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- Betty Neuman was born in 1924 near Lowell, Ohio. - negentropy means maintaining order and balance in
She grew up on a farm which later encouraged her to your health. It's like keeping things running smoothly
help people who are in need. Her father was a farmer instead of getting chaotic. Nurses using this idea help
who became sick and died at the age of 36. you stay healthy and balanced in your life.
- Her mother was a self-educated midwife that led the - refers to the surroundings and conditions that affect
young Neuman to be always influenced by the your health. Nurses consider how your physical,
commitment that took her away from home from time to emotional, and social environment impacts your
time. She had one older brother and a younger brother, well-being and work to make it supportive of your
which makes her the middle child among her siblings.
- Her love for nursing started when she took care of her
- In Betty Neuman's System Model, "stressors" are like
father, which later created her compassion in her
chosen career path. the challenges or pressures that life throws at us.
These can be physical, emotional, or environmental
LINE OF RESISTANCE factors that can affect our health. Nurses in this model
- Represents resource factors that help client defend help you deal with these stressors and stay well
against stressor ( immune response system ) despite life's challenges.
- It is the last boundary that protects the basic structure INTRAPERSONAL
- Protect the basic structure and nag activate lang siya - refers to what's going on within you as an individual. It's
when environmental stressors invade the normal line of about understanding your thoughts, feelings, and
defense physical condition and how they affect your health.
- Example : Nurses consider your inner world to provide you with
the best care
- In Betty Neuman's nursing theory, understanding these
processes and functions helps nurses provide care that
supports the patient's overall well-being and helps
them adapt to challenges and stressors. It's about
maintaining a healthy balance within the patient's
Nursing metapradigm ; nursing ● Explanation: This is like figuring out what's wrong with
- Betty Neuman's perspective on nursing is inspiring the patient. Nurses gather information about the
because it highlights the special role of nurses in patient's health to identify any problems or concerns
taking care of the whole person. Imagine you have a that need attention.
friend who not only looks at how you're feeling but also ● Example: Let's say a patient has high blood pressure.
considers everything around you that might affect your The nursing diagnosis here would be "Risk for High
health. Blood Pressure" because the patient is at risk of
developing this condition.
- It's like having someone who cares about your overall So, in simple terms:
well-being, including your environment, emotions, and ● Diagnosis: Identifying the problem (e.g., "Risk for High
physical health, all at once. This approach makes Blood Pressure").
nursing unique and meaningful because it looks at the ● Goal: Setting a target for improvement (e.g., "Reduce
big picture to help you stay healthy and happy. blood pressure to a healthy range").
PRIMARY PREVENTION ● Outcome: Seeing if the patient gets better (e.g., blood
- It is all about stopping health problems before they pressure is in a healthy range).
even start. It's like wearing a helmet to prevent head
injuries while riding a bike. Nurses work to keep you SIMPLICITY
from getting sick or stressed in the first place. - In Betty Neuman's System Model, "simplicity" means
- for COVID-19 would be like taking steps to avoid keeping things easy to understand and not overly
getting the virus in the first place. This includes actions complicated.
such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, - It's about making healthcare and nursing care
and getting vaccinated to prevent infection and the straightforward and clear for both patients and
spread of the virus. Nurses promote these measures to healthcare providers. This helps ensure that everyone
keep individuals and communities safe from COVID-19 can work together effectively to promote health and
- is about helping people who are already dealing with a
health problem, like a chronic illness. SUMMARY
- It's like giving someone the best care possible to - Betty Neuman's System Model is like a guiding light for
manage their condition and prevent it from getting nursing. It teaches nurses to look at the whole person,
worse. not just their illness, and to create a balanced and
- Nurses focus on improving the quality of life for caring environment. It's about keeping things simple
individuals with existing health issues. and clear, and always striving to prevent health issues
or make things better. In the end, it's all about helping
NURSING DIAGNOSIS people live healthier, happier lives.
of being healthy or well. In healthcare, "wellness"
means being in good health, and nursing involves
WHOLISTIC APPROACH finding out when someone is not in good health, or
- Holistic care is a type of healthcare that looks at when there are variations from this healthy state.
the entire person, not just their physical health. It
takes into account the person's emotions, social - So, in simpler terms, when people from other fields talk
life, and spiritual well-being to promote overall about nursing, they might have their own definitions.
wellness. But nursing, at its core, is about collecting a lot of
information to figure out when someone is not well and
- An example of a holistic approach to nursing care what might be causing that unwellness. This
is Betty Neuman's Systems Model theory, which information helps nurses and healthcare professionals
considers all aspects of a patient's life when creating a provide the right care and treatment to help people get
care plan. For instance, if a patient is experiencing better.
stress at work, a holistic care plan would not only
address their physical symptoms but also help them Betty Neuman, a renowned nursing theorist, developed a
manage their stress and find ways to improve their comprehensive and holistic approach to nursing. Her Neuman
work-life balance. Systems Model theory considers the impact of environmental
stressors on a patient's system and aims to maintain their
NURSING stability through a range of nursing interventions. These
interventions are categorized into three levels of prevention,
1. The Term 'Nursing' Changes Accordingly: This namely primary, secondary, and tertiary, with the goal of
means that the concept of nursing can have different minimizing stress and promoting overall well-being. By
meanings or interpretations depending on the integrating this model into their practice, nurses can provide
perspective of other disciplines. In other words, when personalized care that addresses the unique needs of each
people from different fields talk about nursing, they may patient and fosters a positive healing environment.
have slightly different ways of understanding and
defining it. - In short, the Flexible Line of Defense is about how
2. Involves Obtaining a Broad Comprehensive
Database: This part is about gathering a lot of your body deals with stress, while Primary
information. Imagine you're doing research or trying to Prevention is about stopping health problems
understand something really well; you would gather a before they happen. Both are important for staying
lot of data or information about it. So, nursing, in this
context, involves collecting a wide range of information.
3. From Which Variances from Wellness Can Be
Determined: After collecting all that information, the
goal is to look for differences or variations from a state
Flexible Line of Defense:

● Think of this as your body's general ability to

handle stress and stay balanced, like a superhero
suit that helps you adapt to various challenges.
● Example: When you face a change in weather, your
body's ability to adjust your temperature (sweating
when it's hot and shivering when it's cold) is part
of your flexible line of defense.

Line of Resistance:

● This is more like your specific strength to deal with

particular stressors or challenges in life, such as
exams, relationship issues, or work pressure.
● Example: Let's say you're preparing for a big exam.
Your Line of Resistance would be how well you
manage stress related to that specific test. If you
use effective study techniques and stay calm,
you're strengthening your Line of Resistance
against exam stress.

In simple terms, the Flexible Line of Defense is your

overall capacity to adapt to stress in different areas of
your life, while the Line of Resistance is your specific
ability to handle particular stressors effectively. Both are
essential for staying healthy and resilient, like having a
general superhero suit and specialized tools for specific

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