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Diana Henry’s Swift to smash box

Autumn office records

Page 13

14 October 2023
From £2.03 for subscribers

Thousands flee ahead of

expected invasion of Gaza
descended into its bloodiest period journalist was killed and six others trapped civilians had to decide
• Israeli army issues Bethan McKernan in decades. from AFP, Reuters and Al Jazeera whether to leave home, possibly
mass evacuation orders to Jerusalem Hamas said 70 people had been were wounded when they were never to return, after the Israeli army
over a million residents Thousands of people fled from the
killed when warplanes struck cars
fleeing south, while Israel’s military
caught up in cross-border shelling
amid growing fears of escalating
issued mass evacuation orders in the
early hours of yesterday.
• Continued airstrikes north to the southern half of Gaza said that its troops backed by tanks violence on several fronts after last Following the order from Israel
yesterday in advance of an expected had conducted the first raids inside weekend’s massacre of Israeli civil- for the population to move south of
and shelling of Gaza six ground invasion of the blockaded Gaza since the crisis began. ians by Hamas. the Gaza River, just south
2 
days after Hamas attack strip as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict In southern Lebanon a Reuters Almost half of Gaza’s 2.3 million of Gaza City, however,

Clashes Commentary

Violence ‘After the

flares in West pogroms, the
Bank and
Jerusalem angel of death
Page 3 is licking
Israel’s his lips’
darkest day Jonathan
How 24 hours Freedland

of terror
unfolded he word pogrom was
not meant to exist
in Hebrew. In the
Page 6 new Israel, the very
idea of Jews being

Explained murdered en masse,

their children butchered before

What are the

their eyes, was meant to have been
banished to the realm of bitter

roots of the
memory. It was only in the eastern
Europe of exile that Jews would
have to flee from tormentors bent

Middle East on killing them, only there that

they would hide in the dark, trying

conflict? to stifle their breath lest they make

a betraying sound. Once they had a
state of their own, where they could
Page 9 defend themselves, there would
be no need to speak of pogroms,
except in the history books.
But it was a pogrom that came
to Israel last weekend, multiple
pogroms in fact, as lethal 5 

▲ The relatives and friends of people taken hostage by Hamas gathered at a press conference in Tel Aviv yesterday as any that cut down the
••• The Guardian Saturday 14 October 2023

2 News
! A man carries
in a blanket
the remains of
a victim of an
Israeli air strike
on Rafah in
southern Gaza

▼ Palestinians
flee their houses
heading towards
the southern
part of Gaza
Strip after
Israel’s call for
more than one
million civilians
in northern
Gaza to move
within 24 hours

Thousands flee to
southern Gaza ahead
of expected invasion
! Continued from page 1 Benjamin Netanyahu, said the bom- by Hamas gunmen early last Satur-
bardment of Gaza was “just the day, a Jewish holiday. At least 1,200
messages from Hamas broadcast by beginning” of his country’s response. militants burst through dozens of
mosques around the tiny strip called “Our enemies have only just begun different points on the heavily mil-
on residents to stay put. The mes- to pay the price,” he said last night. itarised boundary around the Gaza
sages from the militant group called For most of the day, there were no Strip before fanning out to rampage
the order “Israeli propaganda” and signs of mass movement. But as the through 22 Israeli towns and kibbut-
told Palestinians to “hold on to your afternoon wore on, it appeared many zim and 10 army bases.
homes and land”. people decided that if they were The Rafah crossing into Egypt was
The UN warned that the order to going to move, it had to be before still closed to fleeing civilians in Gaza.
flee en masse would be calamitous, nightfall . And for those who were severely ill
and urged Israel to reverse its order. At that point the strip, where or had already been injured in air-
The UN secretary general, António Israel has cut electricity, would be strikes that have pounded the strip,
Guterres, said the situation in Gaza plunged into a sixth night of total the World Health Organization said
had reached a “dangerous new low” darkness amid continued airstrikes the warning to leave was as good as
and called for immediate humanitar- and shelling. “a death sentence”.
ian access. “Even wars have rules,” By around 3pm yesterday, thou- More than 450,000 people have
he said. sands of people from the northern already left their homes at least once
The US president, Joe Biden, said town of Beit Hanoun and sprawling since last Saturday, according to the
it was a priority to “urgently address Gaza City had begun making their Palestinian health ministry. For
the humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. way south by any means possible. Ziad, a 35-year-old from Gaza City,
“We can’t lose sight of the fact that Some people packed into cars and and many others, the week’s events
the overwhelming majority of Pales- trucks, but with fuel supplies low are comparable to the Nakba – the
tinians had nothing to do with Hamas because of the tightening of Israel’s Arabic term for the forcible expul-
and Hamas’s appalling attacks, and siege on the Mediterranean enclave, sion of about 750,000 Palestinians
they’re suffering as a result as well,” many simply started to walk. from what was previously British
he said. Israel’s order to evacuate came six Mandate-controlled Palestine dur- ▲ A family uses a donkey-drawn cart as they try to flee from Gaza City before
But Israel’s prime minister, days after an unprecedented attack ing the creation of Israel in 1948. the expected Israeli ground attack PHOTOGRAPH: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Saturday 14 October 2023 The Guardian •••

Erez crossing Sderot West Bank
Beit Hanoun Palestinians
say 16 people
Gaza City
Area closed
killed as
violence flares
zone by Israeli

in occupied
Gaza River
Strip Israel

Khan Bethan McKernan and
Younis Ruth Michaelson Jerusalem

Violence between Palestinian

Rafah protesters and Israeli security forces
erupted in several areas of occupied
Egypt East Jerusalem and the West Bank
yesterday as the Israeli military
5 km ordered nearly half of Gaza’s popu-
5 miles lation to evacuate before an expected
ground offensive.
“It’s really a new Nakba, and it’s In the West Bank there were calls ▲ Muslim women scuffle with Israeli the dense maze of narrow streets and problem,” said Rabbi Eliazer. “I came
even worse than the first one. No one for marches across several major soldiers in the Old City of Jerusalem alleyways. here today at 6am, down Jaffa Street
can imagine what is going on on the towns and cities but in the chaos as they arrive for Friday prayers In Gaza, more firepower than was and Mamilla neighbourhood. There
ground, it’s horrible. across the region details on what PHOTOGRAPH: YURI CORTEZ/AFP/GETTY IMAGES used in the entirety of the five-year- was no one.”
“Even if there is a decision to evac- under other circumstances would long international campaign against The Beyadenu Temple Mount
uate, it’s not applicable at all, they be described as major incidents were compound following six days of pun- Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has Movement said it would try to pre-
[patients] will die,” said Yusuf Abu hard to follow. At least 16 Palestinians ishing airstrikes on Gaza, home to 2.3 been dropped on the enclave in the vent Muslim worshippers from
Rish, the head of Gaza City’s al-Shifa were shot and killed in the West Bank million people. six days since Israel declared war. accessing al-Aqsa compound, known
hospital. over the course of the day, the Pales- Turnout was low, however, Israel has mobilised 360,000 to many Jews as the Temple Mount.
Yesterday’s evacuation notice tinian health ministry said. after the Jordanian Waqf, which reservists in what is expected to be “I don’t think they represent a lot of
sent panic through civilians and Khaled Mashal, the former leader administers the complex’s Muslim the longest and bloodiest war in the people … but I can understand their
civil defence teams already strug- of Hamas, called for a “global day holy sites, said Israel had banned region since Hamas seized control of frustration,” said a young Jewish wor-
gling under intense Israeli airstrikes of rage” in support of Palestinians, access to Palestinians under the age Gaza in 2007. shipper clutching a prayer book near
that have killed 1,800 people so far, demanding governments and people of 60, and the Beyadenu Temple The two sides have fought four the Western Wall.
levelling entire neighbourhoods. The across the Middle East protest. Mount Movement, an extremist wars and dozens of smaller escala- Dorit Rodan, a school headteacher
Israeli directive said that Hamas mil- “Tribes of Jordan, sons of Jordan, Jewish group, threatened to prevent tions in the last 16 years. who came to Jerusalem from the West
itants were hiding in tunnels under brothers and sisters of Jordan … This Muslim worshippers from entering Yesterday, a trickle of Jewish wor- Bank settlement of Efrat to mark a
the city. is a moment of truth and the borders the area. shippers also made their way to the cousin’s barmitzvah celebration, said
Israel is also not allowing food, fuel are close to you, you all know your Israeli media reported that more Western Wall, at the exterior of al- she and her family were determined
or medical supplies into the strip in responsibility,” he said. than 2,500 officers and volunteers Aqsa mosque compound, and the to mark the day. She and her family
a tightening of the existing blockade Violent exchanges between Pal- were patrolling the Old City and its holiest accessible site in Judaism. posed for pictures with a photogra-
– a move that the United Nation con- estinians and Israel Defence Forces, vicinity. A small crowd formed as “I come here to pray every single pher near the Western Wall, smiling
siders a war crime. as well as Israeli settlers living in those hoping to pray continued to day, and many people didn’t come in silk dresses.
An Israel Defence Forces (IDF) the West Bank, were reported near try and enter al-Aqsa compound. today. They didn’t come and it’s a “We debated if they’d let us do it,
spokesperson admitted in a brief- Hebron, Nablus and Ramallah by “I am going to pray at the mosque and if we were capable of hosting,”
ing yesterday morning that it would early yesterday afternoon. It was not whatever happens. I am 54 but maybe she said, explaining that some of her
take time for Palestinians to follow immediately clear how many people I will pass as older … I will try. They ‘I am going to pray family, including her relative under-
its orders to evacuate.
In response to questions from the
were involved, whether live fire had
been used, and whether anyone had
can kill us but they can’t keep us away
from here,” said Abu Jihad, a con-
at the mosque taking the barmitzvah ceremony, had
flown in from Los Angeles for the cer-
Guardian, the army’s media desk been injured or killed. struction worker from Beit Hanina today whatever emony. “Not all of our family came,
refused to clarify what time the order
was sent, and whether it included a
Jerusalem – often a flashpoint
for violence on Fridays, the Mus-
in East Jerusalem.
Clashes between Palestinians
happens … I will try’ people are afraid.”
But, she added: “There are shelters
24-hour deadline, as per a UN report. lim holy day – had expected an and Israeli border police were also here you can go to, and you have to
More than 1,300 people were killed influx of worshippers for this week’s reported inside the Old City’s Muslim continue life.”
on what has been described as Israel’s most important prayer session Quarter, and in Wadi Joz, a Palestinian Abu Jihad
9/11 – a day in which more Israelis lost at the flashpoint al-Aqsa mosque neighbourhood just to the north of East Jerusalem Additional reporting Sufian Taha
their lives than in the entirety of the
five-year-long intifada, or Palestin-
ian uprising, of the 2000s.
As reporters have gained access Munitions long-term injury. Palestinian groups
have asked for the international crim-
videos showing their alleged use in
Gaza. Palestinian TV channels have
drew war crimes allegations from
rights groups. The military at the

IDF denies
to affected towns and kibbutzim inal court to investigate. broadcast videos in recent days time did not say whether it would
this week, the scale of the carnage is Israel’s military said: “The cur- showing white smoke over Gaza they also review use of weaponised white
becoming clearer. IDF officials said rent accusation … regarding the use said showed use of such munitions. phosphorus, which is designed to
they entered homes strewn with bod-
ies, finding women who had been using white of white phosphorus in Gaza is une-
quivocally false.”
Israel’s military said in 2013 it
was phasing out white phosphorus
incinerate enemy positions.
HRW said: “White phosphorus,
raped and killed, and children who
had been shot and burned. phosphorus HRW said it had verified videos
taken on 10 and 11 October showing
smokescreen munitions used in its
2008-09 offensive in Gaza, which
which can be used either for mark-
ing, signalling and obscuring, or as a
Scores of Israeli and foreign “multiple airbursts of artillery-fired weapon to set fires that burn people
hostages were taken to Gaza after white phosphorus over the Gaza City and objects, has a significant incen-
Saturday’s attack; Hamas claimed port and two rural locations along diary effect that can severely burn
yesterday that 13 captives had been Patrick Wintour the Israel-Lebanon border”. It said people and set structures, fields and
killed in Israeli strikes over the pre- it had interviewed two people who civilian objects in the vicinity on fire.”
vious 24 hours. described an attack in Gaza. White phosphorus munitions can
Israel has already mounted the The Israel Defence Forces have It provided links to two videos legally be used on battlefields to make
heaviest airstrikes on Gaza ever, denied allegations by Human Rights on social media that it said showed smokescreens, generate illumina-
mobilised an unparalleled 360,000 Watch that they have used white “155mm white phosphorus artillery tion, mark targets or burn bunkers
reservists and amassed convoys of phosphorus munitions in their mili- projectiles being used, apparently and buildings. Because it has legal
tanks near the border ahead of what tary operations in Gaza and Lebanon. as smokescreens, marking or signal- uses, white phosphorus is not banned
is almost certain to be a major ground HRW said the use of such weap- ling” near the Israel-Lebanon border. ▲ Smoke west of Gaza City this week as a chemical weapon under interna-
offensive lasting months. ons put civilians at risk of serious and The group did not provide links to claimed to be from white phosphorus tional conventions.
• The Guardian Saturday 14 October 2023

4 News

‘Pray for us’ Gaza residents trapped by

Jašarević, its spokesperson, said:
“There are severely ill people
whose injuries mean their only
chances of survival is being on

evacuation order, Hamas and bombs

life support, such as mechanical
ventilators. So moving those people
is a death sentence. Asking health
workers to do so is beyond cruel.”
The Palestinian Red Crescent
Society – four of whose paramedics
have been killed in Gaza in recent
days – also said it would stay.
A week of violence Area closed by

Ruth Michaelson Jerusalem “The decision has been made,”
Sam Jones 6am Saturday 7 October
Ashkelon Israeli military it said in a statement posted on
Hamas fires several thousand rockets Mediterranean Instagram. “We have not and
esterday morning, into Israel. Militants breach the Sea will not leave. Our paramedics
more than a million Israeli-Gaza border, launching brutal will continue to provide their
attacks on more than a dozen towns,
people in northern humanitarian missions until the
villages and kibbutzim
Gaza found Zikim last moment. We will not leave
themselves facing Hamas ground attacks people to face death alone.”
a terrible dilemma. Israel begins a retaliatory military The UN agency for Palestinian
Should they follow 400,000 campaign against Gaza, shelling targets refugees, UNRWA, said it was not
Netiv HaAsara Kfar Aza
friends, relatives and neighbours across the enclave Kibbutz of 750 people attacked
evacuating its schools, where
who had fled their homes amid Jabaliya thousands have taken shelter. But
Israeli airstrikes (not exhaustive) market by about 70 militants from four
Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes and Erez directions. Dozens of residents it has relocated its headquarters
its warning that almost half of Border crossings* crossing killed to southern Gaza, according to
Yassin mosque
the enclave’s 2.3 million people spokesperson Juliette Touma.
should evacuate the area for their Rimal Gaza Sderot Pressed by reporters on whether
“own safety” before an expected Large parts of districts such as City the Israeli army would protect
ground assault? Or should they Rimal and Jabaliya reduced to Watan tower hospitals, UN shelters and other
heed Hamas’s call to stay put and rubble by days of strikes civilian locations, a military
stand firm against what it called Nahal Oz
spokesperson described the areas
“this disgusting psychological war Kfar Aza Yakhini as “a war zone”.
waged by the occupation”? Nahal Oz Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, for
Nebal Farsakh, a spokesperson Gaza river the Israel Defence Forces, said: “If
for the Palestinian Red Crescent
Society in Gaza City, broke down
Friday 13 October, Israel orders
the evacuation of areas north of
Alumim Israel Hamas prevents residents from
evacuating, the responsibility lies
river, reportedly in preparation
in tears as she tried to make sense with them.”
for a ground invasion
of what is going on. “Forget about Be’eri
Clive Baldwin, a senior legal
food, forget about electricity, forget Netivot adviser at Human Rights Watch,
about fuel,” she said. “The only Nahal Oz said Israel’s warning was not
concern now is just if you’ll make Militants shot people in the street effective and called on world
it – if you’re going to live.” Gaza Strip Re'im
and set fire to houses to smoke
families out of safe rooms
leaders to speak up. “The roads
The Palestinian health ministry are rubble, fuel is scarce and the
said 1,799 people have been killed main hospital is in the evacuation
and more than 6,400 injured since Be’eri zone,” he said. “This order does not
Israel began striking Gaza last An Naseer hospital Khan More than 120 of 1,100 residents murdered. alter Israel’s obligations in military
Saturday. The UN estimates that Yunis IDF battled Hamas for several days before operations to never target civilians
more than 423,000 people have fled Nirim regaining control and take all the measures it can to
their homes in the territory – many minimise harm to them.”
of them making for the area that Nir Oz Ofakim The UN’s human rights office
Israel is now telling them to leave. Rafah called for restraint on both sides,
By yesterday morning, many Magan Supernova music festival pointing out that 2,700 people,
Militants stormed festival in the early
people were cramming their hours of 7 October, killing 260 people
including civilians, had been
belongings into suitcases and and taking others hostage killed since Hamas’s assault on
plastic bags, scooping up their Israel almost a week ago. It voiced
children and beginning to move Sufa fears that senior Israeli military
south. Rafah officials were giving the impression
“Right now, I’m leaving what crossing Sufa Nir Yitzhak that obeying international
I thought was the safest place I Kerem Shalom humanitarian law had become
could go to,” said Rama Abu Amra, Egypt Kerem Shalom “optional rather than compulsory”
a student who had fled several in the retaliatory strikes.
times with her family across Gaza 5 km Ravina Shamdasani, a
City since the bombardments 5 miles spokesperson for the UN High
began. The sound of panicked Source: OCHA, UN, AP. *Four crossings; Sufa, Kissufim, Karni and Nahal Oz were already permanently closed before last Saturday’s attacks Commissioner for Human Rights,
crowds was audible in the said: “We urge Palestinian armed
background as she spoke. is so hard. We have never lived may go to Egypt. Nonsense.” With Eyad al-Bozom, a spokesperson groups to halt the use of inherently
“We’re not safe at all, we’re something like this.” that, he went to the morgue to try for Hamas’s interior ministry. “By indiscriminate projectiles, which
constantly under attack. I don’t Others, however, had made up to identify his dead relatives. carrying out massacres against the violate international humanitarian
know, I’m just praying to God to their minds that there would be Despite the bombings and the civilians, the occupation wants to law, as well as attacks directed
protect us, to protect our homes, no repeat of what Palestinians call mass displacements, Hamas urged displace us once again from our against civilians.
mine is really under attack. I might the Nakba – the catastrophe – of the people of Gaza not to move. land. The 1948 displacement will “And we urge Israel to ensure
not find it again.” 1948, when 700,000 people were Once again, the spectre of the not happen. We will die and we will full respect for international
Abu Amra said she was saying expelled or fled from their homes in Nakba was invoked. not leave.” humanitarian and human rights law
goodbye to everything that she the war surrounding the creation of “We tell the people of northern Gaza’s health ministry said it in any and all military operations.
loved: her home; her room; her the Israeli state. Gaza and from Gaza City, stay put in would be impossible to evacuate Airstrikes and artillery strikes have
childhood memories, even her box Inside Shifa hospital, the largest your homes, and your places,” said hospitals, adding that staff would already led to the destruction of
of university supplies. of Gaza’s 13 public hospitals, a man not act in accordance with Israel’s large parts of densely populated
“I never thought this would arrived to check on friends and warning. neighbourhoods in Gaza, and
happen,” she added. “We’ve relatives who had been brought “We have a duty and a rhetoric from high-level officials
faced many wars before, many from a building in Beach refugee humanitarian mission, and we raises concerns that a message
escalations before, but even those camp that had been bombed by cannot evacuate hospitals and is being sent to the members of
were easier.” Israel. leave the wounded and sick the Israeli Defence Forces that
But this time, she said, there was “I survived – I don’t know why to die,” said Ashraf al-Qidra, a international humanitarian law
nowhere to run to. “We just don’t I survived,” he said. “It is so that spokesperson. In the event of has become optional rather than
know what to do. We hope to stay I [can] tell the enemy, America, severe Israeli strikes, he added, compulsory.”
alive, because I really don’t know Europe and the world that this there was nowhere in the Gaza Strip
if I will or not. Just pray for us. We Palestinian people will not be to take and treat patients. Additional reporting
have no internet, no water and no defeated. They think there will be ▲ An injured child is carried to That was echoed by the World Reuters, Associated Press
food. No connection, everything another displacement, or that we hospital as the bombing goes on Health Organization (WHO). Tarik and Agence France-Presse
Saturday 14 October 2023 The Guardian ••

News 5


! The funeral yesterday of Daniella

Dana Petrenko, from Haifa, who
was killed at the Supernova festival

travelling: the Jewish symbols on

their blazers might cause them
trouble. Three Jewish schools
in London closed yesterday, as a
precaution. Others are practising
“invacuations”: the teachers try
to make it a game for the youngest
children, five-year-olds told to
listen for the siren, run into the
classroom and keep silent – quietest
class wins.
Such vigilance is not born of
paranoia but glum realism. You can
watch the weekend footage of pro-
Hamas demonstrators in Sydney
chanting “Fuck the Jews! Gas the
Jews!” Or the street rallies and
social media posts full of praise for
the murderers and rapists of Hamas
– hailing the massacres as an event
to be celebrated, as something
“beautiful and inspiring”. You
may want to tell yourself these
were expressions of anger at the
subsequent Israeli retaliation, but
the chronology tells a different
story: these demonstrations were
organised before Israel had made
any substantial response. The bleak
truth is that this was jubilation at
the massacre of Israelis. This was
delight in Jewish death.
Others have detected something
milder and subtler, but more
prevalent: a kind of qualified

‘After the pogroms

empathy, a sense that last
history. They suspect that Israel serve. But this failure belongs to weekend’s acts of terror did not
is preparing a de facto expulsion him, to his complacent, fatally quite merit the same response
of Palestinians from Gaza into wrong assumption that Gaza was as other atrocities. There was no
Egypt, the permanent “transfer” quiescent and Hamas contained; moment of silence before last

in Israel last week,

long demanded by the Israeli far and to his diversion of precious Sunday’s Premier League matches,
right – with its baleful echo of the military resources away from even though such a gesture is
original dispossession of 1948. protecting the southern border - ordinarily routine. Usually vocal
Still, Israel says it is determined with its left-leaning kibbutzim - to celebrities found themselves
that, after Black Saturday, it must defending the settlers in the West suddenly mute, or issued

the angel of death

wipe Hamas off the face of the Bank instead. It was a criminal condolences that came with an
earth, and its allies, including the failure, its cost paid in blood. “all lives matter” refusal to grieve
US, seem to have given it a green And yet, 7 October 2023 is also a for Israeli civilians specifically.
light to try. Such a goal, even if it’s landmark event in Jewish history. The plea from Jewish communal

is licking his lips’

not inherently unachievable, will It will be remembered as a byword leaders, urging the BBC to call
surely entail a ground invasion. The for Jewish vulnerability, the more Hamas terrorists is partly driven by
angel of death is licking his lips. painful for coming in the very an emotional need for Jewish lives
For Israel, these events will mark place where Jews were supposed to matter as much as any others.
a turning point. Golda Meir was at last to have shaken off the I suspect there are some
blamed for the intelligence and powerlessness that blighted them progressives who – even
military failure of 1973 and was for two millennia. unconsciously – hesitate before
! Continued from page 1 6 October 1973 – exactly 50 years driven from power. The same fate Its impact is not confined to expressing full sympathy for the
and one day earlier – when Israel should await Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel or the Middle East, but is murdered young festivalgoers and
Yiddish-speaking Jews of early last was last caught by a surprise whose people now complain they felt wherever Jews live. Not all, ageing kibbutz peaceniks because
century or, in repeating patterns, attack that prompted fears for feel unled and unprotected. Prime but most Jews are connected to they worry that would somehow
the centuries before. Jews still the country’s very survival. Until minister for most of the past 15 these events: it might be a friend diminish their support for the
remember the Kishinev pogrom of last week, the Yom Kippur war, years, he can blame no one else – of a friend who was among the 260 Palestinians. That is a mistake.
1903, a calamity recalled in poetry when Egypt and Syria launched an though, man without honour that murdered at the music festival, Because Hamas is not identical
recited to this day. At Kishinev, invasion from the south and north, he is, he will try. He will say it’s the a wife’s cousin on one of the with the Palestinian cause: it is
49 Jews were murdered. Last was seen as the moment of Israel’s fault of “the left”, and all those kibbutzim, an old colleague whose a curse on it. With a founding
Saturday, at least 1,200 were put to maximum peril – but the despair, who protested against his power- aged parents are now hostages. charter – never revoked – packed
death, many in ways too sadistic to the dread, is even greater now. grab attempt to gut the judiciary, The Jewish people is small, just with explicit, medieval anti-Jewish
be recounted in a newspaper. That fear, and anger, seem set to including the army reservists 16 million people across the world. hatred, it has become an IS-style
It was a rampage of killing, as the bring a terrible retribution. Early who, in their campaign to save This week each of us is just one or force of bloodcurdling cruelty,
men of Hamas tore down the fence yesterday morning, Israel gave Israel from autocracy, refused to two degrees of separation from one that brings calamity down on
that separates Gaza from southern residents of the north of Gaza – heartbreak. its own people – a calamity that
Israel, gunning down the young more than a million people – 24 Even when we are not connected threatens now to become even
at a music festival, slaughtering hours to evacuate to the south. You can condemn to it, we are affected by it. In the more devastating.
the old at a string of kibbutzim,
killing children wherever they
Given that, along with relentless air
strikes, Israel has already imposed
Hamas and name its UK, antisemitic attacks quadrupled
in the immediate days after the
It isn’t that difficult. You can
condemn Hamas and name its
could be found. The victims were a total siege on the strip, denying actions as evil, even killings, compared with the same actions as evil, even as you support
tortured while alive and mutilated
once dead. One journalist familiar
the 2 million Palestinians within
food, fuel, electricity and water,
as you support the period last year. Security has
had to be stepped up outside
the Palestinians in their quest
for a life free of occupation and
with the most graphic evidence it’s no wonder the UN has warned Palestinian quest for synagogues, at Jewish schools and, oppression. And there should still
says the right comparisons are to
the massacres of 1994’s Rwandan
that such a mass movement of
people will bring “devastating
life free of oppression yesterday, even at a High Wycombe
performance of Shakespeare’s
be room in your heart for a Jewish
child whose last moments were
genocide. In the 75-year history of humanitarian consequences”. The Merchant of Venice. At the filled with unimaginable terror –
the state of Israel, 7 October 2023 Among Palestinians and their Jewish Free school in London, the the same terror his grandparents,
stands as its darkest day. allies, yesterday’s edict prompted children have been told they don’t and their grandparents, thought
It has already outstripped a graver fear, one rooted in have to wear their uniforms when they had escaped for ever.
•• The Guardian Saturday 14 October 2023

6 News

▲ Abandoned and torched cars at ▼ An Israeli soldier breaks down

the Supernova music festival, which at the sight of a table still bearing
had drawn thousands of partygoers Friday’s meal at Kfar Aza kibbutz

bulldozers and hundreds more Two telephone consultations ▲ Israelis take

Daniel Boffey armed men, swarming into some 30 had been held overnight between cover from
Sam Jones different breaches of the defensive Israel’s southern security the incoming
line, many crossing on foot. Some services, the Israel Defence Forces rocket fire from
s dawn broke last militants, showing a taste for the Intelligence Corps, the operations the Gaza Strip

Saturday over the spectacular, flew over on motorised division and southern command in Ashkelon,
40-mile Gaza- paragliders – terror on wings. with the knowledge of the IDF chief southern Israel
Israel barrier, once A total of 1,500 gunmen are of staff, Herzl Halevi, according PHOTOGRAPH:
confidently described believed to have crossed under a to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. LÉO CORRÊA/AP

as an “iron wall”, sky lit by rocket fire. But it was decided the alert level
Hamas struck at the eyes and ears “We have decided to put an end need not rise. It was a catastrophic

of Israel’s defence. to all of the occupation’s crimes,” miscalculation. Documents and
It was shortly before 6.30am at announced Hamas’s military maps found on the bodies of
the end of a Sukhot holiday week, commander, Mohammed Deif. Hamas fighters show they knew
when explosive devices, dropped “The time is over for them to act the numbers of soldiers they might
by drones, made a mockery of without accountability. Thus, we meet, and how long it would take
claims of impregnability, by announce the ‘Al-Aqsa Deluge’”. for reinforcements to arrive. They

disabling the wall’s communication Over the last week, hours of were out to kill and take hostages
towers and its remote-controlled footage have been shared on “for negotiations”.
machine-gun posts while snipers social media, taken from security The closest machine-gun posts ▼ The ruins
picked off the sensors and cameras, cameras, car dashcams and the were cleared with grenades within of a mosque
blinding Israeli defenders staring phones of terrorists and victims, minutes of the wall being breached. destroyed when
at blank screens to what was in providing an uncomfortably clear On sea, a motorboat carrying Israeli airstrikes

24 hours
deadly motion. picture of how Israel’s darkest day Hamas commandos headed at pace hit the city of
Unseen in the weak light of unravelled. What has also become to Zikim, an Israeli coastal town Khan Yunis in
early morning and unheard under evident is that those charged with just north of the Gaza Strip that the southern
the roar of the first of about 2,200 protecting Israel were hopelessly hosts the Bahad 4 base where new Gaza Strip
rockets fired towards southern unprepared for the terrible reality IDF recruits were undergoing basic on Sunday
and central Israel, Hamas fighters that unfolded. As of yesterday,

of terror
made discreet punctures with wire 1,300 residents of Israel had been
cutters into the 20ft-high double- killed, including 247 soldiers, while
fence barrier, or detonated small the Israeli government claims to
explosive loads to create larger have killed about 1,500 Hamas
openings. It allowed their best- militants on its territory and 1,530

trained men to scramble across on people in the Gaza Strip.
motorbikes and pick-up trucks to A surge of communications
embark on a murderous search for activity on the Gazan militant
the closest Israeli soldiers. networks had been picked up
The shock troops from the earlier that Saturday morning by
military wing of Hamas, known Israeli intelligence. In combination
as the Qassam brigades, their with a general warning from the
silhouettes bristling with Egyptian security services of an
Kalashnikovs and rocket-propelled impending event, the information
grenades, were followed by could have saved lives.
Saturday 14 October 2023 The Guardian ••

▼ Search and rescue efforts in Gaza ▼ Palestinian militants transport a
City on Sunday after Israel launches captured Israeli civilian from Kfar
airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, which is Aza kibbutz into the Gaza Strip after
home to more than 2 million people Hamas’s unprecedented incursion
had taken to stop the children
locking themselves in the shelter.
“All I had to keep the door closed
was my muscles and my will to
live,” said Hess. A few minutes later,
the family heard voices and shots
inside the house. Many attempts
were made by the Hamas fighters to
get in. They failed – but murdered
their nextdoor neighbours,
including a 17-year-old girl.
In Kibbutz Nir-oz, a number of
people, including Doron Asher
Katz, 34, and her young daughters,
and 85-year-old Yafa Adar, were
taken hostage and paraded and
videoed by their captors.
In Kfar Aza kibbutz, the largest
in the northern area of the Gaza
border, where 750 Israelis lived
just 800 metres from the iron wall,
reports emerged of babies being
killed in their cots. Yesterday, the
Israeli government published
images, including one of the corpse
of a baby, its clothes spattered
in blood.
With cellular communications
at the wall down, the scale of the
assault had not been immediately
clear in Tel Aviv – but the prime
minister, Benjamin Netanyahu,
was updated on some worrying
movements at 6.29am, and by
8.23am the state of Israel was
on a war footing, with reservists
called to arms.
In Gaza, there too was a dawning
realisation. The operation had been
kept to a tight circle. Few knew to
what it amounted but the potential
repercussions swiftly became
“We were ecstatic. It’s like a
dream that is hard to wake up
from,” said Maha, a 34-year-old
training. The Israeli navy managed The music stopped. Almost fighter casually shot a round in his ▲ A plume of smoke rises above woman from Gaza City in a call
to cut off at least one of the boats immediately the crack of gunfire prostrate body. Others later looted Gaza City as Israel retaliates with with Haaretz about the first reports
but already by 7am the Zikim base was heard. Terror followed. his remains. airstrikes on the Gaza Strip this week of the incursion into Israel by
had been overrun by land. The local armed security was An estimated 260 festivalgoers PHOTOGRAPH: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Palestinian fights. “But as the
The manning of such bases had overwhelmed by fire from all were murdered. Tens more are picture became clearer, and I saw
been cut down over the years based directions. Stalking among the believed to be among the 150 Israeli from the car and looting their that there were Israeli prisoners,
on a misplaced confidence that the partygoers, Hamas gunmen ran hostages thought to have been bodies. They were two of 118 to I realised that we were in a
iron wall had their backs. amok, firing at “anything with a taken back to Gaza that day. A video die in Be’eri. One corpse is later nightmare, in hell.”
“I deeply care for all of you,” pulse”, one witness recalled. Some emerged of Shani Louk, 23, lifeless thrown into the back of a white SUV The first Israeli strikes on Gaza
wrote Cpl Naama Boni, a 19-year- tried to get to their cars to escape in the back of a truck, spat upon by and driven away. It was a crime were at 10.34am. It would be the
old soldier serving in the 77th but those who made it to the main Hamas fighters, legs unnaturally captured in vivid colour but where first of thousands on a thin stretch
Battalion of the Armored Brigade, road faced armed men further bent and her hair matted by blood. video footage is missing, gripping of land containing 2.3 million

to friends and family. “I have a head down the line, guns raised, murder It took minutes for Hamas to testimony fills the gap. people. “Citizens of Israel, we are
injury, and a terrorist nearby might on their minds. reach the closest Israeli settlements In Nirim, a kibbutz with a at war,” Netanyahu told the nation
start shooting at me. I am currently to the Gaza Strip, the communal population of 400 people, Eldad at 11.35am. “The enemy will pay an
with an injured soldier from the thers attempted to gatherings known as kibbutzim. Hess, a 38-year-old civil engineer, unprecedented price.”
Golani Brigade, and there are no flee in vehicles or The timings of the horror can was woken at 6.30am by the Within two hours, 21 buildings
reinforcements available.” It was by foot across the be put precisely thanks to video rockets. He and his wife, Goldi, said to house Hamas’s military
7.30am. Boni would not survive. fields, aiming to released by a Telegram channel took their two year-old son, Uri, operations were flattened. Troops
Zikim was one of 11 military bases reach the woods on called South First Responders. to the reinforced concrete shelter were sent to the south of the
to come under attack that morning, the horizon. Sniper A camera caught the arrival of two where their older children, Avigail, country to rescue those in the
four of which were overrun. fire whistled around them. Some armed men at the Be’eri kibbutz seven, and four-year-old Yotam, settlements who had survived the
Video footage taken by Hamas of the Hamas militants took chase, at 6.55am. They attempted to lift were sleeping and swung the steel Hamas onslaught.
fighters showed how young men pursuing miles away from the the security gate but then made door shut. They moved to their But it would take days more
and women were murdered as festival site, through orchards themselves discreet as a Mazda reinforced concrete shelter and to secure them. “There were
they tried to hide in toilet cubicles, and dusty fields, looking for a kill. pulled up. The gate lifted at which swung the steel door shut. At first, burned cars and broken windows,”
bedrooms and cupboards. Those easy to snatch, such as Noa point those inside were shot dead. Hess thought it was just a “wake-up said Hess of his family’s escape
As Boni was typing her last Argamani, 25, and her boyfriend, Later footage at 10.06am shows alarm” from Gaza to mark Sukhot. from their shelter under Israeli
messages in Zikim, a Hamas Avinatan Or, were hustled away at Hamas militants pulling the dead Then the family heard explosions. protection late on Saturday. “What
paraglider was cruising above the gunpoint. “Don’t kill me! No, no, “Ten minutes later, we heard we saw was a war zone. There’s no
heads of 4,000 people still dancing, no,” Argamani pleaded as she was automatic rifle shots outside the other word for it. And then we had
drinking and laughing at the driven away on the back of a bike. ‘We heard shots … all house,” he said. “I understood to run for our lives.”
Supernova festival, four miles east
of Gaza, close to the Re’im kibbutz.
Her boyfriend was marched down
a dirt path, destination unknown.
I had to keep the door what was happening, but in my
heart, I couldn’t believe what was
A second statement to the
nation was made by Netanyahu
Small black plumes of smoke had Video footage timed at 9.23am of the shelter closed happening.” at 10.16pm. Gaza was “the city of
appeared in the sky from defensive
missiles used by the Israeli military
captured just one horrific moment
among many during the carnage:
was my muscles A barrage of WhatsApp
messages arrived from neighbours,
evil”, he said. “We will turn all the
places where Hamas is organised
to intercept rockets fired from a Hamas gunman firing close to and my will to live’ confirming that shots – and and hiding into cities of ruins.”
Gaza. At first, few of the partygoers, one young man before leading him shouting in Arabic – had been heard By 2.19am on Sunday, Israel’s
who had been promised a “journey away. A second injured Israeli, Eldad Hess all over the kibbutz. Hess realised prime minister said all the sites
of unity and love” by organisers, lying by a car, possibly injured but Nir Oz kibbutz survivor he needed to lock the door. used to launch the Hamas attacks
were concerned, perhaps reckoning certainly playing dead, lifted his The problem was that the door had been destroyed. But Israel
it was all part of the event. head momentarily. It was the last could still be opened from the had just begun. The “offensive
Then the sirens went off. thing he would do. A second Hamas outside – a precaution the family formation” phase was under way.
•• The Guardian Saturday 14 October 2023

8 News

US urges Israel not to target civilians

through proxies, and although it has
supported Hamas ideologically, the
west has produced no evidence that

amid fears of wider Middle East war

Iran directed the Hamas attacks.
The Saudi crown prince, Moham-
med bin Salman, spoke to the Iranian
president, Ebrahim Raisi, for 45 min-
utes this week in a rare direct call.
Although both men support the Pal-
estinian cause, neither side will want
But speaking in Doha after meet- future administration of Gaza other an all-out war with Israel. A full-scale
Patrick Wintour ing Qatar’s prime minister, he said he than that Hamas must play no part. regional conflagration would drive oil
Diplomatic editor was working with UN agencies, Israel The first indications from mili- prices above $150 a barrel, tipping the
and regional powers on a plan for safe tant groups such as the well-armed world into a global recession.
The most senior US diplomat has zones in Gaza. Iranian-backed Hezbollah group in The US is caught in the dilemma
urged Israel to take every possible He repeatedly defended Israel’s Lebanon, as well as Iran itself, was of supporting Israel’s right to defend
precaution to avoid civilian casu- right to protect itself and added: that they would not immediately itself, but urging it in private to do so
alties in Gaza as he called for safe “What makes this so complicated intervene militarily. in a way that does not create a back-
zones to be established in the terri- is that Hamas uses human shields, The Hezbollah deputy chief, Naim lash across the Middle East and parts
tory where shelter, food, water and puts civilians in places where they Qassem, said yesterday that the of the west. Blinken said in Jerusalem
medical supplies can be provided. are used to protect Hamas officials or ▲ A protest in the West Bank city of group was “fully ready” to contribute on Thursday: “Israel has the right,
The US secretary of state, Antony their equipment or infrastructure.” Hebron against the Israeli airstrikes to the fighting. He said: “We will con- indeed the obligation to defend itself
Blinken, was on a tour of six Arab He said “Civilians should not be tribute to the confrontation within and to ensure that this never happens
nations yesterday to forestall a wider the target of military operations. things that we did discuss with them our plan … When the time comes for again. But how Israel does this mat-
war sweeping across the Middle East. They are not the target of Israeli oper- was the need to protect civilian lives any action, we will carry it out. The ters. We as democracies operate to a
There are fears that a conflagration ations. They are very deliberately the in Gaza, the need to establish some behind-the-scenes calls with us by higher standard.”
may erupt if Israel’s determination target of Hamas operations.” safe areas, where civilians could relo- great powers, Arab countries, envoys The US defence secretary, Lloyd
to crush Hamas leads to a slaughter Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul- cate to be safe from Israel’s legitimate of the United Nations – directly and Austin, said yesterday that the Pen-
in Gaza or an enforced exodus of mil- rahman bin Jassim Al Thani, Qatar’s security operations,” an official said. indirectly telling us not to interfere – tagon was ready to deploy more
lions of Palestinians into Egypt. prime minister, said he was working Palestinians and Arab states fear will have no effect.” military aid to Israel.
Blinken has been putting pressure on de-escalation, humanitarian cor- that nationalists in the Israeli gov- The Iranian foreign minister, Blinken spent a morning in Amman
on the Egyptian president, Abdel ridors and the freeing of hostages. ernment are planning a permanent Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, met the discussing the crisis within Jordan’s
Fatah al-Sisi, to open the southern Hamas has a political office in Doha. expulsion, a repeat of what Palestin- Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, King Abdullah II, a longtime US
border crossing from Gaza into Egypt, US officials said Blinken had dis- ians call the Nakba, or catastrophe, yesterday. He is also due to travel to partner, and the Palestinian Author-
or to create a broader humanitarian cussed the Israeli mass evacuation of 1948, and are not just seeking to Damascus to meet the Syrian presi- ity president, Mahmoud Abbas. He
corridor, after Israel ordered 1.1 mil- plan when he met Israel’s prime clear areas to make it easier to destroy dent, Bashar al-Assad. Iran has always urged Abbas to try to restrain reprisals
lion people to leave their homes and minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in the Hamas leadership. Israel has not avoided direct military conflict by Palestinians in the West Bank,but
head farther south in Gaza. Jerusalem on Thursday. “One of the yet been clear about its plans for the with the west, preferring to operate his authority is limited.

Shelling on " Issam

Abdallah, who

was working as
a videographer
for Reuters,
border kills one was killed
in southern

journalist and Lebanon


wounds six

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad
Southern Lebanon

A group of international journal-

ists covering clashes on the border
in south Lebanon have been hit by
shelling, with one killed and six
injured. The Associated Press and
Al Jazeera said the weapon was an
Israeli shell.
Reuters said: “We are deeply sad-
dened to learn that our videographer,
Issam Abdallah, has been killed.
Issam was part of a Reuters crew in
southern Lebanon who was provid-
ing a live signal.
“Our thoughts are with their fam-
ilies at this terrible time.”
Al Jazeera TV said two of its
employees – Elie Brakhya, a camera
operator, and Carmen Joukhadar, a three days of attacks and counter- between elite Hezbollah and Israeli Hamdan, was defiant: “We believe destroying an armoured vehicle, kill-
reporter – were among the wounded. attacks between Hezbollah fighters commandos, all the houses had their in the resistance and nothing will ing one soldier and severely injuring
Images from the scene showed a and their Palestinian allies on one curtains drawn and doors shut. dissuade us or change or beliefs, not another.
charred car, as the wounded were side and Israeli forces on the other, During that war, other towns and the destruction of our property nor These attacks and counterattacks
rushed to hospital in ambulances. an eerie quietness settled over the villages scattered along the hills of the loss of our families. It’s a spirit- seem to follow the “rules of engage-
The shelling occurred during an hills of south Lebanon. south Lebanon were pulverised by ual matter for us.” ment” established between the two
exchange of fire along the Lebanon- Roads that meandered between Israeli aerial bombardment and shell- Since last weekend Hezbollah’s sides since their war in 2006: violent
Israel border between Israeli troops olive groves and stony hills were ing. About 1,200 people were killed in engagement in the conflict has been deterrence that is limited in scope
and members of Lebanon’s militant deserted, town squares emptied of Lebanon, mostly civilians, and nearly calculated and gradual, allowing and geography while maintaining a
Hezbollah group. noisy crowds, shops shuttered, and 200 Israelis died, mostly soldiers. Palestinian allies to fire rockets and general, if tentative, calm along the
The Lebanon-Israel border has fruit and vegetable stalls abandoned. In that conflict, Beirut’s southern infiltrate the border to attack Israeli rest of the border.
been witnessing sporadic acts of In Maroun al-Ras, a village atop suburbs also suffered significant military units. All that could change if Hezbollah
violence since Saturday’s attack by a strategic hill less than a mile from destruction. When Israel responded by shelling and its regional allies decide that
Hamas on southern Israel. the border, which saw some of the In a hardware shop in the area, a Hezbollah post and killing three of more active involvement is needed to
Further from the border, after fiercest fighting in the July 2006 war its owner, who gave his name as its fighters, it retaliated by firing and ease the pressure on Hamas in Gaza.
Saturday 14 October 2023 The Guardian •

Explained: the Israel-Palestine conflict

A quick recap by Chris McGreal

What are the roots of the Israeli/ The uprising was different from
Palestinian conflict? the first intifada because of
As with almost everything to do widespread suicide bombings
with this conflict, it depends who against Israeli civilians led by
you ask. Some say the Romans. Hamas and other groups, and
But the starting point for many the scale of the Israeli military
is the UN vote in 1947 to partition retaliation. It lasted four years;
British Mandate Palestine into more than 3,000 Palestinians and
two states – one Jewish, one Arab. more than 1,000 Israelis died.
Neither the Palestinians nor the
neighbouring Arab countries ▲ David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first And then?
accepted the founding of modern PM, proclaims the state of Israel The political ramifications were
Israel. Fighting between Jewish significant, with a hardening of
armed groups and Palestinians construction of Jewish settlements attitudes among ordinary Israelis
escalated until the armies of in the West Bank, which became and the construction of the West
Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan and central to the conflict. Israel placed Bank barrier. It also prompted the
Syria invaded after Israel declared the Arab population of the West prime minister of the time, Ariel
independence in May 1948. Bank under military rule, which is Sharon, to say that Israel could
With Israel’s new army gaining enforced to this day. not go on occupying Palestinian
ground, an armistice agreement territory, although he did not
in 1949 saw new de facto borders How did ordinary Palestinians say that the alternative was an

that gave the fledgling Jewish view occupation? independent Palestinian state.
state considerably more territory Israel regarded the Palestinian
than it was awarded under the UN population under its control as What happened to Gaza?
partition plan. largely quiescent even as it went Sharon “disengaged” from the
on expanding Jewish settlements Palestinians from 2005 with the
So what happened to the in Gaza and the West Bank, closing of Israeli settlements in
Palestinians? and expropriating Arab land. Gaza and parts of the northern
Some 700,000 Palestinians were Palestinians were also treated as So what was the first intifada? ▲ Young Jews ▼ An Arab West Bank. It is not clear how
expelled or fled – about 85% a cheap source of largely manual In 1987 young Palestinians rose in Tel Aviv refugee and much further Sharon would have
of the Arab population of the labour inside Israel. up. The precise spark for the celebrate the her child, from gone with this policy as he had a
territory captured by Israel – and first intifada – or uprising – is founding of the Ramallah stroke and went into a coma the
were never allowed to return. When does Hamas enter the disputed but it spread quickly, the new state region near following year.
About 150,000 Palestinians picture? marked by mass stone throwing. of Israel on Jerusalem, in The status of Gaza since the
remained in Israel. Palestinians The PLO was a generally secular The Israeli army responded with 14 May 1948 December 1948 disengagement has remained
called the exodus and eradication organisation modelled on other large-scale arrests and collective disputed. Israel says it is no
of much of their society in Israel leftwing guerrilla movements, punishments. The intifada is longer occupied. The United
the Nakba, or catastrophe, and although most of its supporters largely recognised as a success for Nations says otherwise as Israel
it remains the traumatic event at were Muslim. Islamist groups the Palestinians, helping to solidify continues to control airspace,
the heart of their modern history. such as the Muslim Brotherhood their identity independently of territorial waters and access.
Arabs who remained in Israel had previously avoided armed neighbouring Arab states and Israel has also blockaded the
as citizens were subject to official conflict and were largely dedicated forcing Israel into negotiations. territory since Hamas came to
discrimination. They were placed to working for a more religious It strengthened Arafat’s hand to power in 2006.
under military rule for nearly two society. But that position shifted make compromises with Israel,
decades, which deprived them under Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a including adopting the principle Why does Hamas control Gaza?
of many basic civil rights. Much charismatic man with quadriplegia of a two-state solution. Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian
of their land was expropriated living in Gaza who helped found legislative elections, in part
and Arab Israeli communities several Islamist organisation, What happened to the peace because of a backlash against
were deliberately kept poor and including Mujama al-Islamiya. process? the corruption and political
underfunded. Shortly after the outbreak of the The Oslo peace process started as stagnation of the ruling Fatah
first intifada, in 1987 Yassin used the first intifada wound down in party. The Hamas leader,
What is the Palestine Liberation support for Mujama al-Islamiya to 1993, with secret talks between Ismail Haniya, was appointed
Organisation? form Hamas in alliance with other Israel and the PLO. Israel’s then prime minister. Israel imposed
In 1964, a coalition of Palestinian Islamists. prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, sanctions on Gaza.
groups founded the Palestine Deteriorating relations
Liberation Organisation under $ Israelis signed an agreement with Arafat between Hamas and Fatah
the leadership of Yasser Arafat conquer the aimed at fulfilling the “right of resulted in violence. An
to pursue armed struggle old city of the Palestinian people to self agreement to form a national
and establish an Arab state in Jerusalem on determination”, although Rabin unity government fell apart and
place of Israel. The PLO drew 7 June 1967, did not accept the principle of a Hamas led an armed takeover of
international attention with high- during the Palestinian state. Gaza while Fatah continued to
profile attacks and hijackings. six-day war The Oslo accords established control the Palestinian Authority
the Palestinian National Authority, in the West Bank. There have
How did the Palestinian granting limited self-governance been no elections since.
territories come to be occupied? over patches of the West Bank and Hamas continued to attack
In 1967, Israel launched what it Gaza Strip. Further negotiations Israel from Gaza – until the lateset
said was a pre-emptive defensive were intended to resolve issues ground incursion, mostly using
war against Egypt, Jordan and such as the status of Jerusalem rockets. Israel has maintained a
Syria. The attack caught Arab and the future of the Israeli tight blockade of the territory,
governments by surprise and saw settlements. which has contributed to
Israel achieve rapid victories, Some prominent Palestinians deteriorating living conditions
including seizing the Sinai regarded the accords as a form of and deepening poverty.
peninsula and Gaza Strip from surrender, while rightwing Israelis
Egypt, the Golan Heights from opposed giving up settlements or Where are we now?
Syria and the West Bank and territory. Although western governments
East Jerusalem from Jordan. The still pay lip service to a two-
six-day war was a spectacular What caused the second intifada? state solution, there has been
military success for Israel. Its Peace negotiations spluttered along no progress on an agreement.
capture of all of Jerusalem and until attempts, led by Bill Clinton, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin
control over the biblical lands to broker a deal at Camp David in Netanyahu, has repeatedly
called Judea and Samaria in 2000 failed, contributing to the said that he will never accept a
Israel opened the way to the outbreak of the second intifada. Palestinian state.

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