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Bài tập Word form lớp 9

Bài tập 1: Write the correct form of word to fill in the blank
1. She has a ________________ (success) career as a lawyer, winning many high-profile
2. The ________________ (music) performance by the orchestra left the audience in
3. The ________________ (solve) of this complex math problem requires careful
4. He is known for his ________________ (creativity) approach to problem-solving.
5. The company implemented ________________ (innovate) strategies to stay ahead in
the market.
6. She is a highly ________________ (organize) individual, always planning her tasks in
7. The ________________ (develop) of new technology has revolutionized various
8. The ________________ (expand) of the business into international markets was a
strategic move.
9. The actor delivered an ________________ (emotion) performance that moved the
audience to tears.
10. Learning a new language can be a ________________ (challenge) but also a
rewarding experience.
11. The ________________ (science) community celebrated the groundbreaking
discovery with great enthusiasm.
12. She was ________________ (surprise) to receive the prestigious award for her
outstanding contribution to the field of literature.
13. The company's ________________ (strategize) plan to expand into new markets was
met with resounding success.
14. The team conducted a ________________ (thorough) investigation to uncover the
truth behind the mysterious disappearance.
15. The ________________ (art) masterpiece displayed at the museum drew art
enthusiasts from around the world.
16. The government implemented ________________ (strict) regulations to curb
environmental pollution.
17. He has a ________________ (science) approach to problem-solving, relying on data
and evidence.
18. The debate was filled with ________________ (passion) arguments from both sides of
the issue.
19. The new product was an instant ________________ (popularity) among consumers,
selling out within hours of its release.
20. The committee made a ________________ (decide) to allocate more funds to
support innovative research projects.

Bài 2: Choose the correct answer for the sentence.

1. The ________________ situation in the country is stable, with a steady growth rate.

a) economy b) economic c) economically d) economics

2. The candidate delivered a ________________ speech, swaying the audience's


a) convince b) convincing c) convincingly d) conviction

3. The project requires ________________ skills and attention to detail.

a) organize b) organized c) organizing d) organization

4. The artist's ________________ paintings evoke powerful emotions in viewers.

a) express b) expressive c) expressively d) expression

5. He speaks ________________ in five different languages.

a) fluent b) fluency c) fluently d) fluencies

6. The novel was filled with ________________ characters and an unpredictable plot.

a) intrigue b) intriguing c) intriguingly d) intrigued

7. She handled the situation ________________ , avoiding any conflict.

a) diplomat b) diplomatic c) diplomatically d) diplomacy

8. The team worked ________________ to achieve their ambitious goals.

a) effort b) effortless c) effortlessly d) efforts

9. The ________________ of sugary drinks has been linked to various health issues.
a) consume b) consumable c) consumed d) consumption

10. The ________________ skills of the presenter kept the audience engaged throughout
the talk.

a) communicate b) communicative c) communicatively d) communication

11. The ________________ of the orchestra received a standing ovation from the

a) perform b) performing c) performance d) performer

12. The government implemented ________________ measures to control the spread of

the virus.

a) strict b) strictness c) strictly d) stricture

13. The ________________ of electronic devices has increased significantly in recent


a) consume b) consumption c) consumer d) consumable

14. She completed the task ________________ and with great accuracy.

a) efficiency b) efficient c) efficiently d) effortless

15. The ________________ system in the country focuses on holistic development.

a) educate b) educational c) educator d) educating

16. The company's ________________ approach to product design sets it apart from its

a) innovate b) innovative c) innovator d) innovation

17. He is a ________________ actor with a wide range of acting skills.

a) talent b) talented c) talentedly d) talentless

18. The documentary provided ________________ into the lives of endangered species.

a) insight b) insightful c) insightfully d) insightfulness

19. The team ________________ on the project resulted in remarkable achievements.

a) collaborate b) collaborative c) collaboratively d) collaboration

20. The speaker delivered a ________________ argument, convincing the audience of the
urgency of climate action.

a) persuade b) persuasive c) persuasively d) persuasion

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