly. So every time you say or do something
wrong, you are either selling or destroying your life.
As soon as you do it, just as quickly you lose Divine
protection. Immediately ask for forgiveness and cry
out for the blood of Jesus. do not be surprised if he
then acts foolishly. So every time you say or do
something wrong, you are either selling or
destroying your life. As soon as you do it, just as
quickly you lose Divine protection. Immediately ask
for forgiveness and cry out for the blood of Jesus.

I go to bars and pubs to put evil spirits in empty

glasses. And if someone drinks from the glass, they
are immediately overpowered, even if they only drink
soda. Some are possessed by the spirit of anger,
others by the spirit of pride and so on. With the
demons remaining, I will look for those who have not
accepted Christ into their lives, but who also have
not gone to a sorcerer or witch doctor and try to
overwhelm them with these demons. And with the
rest of the evil spirits, I will look for those who use
demonic things (magicians, magic wands, witch
doctors and people who go to them for help) to
control them. Satan does not give a chance to those
who do not fulfill their obligations. Work or die, that's
all. My job is hard, but I have to do it because that's
my life. The purpose of the work, according to the
order given by Lucifer, is for everyone in the world to
be possessed by evil spirits so that they are
prepared for the devil's kingdom.
Several Methods To Overpower People With Evil

Through Money

I can gain control over a person by imbuing the

money with an evil spirit through a magical
ceremony before giving it away. If he takes it, then
he will be possessed by an evil spirit that is behind
the money. That method's goal is to shorten a
person's life and bring a curse upon him.

Through Lies

When in a family, husband and wife live well without

any disturbance, then satan followers will usually
use their relatives to create misunderstanding and
chaos between them through lies and gossip. This is
what opens the door for evil spirits to enter in the
family and cause fights and misunderstandings,
separation and even divorce.

What is used is a story or incident in the past, by

evoking the victim's memory of bitter memories that
cause heartache. If the victim hears these things
again, he will become angry or very depressed. It
will also open the door for certain evil spirits to take
control of them again. The way out is to fill your mind
with the Word of God and rebuke the enemy in the
name of Jesus. Yes. 26:3, "Whose heart is steadfast
You guard with peace, because in You he trusts."

Through the False Prophet

There are many people who go to hell or cemeteries

to summon and speak to the spirits of the dead or
the spirits of their ancestors. Among them were
church priests as well as representatives of various
cults. They go there to find out the future and the
spirits then start divining and tell them everything
about their success in the future projects that will be
done. If later these false priests or prophets returned
to their respective churches and cults, they would
say that God had spoken to them. Some of their
followers believe the lie which is actually nothing but
fabrication of the dead. This will also open the door
for evil spirits to infest the fabrication.
Through the Rosary and Hail Mary

This is very common everywhere, however, it is a

disguised, invisible entrance for evil spirits to enter
and torment people's lives. In the sky, there is a
demon spirit named Rosa and people or cults who
use the rosary to pray, are believed to have a
connection with the spirit of the fallen angel. Another
demon spirit named Maria Marguela lives in the
Pacific Ocean. She is the queen of the world under
the ocean and it is she who plays the role of Our
Lady. She was by no means the mother of our Lord
Jesus. If someone prays through Mary, then he
opens his life to be controlled by the evil spirit
named Maria Marguela. Rosa inhabits the
atmosphere of the spirit world which is between the
first and third heavens. I had very frequent contact
with him after my “baptism”. Rosa is a very
dangerous person, as are the rest of them. To
contact him, I used the numbers 9 and 11 that the
devil gave me. Those were the numbers I used to
contact him before I was saved.

Through the Church and the Warm Cult of Worship

A lukewarm church that does not believe in the
manifestation of the Holy Spirit is an easy target for
satanic attacks. Some of them have contact with the
spirits of the dead. This is demonstrated by going to
cemeteries to pray using holy water, candles, spices
and carrying out unbiblical ceremonies. Such a
church is the entrance to be possessed by evil
spirits. When I was a servant of the devil, I often
attended services in such churches. I belong to all of
these churches, not because I need Jesus, but
because they are the dumping ground for all the
various evil spirits imaginable. I also frequently visit

Through Technique As an Angel of Light (II Cor.


In churches and prayer groups where believers

follow Bible studies and have the Holy Spirit, agents
of evil will use techniques as angels of light. Before
entering to take part in the service, a follower of
Satan will release and move all the evil spirits he is
carrying, and then leave them outside, on a tree or
whatever object. He then entered and pretended to
be a very serious and holy person. So when an
agent of the devil leaves his evil spirits outside, it
means that he is trying to learn the secrets of the
stability of the church and then trying to find the
appropriate biblical principles and the right way to
use them to deceive the congregation. That's the
method I used back in Zaire. I see that the believers
in the Assemblies of God church (community 34),
are wholeheartedly devoted to serving God. It is very
difficult for a devil follower to deceive them. They
don't drink beer or wine and they don't even want to
go to a disco. So I decided to become a member of
the church. I left all my demons outside in the tree. I
went in and became very enterprising and very
disciplined. I even joined the choir. The reasons why
I left my demons outside were twofold: I left all my
demons outside in the tree. I went in and became
very enterprising and very disciplined. I even joined
the choir. The reasons why I left my demons outside
were twofold: I left all my demons outside in the tree.
I went in and became very enterprising and very
disciplined. I even joined the choir. The reasons why
I left my demons outside were twofold:
If the congregation starts to bind the evil spirits, then
my evil spirits will still be waiting outside.

The evil spirits would sometimes lead me to do

strange things that would attract the attention of
others, so that my true cover might be exposed.

I sang beautifully in the choir there so that all shook

hands with me. I try to show my humility so that they
never imagine who I really am. My goal is to wait
until I find an opening to be able to get my demons
in the congregation.

One day, that opportunity came through someone

who was none other than the pastor himself, who
said, “In my church, I don't like it when my members
marry members of other churches.” Immediately I
looked through my devil's radar, saw a crack in the
church wall, because the pastor said "in my church."
We know based on God's Word that there is only
one true church and that is the church of Jesus
Christ which cannot be defeated by the evil forces of
hell. Jesus said to Peter, “…on this rock I will build
My church and the doors of hell will not overpower
it.” By saying "my church", then the pastor gave me
the right to tear down his church. Meaning it is not
the church of Christ but the church itself, in other
words, the human church. So I went out and got
some demons of lust, fornication and adultery and
brought them straight into the church. Not long after
that, some members of the congregation began to
commit sins and adultery became more prominent,
especially among the choir members. After 5
months, some women who were very diligent in their
religion became pregnant. Even the choirmaster
committed adultery and everyone knew about it
because the case was brought to court. The chaotic
atmosphere created embarrassment among the
congregation to such an extent that even the pastor
decided to resign and return to Bible school. The
church is almost closed. Many people have left it.
The pastor's response was so fleshly according to
what I witnessed, the gift of discerning spirits was
not working. Actually, he could have just prayed and
sought God's guidance regarding what was going on
in the spirit realm and how to get out of it. He didn't
even realize that it was he himself who opened the
door for an attack on the entire church. This requires
personal repentance, then the power of the Holy
Spirit will descend and purify the church. However,
he did not take that step, he even ran away from the
church with all his problems. Because now that I am
in the Lord Jesus, I can see where pastors fail
before God, which is because of a lack of
understanding of the principles of the spiritual realm.
he could just pray and seek God's guidance
regarding what was going on in the spirit realm and
how to get out of it. He didn't even realize that it was
he himself who opened the door for an attack on the
entire church. This requires personal repentance,
then the power of the Holy Spirit will descend and
purify the church. However, he did not take that step,
he even ran away from the church with all his
problems. Because now that I am in the Lord Jesus,
I can see where pastors fail before God, which is
because of a lack of understanding of the principles
of the spiritual realm. he could just pray and seek
God's guidance regarding what was going on in the
spirit realm and how to get out of it. He didn't even
realize that it was he himself who opened the door
for an attack on the entire church. This requires
personal repentance, then the power of the Holy
Spirit will descend and purify the church. However,
he did not take that step, he even ran away from the
church with all his problems. Because now that I am
in the Lord Jesus, I can see where pastors fail
before God, which is because of a lack of
understanding of the principles of the spiritual realm.
This requires personal repentance, then the power
of the Holy Spirit will descend and purify the church.
However, he did not take that step, he even ran
away from the church with all his problems. Because
now that I am in the Lord Jesus, I can see where
pastors fail before God, which is because of a lack of
understanding of the principles of the spiritual realm.
This requires personal repentance, then the power
of the Holy Spirit will descend and purify the church.
However, he did not take that step, he even ran
away from the church with all his problems. Because
now that I am in the Lord Jesus, I can see where
pastors fail before God, which is because of a lack of
understanding of the principles of the spiritual realm.

I went back to see the devil to tell him what I had

done in that church. My mission has been
accomplished and I'm off to complete yet another
task. The lesson that can be drawn from this
incident, sanctify yourself before starting the service.
In every church, the person who starts or opens the
service must be spiritually holy. If not, then the
prayers will be made full of carnality and impurity
and it will open the door for satanic attacks on other
members. If someone is experiencing personal or
family problems, jealousy, jealousy, hatred or other
impure thoughts, then the person concerned should
not volunteer to lead a worship service or fellowship
of believers.

Sermons that contain corrections because someone

in the church has done something wrong can result
in undesirable things for the congregation, unless
the preacher himself has been sanctified. If a
preacher accuses a member of his congregation of
wrongdoing, then that person and all those who
listen to the "sermon" are in a vulnerable state of
attack by evil spirits. This is because the preacher's
own mind is not pure, but he still points to other
people's mistakes. The lack of truth within him would
dishonor all those who heard it. When a preacher is
delivering a sermon, his mind must be free from all
prejudice and criticism. He must do everything in

There were times when we could enter a church to

steal the Word of God. We will put spirits in front, in
the middle and behind the church to take away the
Word and then throw it out. The spirits in front will
throw it at those in the middle, the one in the middle
in turn throws it at those behind and the job of those
behind is to throw it out of the church. This will cause
the congregation to lose its attention. They know the
service went well, but if you ask them what they
heard, they won't remember anything. So, actually
the best for every church is to start the service with
prayer first and bind all the powers of darkness
before the sermon is delivered.

It is very important that we are careful about

ecclesiastical titles, because that too is dangerous.
These titles are useful within the church
organization, but one must not be enslaved by them
and ignore the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit
in all church affairs. Titles can weaken God's work
when people are no longer led by the Spirit of God,
but are led by their titles.

Satanic women are primarily used to deceive people

who lead carnal lives. Satanists who are in the
church can be respectable women highly trained in
the powers of sorcery, magic and magic. Such
women mingle among the congregation and their
aim is to deceive the faithful in the church, especially
the ministers. They will ensnare the congregation
into fornication, adultery, magical dealings and
sorcery and so on. There are many churches that
have been destroyed because of such tragedies.

The women mentioned above, were prepared in

such a way that they harbored the spirits of the lusts
of the flesh in their eyes, their words, their breasts,
their hips and even their feet. When a man who is
full of the flesh and lives in sin looks at the woman,
especially the parts of the body that harbor the evil
spirits, then the spirits will jump on the man and
cause him to be very strongly attracted to the
woman. . And at that time when his mind has been
totally controlled, then the man will be subdued, so
that the woman can direct him as she pleases.

Transportation To Hell

After that destroys the church as assigned, then I no

longer need to linger there and I just continue my
adventure between the world and hell. Remember, I
have told you several ways to enter the second

Without a physical body. Here one has to leave the

body by opening the forehead. This is the method I
use when I go to bring demons from hell to earth.

With a physical body. There are several methods

here: by prayers and incantations to turn our world
into a second world. This was Kazadi's method
when he brought me where I then made a pact with

Enter through the grave. This is the method I used

when I traveled for 3 months to hell to meet my
Enter the burial area and say the prayers. Dead
people can revive and start talking to us. This
method is often used by some churches and people
who deal with spirits.

Enter through the water (river, sea and so on). This

was the method my father used when he introduced
me to the underwater world.

I started visiting hell with my friends. We find

ourselves in the port. Ahead, we saw what seemed
like a river or lake that had no end. Hell is across the
river or lake. The port is the terminal for all
transportation to hell; trains, airplanes, cars and
buses, all drop their passengers there. From there,
they have to get on a very shiny ferry, which comes
to pick up passengers and take them across the
river or lake, where there is hell. We will wait for the
ferry to pick us up. At that place, a lot of people lined
up with us to go to hell.

It's not easy to get on board, especially for those

with a lot of luggage. I met a woman who I knew
died in our neighborhood nine years ago (1974). I
met him in 1983. He had not yet made it across the
river to hell because he had too much baggage.
Every suitcase he carried had his name on it. Those
names are the names of the sins he committed
during his life on earth, including: adultery, lying,
drunkenness, hatred, abuse and pride. The length
and weight of each suitcase depends on the degree
of involvement in each of these sins.

The glistening ferry had doors on both sides. On

each side stood a large, well-dressed man who
made absolutely no sound. Everyone is queuing,
because getting on board must be orderly. The
woman began to lift the cases one by one, putting
them into the boat and then coming out with the
others. When the ship started moving, he had not
finished with all his baggage. So he can not get back
into the ship. The suitcases he managed to put on
board were thrown back out, so he had to return to
wait for the next ship to arrive.

After a few minutes, we reached the other side and

started to leave one by one in an orderly manner, not
making a sound, no one being allowed to speak. We
started walking and we saw two roads; one to the
left, the other to the right. At the border between the
two roads we saw a very large person who shone
like the sun. It is impossible for us to look at him.
That person directs the passengers to the left or the
right road.

We saw lots of people walking to the left and very

few walking to the right. Those walking to the left
carried baggage, but those to the right walked empty
handed. My two comrades and I started to approach
the enormous person. When we reached the place
where he stood, he was so radiant that we found
ourselves naked and so, like lightning we took the
path to the left. We wonder what human he might
be. We don't know what lies to the far right and what
will happen to those who travel that way. Until now it
is still a mystery to me. It could well have been the
city of God's people, for it must have been that
enormous man standing on the border was an angel
of God. indeed, the people who were allowed into
the right way approached him and they looked so
happy, ready to hug him with all the joy in their
hearts. They don't look naked. They dress. The
enormous person shone with a resplendent light that
could not be compared to anything I had seen on

The Narrow And The Wide Road

It is only after my salvation that I can look back with

an understanding of the spiritual meaning of my
experience. We must remember what the Bible says,
namely that there are two ways, a narrow one and a
broad one. The wide one leads to destruction
(punishment or hell) and the narrow one leads to
eternal life (Paradise) (Matthew 7:13-14). Those who
walk the broad way are many, but those who walk
the narrow way are few. That those who walk on the
narrow path are clothed and rejoice, it is because of
their good deeds while living in the world (Rev. 19:8)
and also because of the condition of the Kingdom
they will enter (Rom. 14:17 ). We followed the path
to the left and suddenly saw a crowd of people like in
a waiting room. It's crowded. Since I was wearing
the magic belt my father used to beat up people in
the wizarding world, I used it to swing back and forth
to force them to make way for us. The situation was
chaotic. People were pushing each other with all
their baggage.

We also saw at the other end, someone

interrogating people who were about to enter; it
seems like a place of judgment in hell. The man was
very big and had such an ugly face that one couldn't
stand looking at him. He is someone who is very
rough and tough. He only judged two people in one
week. From Monday to Wednesday one person,
from Thursday to Saturday another person. On
Sundays he rests. The purpose of the judgment is to
ask the dead person why he was directed to hell.
Everyone must answer for themselves. No one can
bear another's burden.

So the person in question was forced to speak for

himself after he found out what reason brought him
to hell. Such an examination is a very unpleasant
incident. The people had to be subjected to very
harsh treatments. The reason is because of the sins
that these people committed in their lifetime and the
proof of that is the baggage that follows them
wherever they go. A person's sins or baggage will
help the judge determine which part of hell he will be
placed in (I feel at least until judgment day).

God's Word speaks of judgment that takes place

immediately after someone dies (Heb. 9:27). First of
all, he would arrive at a crossroads between two
roads. A very great man (God's angel) will judge him
to determine whether he is directed to the right or to
the left. If he is directed to the left, then he will face
another judgment to determine in which part of hell
he will be placed. Let us be prepared to meet the
Lord (Amos 4:12).


I live to this day is because of Christ. Actually, one of

the Christians I wanted to ensnare to follow me
when my time was up, was my colleague, Mutombu,
but God turned the story upside down. I met Jesus
unexpectedly through him, when I was trying to
chase and seduce him for the devil.
Please remember, we do not pay attention to those
who are not Christians, because they already belong
to Lucifer, but to those who belong to Jesus.

What happened then clearly shows that Lucifer will

not win the war against the child of God, as long as
he maintains his holiness and sticks to God's Word. I
remember my deliverance with gratitude and want all
those who are bound by the devil to know that there
is deliverance and protection in the Lord Jesus
Christ. I thank God that He saved me.

The journey to deliverance is a long one. The

beginning was when I stormed into a company to
take away existing jobs. I did everything for satan's
benefit, but then it all went to the glory of God. My
fate was sealed when I got a job at a company
where I met someone who brought me to God.

I remember that day, I was sitting outside his house

on the chair he had prayed for to be stained with the
blood of Jesus and how the Lord Jesus dramatically
released me. I am so thankful to Godfor my partner
and his wife.
I have reached such heights with Satan, but it is God
himself who draws me to himself. I've spent a lot of
time robbing trains and beating people up. My aunt
became so concerned because I was my father's
only son. So he urged me to find a job that pays off. I
used sorcery and was trained by some Europeans to
become a bodybuilder, but it all used demonic

One day, I met a soldier who asked to see my ID.

Feeling so offended, I went and put on my uniform to
fight and then challenged him. At that time I was
already training as a bodybuilder. And of course it
was a stupid act inspired by evil spirits and for that I
have to deal with the law. I was put in a prison where
I had to be beaten with a stick every day. Even so,
the prison could not hold me. I have the power to slip
out unnoticed and do whatever I want before I come
back later.

In regards to my magic power, I also try to avoid pain

by transferring it to my comrades who live a normal
life. So every time I was whipped in prison, I could
immediately transfer it to my closest comrades who
would then scream in pain. Finally, my friend had to
be admitted to the hospital where they found that he
had malaria in his brain. Another incident that drew
me closer to God and was a follow-up to my release
through the demonstration of God's presence with
His people, was when I tried to work in a company
that needed employees. They only needed 32
people and my job application got there a bit late.
When I went to his boss to ask him to review my job
application, he said that he had received a sufficient
number of people. It made me so angry. When I
urged him, he shouted at me, “Get out of my office,

And when he is angry, then I can control his

thoughts, I take him and put it in my pocket to make
him submit to my request. And to test whether I
really have succeeded in doing it, then I nodded and
he did the same thing; I swung my neck and he
imitated it. I then found out that he was under the
control of my powers of magic and he then without
hesitation took a pen and wrote my name as number
33 on his list.
Employers, be careful with your office. Since I have
the power to enter every place, I decided to enter his
office at night and because he is a man of the flesh, I
found it easy to enter and retrieve the secret
documents I wanted, including the employee list. As
I studied the list, I saw several names shining
brightly like flames. Lucifer announced that those
were the names of those who belonged to Jesus. I
dare not touch it. But when I got to number 14, I saw
the difference. The number didn't work, so I moved it
to no. 33 and my name became no. 14.

When we started reporting for the job, the person

whose number I took came forward to complain to
the boss, who became so angry that he screamed, “I
don't want to see you anymore. Get out of here !"

When in an evil world and if we are not under the

veil of Jesus' blood, then we will not be able to
survive the difficulties of this life. It is possible that
people who are persistently looking for a job and
failing each time even if they meet the requisite
qualifications, come under such attack. This also
applies to students who sit facing exams. Why does
a bright student do poorly on his exam, while a
stupid student does better? There are several cases
where demons are involved. It is very important for
all to pray constantly and continuously cover their
offices with the blood of Jesus. There are certain
powers of darkness that can easily enter people's
offices without their knowledge. Even when people
are home at night, maybe the devil's agents are
busy studying documents or other information. The
target person will then feel demoralized, lazy and
incompetent and eventually lose their job.

During that time, I was almost always able to get

anything I wanted in my work, except where the
name and blood of Jesus were involved. I cannot
cross that boundary.

I also remember an incident where I beat up a

Christian missionary who was mining diamonds to
pay for his ministry. Whenever I encountered Jesus'
people, I was immediately overcome with such rage
that I wanted to harm them. This was yet another
lesson that made me realize, when the time came,
that Jesus must be bigger and more powerful than
the Lucifer I served. I arrived at the mining area a bit
late. As soon as I saw this person dressed, I
immediately knew that it was my enemy. But when
the man saw me, he greeted me kindly and told
someone to make room for me to start mining. I
hated him even more because he treated me so
well. I then jumped at him, cursing and hitting him
while swearing. The man did not reply, nor was he
angry, but started shouting for Jesus to help him.

“Jesus, Jesus, help me, protect my life,” he cried. I

had previously paralyzed all of his men so they all
stood stunned in their places and did not come to his
aid. But every time he calls the name "Jesus", then I
feel so weak. This forced me to leave him and run
out of that place. After that incident, I learned that no
matter what Lucifer brags about, Jesus is still in total

After the beating, I ran away and realized that I had

a very bad toothache. All my teeth hurt without
anyone touching them.
Usually I heal myself through magic, but in certain
cases I'll take it to the devil. There are hospitals in
hell with experts in all kinds of ailments. When
examining me, Lucifer immediately said that the pain
was not the work of humans or evil spirits, but the
action of God. I am under the judgment of God for
hurting His servant.

The devil took all my teeth and replaced them with

“new” teeth and the pain disappeared. With my new
teeth, if I kiss someone, then I can bewitch them or
put magic power into them. If it is a man, then he will
wake up the next day feeling that he has slept with
the opposite sex last night. Even though Lucifer
claimed to have given me new teeth, they were still
the same, even very healthy. Some of my
experiences had convinced me of the deity of Jesus,
but I grew to hate Him even more. Satan really has
educated me to be very arrogant and haughty. I'm
always looking for opportunities to discredit and
destroy those who have Jesus and try all kinds of
ways to win them over to the devil. I am a
As my time drew near, I tried my best to ruin the
lives of my co-workers. All of them were hit, except
for one person named Mutombu, who without him, I
would not be alive today and rejoice in God.

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